

ABC Family Channel, 130131

ABC Network, 130131

Above-the-line costs

distribution, 147

international co-productions, 168169

sample business plan, 235

Academy Awards, see also Oscars

and festivals, 257

filmmaker investment advice, 178

financing advice, 178

as goal, 29

partnerships, 41

producer credits, 165

revenue forecasting, 208

short films, 252253, 257

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 266267

Academy of Television Arts and Sciences

Awards, 266267

Accounting issues

Cash Flow statement, 211

LLCs, 173

studio distribution, 130

studio dollar tracking, 6566

Action/Adventure genre

company pitch, 31

defining, 88

direct-to-DVD, 124

filmmaking goals, 29

film matching, 201202

history, 9091

market segment, 87

Actor/estate agent investors, 178

Actors, see also Stars

as attachments, 5354

biography brevity, 57

and budget, 56

distribution publicity, 130131

filmmaker investment advice, 178

financing basics, 165

releases, 263264

and securing budgets, 109110

Adams, Amy, 253

Administrative expense forecasting, 211213


distribution deals, 137

financing basics, 167

Adventures in the Screen Trade (Goldman), 6869

Advertainment, 258259

Advertising, see also Prints and Advertising (P& A)

companies as investors, 178

distribution costs, 138139

distributor strategies, 139

Internet, 117118

moderate-speed distribution, 143144

studio distribution, 130131

Advertorials, 258259

AFCI, see Association of Film Commissioners

International (AFCI)

AFM, see American Film Market (AFM)

African-American market, 9394, 9596


book attachments, 53

distribution history, 127

foreign sales, 135

motion picture production, 6465, 7273

raising money, 3

studio clout, 68

Akeelah and the Bee, 94

Allen, Paul, 160161

Allied Irish Bank, 195

Altered, 175

Altman, Robert, 6869

Amazon's Video on Demand, 229230

American Film Market (AFM), 109110, 141, 166

American Jobs Creation Act, 169

American Pavilion, 109110

Amores Perros, 96

Anchor Bay, 133

Ancillary markets

industry segment, 6061

motion picture production, 226

sample business plan, 225, 227

short films, 258

Ancillary revenues

domestic, 206

forecasting research, 204

foreign, 207

North American box office, 76, 225

sample business plan, 237

tracking, 7475

Anderson, Wes, 253

Animated films

cash flows, 210

demographics, 9293

digital film, 7980

short documentaries, 261

target audience, 9293

Anschutz, Phillip, 160161

Apatow, Judd, 8889

Apollo Cinema, 256

Apple iPhone, 120, 229230

Apple iPod, 229230

Apple iTunes store, 229230, 260261

April Showers, 178

Apted, Michael, 121

Are We Done Yet?, 94

Art films vs. specialty, 8990

“Art” investors, 161162

Artisan Entertainment, 73, 132

Artistic crime documentaries, 9899

Art vs. profit, 115116

Asian investors, 178

Asian markets, 229

Association of Film Commissioners International (AFCI), 170


books, 5253

examples, 5155

money, 5455

options, 5152

real-life stories, 53

stars, 5354

Attorney advice

bank loan financing, 176

company creation, 35

deliverables, 150

development money proposals, 50

distributor deals, 136, 149

Investor Offering, 56

limited partnerships, 172

LLCs, 173

negotiation stances, 12

PPM, 13

presales, 109110

real-life story agreements, 53

risk statement, 153

short film deals, 260

state film incentives, 170

Audax Group, 132

Audience, general, see also Market segment;

Target markets

and change of medium, 2

evolution, 6970

IMAX, 122

and look of film, 81, 201

mass audience, 63, 218, 221, 226

movies as business, 5

ready-made, 52, 124

saturation, 92

short films, 251

studio films, 63

theater vs. Internet, 117

U.S. vs. Europe/Asia, 178

word-of-mouth, 7778

Australian investment, 178

Australian market, 9, 257

Autry, Gene, 9091


Baehr, Ted, 9495

Bain Capital, 132

Balance Sheet, 212

Bankable stars, 54

Bank Guarantee, 195

Bank loans

advantages/disadvantages, 176177

basics, 175177

European film financing, 195196

Bankruptcy, 2526

Barclay's Bank, 195

Barnes, Joslyn, 178

Baseline StudioSystems, 205

BBC, 194

Below-the-line costs

international co-production, 168169

sample business plan, 235

state film incentives, 170

tax incentives, 192193

Below-the-line personnel

as attachments, 39

business cards, 3435

motion picture production, 65

Belushi, Jim, 253

Benchley, Robert, 252

Berney, Bob, 7172, 133


“Bicycle” distribution, 144

Big Film Shorts, 263, 267268

The Big Picture, 6869

“Big Six” studios, 63

Bilateral treaties, 185, 197


brevity, 57

examples, 3840

Black, Karen, 253

Blackberry (RIM), 120

The Blair Witch Project

art vs. speciality, 89

as commercial project, 4

distribution, 132

film matching, 202

genre success, 9192

success, 73

theatrical exhibition, 7778

Block booking, 7778

Blockbuster Video, 116117, 229230

Block Party, 101

Blu-ray, 7475, 124, 228229

BMW, 258259

Bohr, Nils, 115

Bonds, 177

The Bone Collector, 92

Book rights, 52


as attachments, 5253

distributor strategies, 140

motion picture production, 6465

Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan!, 7778

Borgnine, Ernest, 9

Bottle Rocket, 253

Bowling for Columbine, 100101

Box office basics, see also Revenue basics

analysis, 62

budget correlation, 5

in Executive Summary, 22, 23

forecasting, 214

four-walling distribution, 144145

“The Industry” section, 6061

Jurassic Park effect, 85

“legs,”, 142

LF Examiner, 122123

as revenue backbone, 129

studio distribution, 130

from tentpole films, 87

tracking firm, 144

Variety's list, 123

Box Office Mojo, 107, 203, 204, 225226

Bravo, 204

British Screen Finance, 141


“keep rate,” 119

as short film market, 260

short film markets, 260, 160161

Broadcast distribution

digital film, 80

in Europe, 194

high-definition, 267

presales, 166, 196

short films, 257258

TV documentaries, 102

Brokeback Mountain, 9394

Budget basics

bankable stars, 54

box office-budget relationship, 5

budget configurations, 9698

budget research, 203204

business plan, 33

calculating, 76

comparative films, 201

Executive Summary preparation, 18

filmmaker advice, 109110

Filmtracker 's Baseline, 107

market segment-budget relationship, 87

sample business plan, 215, 235

size, 5558

skill-budget relationship, 3839

studio pictures, 64, 68

Buena Vista Social Club, 100

Business cards

importance, 3435

marketing strategies, 108

starting a business, 35

Business Periodicals Index, 106107

Business vs. personal goals, 2829

Business plan, general

development requirements, 7

as discovery process, 18

and entrepreneurs, 8

Executive Summary, 1718

importance, 1012

investor cut, 13

as marketing document, 23

negotiation strategies, 1214

project uniqueness, 11

vs. prospectus, 13

raising money, 56

Business plan, sample

approach, 215

cash flow statement, 248t

“The Company” section, 218, 221223

comparative films, 242t, 244t

“Distribution” section, 219220, 232234

Executive Summary, 218221

“The Films” section, 218219, 223225

financial plan, 235238

future trends, 229230

Gross Profits, 241t, 243t

home video, 228229

“The Industry” section, 219, 225230

international theatrical exhibition, 229

introduction, 216217

Investment Opportunity and Financial High-lights, 220221

“The Markets” section, 219

motion picture production, 226

Overhead Expenses, 249t

Business plan, sample

Projected Income, 245t, 246t, 247t

release strategies, 233234

risk factors, 234235

Strategic Opportunity, 218

Summary Projected Cash Flow Based on

Moderate Profit Cases, 240t

Summary Projected Income Statement, 239t

Table of Contents, 217218

target markets, 230232

television, 227228

theatrical exhibition, 227

Business Strategies, 9, 58, 7071, 76, 253254


definition, 7778

self-marketing, 113


Cable channels

distributors, 128

documentaries, 9899

documentary financing, 102

domestic ancillary revenues, 206

domestic rights, 135

industry analysis, 61

sample business plan, 227228

short film markets, 257258

TV documentaries, 102

Calling card film, 253254


bilateral treaties, 185

domestic vs. foreign distribution, 134135

financing example, 196

forecasting information, 203

IMAX, 121

international sales, 76

sample business plan, 235

theatrical revenues, 206

Canadian Documentary Channel, 261

Canal Plus, 259260, 267268

Cannes Film Festival

filmmaker advice, 109110

film markets, 86

forecasting, 100101, 204

independent distribution, 133

presales, 166

securing distribution, 142

short documentaries, 261

short films, 252253

Cape Fear, 92

Capitol Films, 133

Capote, 9394

Carolco, 73

Carroll, Lewis, 17

Cash Flow statement

forecasting, 210211

sample business plan, 237, 248t

Cassidy, Hopalong, 9091

Castle Rock, 6970

Cats and Dogs, 231

CBS, 118

CCP. see Crazed Consultant Productions (sample) business plan

The Cell 2, 124

Cell phones

film types, 2

Internet downloads, 118

New Media, 116117

rights licensing, 128129

short-attention-span theater, 118

CGI, 262263

Chalke, Sarah, 253

Channel Four, 141

Chappelle, Dave, 101

Chapter 11 bankruptcy, 2526

Chapter 7 bankruptcy, 2526

Chariots of Fire, 10

Charlie Rose, 203204

Chinese market

self-marketing, 114

short films, 268

Christian market

as niche, 9495

self-marketing strategies, 113114

teen films, 9495

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, 64

Cinema and Cultural Industries (IFCIC), 195

CinemaNow, 116117, 229230, 268

Cinemax, 262

Cinepix Film Properties, 132

Cinetic Media, 116

Clapp, Gordon, 253

Clearance & Copyright (Donaldson), 264265

Clerks, 160

Clermont-Ferrand Festival, 252253

Clips, releases, 264265

CNC, see National Centre for

Cinematography (CNC)

CNN, 120, 203204

COE, see Council of Europe (COE)

The Coen Brothers, 5

Cofiloisirs S.A., 195

Columbia Pictures, 63, 105

Comcast Corporation, 63, 257258, 267

Comedy Central, 260261, 262

Comedy genre

history, 9091

market segment, 87

popularity, 88

short films, 9091, 252

Coming-of-age genre, 201202

Commerzbank, 195

“The Company” section (business plan)

basic pitch, 3032

basic questions, 2937

brevity, 43

company introduction, 32

content and intentions, 3234

distribution objectives, 3637

entertainment experience, 3840

founding date, 3435

goals, 2728

management and organization, 3741, 221223

market identification, 37

partnerships, 4041

personal vs. business goals, 2829

purpose, 21

sample, 218, 221223

and self-knowledge, 2629

set-up checklist, 3536

starting, 2526

Comparative films

budgeting, 97

forecasting, 200201, 205

market segment, 93

sample business plan, 241t, 242t, 244t

Completion guarantors, 177

Computer-generated imaging (CGI), 262263

Continuity script, 150

Contract issues (short films)

deliverables, 265

guilds, 265267

ownership, 263265

Convergence, digital film, 79


basic considerations, 196

European film financing, 184185, 196

international, 168169


and distributors, 128129

scripts, 4849

short films, 263265

The Corporation, 100101

Council of Europe (COE), 184186, 187

Coutts, 195

Cox, 267

Craftspeople, 6061, 65

Crash, 162163, 225

Crazed Consultant Productions (sample)

business plan

cash flow statement, 248t

“The Company” section, 218, 221223

comparative films, 242t, 244t

“Distribution” section, 219220, 232234

Executive Summary, 218221

“The Films” section, 218219, 223225

financial plan, 235238

future trends, 229230

Gross Profits, 241t, 243t

home video, 228229

“The Industry” section, 219, 225230

International theatrical exhibition, 229

Introduction, 216217

Investment Opportunity and Financial Highlights, 220221

“The Markets” section, 219, 230232

motion picture production, 226

Overhead Expenses, 249t

Projected Income, 245t, 246t, 247t

release strategies, 233234

risk factors, 234235

Strategic Opportunity, 218

Summary Projected Cash Flow Based on

Moderate Profit Cases, 240t

Summary Projected Income Statement, 239t

Table of Contents, 217218

target markets, 230232

television, 227228

theatrical exhibition, 227

Crime dramas, 92, 201202

Critics’ Choice Awards, 143144

Crow, Russell, 116117

Crowe, Carol, 256

Crumb, 100

The Crying Game, 73, 141

Cuban, Mark, 160161

Cue sheets, 150, 265

Cycles, genre markets, 92


Daily Variety, see Variety

The Dark Knight, 68, 92

Data analysis, forecasting, 205213

DBS, see Direct broadcast satellite (DBS)

D-cinema, see Digital film trends

DEG, see Digital Entertainment Group (DEG)

Deliverables, 150, 265

Dentist investors, 178

Denton, James, 253

Dergarabedian, Paul, 144

Deutsche Bank, 195

Development process

genre cycles, 92

independent vs. studio film, 72

production steps, 6465, 226227

studio production, 68

Devil in a Blue Dress, 92

DFFF. see German Federal Film Fund (DFFF)

DGA, see Director's Guild of America (DGA)

Die Hard, 8889


Digital Entertainment Group (DEG), 228229

Digital film trends, 7981

Digital remastering (DMR), 121122

Digital Rights Management, 135136

Diller, Barry, 6970

Dimension Films, 94, 124

Dinosaur, 80

Direct broadcast satellite (DBS), 227228


as attachments, 5354

biography brevity, 57

distribution publicity, 130131

distributor strategies, 139, 140

filmmaker investment advice, 178

financing basics, 165

international co-productions, 168169

motion picture production, 6465

short film distribution, 251

Director 's Guild of America (DGA), 121, 266267

Director 's reels, 108

Direct-to-DVD market, 124125, 145, 209

Dirty Dancing, 7273

Disney Channel, 130131

Distribution considerations

bank loan financing, 175176

broadcast, see Broadcast distribution

cash flow statement, 210211

distribution definition, 128

documentaries, 101102

domestic vs. foreign, 134136

in Europe, 194195

independent, 131134

Internet and investors, 120

investor information, 150151

print and ad costs, 138139

revenue and expenses, 209

sample rights contract, 129

studios, 6566, 129131

Distribution rights

advances, 167

LLCs, 174175

motion picture production, 226

slow distribution, 144

standard agreement, 149150

television, 227228

“Distribution” section (business plan)

purpose, 2223

sample business plan, 219220, 232234

Distribution strategies

basic considerations, 139146

control of projects, 148149

crucial elements, 140142

filmmakers, 146150

moderate-speed distribution, 143144

release methods, 142145

self-distribution, 145146

short films, see Short film distribution

slow-speed distribution, 144145

studio vs. independent, 146148, 147t

wide release, 142143

Distributors, general

at AFM, 109110

company mission statement, 31

completion guarantors, 177

definition, 128129

filmmaker investment advice, 178

as financiers, 139

forecasting research, 204

market research, 103104

short film quality, 262

typical deal, 136138

Distributor 's Fees, 218, 237

Distributor 's Gross

definition, 232233

sample business plan, 239t, 241t, 243t, 245t, 246t, 247t

DLJ Merchant Banking Partners, 63

DMR, see Digital remastering (DMR)

Doctor investors, 178


forecasting, 100102, 213214

quality and diversity, 98103

short, 261

synopses, 99100

target markets, 99

television, 102103

Dogtown and the Z-Boys, 100101

Domestic ancillary revenue, 206

Domestic distribution

process, 134136

rights presale, 166

sample contract, 129

Domestic rentals

definition, 206

sample business plan, 235, 241t, 243t, 245t, 246t, 247t, 248t

Domestic rights

definition, 135

vs. foreign, 134136

presales, 166

Donaldson, Michael, 4849, 264265

Dr. Dolittle, 124, 231

Drama genre

characteristics, 88

defining, 88

film matching, 201202

forecasting research, 204

market segment, 87

DreamWorks, 64, 160161

DreamWorks Animation, 7071, 82, 9293

DreamWorks SKG, 7071

DVD market

cash flow statement, 211

direct-to-DVD, 124125

distributors, 134

documentaries, 9899

domestic ancillary revenues, 206

domestic rights, 135

forecasting research, 204

industry analysis, 61

and Internet distribution, 116117

market research, 107

presales, 166

release windows, 77

sample business plan, 228229

Scream, 91

short films, 257258, 265, 268


Eberts, Jake, 10

Economic climate

financing effects, 67

investment trends, 7879

Edison, Thomas Alva, 5960, 252

Edwards Cinemas, 160161

E! Entertainment Channel, 203204

Eight Below, 219

Eisenberg, Joel, 178

El Mariachi, 105

Email marketing, 117118

eMarketer, 119

EM Media, 190

Emmys, 266267

EMO Films, 178

Endgame, 115116

End of the Spear, 9495

Enron: The Smartest Guys in Town, 100101, 214

Entertainment experience, “Company” section, 3840

Entourage, 6869

Entrepreneurs, general

business proposal vision, 8

as dreamers, 15

goals, 2728

as investors, 160161

passion, 159160

project assessment, 4143

self-knowledge, 26

Environmental films, 31

E& O insurance policy copyright certificate, 150

Equity investors

and budgets, 55, 147

filmmaker experiences, 178184

film share, 164165

investment share, 164165

private placement, 13

producer financial knowledge, 123124

Eros Entertainment, 133134

ESPN, 120, 130131

Etheridge, Melissa, 101

EU, see European Union (EU)

EURIMAGES, 187, 197

European Convention on Cinematographic Production, 184185, 196197

European film financing

banking, 195196

basics, 184197

co-productions, 184185

fictional case study, 196b

public subsidies, 185196

European investment, 163, 178, 196

European Investment Bank, 195196

European Union (EU), 185188

Exclusive rights, options, 5152

Executive producer

investor as, 165

as manager, 11

Executive Summary, general

“The Company” section, 21

“Distribution” section, 2223

“The Films” section, 2122

as hook, 1718

“The Industry” section, 22

Investment Opportunity and Financial High-lights, 23

laying out, 2023

“The Markets” section, 22

risk statement, 153

Strategic Opportunity, 2123

style, 20

writing last, 1820

Executive Summary, sample

“The Company” section, 218

“Distribution” section, 219220

“The Film” section, 218219

“The Industry” section, 219

Investment Opportunity and Financial High-lights, 220221

“The Markets” section, 219

Strategic Opportunity, 218

Exhibition numbers, 7682, 227

Exhibitor Relations Co., 144, 203

Exotica, 92


Facebook, 114, 115116

Facing the Giants, 73, 9495, 113114, 160, 208

Fahrenheit 9/11, 9899, 214

Family film genre, 94, 230231

Fargo, 92

Federal film incentives, 169170

FFA, see German Federal Film Board (FFA)

15/70 format, 121122

Filmboard Berlin-Brandenburg, 190191

Film credits, financing basics, 165

The Film Department, 115116

The Film Entrepreneur, 122123

FilmFernsehFonds Bavaria, 190191

Film festivals see also specific festivals

distributor strategies, 142

forecasting reasearch, 204

short films, 257, 266267

Film Group, 133

Film incentives, 169170

Filmmaker advice

about investors, 178184

marketing, 109113

promises to investors, 158

Filmmaker distribution strategies

control of projects, 148149

deliverables, 150

negotiations, 149150

studio vs. independent, 146148, 147t

Film market guidelines, 108113

Film noir, 92

Film rentals

cash flow statement, 211

definition, 232

and distribution fees, 130

domestic theatrical, 206, 235

forecasting, 166

presales, 166167

vs. total revenues, 7475

“The Films” section (business plan)

attachments, 5155

books, 5253

brevity, 5758

budget, 5558

business development speed, 58

engaging readers, 4748

money, 5455

options, 5152

project scope, 4547

providing facts, 47

purpose, 2122

real-life stories, 53

right to know, 4647

sample, 218219, 223225

scripts, 4851

stars, 5354

Filmstiftung North-Rhine-Westphalia, 190191

Filmtracker 's Baseline, 107

Final cut control, 148149

Financial plan

approach, 199200

assumptions, 208209

cash flow statement, 210211

comparative films, 200201

documentaries, 213214

film matching, 201203

numbers analysis, 205213

for one film, 213

overhead expenses, 211213

resources, 203205

revenue and expenses, 209210

revenue projection, 208

sample, 235

skills, 200

Financing basics

advances, 167

“art” investors, 161162

bank loans, 175177

big payoffs, 166

clarity of plan, 159

completion guarantors, 177

entrepreneur investors, 160161

European co-productions, 184185

European films, 184197

federal film incentives, 169170

film incentives, 169170

filmmaker promises, 158

foreign investors, 163

friends and family, 160

guidelines, 157159

international co-production, 168169

investor fit, 157158

investor information, 177178

investor payback, 175

investor promises, 158159

investor shares, 164165

investor types, 159166

limited partnerships, 171175

LLCs, 173175

locating investors, 163164

negative pickup, 170171

overview, 155

presales, 166168

reasonable risk, 165166

short films, 255256

special interest investors, 162163

state film incentives, 170

Finders, 3

Fine Line Pictures, 6970

Fireproof, 9495, 166

First Look Studios, 133

First money out, 7475

First Run, 133

Fithian, John, 94, 230231

Flickerfest Short Film Bureau, 257

Focus Features, 70, 96, 133

The Fog of War, 100101

Foley, Jack, 96

Forbes, 105106

Forbes 400, 160


approach, 199200

assumptions, 208209

cash flow statement, 210211

comparative films, 200201

documentaries, 213214

film matching, 201203

numbers analysis, 205213

for one film, 213

overhead expenses, 211213

resources, 203205

revenue and expenses, 209210

revenue projection, 208

skills, 200

Foreign ancillary revenue, 207

Foreign distribution structures

vs. domestic, 134136

France, 195

Germany, 194195

rights presale, 166

structures, 194195

United Kingdom, 194

Foreign investment advice

AFM, 109110

from filmmakers, 178

financing basics, 163

Foreign Revenue, 206207, 235

Foreign rights

co-productions, 184

vs. domestic, 134136

and domestic distributors, 135

presales, 166

Four-walling distribution, 144145

Four Weddings and a Funeral, 73

Fox Movietone, 252

Fox Searchlight, 6970, 7172, 96, 133, 137138

Fox/Walden Media, 133


banking, 195

bilateral treaties, 185

CNC, 189190

distribution, 195

film banking markets, 195

financing example, 196

public subsidies, 191192

tax incentives, 192193

Free-for-view, 267

Freeman, Jim, 121

Free television

domestic ancillary revenues, 206

industry segment, 61

revenues, 204

sample business plan, 227228

French public subsidies, 189190, 191193

Frida, 96

Friedman, Rob, 1

“Friends and family” investors, 160, 178, 255

Friendster, 114

Friese-Greene, William, 5960

Fundraising basics, 164

The Fundraising Houseparty, 164


Gap Financing, 195

Gap lending, 178

Garden State, 160161

Garfield: The Movie, 219, 231

Gay and Lesbian films

budgets, 97

distribution, 133134

film matching, 201202

as niche market, 9394

Geffen, David, 7071

General Electric, 62, 226

General partner, in LPs, 172

The General's Daughter, 92

Genre, general see also specific genres

budget similarities, 9697

distributor strategies, 140

film matching, 201203

history, 9092

and independent film, 5

moderate budgets, 97

sample business plan, 241t, 242t, 243t, 244t

target audience, 8889

George Lucas in Love, 253

German Federal Film Board (FFA), 188189

German Federal Film Fund (DFFF), 188189, 197


banking, 195

bilateral treaties, 185

distribution, 194195

film banking markets, 195

financing examle, 196197

public subsidies, 190191

Giant Screen Cinema Association, 123124

Gibs, Jon, 114

Gibson, Mel, 113114

Gilbert, Gary, 160161

Gill, Mark, 115116

Glickman, Daniel, 225226

“Global TV Price Spread” (Variety), 204

Glover, Danny, 178


company formation, 27

formulating, 2728

personal vs. business, 2829

Gods and Monsters, 90

“The Going Rate” (The Hollywood Reporter), 204

Gold Circle Films, 73, 133

Golden Globes, 143144

Goldman, William, 6869

Goldwyn, Samuel, 45, 9495

Good Machine, 70


cell phone downloads, 118

cell phone providers, 120

as investors, 160161

short films, 260261, 268

YouTube purchase, 118

Gore, Al, 101

Government film agency investors, 178

Gramercy Pictures, 6970


for documentaries, 102103

for short films, 255256

The Great Train Robbery, 5960

Green, Harry, 9

“Greenlight,” definition, 65

Grob, Hector, 109110

Gross Income

dollar tracking, 74t

sample business plan, 235236, 245t, 246t, 247t

Gross profit (loss)

definition, 207208

sample business plan, 239t, 241t, 243t

Guest, Christopher, 6869

Guggenheim, David, 101


DGA, 121, 266267

SAG, 265266

short film distribution, 265267

short film returns, 254255

WGA, 4849, 6869


Haggis, Paul, 162163

Halloween series, 91

Hanks, Tom, 5354, 86

Hard Rock Hotel and Casion, 7172

Harry Potter books, 49

The Haunting in Connecticut, 91

Haxan Films, 175

HBO Latin, 263

HD, see High-definition (HD)

Heaven's Burning, 116117

Hedge funds, 64

Hedren, Tippi, 253

Hello, He Lied (Obst), 6869

Here! TV, 267268

High-definition (HD), 228229

High School Musical series, 93

“Hired gun,” 136138

Hispanic/Latino market, 9394, 9596

Hollywood, place vs. attitude, 7

The Hollywood Distributors Directory, 135

The Hollywood Reporter

AFM edition, 109110

film sales list, 204

as information source, 203

as resource, 104

Home Shopping Network, 9

Home video

financing advances, 167

future trends, 229230

release strategies, 233

sample business plan, 228229

theatrical exhibition impact, 77

Hoop Dreams, 100

Hoover, 9

Horror genre

characteristics, 88

cycles, 92

direct-to-DVD, 124

history, 91

industry trends, 7879

market segment, 87

Hostel series, 91

Hotelier investors, 178

Hot Fuzz, 225

House of Wax, 8182

Howard, Ron, 64

How She Move, 93

Hudson, Oliver, 253

Hulu, 118

Hungarian public subsidies, 193

Hustle & Flow, 137138, 158

Hyder, James, 122123

Hype, 4647, 139

HypoVereinsBank, 195


IDP Distribution, 133

IFC, see Independent Film Channel (IFC)

IFCIC, see Cinema and Cultural Industries (IFCIC)

IFTA, see Independent Film and Television

Alliance (IFTA)

Ile-de-France, 191192

The Ilya Salkind Company, 109110

IMAX, 8182, 121

IMDB, see Internet Movie Database (IMDB)

I'm Trying to Break Your Heart, 100101

Income Statement, 209210

An Inconvenient Truth, 101

Independent distribution

domestic vs. foreign, 134136

film quantity and quality, 132134

players, 131132

vs. studio, 146148, 147t

typical deal, 136138

Independent film, general

art vs. specialty, 8990

budget, 55, 147

definition, 5, 69

direct-to-DVD, 124125

distributor power, 128

documentaries, 98103

dollar tracking, 7375, 74t

function, 7273

Internet and investors, 120

LLC investment, 174175

market segment, 8788

niche groups, 9396

Oscar nominations, 70

production/exhibition numbers, 7682

production overview, 6976

pros and cons, 7576

vs. studio film, 68

theatrical exhibition, 7778

Independent Film Channel (IFC)

forecasting reasearch, 203204

Internet markets, 116117

motion picture production, 73

niche groups, 96

short film markets, 259

Independent Film and Television Alliance (IFTA), 69, 76, 135

Independent Moving Pictures Company of America, 5960

Independent producers vs. conglomerates, 26

Indican, 133

“The Industry” section (business plan)

digital film, 7981

independents dollar tracking, 7375, 74t

independents function, 7273

independents overview, 6976

independents pros and cons, 7576

industry analysis, 6061

industry history, 59

investor facts, 8283

investors, 6163

motion picture production, studios, 6365

production and exhibition, 7682

production investment trends, 7879

purpose, 22

sample, 219, 225230

studio dollars, 6568

studio history, 6369

studio pros and cons, 6869

tables and graphs, 8283

theatrical exhibition, 7778

3-D, 8182

In-house studio marketing, 6566

Innovation Film Group, 133

In perpetuity, 167

Inspirational films, 94, 162163

Interim Finance, 195

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 172, 173

International co-productions

advantages/disadvantages, 168169

European film financing, 184185

government requirements, 168169


digital film, 7980

direct-to-DVD marketing, 124125

for distribution, 116121

distribution rights, 135136

and investors, 120121

market research, 106107

short-attention-span theater, 118120

short film markets, 259261

Internet Movie Database (IMDB)

documentary categories, 9899

film summaries, 2122

horror genre, 88

as information resource, 203

market research, 107

TV documentaries, 102

Interstitials, 262

Investment Opportunity and Financial High-lights, 23, 220221

Investors, general, see also Equity investors “art” investors, 161162

company mission statement, 31

company start-up, 3536

cut of project, 13

development money vs. planned projects, 50

distribution plans, 2223, 150151

distribution strategies, 147

environmental films, 31

and Executive Summary, 19

facts for, 8283

filmmaker advice, 178184

filmmaker fit, 157158

financing information, 177178

financing promises, 158159

forecasting for, 199200

foreign, 109110, 163, 178

industry knowledge, 6162

and Internet, 120121

LLC/LP payback schedules, 175

LLCs, 173, 174175

locating, 163164, 178

LPs, 172

market research, 103104

MGM consortium, 63

providing facts, 47

as risk takers, 8

and scripts, 4950

types, 159

iPhone (Apple), 120, 229230

iPod (Apple), 229230

Iris, 163

Irish public subsidies, 193194

IRS, see Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

It Came from Outer Space, 8182

iTunes store (Apple), 229230, 260261


Jaglom, Henry, 5

Japanese investments, 163

Japanese markets, 260

Jarchow, Stephen, 133134

Jarmusch, Jim, 5

Jimmy Kimmel, 130131

JP Morgan, 7071

Juno, 2122, 90, 143144, 166, 219

Jurassic Park, 85


Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 7071

Kendrick, Alex, 160

Kendrick, Stephen, 160

Kessler, Hal “Corky,” 169

Kidd, Bronwyn, 257

The Kid Stays in the Picture, 100101

Kimmel, Sidney, 160161

Kinetograph, 5960

Kipling, Rudyard, 85

K-19: The Widowmaker, 163

Knowing, 201

Kodak, 6061, 81


L.A. Confidential, 92

Laemmle, Carl, 5960, 127

Lahti, Christine, 253

La misma luna, 96, 166

Landmark Theaters, 160161

Large Format Cinema Association, 123124

Large-format films

finances, 122124

formats, 121122

history, 121124

The Last Shot, 6869

Lee, Ang, 258259

“Legs,” 142

Lethal Weapon, 8889

LF Examiner, 121123

Library of Congress, 4849

Library research, 106107

Lieberman In Love, 253

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

business plan negotiations, 12

characteristics, 173175

definition, 35

entrepreneur investors, 161

filmmaker investment advice, 178

investor payback, 175

ownership, 13

risk statement, 153

Limited partner investors, 172, 174175

Limited Partnership (LP)

advantages/disadvantages, 172173

business plan negotiations, 12

characteristics, 171175

entrepreneur investors, 161

investor payback, 175

ownership, 13

risk statement, 153

Linde, David, 127

Line producers, 5556, 98

Lionsgate Films

distribution, 134

distributors, 132

as genre definer, 90

Internet distribution, 116117

specialty market, 96

3D films, 82

Lipsky, Mark, 251

Little Miss Sunshine, 90, 137138

Live Entertainment, 132

LLC, see Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Location releases, 264

Look Who's Talking, 7273

The Lord of the Rings trilogy, 42, 6061, 7172, 85, 202

Lost Highway, 92

Louverture Films, 178

LP. see Limited Partnership (LP)

Lucas, George, 80

Lumiere, Louis, 59, 252

Lynne, Michael, 7172


MacGillivray, Greg, 121

MacGillivray Freeman Company, 121, 123124

Mad Hot Ballroom, 100101

Magazine research, 105106

Magic 4 Morons, 9

Magnet Releasing, 133

Magnolia Distribution, 160161

Magnolia Pictures, 133

Majestic, Joe, 109110

Majestic World Entertainment, 109110


definition, 63

independent distribution, 131132

negative pickup, 171

sample business plan, 226

Management team, 21, 30, 3741, 221223

Man on Wire, 9899

March of the Penguins, 94, 95, 113114, 214

Marketing strategy

definition, 103108

filmmaker expert advice, 109113

film markets, 108113

market research, 103104

networking, 106

research reading, 104106

self-marketing, 113114

self-promotion, 107108

studios, 6566, 129130

support materials, 108

Market research

concept feasibility, 103104

Internet and libraries, 106107

networking, 106

Market segment, see also Target markets

art vs. specialty, 8990

cycles, 92

definition, 8698

demographics, 9293

genre, 8889

genre history, 9092

special niche groups, 9396

target, 8788

“The Markets” section (business plan)

art vs. specialty, 8990

basic considerations, 85

cycles, 92

demographics, 9293

direct-to-DVD, 124125

filmmaker expert advice, 109113

film markets, 108113

genre, 8889

genre history, 9092

Internet distribution, 116121

Internet and investors, 120121

large-format film finances, 122124

large-format films, 121124

marketing strategy, 103108

marketing support materials, 108

market research, 103104

market segment, 8698

networking, 106

production cost, 9698

purpose, 22

quality and diversity, 98103

research reading, 104106

sample, 219, 230232

self-marketing, 113114

self-promotion, 107108

short-attention-span theater, 118120

special niche groups, 9396

TV documentaries, 102103

Mass audiences, 63, 218, 221, 226

The Matrix trilogy, 8889

Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., 62

MCA Inc., 62

McTier, Karen, 124, 79

MEDIA MUNDUS program, 186187

MEDIA 2007 program, 186

The Media-Wise Family (Baehr), 9495

“Members” (LLC), 173, 174175

Merchant-Ivory, 161162

M& E tracks, 150

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), 63, 6970, 116117, 226

Metromedia, 6970

MGM, see Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)

Michael Winslow Live, 9

Mille, Jean Charles, 258

Miller, Wentworth, 253

Mini-budget, financing, 9

Mini-Majors, 171

Miramax, 58, 6970

Mission statement, 30

Mobile entertainment revenues, 119

MobiTV, 120

Mockumentary genre, 7778, 91

The Moguls: Hollywood's Merchants of Myth (Zierold), 63

Monando Film Distribution, 109110

Money, as attachment, 5455

Monsters vs. Aliens, 82, 94

Monster's Ball, 90

Monterrey Pictures Entertainment, 109110

Moore, Michael, 8889, 100101

Moran, Josie, 253

Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), 76

filmmaker deliverables, 150

market demographics, 93

sample business plan, 225226

script titles, 49

Motion picture production

dollar tracking, 7375, 74t

function, 7273

independent investors, 64

operation, 6365

overview, 6976

postproduction, 65

preproduction, 65

principal photography, 65

process, 226230

pros and cons, 7576

sample business plan, 226

steps, 6465

studio dollars, 6568, 66t

studio histories, 6369

studio picture, 64

studio pros and cons, 6869

The Motorcycle Diaries, 96

Movielink, 116117, 229230, 268

Moving Midway, 178

MTV, 260261, 262

MTV Mobile, 120

Murdoch, Rupert, 63, 226

Music Box Films, 133

Music cue sheets, 150, 265

Muybridge, Eadweard, 59

My Architect, 100101

My Big Fat Greek Wedding, 73, 161162, 202, 206

My Bloody Valentine 3-D, 82

My Dog Skip, 94, 230

Myers, Peter, 142

My Indecision Is Final: The Rise and Fall of Goldcrest Films, 10

MySpace, 114


Nano, 267268

Napoleon Dynamite, 137138, 158, 166, 202, 208, 219

Natexis Coficiné S.A., 195

The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Daytime Emmy Awards, 118119

National Association of Theater Owners (NATO), 93, 94, 230231

National Centre for Cinematography (CNC), 189190

National Film Office (NFO), 193

National Geographic Cinema Venture, 121

Native American theme, 143

NATO, see National Association of Theater Owners (NATO)

NBC, 2, 259

NBC Universal, 63, 226

Near video on demand (NVOD), 227228

Negative costs

financing basics, 160

forecasting, 207

motion picture production, 65

sample business plan, 226227

studio dollar tracking, 6768

Negative pickup

advantages/disadvantages, 171

bank loan financing, 175176

basic concept, 170171

Negotiation strategies, 1214, 23

Netflix, 117

Net Producer/Investor Income, 236

Net profit (loss)

independent films, 74

revenue and expenses, 210

studio distribution, 130

studio vs. independent films, 148

Networking, 106

New Cinema Fund, 188

New Line Cinema, 42, 6970, 7172, 73, 133

Newman, Robert, 105

New media technology

download sales, 120

markets, 116117

rights licensing, 234

short films, 268

Newreels, 252

News Corp., 226

News of the Day, 252

Newsweek, 105106

New Yorker Films, 133

The New York Times, 105106

NFO, see National Film Office (NFO)

Niche markets

business plan development, 11

documentaries, 98

examples, 9396

and film budget, 97

studio involvement, 148

viral marketing, 124125

Nightmare on Elm Street, 42, 73

Nippon Film Development, 141

No-budget films, 73, 9394, 120121, 144

No Country for Old Men, 225

NoHo Films International, 178

Nonexclusive rights, short films, 260

Nonprofit investors, 162163

Nord-Pas-De-Calais, 191192

Northern Ireland Film & Television Commission, 190

Not-for-profit grants, 102103

NTSC format, 265

NVOD, see Near video on demand (NVOD)

nWave Pictures, 121, 123124


Objectives and goals, 27

Obst, Lynda, 6869

October Films, 6970, 132

Oh, Sandra, 253

Once, 6061, 73, 166

One-film plan

foward projections, 3334

Income Statement, 209

page length, 11

summary tables, 215

One Missed Call, 88

One-reelers, 252

Opening weekend, 142

Open Water, 88

The Operating Agreement (LLC), 175

Oprah, 130131, 203204

Options, see also Rights

as attachments, 5152

books, 5253

money, 5455

real-life stories, 53

stars, 5354

Orion Classics, 6970

Orion Pictures, 6970

Oscars, see also Academy Awards

film credits list, 165

forecasting, 100, 204, 208

gay and lesbian films, 9394

and independent productions, 6970

sample business plan, 219, 225

short documentaries, 261

short films, 253, 256, 266267

Oscilloscope Laboratories, 160161

Oscilloscope Pictures, 133

Overhead Expenses

definition, 6667

forecasting, 211213

sample business plan, 238, 249t

studio distribution, 130

Owens, Tim, 178


P& A. see Prints and Advertising (P& A)

PAL, 150

Palm Pictures, 133

Palm Pre, 120

Pal Plus, 263

Pamplin, Rick, 7, 810

The Pamplin Film Company, 7, 175

Panavision, 6061

Paradigm, definition, 2

Paramount, 63, 6970, 116117, 252

Paramount Classics, 6970, 133

Paramount Pictures, 226

Paramount Vantage, 6970, 7172, 133

Participant Media, 160161

Participant Productions, 76

Partnerships, 35, 4041

The Passion of the Christ, 94, 113114

Pathé, Charles, 252

Payne, Patricia, 178

PayPal, 118

Pay-per-view (PPV)

distributors, 128

domestic ancillary revenues, 206

sample business plan, 227228

short films, 267

PBS, 102, 206

Peacefulfish, 184, 197

Peach Arch Entertainment, 133

Pergasus Entertainment Group, 133

Perry, Tyler, 94

Personal goals

vs. business, 2829

vs. company purpose, 31

Pet ownership, 231232

PFE, see Polygram Filmed Entertainment (PFE)

Philips N.V., 6970

The Pianist, 94

Picturehouse, 7172, 133

Pierson, John, 137138

Pitt, Brad, 5354

Platform release, 143, 233234

The Player, 6869

Plot synopsis, 48, 99100

Pohlad, Bill, 76, 133, 160161

Pohlad, Carl, 160161

Points, 165

Political films

documentaries, 9899, 213214

forecasting, 100101, 213214

as special interest, 162

Polygram Filmed Entertainment (PFE), 6970

Postproduction process

budget problems, 55

French tax incentives, 192193

function, 65

production steps, 6465, 226227

studio system, 68

PPM, see Private placement (PPM)

PPV, see Pay-per-view (PPV)

Prebuy, 166

Premiere Fund, 188

Premium channels

domestic ancillary revenues, 206

as major film outlets, 227228

TV documentaries, 102

Premium Films, 258

PREPARATORY ACTION funding, 186187

Preproduction process

independent films, 72

motion pictures, 65

production steps, 6465, 226227

trade papers lists, 104105


advances, 167

advantages/disadvantages, 167168

AFM advice, 109110

bank loan financing, 175176

basic concept, 166168

distributor strategies, 141

Press kits, 108

Princess Mononoke, 9293

Principal photography

budget problems, 55

motion picture production, 65, 226

production steps, 6465

Principal purpose

definition, 32

example, 221

Prints and Advertising (P& A)

distribution costs, 138139

filmmaker investment advice, 178

forecasting, 204, 207

independent films, 74

market research, 107

motion picture production, 65

sample business plan, 235, 237

short films, 265

Private placement (PPM)

advantages, 172

definition, 1314

filmmaker investment advice, 178

Producers, general

as attachments, 21, 5354

bank loans, 176177

biography brevity, 57

completion guarantors, 177

distribution publicity, 130131

distributor deals, 128129, 136, 232

distributor strategies, 139, 140141

European film financing, 184

feature film experience, 54

genre specialty, 8889

independent film production, 7576

international co-productions, 168169

vs. investor shares, 164165

LLC set-up, 174175

locating investors, 164

as managers, 11, 39

P& A money, 138

short film distribution, 251

state film incentives, 170

studio projects, 62, 68

30-second pitch, 6465

Production costs. see also Budget basics

budget configurations, 9698

repaying, 150

via research reading, 104105

sample business plan, 235

Production managers

budget breakdown, 5556

budget creation, 98

Production money

availability, 91

cash flow statement, 210

and distribution company, 137

investor repayment, 50

options, 5455

Production process. see also Motion picture production

French subsidies, 189190

German subsidies, 188189

investment trends, 7879

overview, 7682

player viewpoints, 6061

steps, 6465

studio vs. independent, 72

tax incentives, 192

trade papers lists, 104105

Production team, 30, 35, 37, 39, 156

Projected Income

forecasting, 199, 209

sample business plan, 235, 245t, 246t, 247t


distributor strategies, 139

marketing strategies, 107108

short films as, 254

Providence Equity Partners, 63

PSP, 229230


gimmicks, 7778

self-distribution, 145

studio distribution, 130131, 147148

Public limited partnerships, 172

Public subsidies


European film financing example, 197

European level, 185187

France, 191193

French CNC, 189190

Germany, 188189, 190191

Hungary, 193

Ireland, 193194

national level, 187190


regional level, 190192

tax incentives, 192194

UK Film Council, 187188

United Kingdom, 190, 192

Puerto Rico market, 76, 134135, 170, 203, 206207


The Quiet American, 163

Quigg, Jerry, 26


Rachel Getting Married, 88

Rainbow Media, 73

Rambo films, 73

Reading research, 104106

Ready-made audience, 52, 124

Real estate developer investors, 178

Reality shows, 9899, 204

Real-life story attachments, 53

Real Women Have Curves, 90, 96

Reasonable risk, 165166

Reeves, Bernie, 178

Regal Cinemas, 160161

Regal CineMedia Corp, 259

Regent Releasing, 133134

Reiner, Rob, 6970

Relativity Media, 7172, 133

Release strategy example, 233234

Releasing costs, 235

Reliance Big Entertainment, 7071

“Rent-a-distributor,”, 138

Rentrak report, 125, 203

Research In Motion Blackberry, 120

Revenue basics

box office backbone, 129

cash flow statement, 210

domestic ancillary, 206

Filmtracker 's Baseline, 107

forecasting, 199, 208

foreign ancillary, 207

foreign sources, 211, 235

foreign theatrical, 206207

independent dollar tracking, 7375, 74t

international co-productions, 168

and production cost, 9697

short films, 261263

studio dollar tracking, 6568, 66t

theatrical exhibition, 7778

total, 207, 232233

Revenue cap, 167

Revenues and Expenses, 209210

Rhone-Alpes, 191192

Rice, T C, 254

Richland, Gordon and Company, 132

Riding Giants, 100101

Rights, see also Options

books, 52

copyright ownership, 128129

distribution, see Distribution rights

domestic, 134136, 166

DRM, 135136

exclusive, 5152

foreign, 135, 166, 184

Internet, 135136, 259

new media, 116117, 234

options definition, 5152

presales, 166

sample business plan, 223

short films, 254, 259, 260

worldwide, 7071, 135

“Right to know,”, 4647

Risk factors

bank loan financing, 175176

distributors, 137

financing basics, 165166

guarantors, 177

sample business plan, 234235

Risk statement, 153

Ritchie, Guy, 258259

River Road Entertainment, 76, 133, 160161

RKO-Pathé, 252

Roadside Attractions, 133

Rockefeller, John D, 28

Rocky Mountain Pictures, 133

Rodriguez, Robert, 105

Roger and Me, 100

Rogers Cable, 267

The Rogue Joint, 7172, 7172

Rogue Pictures, 7172, 133

Rollout strategies, 143

Romance genre

defining, 88

film matching, 201202

market segment, 87

Romantic comedy budgets, 97

A Room with a View, 161162

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 140

The Royal Tenenbaums, 253

Rushmore, 253

Russell, David, 251


SAG. see Screen Actors Guild (SAG)

Saleman, Michael Norman, 173174

The Samuel Goldwyn Company, 6970, 146

Satellite presales, 166

Saturation distribution strategy, 143

Saw series, 88, 91

Sayles, John, 5, 155

Sci-fi genre

as action, 109110

film matching, 202203

Scorsese, Martin, 64, 92

Scream, 91

Screen Actors Guild (SAG), 265266, 104

Screen International, 104

Screenplays. see also Scripts

French subsidization, 191192

production process, 6465

sample business plan, 226227

Screen Yorkshire, 190

Scripts. see also Screenplays

and budget, 56

vs. completed films, 141142

continuity script, 150

control, 75

development plans, 4851

German development money, 188189

motion picture production, 6465

and negative pickups, 171

ownership, 5152

title, 48

S. Darko: A Donnie Darko Tale, 124

Seagal, Steven, 124

Seagram, 62, 6970

SEC. see Security Exchange Commission (SEC)

“30-second pitch,”, 6465

“Section 42,”, 192

“Section 48,”, 192

“Section 481,”, 193194

Security Exchange Commission (SEC), 172173

Seger, Linda, 48

Self-distribution, 145146, 150

Self-knowledge importance, 2629

Self-marketing, 113114, 117118, 146

Self-promotion, 107108

Senator Distribution U.S, 133

Sequencing distribution strategies, 143

Shaye, Robert, 7172

Shine a Light, 9899

Short-attention-span theater, 118120

Short documentaries, 261

Short Film Agreement, 265266

Short film distribution

contracts, 263267

festivals, 257

future potential, 267268

guilds, 265267

overview, 251

worldwide, 257258

Short film markets

advertainments/advertorials, 258259

Internet, 259261

overview, 256261

Short films

as calling cards, 253254

definition, 252253

deliverables, 265

as feature promo, 254

for filmmaking experience, 254

financing, 255256

as money makers, 254255

potential revenue, 261263

quality, 262263

Showtime, 262

Shrek series, 9293

Sicko, 101

Sidney Kimmel Entertainment, 160161

Silver, Joel, 8889

Sin City, 92, 105

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2, 88

The Sixth Sense, 88, 91

Skoll, Jeff, 76, 162

Sloss, John, 116, 135136

Slumdog Millionaire, 166, 208, 225

Smith, Kevin, 160

Smith, Pete, 252

SNL Kagan, 120, 228229

SOAPNet, 130131

Social networking sites

independent films, 7172

marketing, 117118

self-marketing, 114

SOFICA, 192193

Soft monies, 178

The Soldier's Wife, 141

Sole proprietorship, definition, 35

Songcatcher, 132133

Sony Classics, 6970, 7172, 90, 133

Sony Corporation of America, 63, 116117, 260261

Sony Pictures Entertainment, 63, 226

Sound, releases, 264

Sources and Uses of Funds, 212

Southern Documentary Fund, 178

Spain, Jay, 178

Spanish banking, 195

Special-interest groups

distributor strategies, 139

as investors, 162163

release strategies, 143

viral marketing, 113

Specialty vs. art films, 8990

Specialty divisions

acquisitions, 131132, 133

database information, 7677

parent advantages, 7172

as studio brands, 26

Spellbound, 100101

Spielberg, Steven, 7071, 8586

The Spirit of Christmas, 253

Spy Kids series, 94, 105, 219

Standing in the Shadows of Motown, 100101

Stanford, Leland, 59

Stars, see also Actors

as attachments, 5354

bankable, 54

biography brevity, 57

distributor strategies, 141

financing basics, 165

signing, 6162

Star Wars: Episode I& ndash;The Phantom Menance, 80

STARZ, 9, 257258

State film incentives, 170

Statement of Revenue and Expenses, 209210

Steel, Dawn, 6869

Step Into Liquid, 100101

Stern, Jim, 115116

Still photographs

filmmaker deliverables, 150

releases, 265

Stoltz, Eric, 253


distributor strategies, 140

motion picture production, 6465

selling projects, 235

synopsis, 48

Strand Releasing, 133134

Strategic Opportunity

Executive Summary example, 2123

sample business plan, 218

Strategy Analytics’ Multiplay Market Dynamics, 119

Street Kings, 92

Stuart Little, 219, 231

Studio distribution

advantages, 130131

filmmaker control, 148149

vs. independent, 146148, 147t

process, 129130


classic “studio” picture, 64

history, 6369

Internet and investors, 120

market demographics, 93

pros and cons, 6869

revenue tracking, 6568, 66t

speciality divisions, 26

theatrical exhibitions, 7778

Subscription broadband

“keep rate,”, 119

as short film market, 260

Summary Projected Cash Flow

Based on Moderate Profit Cases, 236, 240t

Summary Projected Income Statement, 235, 239t

Summit Entertainment, 64, 73

Sundance Channel

forecasting reasearch, 203204

short documentaries, 261

short films, 259, 262

Sundance Film Festival

distribution rights, 135, 137138

financing promises, 158

independent distribution, 132133

networking, 106

securing distribution, 142

short documentaries, 261

short films, 252253, 257, 268

slow-speed distribution, 144

Sunset Boulevard, 118119

Superbad, 93

Super gap lending, 178

Superman, 109110

Super Size Me, 100101

Swanson, Gloria, 118119

Synopsis, see Plot synopsis


Tables & graphs vs. words, 8283

Tarantino, Quentin, 8889

Target markets, see also Market segment

defining, 22

documentaries, 99

niche groups, 9394

profile, 87

sample business plan, 230232

short films, 263

Tax-Incentive Financing, 195

Tax incentives

in Europe, 192194, 197

filmmaker advice, 178

France, 192193

Hungary, 193

investment trends, 78

Ireland, 193194

United Kingdom, 192

Tax Rebate for International Production (T.R.I.P.), 193

Tax Reform Act, 171172

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 42

Teen film market, 93


federal film incentive, 169

future trends, 79

interstitials, 262

news story history, 252

sample business plan, 227228

short film markets, 256

and studio dynasties, 63

Television documentaries, 99, 102103

Television station investors, 178

Television syndication

advances, 167

domestic ancillary revenue, 206

release strategies, 233

“Television without Frontiers,”, 195

Texas Pacific Group, 63

Theatrical exhibition

revenues, 7778

sample business plan, 227

Theatrical rentals

definition, 206

dollar tracking, 74t

foreign vs. domestic, 232233, 203

They Can Kill You But They Can't Eat You (Steel),6869

THINKFilm, 133

35mm format

vs. digital, 8081

into 15/70, 121122

filmmaker deliverables, 150

transfer budget, 201

This Is Spinal Tap, 7778

3ality Digital Entertainment, 121

3-D, 8182

3D Entertainment, 121

Thriller genre

cycles, 92

defining, 88

industry trends, 7879

market segment, 87

Time, 105106

Time Warner, Inc, 63, 226, 257258, 267

Titan A.E., 7980

Titanic, 85

Toon Disney, 130131

Toronto Film Festival, 142

Tortilla Soup, 96

Total cost forecasting, 207

Total revenue, 207

Touching the Void, 100101

Trade paper research, 104

T-Rex, 121122

Tribeca Film Festival, 257

Trimark Pictures, 132

T.R.I.P., see Tax Rebate for International Production (T.R.I.P.)

Turner Broadcasting, 6970

Turner Pictures, 6970, 7172

Twain, Mark, 199, 205

Twentieth Century Fox

digital film, 7980

film release methods, 142

independent divisions, 6970, 133

motion picture production, 226

Movielink, 116117

studio dynasties, 63

2929 Productions, 160161

Twilight, 73, 91

Twitter, 114


The Underneath, 92

Under the Same Moon, 96, 225

United Artists, 160161

United Kingdom

banking, 195

bilateral treaties, 185

distribution, 194

public subsidies, 190

tax incentives, 192

web site resources, 104

United Kingdom Film Council, 187188

Unit production managers (UPMS)

budget breakdown, 5556

budget creation, 98

state film incentives, 170

Universal Pictures, 2, 62, 252

Universal Studios

founder, 5960

history, 62

independent division, 6970

and Internet, 116117

studio dynasties, 63

UPMS, see Unit production managers (UPMS)

Urban genre, 87, 124

USA Networks, 6970

USA Today, 105106

Usher, 160161

The Usual Suspects, 92


Van Damme, Jean Claude, 124

Vanity Fair, 105106


AFM edition, 109110

box office dollars, 123

feature film price list, 204

forecasting research, 203

as resource, 104, 203

VHS format, 7475, 91, 228229

Viacom, 63, 226, 260261

Video Business, 125

Video-on-demand (VOD)

market research, 107

presales, 166

sample business plan, 228

short films, 267

Video snacks, 118120

Videotape, as deliverable, 150

Vidmark, 132

The View, 130131

Viral marketing, 113, 124125

The Visitor, 7778, 109, 225

Vivendi, 62


Wade, April, 178

Wagner, Todd, 160161

The Walt Disney Company

distribution publicity, 130131

family films, 94

Hulu, 118

independent film production, 6970

motion picture production, 226

studio dynasties, 63

and The Weinstein Company, 73

Warner Bros.

independent divisions, 6970, 133

motion picture production, 226

Movielink, 116117

and New Line, 7172

studio dynasties, 63

Warner Independent Pictures, 6970, 7172, 133

Warshawski, Morrie, 102103, 164

Waters, John, 8889

Weinstein, Bob, 58, 73

Weinstein, Harvey, 58, 73

The Weinstein Company, 58, 73, 90, 134

Western genre, 9091

WGA. see Writers Guild of America (WGA)

What the Bleep Do We Know?, 94, 95, 113114, 146

Which Lie Did I Tell?: More Adventures in the Screen Trade (Goldman), 6869

Whitacre, William L., 175

Why We Fight, 100101

Wide release strategies, 142143

Wilson, Owen, 253

Windows (release), 233, 238

Woman On Top Productions, 178

Woman Thou Art Loosed, 9495


distributor strategies, 139

moderate-speed distribution, 144

self-distribution, 146

self-marketing, 113

and wide release, 142143

Working Capital/Corporate Finance, 195

Working Title Films, 7172

World Trade Organization, 268

Worldwide distribution

documentaries, 101102

short films, 257258

Worldwide licensing, 6566

Worldwide rights

and domestic distributors, 135

DreamWorks, 7071

Writer-director, 38, 73

Writer-producer, 73


business cards, 3435

fiction vs. nonfiction, 48

vs. filmmaker, 25

international co-productions, 168169

motion picture production, 6465

options, 5152

sample business plan, 226227

script registration, 4849

studio system, 6869

Writers Guild of America (WGA), 4849, 6869


Xbox, 229230, 268

X-Men Origins: Wolverine, 68


Yahoo!, 120, 260261

Yankee Group, 119

Yari, Bob, 160161

Yari Film Group Releasing, 133

The Yari Group, 160161

Yash Raj Films, 133134

Yauch, Adam, 160161

York, Michael, 253

Young adult market, 93

YouTube, 118, 260261

Y tu mamá también, 9394, 96


Zeitgeist Films, 133

Zierold, Norman, 63

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