The graph of a Restricted Boltzmann Machine

So far, we have seen the visible and hidden layers of RBMs, but we have not yet seen how they learn features. Each of the visible layer's nodes take in a single feature from the dataset to be learned from. This data is then passed from the visible layer to the hidden layer through weights and biases:

This visualization of an RBM shows the movement of a single data point through the graph through a single hidden node

The preceding visualization of an RBM shows the movement of a single data point through the graph and through a single hidden node. The visible layer has four nodes, representing the four columns of the original data. Each arrow represents a single feature of the data point moving through the four visible nodes in the first layer of the RBM. Each of the feature values is multiplied by a weight associated to that feature and are added up together. This calculation can also be summed up by a dot product between an input vector of data and a weight vector. The resulting weighted sum of the data is added to a bias variable and sent through an activation function (sigmoidal is popular). The result is stored in a variable called a.

As an example in Python, this code shows how a single data point (inputs) is multiplied by our weights vector and combined with the bias variable to create the activated variable, a:

import numpy as np
import math

# sigmoidal function
def activation(x):
return 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x))

inputs = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
weights = np.array([0.2, 0.324, 0.1, .001])
bias = 1.5

a = activation(, weights) + bias)

print a

In a real RBM, each of the visible nodes is connected to each of the hidden nodes, and it looks something like this:

Because inputs from each visible node are passed to every single hidden node, an RBM can be defined as a symmetrical bipartite graph. The symmetrical part comes from the fact that the visible nodes are all connected with each hidden node. Bipartite means it has two parts (layers).

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