
ExO Workshop

The ExO Workshop is a one-day event designed to help participants understand the ExO framework and gain experience using it. It can be run for one organization or as an event featuring participants from different firms. Companies then have the option of running the complete ExO Sprint to achieve real transformation.

What you will achieve with an ExO Workshop

  • Inspire participants with the power of exponential technologies and organizational transformation.
  • Awareness within the organization about the need for transformation.
  • Learn about the ExO model and its attributes.
  • Understand how the ExO Sprint process can transform an organization.
  • Recognize the difference between innovation and disruption and how to achieve both.

What you won't achieve with an ExO Workshop

  • Behavioral changes. The ExO Sprint takes place over a 10-week period and results in a new mindset. You won't see the same shifts in behavior with an ExO Workshop, but it will excite participants and provide and understanding of why the ExO approach works.
  • ExO initiatives ready to be implemented. While an ExO Workshop often results in great ideas, it won't prepare the organization to implement them. (Even if the organization were to try, it would fail, creating frustration and discontent.) In fact, ideas are not even the most important ingredient of the transformation process. More important, at least initially, is understanding how to block the corporate immune system response—which kicks into gear at the first sign of change—and preparing the organization for the internal process of transformation should the company leadership decide to take the next step and conduct an ExO Sprint.

Who should attend

  • Leadership Team: Since the primary goal of the ExO Workshop is to create awareness within an organization about the need for transformation and how the ExO framework can help, it's imperative for the leadership team to be in the room. The CEO and other executive team members (including the CIO, CTO, and even CFO) serve as the first line of defense against the corporate immune system.
  • Middle Management: You may also want to invite middle management employees to learn about the ExO framework (especially if the ExO Workshop is run for only a single company). Their presence, however, is not mandatory as it is for an ExO Sprint (since middle managers are the ones who execute the ExO initiatives that grow out of an ExO Sprint).


The one-day workshop—or even half-day workshop, although we generally recommend the longer version—explores the Exponential Organization model and provides participants with an opportunity to experiment with key concepts of the ExO framework.

Exponential Technologies Session

Similar to the Awake Session of the ExO Sprint, the first phase of the ExO Workshop introduces cutting-edge exponential technologies and their implications for every industry.

Case Study Example

To provide participants with context, we examine a case study for all exercises, exploring the company's business model and other relevant information.

Exponential Technologies Exercise

Participants brainstorm about which technologies might impact the case study's industry. Each team comes up with at least three technologies that could threaten the industry in question, taking into consideration the different risks and opportunities each poses to the particular case study.

Exponential Organizations Session

Introduction to the ExO framework, a model that will enable your organization to keep up with industry disruption and take advantage of the abundance generated by exponential technologies.

Exponential Organizations Exercise

Participants think about how to apply the ExO attributes to the case study in order to help the company connect with and manage abundance.

ExO Implementation Session

Outlines how to implement the ExO framework using the 10-week ExO Sprint and describes the difference between ExO Core Initiatives and ExO Edge Initiatives.

ExO Core/Edge Exercise

Participants consider different ExO Core Initiatives and ExO Edge Initiatives for the case study.

Debrief and Next Steps

Following a summary of the workshop, participants identify their main takeaways and determine next steps.


  • Choose participants for an ExO Workshop carefully. It's a good idea to have the CEO and as many leadership team members in the room as possible (from one company or all of them, depending on the workshop makeup), since they will be the ones to follow up with an ExO Sprint after the workshop, and thus enable transformation. Including middle management from throughout the organization is also advised.
  • Participants are grouped into teams. The number of teams affects the dynamics of the workshop, since all teams will present their results after each exercise. We recommend four to six teams, each comprised of four to eight people. (The total number of participants should range from 16 to 48 people.)
  • To create a welcoming and inspiring environment, look for a spacious venue featuring natural light and even live plants. You'll also need a stage for the presenters and one large round table per team.


  • Staff: The ExO Workshop is run by an ExO Trainer, who is knowledgeable about the ExO framework and has experience facilitating workshops. If you'd like additional support for your teams as they work through the exercises, another person to oversee the process is also an option.
  • Flow: The ExO Workshop features sessions dedicated to key concepts, followed by practical exercises that allow participants to put those concepts into action. Sessions include enough time for all teams to present their results, for the ExO Trainer to provide feedback, and for a Q&A period.


An ExO Workshop helps attendees understand how the ExO framework can help their organization successfully undergo a transformation process. Running an ExO Sprint is a natural next step that will help participants manage the corporate immune system and build internal capabilities to achieve successful transformation.

Good Practices

  • Choose a different company than your own as a case study for the ExO Workshop. Using your own organization as a case study encourages participants to believe that the ExO initiatives they come up with during the exercises are ready to be implemented. (They won't be.)
  • Look for a B2C business model when picking a case study. Consumer-oriented businesses are well known and thus easier to understand when it comes to applying the ExO framework. It's also a good idea to select a company that everyone can easily relate to, such as a retailer, airline, car company, or bank.
  • Encourage experimentation and learning. The ExO Workshop allows participants to experiment with the ExO framework, which offers a learn-by-doing approach. As such, participants should understand that the goal with the workshop exercises is not to produce a polished outcome; instead, it is to practice key elements of the ExO framework.

Tips for ExO Sprint Roles

Experience is always the best teacher, which is why we've interviewed hundreds of people who have gone through the ExO Sprint experience to gather the following advice. As you know by now, the ExO Sprint is a powerful methodology that transforms organizations. Here are some tips that will help take your company's transformation to the next level!


ExO Sprint Sponsor

  • The ExO Sprint Sponsor should hold the highest-level position possible: CEO, general manager, or, at minimum, VP of the business line where the ExO Sprint will be conducted.
  • The ExO Sprint Sponsor should be excited about the ExO Sprint and convinced of its value. He or she should also be prepared to allocate sufficient time to follow its progress, including spending quality time listening to and supporting each group.
  • Set goals and expectations with the ExO Head Coach and communicate those goals and expectations to the ExO Sprint participants.
  • Bear in mind that the ExO Sprint may frustrate and overwhelm ExO Sprint participants, especially during its first half. This is normal; they will be working in a different way and will need time to adapt.
  • Take the time to find the right ExO Sprint participants and ensure they are able to allocate sufficient time to the initiative.
  • Create one team made up of younger people who have limited experience of the company and the industry. They will bring a fresh perspective to the ExO initiatives ideation and development process.
  • Participate directly in the ExO Sprint as an ExO Sprint participant. CEOs who have done this describe an amazing learning and team-building experience. Participation will also enable you to maximize the outcome of the ExO Sprint.
  • Communicate to ExO Sprint participants that there are no losers or winners, and that it is most important to follow the process and do their best. This understanding will help them avoid frustration if, for example, their initiatives are eliminated following the ExO Disruption Session.
  • Pick the right team to conduct the ExO Sprint. Choose exceptional ExO Speakers and ExO Trainers who are capable of blowing ExO Sprint participants' minds with the possibilities inherent in an ExO Sprint. Select ExO Coaches who are specifically trained in the ExO Sprint methodology.
  • Ensure in advance that the budget allocated at the Launch Session of the ExO Sprint is enough to support the selected ExO initiatives. Manage the initiatives directly for a few months after the ExO Sprint is over to maintain momentum and gain the maximum benefit.

ExO Sprint Participant

  • Be conscious that a lot of things are happening outside your company, many of them related to your business. Explore these developments and take advantage of them!
  • Keep an open mind from the outset. It doesn't matter if the first ideas or experiments turn out to be completely crazy; by the end of the process, you'll have something great.
  • Do not get attached to any one idea and be open to changing it. Remember that the best ideas come from iteration. No ego allowed!
  • Get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Trust the process. Part of that process is learning how to use new management and innovation methodologies, so being unclear on how to do things is normal (especially during the first half of the ExO Sprint). Learning is an important part of your ExO Sprint path.
  • Put the time in, as you will only get out of the ExO Sprint what you put into it. Assign at least two hours per day to meet with your team and work individually on the assignments. Set daily milestones and weekly priorities and tasks.
  • Take advantage of the opportunity to work with people from other departments who bring different experiences. Building these connections and learning from them will only be a positive in your personal and professional development.
  • Seek out those who can help with even small contributions (mockups, prototypes, surveys, etc.). Such assistance can make a difference in the success of your projects.
  • Brainstorm with ExO practitioners and exponential technologies specialists about your ExO initiatives and carefully consider their input.
  • The ExO Sprint is the perfect space to think big and have an impact within your organization and beyond. So be bold!
  • The ExO Sprint process will transform not only your organization, but also you as a participant. Get ready to think exponentially in every aspect of your life. Enjoy!

ExO Head Coach

  • Understand the project goals and expectations of the ExO Sprint Sponsor and aim to exceed them.
  • Work with the ExO Sprint Sponsor(s) in advance of the ExO Sprint on optimal team member selection and team makeup.
  • Have a weekly meeting with the ExO Sprint Sponsor(s) to make sure they are happy with the progress of the ExO Sprint and address any issues that may affect its success.
  • Connect weekly with all ExO Coaches to catch up on the ExO Sprint progress, debrief about the previous week, and align everyone for the coming week.
  • Attend all weekly team meetings to review end-of-the-week assignments.
  • Give the ExO Coaches their space. Avoid acting as a coach when it comes to guiding the teams; instead, support the coaches as they need it.
  • Make sure ExO Sprint participants are engaged and excited about the ExO Sprint and that they have the necessary support from their ExO Sprint Sponsor(s).
  • Support ExO Sprint participants and ExO Coaches emotionally and help them release tension by encouraging an atmosphere of fun and enjoyment around the learning process.
  • Identify any immune system issues as quickly as possible and work with the ExO Sprint Sponsor(s) to counteract them.
  • Ensure software tools that support the ExO Sprint are in place.

ExO Coach

  • Check in to make sure your team isn't developing ExO initiatives that are clearly not in the interest of the company. Direct them as needed, following the scope communicated by the ExO Head Coach.
  • Avoid guiding your team from a content point of view (e.g., by suggesting or evaluating ideas). Instead, guide it from a process point of view, driving members to complete assignments and run proper experiments to evaluate ideas.
  • Connect the dots. Every week builds on the previous one. Make sure your team is building on what came before and incorporating already created materials.
  • Keep your team in an exponential-thinking mindset.
  • Push your team to experiment by having them operate in “search mode”; discourage them from operating in “execution mode.”
  • Check in weekly to see what they have learned, both from an ExO initiatives point of view and a personal point of view.
  • Never deliver anything on behalf of your team. Your job is to guide them, not do the tasks for them.
  • Ask your team for feedback so you can improve the way you coach and guide them.
  • Always be available! Never disappear on your team. More than the actual amount of time you spend with them, it's about being available whenever they need you.
  • Manage the human side. Remember, you are dealing with people and emotions, so keep on top of all internal dynamics in order to help your team solve any conflicts that may arise.

ExO Disruptor

  • Learn about the company and its goals for the ExO Sprint prior to the Disruption Session, which will better enable you to provide context-based feedback.
  • Educate yourself about other startups and disruptions in the industry before attending the Disruption Session. Such research will increase your ability to offer helpful insight.
  • Write down all feedback for each ExO initiative presented by each team and share the key points verbally following the presentations. You can also send a more complete assessment after the Disruption Session and/or Launch Session.
  • Start with positive feedback about the good things the teams have done to shape their initiatives. Follow up with honest and straightforward feedback on what they can do to improve.
  • Provide process-oriented feedback and guidance, following the ExO framework—e.g., help them identify which initiatives are ExO Core Initiatives and which are ExO Edge Initiatives, as well as the implications of those designations.
  • Provide content-oriented feedback and input based on your knowledge and experience as a specialist in a specific field. And remember, if you provide content-oriented input, you must make it clear that it's just a personal opinion, another hypothesis to be tested.
  • Encourage teams to think using an exponential mindset.
  • For ExO Edge Initiatives, evaluate whether they are “proper” ExO Edge Initiatives and whether they qualify as disruptive and scalable.
  • For ExO Core Initiatives, evaluate whether they are “proper” ExO Core Initiatives and whether they improve the current business model (without changing it) and adapt the organization to external industry disruption.
  • Advise teams on next steps (e.g., run a specific experiment, build a prototype) and what you expect from their projects by the end of the ExO Sprint process.

Recommended Reading

Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think, by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler

Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant, by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne

Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World, by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler

Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers, by Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur

Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers, by Geoffrey A. Moore

Exponential Organizations: Why New Organizations Are Ten Times Better, Faster, and Cheaper Than Yours (And What to Do About It), by Salim Ismail, Michael Malone and Yuri van Geest

Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Products That Win, by Steve Blank

MVP: 21 Tips for Getting a Minimum Viable Product, Early Learning and Return on Investment With Scrum, by Paul Vii

Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience, by Carmine Gallo

Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery, by Garr Reynolds

Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness, by Frederic Laloux

Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days, by Jake Knapp

Talk Like Ted: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World's Top Minds, by Carmine Gallo

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, by Klaus Schwab

The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses, by Eric Ries

The Mom Test: How to Talk to Customers and Learn If Your Business Is a Good Idea When Everyone Is Lying to You, by Rob Fitzpatrick

The Second Machine Age: Work Progress and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies, by Erik Brynjolfsso and Andrew Mcafee

The Service Startup: Design Thinking Gets Lean, by Tenny Pinheiro

The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-by-Step Guide for Building a Great Company, by Steve Blank and Bob Dorf

Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want, by Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Trish Papadakos, Alan Smith, and Gregory Bernarda

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