

We have witnessed the rapid growth of machine learning (ML) technologies in empowering diverse artificial intelligence (AI) applications, such as computer vision, automatic speech recognition, natural language processing, and recommender systems [Pouyanfar et al., 2019, Hatcher and Yu, 2018, Goodfellow et al., 2016]. The success of these ML technologies, in particular deep learning (DL), has been fueled by the availability of vast amounts of data (a.k.a. the big data) [Trask, 2019, Pouyanfar et al., 2019, Hatcher and Yu, 2018]. Using these data, DL systems can perform a variety of tasks that can sometimes exceed human performance; for example, DL empowered face-recognition systems can achieve commercially acceptable levels of performance given millions of training images. These systems typically require a huge amount of data to reach a satisfying level of performance. For example, the object detection system from Facebook has been reported to be trained on 3.5 billion images from Instagram [Hartmann, 2019].

In general, the big data required to empower AI applications is often large in size. However, in many application domains, people have found that big data are hard to come by. What we have most of the time are “small data,” where either the data are of small sizes only, or they lack certain important information, such as missing values or missing labels. To provide sufficient labels for data often requires much effort from domain experts. For example, in medical image analysis, doctors are often employed to provide diagnosis based on scan images of patient organs, which is tedious and time consuming. As a result, high-quality and large-volume training data often cannot be obtained. Instead, we face silos of data that cannot be easily bridged.

The modern society is increasingly made aware of issues regarding the data ownership: who has the right to use the data for building AI technologies? In an AI-driven product recommendation service, the service owner claims ownership over the data about the products and purchase transactions, but the ownership over the data about user purchasing behaviors and payment habits is unclear. Since data are generated and owned by different parties and organizations, a traditional and naive approach is to collect and transfer the data to one central location where powerful computers can train and build ML models. Today, this methodology is no longer valid.

While AI is spreading into ever-widening application sectors, concerns regarding user privacy and data confidentiality expand. Users are increasingly concerned that their private information is being used (or even abused) by commercial and political purposes without their permission. Recently, several large Internet corporations have been fined heavily due to their leakage of users’ private data to commercial companies. Spammers and under-the-table data exchanges are often punished in court cases.

In the legal front, law makers and regulatory bodies are coming up with new laws ruling how data should be managed and used. One prominent example is the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by the European Union (EU) in 2018 [GDPR website, 2018]. In the U.S., the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) will be enacted in 2020 in the state of California [DLA Piper, 2019]. China’s Cyber Security Law and the General Provisions of Civil Law, implemented in 2017, also imposed strict controls on data collection and transactions. Appendix A provides more information about these new data protection laws and regulations.

Under this new legislative landscape, collecting and sharing data among different organizations is becoming increasingly difficult, if not outright impossible, as time goes by. In addition, the sensitive nature of certain data (e.g., financial transactions and medical records) prohibits free data circulation and forces the data to exist in isolated data silos maintained by the data owners [Yang et al., 2019]. Due to industry competition, user privacy, data security, and complicated administrative procedures, even data integration between different departments of the same company faces heavy resistance. The prohibitively high cost makes it almost impossible to integrate data scattered in different institutions [WeBank AI, 2019]. Now that the old privacy-intrusive way of collecting and sharing data is outlawed, data consolidation involving different data owners is extremely challenging going forward.

How to solve the problem of data fragmentation and isolation while complying with the new stricter privacy-protection laws is a major challenge for AI researchers and practitioners. Failure to adequately address this problem will likely lead to a new AI winter [Yang et al., 2019].

Another reason why the AI industry is facing a data plight is that the benefit of collaborating over the sharing of the big data is not clear. Suppose that two organizations wish to collaborate on medical data in order to train a joint ML model. The traditional method of transferring the data from one organization to another will often mean that the original data owner will lose control over the data that they owned in the first place. The value of the data decreases as soon as the data leaves the door. Furthermore, when the better model as a result of integrating the data sources gained benefit, it is not clear how the benefit is fairly distributed among the participants. This fear of losing control and lack of transparency in determining the distribution of values is causing the so-called data fragmentation to intensify.

With edge computing over the Internet of Things, the big data is often not a single monolithic entity but rather distributed among many parties. For example, satellites taking images of the Earth cannot expect to transmit all data to data centers on the ground, as the amount of transmission required will be too large. Likewise, with autonomous cars, each car must be able to process much information locally with ML models while collaborate globally with other cars and computing centers. How to enable the updating and sharing of models among the multiple sites in a secure and yet efficient way is a new challenge to the current computing methodologies.


As mentioned previously, multiple reasons make the problem of data silos become impediment to the big data needed to train ML models. It is thus natural to seek solutions to build ML models that do not rely on collecting all data to a centralized storage where model training can happen. An idea is to train a model at each location where a data source resides, and then let the sites communicate their respective models in order to reach a consensus for a global model. In order to ensure user privacy and data confidentiality, the communication process is carefully engineered so that no site can second-guess the private data of any other sites. At the same time, the model is built as if the data sources were combined. This is the idea behind “federated machine learning” or “federated learning” for short.

Federated learning was first practiced in an edge-server architecture by McMahan et al. in the context of updating language models on mobile phones [McMahan et al., 2016a,b, Konecný et al., 2016a,b]. There are many mobile edge devices each holding private data. To update the prediction models in the Gboard system, which is the Google’s keyboard system for auto-completion of words, researchers at Google developed a federated learning system to update a collective model periodically. Users of the Gboard system gets a suggested query and whether the users clicked the suggested words. The word-prediction model in Gboard keeps improving based on not just a single mobile phone’s accumulated data but all phones via a technique known as federated averaging (FedAvg). Federated averaging does not require moving data from any edge device to one central location. Instead, with federated learning, the model on each mobile device, which can be a smartphones or a tablet, gets encrypted and shipped to the cloud. All encrypted models are integrated into a global model under encryption, so that the server at the cloud does not know the data on each device [Yang et al., 2019, McMahan et al., 2016a,b, Konecný et al., 2016a,b, Hartmann, 2018, Liu et al., 2019]. The updated model, which is under encryption, is then downloaded to all individual devices on the edge of the cloud system [Konecný et al., 2016b, Hartmann, 2018, Yang et al., 2018, Hard et al., 2018]. In the process, users’ individual data on each device is not revealed to others, nor to the servers in the cloud.

Google’s federated learning system shows a good example of B2C (business-to-consumer), in designing a secure distributed learning environment for B2C applications. In the B2C setting, federated learning can ensure privacy protection as well as increased performance due to a speedup in transmitting the information between the edge devices and the central server.

Besides the B2C model, federated learning can also support the B2B (business-to-business) model. In federated learning, a fundamental change in algorithmic design methodology is, instead of transferring data from sites to sites, we transfer model parameters in a secure way, so that other parties cannot “second guess” the content of others’ data. Below, we give a formal categorization of the federated learning in terms of how the data is distributed among the different parties.


Federated learning aims to build a joint ML model based on the data located at multiple sites. There are two processes in federated learning: model training and model inference. In the process of model training, information can be exchanged between parties but not the data. The exchange does not reveal any protected private portions of the data at each site. The trained model can reside at one party or shared among multiple parties.

At inference time, the model is applied to a new data instance. For example, in a B2B setting, a federated medical-imaging system may receive a new patient who’s diagnosis come from different hospitals. In this case, the parties collaborate in making a prediction. Finally, there should be a fair value-distribution mechanism to share the profit gained by the collaborative model. Mechanism design should done in such a way to make the federation sustainable.

In broad terms, federated learning is an algorithmic framework for building ML models that can be characterized by the following features, where a model is a function mapping a data instance at some party to an outcome.

•  There are two or more parties interested in jointly building an ML model. Each party holds some data that it wishes to contribute to training the model.

•  In the model-training process, the data held by each party does not leave that party.

•  The model can be transferred in part from one party to another under an encryption scheme, such that other parties cannot re-engineer the data at any given party.

•  The performance of the resulting model is a good approximation of ideal model built with all data transferred to a single party.

More formally, consider N data owners Image who wish to train a ML model by using their respective datasets Image. A conventional approach is to collect all data Image together at one data server and train a ML model MSUM on the server using the centralized dataset. In the conventional approach, any data owner {Fi will expose its data {Di to the server and even other data owners.

Federated learning is a ML process in which the data owners collaboratively train a model MFED without collecting all data Image. Denote VSUM and VFED as the performance measure (e.g., accuracy, recall, and F1-score) of the centralized model MSUM and the federated model MFED, respectively.

We can capture what we mean by performance guarantee more precisely. Let δ be a non-negative real number. We say that the federated learning model MFED has δ-performance loss if


The previous equation expresses the following intuition: if we use secure federated learning to build a ML model on distributed data sources, this model’s performance on future data is approximately the same as the model that is built on joining all data sources together.

We allow the federated learning system to perform a little less than a joint model because in federated learning data owners do not expose their data to a central server or any other data owners. This additional security and privacy guarantee can be worth a lot more than the loss in accuracy, which is the δ value.

A federated learning system may or may not involve a central coordinating computer depending on the application. An example involving a coordinator in a federated learning architecture is shown in Figure 1.1. In this setting, the coordinator is a central aggregation server (a.k.a. the parameter server), which sends an initial model to the local data owners A–C (a.k.a. clients or participants). The local data owners A–C each train a model using their respective dataset, and send the model weight updates to the aggregation server. The aggregation sever then combines the model updates received from the data owners (e.g., using federated averaging [McMahan et al., 2016a]), and sends the combined model updates back to the local data owners. This procedure is repeated until the model converges or until the maximum number of iterations is reached. Under this architecture, the raw data of the local data owners never leaves the local data owners. This approach not only ensures user privacy and data security, but also saves communication overhead needed to send raw data. The communication between the central aggregation server and the local data owners can be encrypted (e.g., using homomorphic encryption [Yang et al., 2019, Liu et al., 2019]) to guard against information leakage.

The federated learning architecture can also be designed in a peer to peer manner, which does not require a coordinator. This ensures further security guarantee in which the parties communicate directly without the help of a third party, as illustrated in Figure 1.2. The advantage of this architecture is increased security, but a drawback is potentially more computation to encrypt and decrypt messages.

Federated learning brings several benefits. It preserves user privacy and data security by design since no data transfer is required. Federated learning also enables several parties to collaboratively train a ML model so that each of the parties can enjoy a better model than what it can achieve alone. For example, federated learning can be used by private commercial banks to detect multi-party borrowing, which has always been a headache in the banking industry, especially in the Internet finance industry [WeBank AI, 2019]. With federated learning, there is no need to establish a central database, and any financial institution participating in federated learning can initiate new user queries to other agencies within the federation. Other agencies only need to answer questions about local lending without knowing specific information of the user. This not only protects user privacy and data integrity, but also achieves an important business objective of identifying multi-party lending.

While federated learning has great potential, it also faces several challenges. The communication link between the local data owner and the aggregation server may be slow and unstable [Hartmann, 2018]. There may be a very large number of local data owners (e.g., mobile users). In theory, every mobile user can participate in federated learning, making the system unstable and unpredictable. Data from different participants in federated learning may follow non-identical distributions [Zhao et al., 2018, Sattler et al., 2019, van Lier, 2018], and different participants may have unbalanced numbers of data samples, which may result in a biased model or even failure of training a model. As the participants are distributed and difficult to authenticate, federated learning model poisoning attacks [Bhagoji et al., 2019, Han, 2019], in which one or more malicious participants send ruinous model updates to make the federated model useless, can take place and confound the whole operation.


Figure 1.1: An example federated learning architecture: client-server model.


Figure 1.2: An example federated learning architecture: peer-to-peer model.


Let matrix Di denote the data held by the i th data owner. Suppose that each row of the matrix Di represents a data sample, and each column represents a specific feature. At the same time, some datasets may also contain label data. We denote the feature space as X, the label space as Y, and we use I to denote the sample ID space. For example, in the financial field, labels may be users’ credit. In the marketing field labels may be the user’s purchasing desire. In the education field, Y may be the students’ scores. The feature X, label Y, and sample IDs I constitute the complete training dataset (I, X, Y). The feature and sample spaces of the datasets of the participants may not be identical. We classify federated learning into horizontal federated learning (HFL), vertical federated learning (VFL), and federated transfer learning (FTL), according to how data is partitioned among various parties in the feature and sample spaces. Figures 1.31.5 show the three federated learning categories for a two-party scenario [Yang et al., 2019].

HFL refers to the case where the participants in federated learning share overlapping data features, i.e., the data features are aligned across the participants, but they differ in data samples. It resembles the situation that the data is horizontally partitioned inside a tabular view. Hence, we also call HFL as sample-partitioned federated learning, or example-partitioned federated learning [Kairouz et al., 2019]. Different from HFL, VFL applies to the scenario where the participants in federated learning share overlapping data samples, i.e., the data samples are aligned amongst the participants, but they differ in data features. It resembles the situation that data is vertically partitioned inside a tabular view. Thus, we also name VFL as feature-partitioned federated learning. FTL is applicable for the case when there is neither overlapping in data samples nor in features.

For example, when the two parties are two banks that serve two different regional markets, they may share only a handful of users but their data may have very similar feature spaces due to similar business models. That is, with limited overlap in users but large overlap in data features, the two banks can collaborate in building ML models through horizontal federated learning [Yang et al., 2019, Liu et al., 2019].

When two parties providing different services but sharing a large amount of users (e.g., a bank and an e-commerce company), they can collaborate on the different feature spaces that they own, leading to a better ML model for both. That is, with large overlap in users but little overlap in data features, the two companies can collaborate in building ML models through vertical federated learning [Yang et al., 2019, Liu et al., 2019]. Split learning, recently proposed by Gupta and Raskar [2018] and Vepakomma et al. [2019, 2018], is regarded here as a special case of vertical federated learning, which enables vertically federated training of deep neural networks (DNNs). That is, split learning facilitates training DNNs in federated learning settings over vertically partitioned data [Vepakomma et al., 2019].


Figure 1.3: Illustration of HFL, a.k.a. sample-partitioned federated learning where the overlapping features from data samples held by different participants are taken to jointly train a model [Yang et al., 2019].


Figure 1.4: Illustration of VFL, a.k.a feature-partitioned federated learning where the overlapping data samples that have non-overlapping or partially overlapping features held by multiple participants are taken to jointly train a model [Yang et al., 2019].

In scenarios where participating parties have highly heterogeneous data (e.g., distribution mismatch, domain shift, limited overlapping samples, and scarce labels), HFL and VFL may not be able to build effective ML models. In those scenarios, we can leverage transfer learning techniques to bridge the gap between heterogeneous data owned by different parties. We refer to federated learning leveraging transfer learning techniques as FTL.


Figure 1.5: Federated transfer learning (FTL) [Yang et al., 2019]. A predictive model learned from feature representations of aligned samples belonging to party A and party B is utilized to predict labels for unlabeled samples of party A.

Transfer learning aims to build effective ML models in a resource-scarce target domain by exploiting or transferring knowledge learned from a resource-rich source domain, which naturally fits the federated learning setting where parties are typically from different domains. Pan and Yang [2010] divides transfer learning into mainly three categories: (i) instance-based transfer, (ii) feature-based transfer, and (iii) model-based transfer. Here, we provide brief descriptions on how these three categories of transfer learning techniques can be applied to federated settings.

•  Instance-based FTL. Participating parties selectively pick or re-weight their training data samples such that the distance among domain distributions can be minimized, thereby minimizing the objective loss function.

•  Feature-based FTL. Participating parties collaboratively learn a common feature representation space, in which the distribution and semantic difference among feature representations transformed from raw data can be relieved and such that knowledge can be transferable across different domains to build more robust and accurate shared ML models.

Figure 1.5 illustrates an FTL scenario where a predictive model learned from feature representations of aligned samples belonging to party A and party B is utilized to predict labels for unlabeled samples of party A. We will elaborate on how this FTL is performed in Chapter 6.

•  Model-based FTL. Participating parties collaboratively learn shared models that can benefit for transfer learning. Alternatively, participating parties can utilize pre-trained models as the whole or part of the initial models for a federated learning task.

We will further explain in detail the HFL and VFL in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, respectively. In Chapter 6, we will elaborate on a feature-based FTL framework proposed by Liu et al. [2019].


The idea of federated learning has appeared in different forms throughout the history of computer science, such as privacy-preserving ML [Fang and Yang, 2008, Mohassel and Zhang, 2017, Vaidya and Clifton, 2004, Xu et al., 2015], privacy-preserving DL [Liu et al., 2016, Phong, 2017, Phong et al., 2018], collaborative ML [Melis et al., 2018], collaborative DL [Zhang et al., 2018, Hitaj et al., 2017], distributed ML [Li et al., 2014, Wang, 2016], distributed DL [Vepakomma et al., 2018, Dean et al., 2012, Ben-Nun and Hoefler, 2018], and federated optimization [Li et al., 2019, Xie et al., 2019], as well as privacy-preserving data analytics [Mangasarian et al., 2008, Mendes and Vilela, 2017, Wild and Mangasarian, 2007, Bogdanov et al., 2014]. Chapters 2 and 3 will present some examples.


Federated learning was studied by Google in a research paper published in 2016 on arXiv.1 Since then, it has been an area of active research in the AI community as evidenced by the fast-growing volume of preprints appearing on arXiv. Yang et al. [2019] provide a comprehensive survey of recent advances of federated learning.

Recent research work on federated learning are mainly focused on improving security and statistical challenges [Yang et al., 2019, Mancuso et al., 2019]. Cheng et al. [2019] proposed SecureBoost in the setting of vertical federated learning, which is a novel lossless privacy-preserving tree-boosting system. SecureBoost provides the same level of accuracy as the non-privacy-preserving approach. It is theoretically proven that the SecureBoost framework is as accurate as other non-federated gradient tree-boosting algorithms that rely on centralized datasets [Cheng et al., 2019].

Liu et al. [2019] presents a flexible federated transfer learning framework that can be effectively adapted to various secure multi-party ML tasks. In this framework, the federation allows knowledge to be shared without compromising user privacy, and enables complimentary knowledge to be transferred in the network via transfer learning. As a result, a target-domain party can build more flexible and powerful models by leveraging rich labels from a source-domain party.

In a federated learning system, we can assume that participating parties are honest, semi-honest, or malicious. When a party is malicious, it is possible for a model to taint its data in training. The possibility of model poisoning attacks on federated learning initiated by a single non-colluding malicious agent is discussed in Bhagoji et al. [2019]. A number of strategies to carry out model poisoning attack were investigated. It was shown that even a highly constrained adversary can carry out model poisoning attacks while simultaneously maintaining stealth. The work of Bhagoji et al. [2019] reveals the vulnerability of the federated learning settings and advocates the need to develop effective defense strategies.

Re-examining the existing ML models under the federated learning settings has become a new research direction. For example, combining federated learning with reinforcement learning has been studied in Zhuo et al. [2019], where Gaussian differentials on the information shared among agents when updating their local models were applied to protect the privacy of data and models. It has been shown that the proposed federated reinforcement learning model performs close to the baselines that directly take all joint information as input [Zhuo et al., 2019].

Another study in Smith et al. [2017] showed that multi-task learning is naturally suited to handle the statistical challenges of federated learning, where separate but related models are learned simultaneously at each node. The practical issues, such as communication cost, stragglers, and fault tolerance in distributed multi-task learning and federated learning, were considered. A novel systems-aware optimization method was put forward, which achieves significant improved efficiency compared to the alternatives.

Federated learning has also been applied in the fields of computer vision (CV), e.g., medical image analysis [Sheller et al., 2018, Liu et al., 2018, Huang and Liu, 2019], natural language processing (NLP) (see, e.g., Chen et al. [2019]), and recommender systems (RS) (see, e.g., Ammad-ud-din et al. [2019]). This will be further reviewed in Chapter 8.

Regarding applications of federated learning, the researchers at Google have applied federated learning in mobile keyboard prediction [Bonawitz and Eichner et al., 2019, Yang et al., 2018, Hard et al., 2018], which has achieved significant improvement in prediction accuracy without exposing mobile user data. Researchers at Firefox have used federated learning for search word prediction [Hartmann, 2018]. There is also new research effort to make federated learning more personalizable [Smith et al., 2017, Chen et al., 2018].


Interest in federated learning is not only limited to theoretical work. Research on the development and deployment of federated learning algorithms and systems is also flourishing. There are several fast-growing open-source projects of federated learning.

•  Federated AI Technology Enabler (FATE) [WeBank FATE, 2019] is an open-source project initiated by the AI department of WeBank2 to provide a secure computing framework to support the federated AI ecosystem [WeBank FedAI, 2019]. It implements secure computation protocols based on homomorphic encryption (HE) and secure multi-party computation (MPC). It supports a range of federated learning architectures and secure computation algorithms, including logistic regression, tree-based algorithms, DL (artificial neural networks), and transfer learning. For more information on FATE, readers can refer to the GitHub FATE website [WeBank FATE, 2019] and the FedAI website [WeBank FedAI, 2019].

•  TensorFlow3 Federated project [Han, 2019, TFF, 2019, Ingerman and Ostrowski, 2019, Tensorflow-federated, 2019] (TFF) is an open-source framework for experimenting with federated ML and other computations on decentralized datasets. TFF enables developers to simulate existing federated learning algorithms on their models and data, as well as to experiment with novel algorithms. The building blocks provided by TFF can also be used to implement non-learning computations, such as aggregated analytics over decentralized data. The interfaces of TFF are organized in two layers: (1) the federated learning (FL) application programming interface (API) and (2) federated Core (FC) API. TFF enables developers to declaratively express federated computations, so that they can be deployed in diverse runtime environments. Included in TFF is a single-machine simulation run-time for experimentation.

•  TensorFlow-Encrypted [TensorFlow-encrypted, 2019] is a Python library built on top of TensorFlow for researchers and practitioners to experiment with privacy-preserving ML. It provides an interface similar to that of TensorFlow, and aims to make the technology readily available without requiring user to be experts in ML, cryptography, distributed systems, and high-performance computing.

•  coMind [, 2018, coMindOrg, 2019] is an open-source project for training privacy-preserving federated DL models. The key component of coMind is the implementation of the federated averaging algorithm [McMahan et al., 2016a, Yu et al., 2018], which is training ML models in a collaborative way while preserving user privacy and data security. coMind is built on top of TensorFlow and provides high-level APIs for implementing federated learning.

•  Horovod [Sergeev and Balso, 2018, Horovod, 2019], developed by Uber, is an open-source distributed training framework for DL. It is based on the open message passing interface (MPI) and works on top of popular DL frameworks, such as TensorFlow and PyTorch.4 The goal of Horovod is to make distributed DL fast and easy to use. Horovod supports federated learning via open MPI and currently, encryption is not yet supported.

•  OpenMined/PySyft [Han, 2019, OpenMined, 2019, Ryffel et al., 2018, PySyft, 2019, Ryffel, 2019] provides two methods for privacy preservation: (1) federated learning and (2) differential privacy. OpenMined further supports two methods of secure computation through multi-party computation and homomorphic encryption. OpenMined has made available the PySyft library [PySyft, 2019], which is the first open-source federated learning framework for building secure and scalable ML models [Ryffel, 2019]. PySyft is simply a hooked extension of PyTorch. For users who are familiar with PyTorch, it is very easy to implement federated learning systems with PySyft. Federated learning extension based on the TensorFlow framework is currently being developed within OpenMined.

•  LEAF Beanchmark [LEAF, 2019, Caldas et al., 2019], maintained by Carnegie Mellon University and Google AI, is a modular benchmarking framework for ML in federated settings, with applications in federated learning, multi-task learning, meta-learning, and on-device learning. LEAF includes a suite of open-source federated datasets (e.g., FEMNIST, Sentiment140, and Shakespeare), a rigorous evaluation framework, and a set of reference implementations, aiming to capture the reality, obstacles, and intricacies of practical federated learning environments. LEAF enables researchers and practitioners in these domains to investigate new proposed solutions under more realistic assumptions and settings. LEAF will include additional tasks and datasets in its future releases.


As more developments are made in the legal front on the secure and responsible use of users’ data, technical standard needs to be developed to ensure that organizations use the same language and follow a standard guideline in developing future federated learning systems. Moreover, there is increasing need for the technical community to communicate with the regulatory and legal communities over the use of the technology. As a result, it is important to develop international standards that can be adopted by multiple disciplines.

For example, companies striving to satisfy the GDPR requirements need to know what technical developments are needed in order to satisfy the legal requirements. Standards can provide a bridge between regulators and technical developers.

One of the early standards is initiated by the AI Department at WeBank with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) P3652.1 Federated Machine Learning Working Group (known as Federated Machine Learning (C/LT/FML)) was established in December 2018 [IEEE P3652.1, 2019]. The objective of this working group is to provide guidelines for building the architectural framework and applications of federated ML. The working group will define the architectural framework and application guidelines for federated ML, including:

1.  The description and definition of federated learning;

2.  The types of federated learning and the application scenarios to which each type applies;

3.  Performance evaluation of federated learning; and

4.  The associated regulatory requirements.

The purpose of this standard is to provide a feasible solution for the industrial application of AI without exchanging data directly. This standard is expected to promote and facilitate collaborations in an environment where privacy and data protection issues have become increasingly important. It will promote and enable to the use of distributed data sources for the purpose of developing AI without violating regulations or ethical concerns.


The Federated AI (FedAI) ecosystem project was initiated by the AI Department of WeBank [WeBank FedAI, 2019]. The primary goal of the project is to develop and promote advanced AI technologies that preserve user privacy, data security, and data confidentiality. The federated AI ecosystem features four main themes.

•  Open-source technologies: FedAI aims to accelerate open-source development of federated ML and its applications. The FATE project [WeBank FATE, 2019] is a flagship project under FedAI.

•  Standards and guidelines: FedAI, together with partners, are drawing up standardization to formulate the architectural framework and application guidelines of federated learning, and facilitate industry collaboration. One representative work is the IEEE P3652.1 federated ML working group [IEEE P3652.1, 2019].

•  Multi-party consensus mechanisms: FedAI is studying incentive and reward mechanisms to encourage more institutions to participate in federated learning research and development in a sustainable way. For example, FedAI is undertaking work to establish a multiparty consensus mechanism based on technologies like blockchain.

•  Applications in various verticals: To open up the potential of federated learning, FedAI endeavors to showcase more vertical field applications and scenarios, and to build new business models.


The organization of this book is as follows. Chapter 2 provides background information on privacy-preserving ML, covering well-known techniques for data security. Chapter 3 describes distributed ML, highlighting the difference between federated learning and distributed ML. Horizontal federated learning, vertical federated learning, and federated transfer learning are elaborated in detail in Chapter 4, Chapter 5, and Chapter 6, respectively. Incentive mechanism design for motivating the participation in federated learning is discussed in Chapter 7. Recent work on extending federated learning to the fields of computer vision, natural language processing, and recommender systems are reviewed in Chapter 8. Chapter 9 presents federated reinforcement learning. The prospect of applying federated learning into various industrial sectors is summarized in Chapter 10. Finally, we provide a summary of this book and looking ahead in Chapter 11. Appendix A provides an overview of recent data protection laws and regulations in the European Union, the United States, and China.

1arXiv is a repository of electronic preprints (e-prints) hosted by Cornell University. For more information, visit arXiv website

2WeBank, opened in December 2014 upon receiving its banking license in China. It is the first digital-only bank in China. WeBank is devoted to offering individuals and SMEs under-served by the current banking system with a variety of convenient and high-quality financial services. For more information on WeBank, please visit

3TensorFlow is an open-source DL framework, developed and maintained by Google Inc. TensorFlow is widely used in research and implementation of DL. For more information on TensorFlow, readers can refer to its project website and its GitHub website

4PyTorch is a popular DL framework and is widely used in research and implementation. For more information, visit the official PyTorch website and the GitHub PyTorch website

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