




Absolute subtraction, 20

Add noise filter, 24t

Adobe software After Effects, 25f, 176f

OnLocation, 127

Photoshop, 11, 26, 195196

After Effects software (Adobe) dynamic adjustments, 25f

Mesh War p, 38f

timing, 176f

AIFF, transcoding, 27

Algorithms sharpening, 47

speed-changing sequence, 174

tracking, 18

Aliasing, pixel fix, 98

Altemark, Mikael, 56f

Amazon S3, as storage option, 30

Analogue audio into digital, 116

overview, 109110

waveform, 110f

AppleScript, 195196

Apple software Compressor, 27f

Motion software, 25f

OS comparison, 31

Aspect ratios and composition, 154155

pixels, 105, 159161

protection, 158

video and graphics pixels, 161

Atmosphere, skies with, 164

Audio analogue and digital overview, 109110

analogue waveform, 110f

continuity, 120121

digital, anatomy, 111f, 110111

digital corruption, 96

file compression, 104

masking, 188

monitoring and calibration, 113

M/S model, 118

noise reduction, 115116

pop and click removal, 116117

retiming, 113114

stereo from mono, 118

stereo into surround, 119

stereophonic and multichannel, 117118

sync correction, 114115

transcoding, 27

volume consistency, 112113

wave file transcoding, 27

Audio manipulation tools operations, 21t

purpose, 21

Automatic dialogue recording (ADR), 119120



Banding, 99100

Band of Brothers, 147

Barrel distortion correction, 3638

example, 36f, 37f

from fisheye lens, 36f

Bass, 117118

Bilinear interpolation, 153f

Bitrates, 102

Black and white from color, 137138

color correction, 136137

Blade Runner, 4

Bleach bypass example, 138f

process, 138140

Blending modes exposure correction, 127

with layers, 11

Blue-green transfer example, 142f

process, 141142

Blu-ray, 30

Blur filter camera filter simulation, 53t

cell phone video emulation, 90

description, 24t

with masks, 15f

sharpening, 47f

Boom, 162163

Bowman, Doug, 180f

Brakmann, Paul No‘l, 87f

Brightness camera filter simulation, 53t

color correction, 1819

description, 19t

dynamic adjustment, 25

frame highlight details, 125f

highlight detail loss, 125f

layering, 1213

masking, 1314

shadow detail loss, 126f

shot slow-down, 174

vignettes, 3839

Broadcast video color legalization, 131

definition, 55

Budgets film look with video, 75

postproduction, 5



Cadence, video footage, 64f

Calibration audio, 113

color, 129

Calibration probes, 129

Camera filters, simulation, 53

Camera shake adding, 4344

cell phone video emulation, 90

frame registration correction, 82

HD video emulation, 88

as problem, 4142

removal, 4243

security camera video emulation, 92

CD storage, 30

Cell phone video, 91f, 9091

Censoring, objects, 163

The Cheerleading Company, 73f

Cintiq 12WX graphics tablet, 29f

Circle of confusion, 46f

Clicks filtering, 117

removal, 116117

Clipping basic concept, 123127

frame example, 125f

Cloning film gates removal, 83

frame registration correction, 82

lens flare, 53f

purpose, 12

tramline removal, 7980

CLUTs, see Color lookup tables (CLUTs)

Color balance, 136

Color calibration, 129

Color casts, 136

Color change color correction, 140

keys, 17f

Color correction black and white, 136137

bleach bypass, 138140

blue-green transfer, 141142

cell phone video emulation, 9091

clipping and crushing, 123127

color cast removal, 136

color change, 140

color into B&W, 137138

and color space, 129130

cross processing, 140141

day-into-night, 146f, 143147

description, 19t

exposure issues, 127129

fades, 192

“film look”, 72

and flash frames, 189f

flicker reduction, 180

grain addition, 87

HD video emulation, 88

highlights and shadows, 134135

legalization, 131132

neutral desktops, 136

operations, 19t

practice, 19

purpose, 18

security camera video emulation, 92

sky replacement, 164

tone and contrast, 132133

tools, 126

vibrance boost, 144f, 142143

Color fringes characteristics, 49

example, 50f

removal, 50

removal example, 51f

Colorists, day-into-night, 143

Color lookup tables (CLUTs), 132

Color matching, 130

Color sampling, 103

Color space changing, 132

and color correction, 129130

Color temperature, 135

Color filter, 53t

Comb filter, 23t

Compositing system, 80

Composition aspect ratio, 154155

basic, 162

cropping, 149

definition, 13

digital scaling, 151152

frame extension, 166168

HD into SD, 156157

high-quality scaling, 154

letterbox, 151

logo replacement, 164166

object censoring, 163

object removal from shots, 162163

pixel aspect ratio, 159161

pixel resizing, 153f

pseudo-reflection addition, 168169

SD into HD, 157158

shoot and protect, 158

sky replacement, 163164

Compression audio, 104

bitrates, 102

color sampling, 103

damage, 103104

Compression (Continued) description, 21t

digital media, 101f

lossless, 102

overview, 101102

Compressor software, 27f

Continuity audio, 120121

maintenance, 187188

Contrast black and white, 136

bleach bypass, 138

camera filters, 53t

cell phone video, 90

color correction, 18, 132133

color legalization, 131

description, 19t

digital sharpening, 4647

enhancement, 132133

film like HD video, 88

histograms, 127

lens flare, 52

security camera video, 92

shot slow-down, 174

video like film, 72

Conversion lossless, 102

24 FPS footage, 196197

video formats, 7071

Corruption, data audio, 110

basic problem, 96

drop-out, 66

noise reduction, 115116

pixel fix, 97

timing, 171

CPU cores, performance, 30

Credit rollers, 98

Crop frame example, 150f

purpose, 149

Cross-fade, 21t

Cross processing, color correction, 140141

Cross-talk, 70

Crushing basic concept, 123127

frame example, 125f

Custom transitions, 192

Cuts description, 22t

soft, characteristics, 190



Damage compression, 103104

film, see Film damage frames, replacement, 179

video drop-out, 66

vignettes, 40

DarkAdapted, 32

Data corruption audio, 110

basic problem, 96

drop-out, 66

noise reduction, 115116

pixel fix, 97

timing, 171

Day-into-night Band of Brothers, 147

via color correction, 146f, 143147

dB, see Decibels (dB)

dBFS, see Decibels full scale (dBFS)

Decibels (dB), 111

Decibels full scale (dBFS) definition, 111

meter, 112f

volume consistency, 113

De-click filter, 23t

De-interlacing example, 60f

“film look”, 72

plug-ins, 60

video footage, 5859

Delay filter, 23t

Delete, 22t

Deleted files, 97

Desaturation cell phone video emulation, 91

flicker, 180

Difference mattes, 20

Digital artifacts compression damage, 103

pixel anti-aliasing, 98

removal, 97

scaling removal, 152

Digital audio from analogue, 116

anatomy, 111f, 110111

corruption, 96

overview, 109110

Digital cinema projector, 29

Digital Compositing for Film and Video (Wright), 6

Digital drop-out, 67

Digital intermediates, 105

Digital Intermediates for Film & Video, 105

Digital magic, as myth, 34

Digital media banding reduction, 99100

benefits, 95

compression, 101f

essence and metadata, 103

format outputs, 105106

multiple formats, 104105

noise reduction, 9899

number crunching, 11

stills for print, 106107

Digital photography frame extension, 166168

saturation adjustment, 142

sharpening, 4647

Digital scaling high-quality, 154

purpose, 151152

Digital sharpening out-of-focus shots, 4849

process, 4647

Displays, see also Monitors as output devices, 29

Dissolves, troubleshooting, 191

Distortion, see Lens distortion

Docker, Louise, 96f

Downing, Jenny, 10f

Draw, description, 21t

Drop-out digital, 67

example, 67f

removal, 66

Duplicate frames iterations, 178

removal, 176177

Dust cell phone video emulation, 90

and mold and watermarks, 79

on scanned film, 7778

security camera video emulation, 92

spotting, 78

DVD scaling video, 71

as storage option, 30

Dynamic adjustments, 25

Dynamic range basic concept, 111

definition, 123



Earth, 117f, 156f, 159f, 170f, 173f, 176f, 177f, 183f, 190f

Edge detection filter, 24t

Editing, see also Sequencing continuity maintenance, 187188

custom transition creation, 192

dissolve troubleshooting, 191

duplicate edits, 177

Editing see also Sequencing (Continued) EDL mathematics, 199

flash frame correction, 189

frame patching, 198199

frame rate metadata, 197

invisible edit removal, 189190

multiple pull-downs, 196

pull-down reversing, 194196

pull-downs, 192194

reading recommendations, 6

ripple problem, 23

vs. sequencing, 22

shot slow-down, 173174

shot speed-up, 172

soft cuts, 190f

timecode conforming, 198

timecode troubleshooting, 197198

24 FPS footage conversion, 196197

vertical, 22

EDL audit trails, 178

duplicate frame removal, 177

invisible edit removal, 189

mathematics, 199

sync correction, 114

timecode conforming, 198

Electronic noise, 115116

Equalization (EQ) filter, 23t

Escobar Studios, 54f

Essence, 103

Exothermic Photography, 36f

Expand, 21t

Exposure correction, 127129

description, 19t

Extend, 22t



Fades associated problems, 191

color correction, 192

FAT32 file format, 30

Fernandez, Steven, 101f

Field dominance correction, 6263

reversed, 63f

Field order, 62

Fields concept, 57

incorrect cadence, 64f

stretched, removal, 6465

Files, recovery, 97

Film, video emulation cell phone, 91f, 9091

characteristics, 8788

damaged video, 89

HD, 8890

security camera, 9193

Film damage cell phone video emulation, 90

dust, 7778

frame registration correction, 8082

gates removal, 8384

grain, 8485

grain addition, 8687

grain example, 84f

grain reduction, 85

HD video emulation, 88

mold and watermark example, 77f

mold and watermark removal, 7879

overview, 75

security camera video emulation, 92

splice repair, 8283

tramline removal, 7980

watermark and mold, 77f

“Film look” frame example, 73f

video, 7172

on video budget, 7577

Film shake, 42

Filters barrel distortion, 3637

camera simulation, 53

filtering technique, 23

out-of-focus shots, 48

plug-ins, 25

pop and click, 117

types, 23t, 24t

Fisheye lens, 36f

FLAC, transcoding, 27

Flash frames and color correction, 189f

correction, 189

Flicker causes, 180

reduction, 180181

Focus, typical problems, 4546

4:3 ratio, 159f

Frame rate metadata changes, 197

video format conversion, 70

Frames brightness and highlights, 125f

brightness and shadows, 126f

clipping and crushing, 125f

concept, 56

cropping, 150f, 149

damaged, replacement, 179

drop-out example, 67f

duplicate, iterations, 178

duplicate, removal, 176177

extension, 166168

field sync, 64f

“film look” example, 73f

flash, color correction, 189f

flash, correction, 189

highlights and shadows, 135f

as interlaced fields, 57f

missing, regeneration, 179180

patching, 198199

progressive scan, 58f

registration correction, 8082

removal, repeating frames, 178

reversed field dominance, 63f

single, removal, 177178

splice damage repair, 82

watermark damage, 77f

Francis, Andrew, 50f, 51f, 69f, 74f, 76f, 77f, 84f, 89f, 104f, 130f, 133f, 138f, 140f, 142f, 144f, 146f, 150f, 151f, 182f, 186f

Fuse, as storage option, 30



Gain, 19t, 21t

Gamma changing, 32

description, 19t

difference matte, 20

Gamut, see Color space Garbage masks, 14

Garcia, Daniel, 172f

Gates, removal, 8384

Ghosting, see also Ringing as problem, 70

Google, Fuse, as storage option, 30

GOP, see Group of pictures (GOP)

Grain addition, 8687

example, 84f

film, 8485

HD video emulation, 88

reduction, 85

Graphics, pixel aspect ratio, 161

Graphics tablets, 29

Grayscale, 15f

Group of pictures (GOP), 56



Hair in the Gate, 45

Haloing, see Ringing

Hardware toolbox color correction, 126

input devices, 2729

output devices, 29

Hardware toolbox (Continued) performance, 3031

storage, 2930

Hart, Paul, 39f

High-definition (HD) video aspect ratio, 154155

color space, 130

cropping, 150f, 149

film emulation of, 8890

format outputs, 106

letterbox, 151

non-square pixels, 161f

safe areas, 156f

scaling, 71

from SD, 157158

into SD, 156157

Highlights color correction, 134135

and frame brightness, 125f

frame example, 135f

High pass filter, 23t

Histograms, color correction, 127

Holography, 30

Hotkeys, 28

Hue color correction, 18

day-into-night, 147

description, 19t

and fl icker, 181

lens flare, 52



Icon Factory, xScope software, 31f

Image editors, 11

Image files, transcoding, 27

Image quality, and film grain, 85

Imagineer, Monet, 166

Infrared, scanned film, 77

Input devices, 2829

Insert, 22t

Interframe compression, 102

Interlaced fields, 57f

Interlacing field dominance, 6263

video footage, 6061

video format conversion, 70

Internet-based storage systems, 30

Interpolation pixel resizing, 153f

speed-changing sequence, 174

In the Blink of an Eye (Murch), 6

Intraframe compression, 102

Invisible edits, 189190

iPod, 96



James, Jack, 8f, 67f, 122f, 124f, 125f, 159f

Johnson, Steve, 135f

Jordan, Lee, 34f

JPEG compression, 101102

transcoding, 27



K. Fogle Photography, 137f

Keyboard, as input device, 28

Key-framed adjustments, 25f

Keys color change, 17f

digital noise reduction, 98

film grain reduction, 85

with mask, 17f

with overlay, 17f

purpose, 16



Lanczos interpolation, 153f

Law, Keven, 45f

Layering tools calculations with, 11

purpose, 12

LCD monitor, 29

Legalization, colors, 131132

Lens distortion barrel correction, 3638

correction, 35

pincushion correction, 3638

warping tools, 38

zoom lens, 38

Lens flare characteristics, 5152

cloning out, 53f

example, 53f

removal, 52

Letterbox, 151

LFE, see Low-frequency emitter (LFE)

Lift, 19t

Light, color temperature, 135

Limiter filter, 23t

Line-up chart example, 84f

film gates removal, 83

Linux, 30

Lloyd, Timothy, 152f

Logo replacement, 164166

Looping, 120

Lorenzo, Maria, 94f

Lossless compression characteristics, 101

conversion, 102

Lossy compression, 101102

Low-frequency emitter (LFE), 117118, 119

Low pass filter, 23t

Luminance banding reduction, 100

bleach bypass, 139

color casts, 136

color sampling, 103

cross processing, 140

digital noise reduction, 98

digital sharpening, 47

flicker reduction, 180181

keying, 16

lens flare, 52

noise reduction, 98

out-of-focus shots, 48

sharpness from noise, 49

waveform monitors, 126



Mac OS X color calibration, 129

OS comparison, 31

Magil, Andrew, 108f

Mann, Jim, 84f

Margari, Paolo, 148f

Masks audio, 188

camera filter simulation, 53t

definition, 16

for enhancements, 14f

frame registration correction, 81

garbage masks, 14

grayscale representations, 15f

image blur, 15f

and keys, 17f, 16

out-of-focus shots, 49f, 48

overlays, 15f

purpose, 13

for removals, 14f

selections, 16

tramline removal, 79, 80

Mathematics, EDL, 199

Media digital, see Digital media

evaluation, 31

and interlaced footage, 58

optical, 30

Median filter, 24t

Merz, Jessica, 42f

Mesh Warp, 38f

Metadata definition, 103

frame rate, changing, 197

Meulemans, Joel, 36f

Mice teeth, 6263

Mid-side encoding, 118

Mid-tones day-into-night, 147

enhancement, 133

film grain, 85, 87

film like HD video, 88

noise reduction, 98

out-of-focus shots, 48

ringing reduction, 69

video like film, 72

Missing frames, 179180

Modulation filter, 23t

Mold damage with dust fixing, 79

example, 77f

removal, 7879

Monet (Imagineer), 166

Monitoring, audio, 113

Monitors, see also Displays gamma changes, 32

as output devices, 29

waveform, 31

Mono audio, into stereo, 118

Motion blur addition, 182

cause, 181

cell phone video emulation, 91

“film look”, 72

reduction, 182183

security camera video emulation, 92

Motion-estimation-based algorithms, 174

Motion software, 25f

Mouse, 28

MP3 audio compression, 104

transcoding, 27

MPEG compression, 102

and GOP, 56

transcoding, 27

Multichannel audio, 117118

Murch, Walter, 6



Nearest neighbor interpolation, 153f

Network attached storage (NAS), 30

Neutral density filter, 53t

Neutral desktops, 136

Noise audio, reduction, 115116

banding reduction, 100

cell phone video emulation, 90

electronic, as audio problem, 115116

“film look”, 72

HD video emulation, 88

reduction, 9899

security camera video emulation, 92

sharpness from, 49, 49f

Nondynamic applications, Photoshop as, 26

Non-square pixels approximation, 161f


NTSC color legalization, 131

definition, 55

pull-downs, 192193, 194

Number crunching, 11



Objects blurred into focus, 4

censoring, 163

color fringing, 49

extend framing, 166

motion blur reduction, 183

out-of-focus shots, 48

removal from shots, 162163

rotoscoping, 26

tracking, 18

OnLocation (Adobe), 127

Operating systems color calibration, 129

comparison, 31

Optical media, 30

Optimus Maximus keyboard, 28f

Out-of-focus shots, 4849

Output devices, 29

Overexposure correction, 128f, 127

Overlays with key, 17f

with masks, 15f

Oversharpening cell phone video emulation, 90

film as HD video, 88

ringing reduction, 68

techniques, 46

Overwrite, 22t



Paint tool, 1128

PAL, 55

Pan, 21t

Panasonic, P2, 55

Peaking filter, 23t

Pearson, Anna, 155f

Performance, hardware, 30

Phase-shift, 21t

Photographic filters, 53t

Photography black and white, 136137

books for, 10

color space, 129

color temperature, 135

digital scaling, 151152

digital sharpening, 4647

field delays, 57

filter simulation, 53

flicker issues, 180

focus, 4546

frame extension, 166168

motion blur, 181

saturation adjustment, 142

Photoshop (Adobe) as image editor, 11

as nondynamic application, 26

pull-downs, 195196

Picture line-up generators (PLUGEs), 129

Picture manipulation, 10

Pincushion distortion correction, 3638

example, 36f, 37f

Pitch-shift, 21t

Pixels anti-aliasing, 98

aspect ratios, 105, 159161

banding reduction, 99100

corruption fix, 97

resizing examples, 153f

video and graphics aspect ratios, 161

PLUGEs, see Picture line-up generators (PLUGEs)

Plug-ins de-interlacing, 60

filters, 25

Polariser filter, 53t

Pops filtering, 117

removal, 116117

Postproduction overview anticipating problems, 5

budgets, 5

digital magic, 34

dust issues, 77

history and progress, 3

Printers, 29

Prints, from stills, 106107

Progressive footage, 60

Progressive scan, 58

Protection aspect ratio, 158

16:9 for 4:3, 159f

Pseudo-reflections, 168169

P2 (Panasonic), 55

Pull-downs methods, 192194

multiple, 196

reversing, 194196

Pushing Daisies, 142



QuickTime, 27



RAM, 30

RealMovie video format, 27

Reconstruction effect, 4

Recording, video fields, 58f, 57

Rectangular pixels, 160

RED format, 55

Reflections pseudo-reflections, 168169

realistic simulation, 168

Registration correction, 8082

Re-interlacing, 61

Rendering issues and compression, 102

performance, 30

Repeating frames, 178

Replace, 19t, 22t

Resample, 21t

Resolution cell phone video emulation, 90

HD video emulation, 88

security camera video emulation, 92, 93

video format conversion, 70

Responsiveness high-quality scaling, 154

performance, 30

Retiming, see alsoTiming audio, 113114

footage, 171

quickly, 175

Reverberation filter, 23t

Reversals, shot, 172

Reversed dominance, 63f

RGB values color fringes, 50

digital sharpening, 47

Ringing example, 69f

as problem, 70

reduction, 6870

reduction example, 69f

reduction improvement, 69

Ripple description, 22t

in editing, 23

Rotoscoping, 26



Safe areas characteristics, 156

film gates removal, 83

Sampling ratio, 103

Saturation bleach bypass, 138

cell phone video emulation, 91

description, 19t

flicker, 180

lens flare, 52

security camera video, 9193

vectorscopes, 127

vibrance boosting, 142

video like film, 72

vignettes, 40, 41, 3839

Saving Private Ryan, 138

Scaling digital, 151152

high-quality, 154

video, 71

Scanned film, dust, 7778

Scratches tramline removal, 79

wire removal tools, 80

SD video, see Standard definition (SD) video

Security camera video, 9193

Selections, masks, 16

Sequencing, see also Editing vs. editing, 22

operations, 22t

purpose, 22

Shadows color correction, 134135

and frame brightness, 126f

frame example, 135f

Shake camera shake, 4142

film shake, 42

soft, 43

Sharpen filter description, 24t

out-of-focus shots, 48

Sharpness digital sharpening, 4647

focus, 45

from noise, 49, 49f

SD into HD, 157

shot slow-down, 174

Shelving filter, 23t

Shooting, aspect ratio, 158

Shots object removal, 162163

out-of-focus, 4849

slow down, 173174

speed up, 172173

time-lapsed, 184

unsteady, smoothing, 4445

Sin City, 142

Single frames removal, 177178

splice damage, 82

16 mm film, HD video emulation, 8889

16:9 ratio protected for 4:3, 159f

rectangular pixels, 160

Skies with atmosphere, 164

replacement, 163164

Skin tones color casts, 136

vibrance boost, 143

Slide, 22t

Slip, 22t

Slow down description, 22t

shot, 173174

Slow-mo process, 179

Smoothing, unsteady shots, 4445

Soft cuts, 190

Soft focus/diffusion filter, 53t

Soft shakes, 43

Software tools audio manipulation, 21

capabilities and limitations, 10

cloning, 12

color correction, 18, 127

composition, 13

difference matte creation, 20

dynamic adjustments, 25

filtering, 23

for gamma changes, 32

grain reduction, 86

keys, 16

layering, 12

logo replacement, 166

masks, 13

nondynamic applications, 26

number crunching, 11

overview, 911

paint tool, 1128

picture manipulation, 10

rotoscoping, 26

Software tools (Continued) for scaling, 154

sequencing, 22

tracking, 18

tramline removal, 80

transcoding, 27

Sony, XDCAM, 55

Speakers, 29

Speed change, 174

Speed up description, 22t

shot, 172173

Splice damage, 8283

Square pixels, 160f

Stabilization, 42

Standard definition (SD) video aspect ratio, 154155

color space, 130

cropping, 150f, 149

extending, 158

format outputs, 106

from HD, 156157

into HD, 157158

letterbox, 151

Starburst filter, 53t

Starfactor filter, 53t

Steadicam, 4445

Stereophonic audio from mono, 118

M/S model, 118

overview, 117118

into surround sound, 119

Stills, into prints, 106107

Storage, 29

Storage area network (SAN), 30

Stretched fields, 6465

Stuefer, Josef F., 50f

Subtraction, absolute, 20

Subwoofer, 117118

Surreal Road, 199f

Surround pan, 21t

Surround sound, 119

Synaesthesia, 199f

Sync audio, correction, 114115

fields and frames, 64f

and flash frames, 189f



Tape systems, 30

Telecine, 194

Television picture digital corruption, 96

safe areas, 156

1080p, 55

35 mm film, HD video emulation, 8889

TIFF, 27

Timecodes conforming, 198

troubleshooting, 197198

Time-lapsed shots, 184

Time-warp, footage, 174176

Timing, see also Retiming duplicate frame removal, 176177

flicker, 180

flicker reduction, 180181

missing frame regeneration, 179180

motion blur, 181

motion blur addition, 182

motion blur reduction, 182183

repeating frame removal, 178

shot slow-down, 173174

shot speed-up, 172173

single frame removal, 177178

Tint, camera filter simulation, 53t

Tone black and white, 136

color casts, 136

color correction, 132133

color legalization, 131

enhancement, 132133

vibrance boost, 143

Tracking tools, 18

Tramlines, 7980

Transcoding, formats, 27

Transitions, custom creation, 192

Trim, 22t

Troubleshooting dissolves, 191

timecodes, 197198

24 FPS footage, conversion, 196197



Ultrasound, 77

Underexposure correction, 128f, 127

Unsteady shot smoothing, 4445

UV filter, 53t



Vectorscopes color correction, 127

purpose, 31

Venni, Fabi, 2f

Vertical editing, 22

Vibrance boosting, 144f, 142143

Video broadcast, 55, 131

cell phone, 91f, 9091

definition, 55

de-interlacing, 5859

drop-out removal, 66

field dominance, 6263

fields, 58f, 57

“film look”, 7172, 7577

format conversion, 7071

frame example, 73f

frames, 56

ghosting and cross-talk, 70

GOP, 56

HD, see High-definition (HD) video incorrect cadence, 64f

interlacing, 6061

pixel aspect ratio, 161

progressive scan, 58

re-interlacing, 61

reversed field dominance, 63f

ringing example, 69f

ringing reduction, 6870

ringing reduction example, 69f

scaling, 71

SD, see Standard definition (SD) video security camera, 9193

stretched field removal, 6465

Video emulation cell phones, 91f, 9091

damaged video, 89

with film, 89f, 8788

security cameras, 9193

Video file transcoding, 27

Video scopes, 126

Vignettes adding, 40

basic problem, 3839

removal, 4041

on simple pattern, 39f

Visual effects, 4

Visual toolbox, 3132

Volume consistency, 112113



Warping tools, 38

Water, scanned film, 77

Watermark with dust fixing, 79

example, 77f

removal, 7879

security camera video emulation, 92

Wave audio files, 27

Waveform monitors color correction, 126

purpose, 31

Windows color calibration, 129

OS comparison, 31

Window's Media, file transcoding, 27

Wire removal tools, 80

Wright, Steve, 6



XDCAM (Sony), 55

xScope software, 31f



Zoom lens distortion, 38

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