Accident analysis 63–64

ACT* 48–50

Action monitoring 66–67

Adaptation 229, 232–240

Adaptivity 232

Attention 82–83, 88

Automation 184, 190

Cognitive architecture 43–52

Cognitive Environment Simulation (CES) 76–83

Cognitive tools 120, 130–134

Communication 169, 171–172, 174–180, 216

Competence 13–14, 125–127, 130, 134

Complexity 126–129, 134, 135, 137

Context 127, 130, 137

Control 229–230, 233


between humans 129–130, 136, 167–181

between humans and machines 7–9, 183–185, 187, 191, 213–227, 229–240

degree 217

horizontal 221–225

vertical 220

Coupling 229–240

Decision-making 19–38, 127–129, 133–135, 136

distributed 214–215

Design 229–240

of interfaces 60, 183–184, 191, 230, 232, 236

of procedures 61

Diagnosis 19–38, 82, 147, 149, 152–155, 157, 160


causal 21

& decision-making 24–26

error 99–105

functional status 21–23

medical 93–105

psychological models 23–26, 31–38

strategies 31–33

as structure induction 23–24

time aspects 29–31

Distributed artificial intelligence 9, 215–220

Distributed cognitive systems 79

Disturbance or fault 76–77, 81, 88, 142–161, 184, 187–188, 191–192

Dynamic system, situation, or environment 4–5, 19–38, 75–90, 108, 125–126, 128, 131, 133, 134, 137, 255–277

Empirical protocols 13, 85


detection 204–205

diagnosis 99–105

erroneous action 9–10

human error 9–10, 195–211

identification 205–206

recovery 206

Expert systems 65–66

Function or task allocation 184–185, 189, 192

Functional systems 44

Functionality 125–137

Gulf of execution and gulf of evaluation 6–7, 8

Information processing psychology 43–52

Intelligent decision support system 66

Intention or intentionality 5–7, 169, 174, 176–178, 255–277

Joint cognitive system 1, 9, 11, 55, 75–90


level 78, 86

mutual 167–169

operational 126, 130–134, 136

representation 26–29, 109, 111, 112, 114–115, 117–121

Man-machine system 2, 55

Management 229, 236–237

Mediatization 128–129

Metaknowledge 130–131, 133, 135

Micro- & macro-cognition 57–59

Model (of the system)

conceptual 107–122

mental 107–122

operational 116

prescriptive 111, 115–116

Modeling 11–13, 43–52, 56

Minimal Modelling Manifesto 12

Multi-Flow Modelling 9, 261–272

Monitoring 191

Operator support 230, 232, 236

Organizational setting 126–128, 130

Orientation 141–161

Physical symbol systems 45

Plan recognition 235–236

Planning 24, 26, 31, 255–277

Prognosis 20, 155–157

Prototyping 62


bounded or limited 80


empirical 115

external 118, 120–121

functional 115

internal 109, 111, 117–120

chematic 112

structural 114

teleological 115

Resources 34–38, 126, 128, 136, 168–170, 172–174, 178

Risk & reliability analysis 62–63, 240

Self confidence 191–192

Simulation 11–13, 43–52, 55–69, 75–90, 125–126, 133, 135–137, 168, 173–174, 179

degree of specificity 68

level of granularity 68

normative vs. descriptive 67

static vs. dynamic 67

Situation recognition 248–250

SOAR 46–48, 86

Speech act theory 173, 176–177

Strategy 31–33, 125, 131, 133–134

System certification 243–252

Task description 272–276

Thinking (analytical, empirical, intuitive, theoretical) 158–161

Time management 29–31, 82, 88, 127–128, 135, 137

Training 64, 103, 117–122, 125–137

Trust 183–192

Underspecification theory 50–51

Understanding (the system) 2–4

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