Chapter 18

UserForm Techniques and Tricks

In This Chapter

arrow Creating a dialog box: A hands-on example

arrow Working with ListBox controls

arrow Letting the user select a range from a UserForm

arrow Showing a progress indicator for lengthy operations

arrow Creating a stay-on-top dialog box

arrow Displaying a chart in a UserForm

arrow Presenting a handy checklist for creating dialog boxes

The previous chapters show you how to insert a UserForm (which contains a custom dialog box), add controls to the UserForm, and adjust some of the control’s properties. These skills, however, won’t do you much good unless you understand how to make use of UserForms in your VBA code. This chapter provides these missing details and presents some useful techniques and tricks in the process.

Using Dialog Boxes

When you use a custom dialog box in your application, you normally write VBA code that does the following:

  • Initializes the UserForm controls. For example, you may write code that sets the default values for the controls.
  • Displays the dialog box by using the UserForm object’s Show method.
  • Responds to the events that occur for the various controls — such as clicking a CommandButton.
  • Validates the information provided by the user (if the user did not cancel the dialog box). This step is not always necessary.
  • Takes some action with the information provided by the user (if the information is valid).

A UserForm Example

This example demonstrates the five points I describe in the preceding section. In this example, you use a dialog box to get two pieces of information: a person’s name and sex. The dialog box uses a TextBox control to get the name, and it uses three OptionButtons to get the sex (Male, Female, or Unknown). The information collected in the dialog box is then sent to the next blank row in a worksheet.

Creating the dialog box

Figure 18-1 shows the finished UserForm for this example. For best results, start with a new workbook with only one worksheet in it. Then follow these steps:

  1. Press Alt+F11 to activate the VBE.
  2. In the Project window, select the empty workbook and choose Insert ⇒ UserForm.

    An empty UserForm is added to the project.

  3. Change the UserForm’s Caption property to Get Name and Sex.

    If the Properties window isn’t visible, press F4.


Figure 18-1: This dialog box asks the user to enter a Name and choose a Sex.

This dialog box has eight controls:

  • A Label. I modified the following properties for this control:









  • A TextBox. I modified the following properties for this control:







  • A Frame object. I modified the following properties for this control:







  • An OptionButton. I modified the following properties for this control:











  • Another OptionButton. I modified the following properties for this control:











  • Another OptionButton. I modified the following properties for this control:













  • A CommandButton. I modified the following properties for this control:











  • Another CommandButton. I modified the following properties for this control:











If you’re following along on your computer (and you should be), take a few minutes to create this UserForm by using the preceding information. Make sure to create the Frame object before adding the OptionButtons to it.

In some cases, you may find copying an existing control easier than creating a new one. To copy a control, press Ctrl while you drag the control.

tip If you prefer to cut to the chase, you can download the example from this book’s website.

Writing code to display the dialog box

After you've added the controls to the UserForm, your next step is to develop some VBA code to display this dialog box:

  1. In the VBE window, choose Insert ⇒ Module to insert a VBA module.
  2. Enter the following macro:

    Sub GetData()
    End Sub

    This short procedure uses the UserForm object’s Show method to display the dialog box.

Making the macro available

The next set of steps gives the user an easy way to execute the procedure:

  1. Activate Excel.
  2. Choose Developer ⇒ Controls ⇒ Insert, and click the Button icon in the Form Controls section.
  3. Drag in the worksheet to create the button.

    The Assign Macro dialog box appears.

  4. Assign the GetData macro to the button.
  5. Edit the button’s caption so that it reads Data Entry.

tip If you want to get really fancy, you can add an icon to your Quick Access toolbar. Then clicking the icon runs the GetData macro. To set this up, right-click your Quick Access toolbar and choose Customize Quick Access Toolbar, which displays the Quick Access Toolbar tab of the Excel Options dialog box. From the Choose Commands From drop-down menu, select Macros. Then select the GetData macro and click Add. If you like, you can click the Modify button and change the icon. You can also make the Quick Access Toolbar icon visible only when the appropriate workbook is activated. Before you add the macro, use the drop-down control at the top-right of the Excel Options dialog box to specify the workbook name, rather than For All Documents (Default).

Trying out your dialog box

Follow these steps to test your dialog box:

  1. Click the Data Entry button on the worksheet, or click the Quick Access toolbar icon if you set one up.

    The dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 18-2.

  2. Enter some text in the edit box.
  3. Click Enter or Close.

    Nothing happens — which is understandable because you haven’t created any procedures yet.

  4. Click the X button on the dialog box’s title bar to dismiss the dialog box.

Figure 18-2: Executing the GetData procedure displays the dialog box.

Adding event-handler procedures

In this section, I explain how to write the procedures that handle the events that occur when the dialog box is displayed. Follow these steps:

  1. Press Alt+F11 to activate the VBE and then make sure that the UserForm is displayed.
  2. Double-click the Close button on the UserForm.

    The VBE activates the Code window for the UserForm and provides an empty procedure named CloseButton_Click.

  3. Modify the procedure as follows:

    Private Sub CloseButton_Click()
    Unload UserForm1
    End Sub

    This procedure, which is executed when the user clicks the Close button, simply unloads the dialog box from memory.

  4. Press Shift+F7 to redisplay UserForm1.
  5. Double-click the Enter button, and enter the following procedure:

    Private Sub EnterButton_Click()
    Dim NextRow As Long

    ' Make sure Sheet1 is active

    ' Determine the next empty row
    NextRow = Application.WorksheetFunction. _
    CountA(Range("A:A")) + 1

    ' Transfer the name
    Cells(NextRow, 1) = TextName.Text

    ' Transfer the sex
    If OptionMale Then Cells(NextRow, 2) = "Male"
    If OptionFemale Then Cells(NextRow, 2) = "Female"
    If OptionUnknown Then Cells(NextRow, 2) = "Unknown"

    ' Clear the controls for the next entry
    TextName.Text = ""
    OptionUnknown = True
    End Sub

  6. Now activate Excel and run the procedure again by clicking the Data Entry button.

    The dialog box works just fine. Figure 18-3 shows how this looks in action. I added column headers in row 1, but that step is not necessary.


Figure 18-3: Use the custom dialog box for data entry.

Here’s how the EnterButton_Click procedure works:

  • First, the code makes sure that the proper worksheet (Sheet1) is active.
  • It then uses the Excel COUNTA function to count the number of entries in column A and to determine the next blank cell in the column.
  • Next, the procedure transfers the text from the TextBox to column A.
  • It then uses a series of If statements to determine which OptionButton was selected and writes the appropriate text (Male, Female, or Unknown) to column B.
  • Finally, the dialog box is reset to make it ready for the next entry. Notice that clicking the Enter button doesn’t close the dialog box, because the user will probably want to enter more data. To end data entry, click the Close button.

Validating the data

Play around with this routine some more, and you find that the macro has a small problem: It doesn’t ensure that the user actually enters a name in the TextBox. The following code — which is inserted into the EnterButton_Click procedure before the text is transferred to the worksheet — ensures that the user enters some text in the TextBox. If the TextBox is empty, a message appears, and the routine stops. The dialog box remains open, however, so the user can correct the problem.

' Make sure a name is entered
If TextName.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a name."
Exit Sub
End If

Now the dialog box works

After making these modifications, you find that the dialog box works flawlessly. In real life, you’d probably need to collect more information than just name and sex. However, the same basic principles apply. You just have to deal with more UserForm controls.

One more thing to remember: If the data doesn't begin in row 1 or if the data area contains any blank rows, the counting for the NextRow variable will be wrong. The COUNTA function is counting the number of cells in column A, and the assumption is that there are no blank cells above the last name in the column. Here's another way of determining the next empty row:

NextRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1

The statement simulates activating the last cell in column A, pressing End, pressing the up-arrow key, and then moving down one row. If you do that manually, the cell pointer will be in the next empty cell in column A — even if the data area doesn't begin in row 1 and contains blank rows.

More UserForm Examples

I could probably fill an entire book with interesting and useful tips for working with custom dialog boxes, but this book has a limited number of pages, so I wrap it up with a few more examples.

A ListBox example

ListBoxes are useful controls, but working with them can be a bit tricky. Before displaying a dialog box that uses a ListBox, you need to fill the ListBox with items. Then, when the dialog box is closed, you need to determine which item(s) the user selected.

remember When dealing with ListBoxes, you need to know about the following properties and methods:

  • AddItem: You use this method to add an item to a ListBox.
  • ListCount: This property returns the number of items in the ListBox.
  • ListIndex: This property returns the index number of the selected item or sets the item that’s selected (single selections only). The first item has a ListIndex of 0 (not 1).
  • MultiSelect: This property determines whether the user can select more than one item from the ListBox.
  • RemoveAllItems: Use this method to remove all items from a ListBox.
  • Selected: This property returns an array indicating selected items (applicable only when multiple selections are allowed).
  • Value: This property returns the selected item in a ListBox.

tip Most of the methods and properties that work with ListBoxes also work with ComboBoxes. So after you've figured out how to handle ListBoxes, you can transfer that knowledge to your work with ComboBoxes.

Filling a ListBox

To keep things simple, start with an empty workbook. The example in this section assumes the following:

  • You’ve added a UserForm.
  • The UserForm contains a ListBox control named ListBox1.
  • The UserForm has a CommandButton named OKButton.
  • The UserForm has a CommandButton named CancelButton, which has the following event-handler procedure:

    Private Sub CancelButton_Click()
    Unload UserForm1
    End Sub

The following procedure is stored in the Initialize procedure for the UserForm. Follow these steps:

  1. Select your UserForm, and press F7 to activate its Code window.

    The VBE displays the Code window for your form and is ready for you to input the code for the Initialize event.

  2. From the Procedure drop-down list at the top of the Code window, choose Initialize.
  3. Add the initialization code for the form:

    Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    ' Fill the list box
    With ListBox1
    .AddItem "January"
    .AddItem "February"
    .AddItem "March"
    .AddItem "April"
    .AddItem "May"
    .AddItem "June"
    .AddItem "July"
    .AddItem "August"
    .AddItem "September"
    .AddItem "October"
    .AddItem "November"
    .AddItem "December"
    End With

    ' Select the first list item
    ListBox1.ListIndex = 0
    End Sub

    This initialization routine runs automatically whenever your UserForm is loaded. So when you use the Show method for the UserForm, the code is executed and your ListBox is populated with 12 items, each added via the AddItem method.

  4. Insert a VBA module, and type this short Sub procedure to display the dialog box:

    Sub ShowList()
    End Sub

Determining the selected item

The preceding code merely displays a dialog box with a ListBox filled with month names. What’s missing is a procedure to determine which item in the ListBox is selected.

Double-click the OKButton, and add the following OKButton_Click procedure:

Private Sub OKButton_Click()
Dim Msg As String
Msg = "You selected item # "
Msg = Msg & ListBox1.ListIndex
Msg = Msg & vbNewLine
Msg = Msg & ListBox1.Value
MsgBox Msg
Unload UserForm1
End Sub

This procedure displays a message box with the selected item number and the selected item.

If no item in the ListBox is selected, the ListIndex property returns –1. However, this will never be the case for this particular ListBox, because code in the UserForm_Initialize procedure selected the first item. It's impossible to unselect an item without selecting another item. So there will always be a selected item, if the user doesn't actually select a month.

Figure 18-4 shows how this looks.


Figure 18-4: Determining which item in a ListBox is selected.

technicalstuff The first item in a ListBox has a ListIndex of 0, not 1 (as you might expect). This is always the case, even if you use an Option Base 1 statement to change the default lower bound for arrays.

This example is available at this book’s website.

Determining multiple selections

If your ListBox is set up so that the user can select more than one item, you find that the ListIndex property returns only the last item selected. To determine all selected items, you need to use the Selected property, which contains an array.

remember To allow multiple selections in a ListBox, set the MultiSelect property to either 1 or 2. You can do so at design time by using the Properties window or at runtime by using a VBA statement such as this:

UserForm1.ListBox1.MultiSelect = 1

The MultiSelect property has three possible settings. The meaning of each is shown in Table 18-1.

Table 18-1 Settings for the MultiSelect Property


VBA Constant




Only a single item can be selected.



Clicking an item or pressing the space bar selects or deselects an item in the list.



Items are added to or removed from the selection set by holding down the Shift or Ctrl key as you click items.

The following procedure displays a message box that lists all selected items in a ListBox. Figure 18-5 shows an example.


Figure 18-5: Determining the selected items in a ListBox that allows multiple selections.

Private Sub OKButton_Click()
Dim Msg As String
Dim i As Long
Dim Counter As Long
Msg = "You selected:" & vbNewLine
For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ListBox1.Selected(i) Then
Counter = Counter + 1
Msg = Msg & ListBox1.List(i) & vbNewLine
End If
Next i
If Counter = 0 Then Msg = Msg & "(nothing)"
MsgBox Msg
Unload UserForm1
End Sub

This routine uses a For-Next loop to cycle through each item in the ListBox. Notice that the loop starts with item 0 (the first item) and ends with the last item (determined by the value of the ListCount property minus 1). If an item’s Selected property is True, it means that the list item was selected. The code also uses a variable (Counter) to keep track of how many items are selected. An If-Then statement modifies the message if nothing is selected.

tip This example is available at this book’s website.

Selecting a range

In some cases, you may want the user to select a range while a dialog box is displayed. An example of this type of range selection occurs in the Create Table dialog box, which is displayed when you choose Home ⇒ Insert ⇒ Tables ⇒ Table. The Create Table dialog box has a range selector control that contains Excel's guess regarding the range to be converted — but you can use this control to change the range by selecting cells in the worksheet.

To allow a range selection in your dialog box, add a RefEdit control. The following example displays a dialog box with the current region’s range address displayed in a RefEdit control, as shown in Figure 18-6. The current region is the block of nonempty cells that contains the active cell. The user can accept or change this range. When the user clicks OK, the procedure makes the range bold.


Figure 18-6: This dialog box lets the user select a range.

This example assumes the following:

  • You have a UserForm named UserForm1.
  • The UserForm contains a CommandButton control named OKButton.
  • The UserForm contains a CommandButton control named CancelButton.
  • The UserForm contains a RefEdit control named RefEdit1.

The code is stored in a VBA module and shown here. This code does two things: initializes the dialog box by assigning the current region’s address to the RefEdit control and displays the UserForm.

Sub BoldCells()
' Exit if worksheet is not active
If TypeName(ActiveSheet) <> "Worksheet" Then Exit Sub

' Select the current region

' Initialize RefEdit control
UserForm1.RefEdit1.Text = Selection.Address

' Show dialog
End Sub

The following procedure is executed when the OK button is clicked. This procedure does some simple error checking to make sure that the range specified in the RefEdit control is valid.

Private Sub OKButton_Click()
On Error GoTo BadRange
Range(RefEdit1.Text).Font.Bold = True
Unload UserForm1
Exit Sub
MsgBox "The specified range is not valid."
End Sub

If an error occurs (most likely an invalid range specification in the RefEdit control), the code jumps to the BadRange label, and a message box is displayed. The dialog box remains open so the user can select another range.

tip If getting a user selected range is the only function performed by your UserForm, you can simplify things by using the Application InputBox method (see Chapter 15).

Using multiple sets of OptionButtons

Figure 18-7 shows a custom dialog box with three sets of OptionButtons. If your UserForm contains more than one set of OptionButtons, make sure that each set of OptionButtons works as a group. You can do so in either of two ways:

  • Enclose each set of OptionButtons in a Frame control. This approach is easier and also makes the dialog box look more organized. It’s easier to add the Frame before adding the OptionButtons. You can, however, also drag existing OptionButtons into a Frame.
  • Make sure that each set of OptionButtons has a unique GroupName property (which you specify in the Properties box). If the OptionButtons are in a Frame, you don’t have to be concerned with the GroupName property.

Figure 18-7: This dialog box contains three sets of OptionButton controls.

remember Only one OptionButton in a group can have a value of True. To specify a default option for a set of OptionButtons, just set the Value property for the default item to True. You can do this directly in the Properties box or by using VBA code:

UserForm1.OptionButton1.Value = True

tip This example is available at this book’s website. It also has code that displays the selected options when the user clicks OK.

Using a SpinButton and a TextBox

A SpinButton control lets the user specify a number by clicking arrows. This control consists only of arrows (no text), so you usually want a method to display the selected number. One option is to use a Label control, but this has a disadvantage: The user can’t type text in a Label. A better choice is to use a TextBox.

A SpinButton control and TextBox control form a natural pair, and Excel uses them frequently. For example, check out Excel's Page Setup dialog box for a few examples. Ideally, the SpinButton and its TextBox are always in sync: If the user clicks the SpinButton, the SpinButton’s value should appear in the TextBox. And if the user enters a value directly into the TextBox, the SpinButton should take on that value. Figure 18-8 shows a custom dialog box with a SpinButton and a TextBox.


Figure 18-8: A UserForm with a SpinButton and a companion TextBox.

This UserForm contains the following controls:

  • A SpinButton named SpinButton1, with its Min property set to 1 and its Max property set to 100
  • A TextBox named TextBox1, positioned to the left of the SpinButton
  • A CommandButton named OKButton

The event-handler procedure for the SpinButton follows. This procedure handles the Change event, which is triggered whenever the SpinButton value is changed. When the SpinButton’s value changes (when it’s clicked), this procedure assigns the SpinButton’s value to the TextBox. To create this procedure, double-click the SpinButton to activate the Code window for the UserForm. Then enter this code:

Private Sub SpinButton1_Change()
TextBox1.Text = SpinButton1.Value
End Sub

The event-handler for the TextBox, which is listed next, is a bit more complicated. To create this procedure, double-click the TextBox to activate the Code window for the UserForm. This procedure is executed whenever the user changes the text in the TextBox.

Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
Dim NewVal As Long

NewVal = Val(TextBox1.Text)
If NewVal >= SpinButton1.Min And _
NewVal <= SpinButton1.Max Then _
SpinButton1.Value = NewVal
End Sub

This procedure uses a variable, which stores the text in the TextBox (converted to a value with the Val function). It then checks to ensure that the value is within the proper range. If so, the SpinButton is set to the value in the TextBox. The net effect is that the SpinButton’s value is always equal to the value in the TextBox (assuming that the SpinButton's value is in the proper range).

technicalstuff If you use F8 to single-step through the code in debugging mode, you will notice that when the line SpinButton1.Value = NewVal is executed, the change event of the SpinButton immediately fires. In turn, the SpinButton1_Change event sets the value of TextBox1. Luckily, this in turn does not fire the TextBox1_Change event, because its value is not actually changed by the SpinButton1_Change event. But you can imagine that this effect can cause surprising results in your UserForm. Confused? Just remember that if your code changes the Value of a control, the Change event of that control will fire.

tip This example is available at this book’s website. It also has a few other bells and whistles that you may find useful.

Using a UserForm as a progress indicator

If you have a macro that takes a long time to run, you might want to display a progress meter so people won't think Excel has crashed. You can use a UserForm to create an attractive progress indicator, as shown in Figure 18-9. Such a use of dialog boxes does, however, require a few tricks — which I’m about to show you.


Figure 18-9: This UserForm functions as a progress indicator for a lengthy macro.

Creating the progress-indicator dialog box

The first step is to create your UserForm. In this example, the dialog box displays the progress while a macro inserts random numbers into 100 columns and 1,000 rows of the active worksheet. To create the dialog box, follow these steps:

  1. Activate the VBE, and insert a new UserForm.
  2. Change the UserForm’s caption to Progress.
  3. Add a Frame object, and set the following properties:








    2 — fmSpecialEffectSunken





  4. Add a Label object inside the Frame, and set the following properties:






    &H0000C000& (green)


    (no caption)


    1 — fmSpecialEffectRaised









  5. Add another Label above the frame, and change its caption to Entering random numbers…

    The UserForm should resemble Figure 18-10.


Figure 18-10: The progress-indicator UserForm.

The procedures

This example uses two procedures and a module-level variable:

  • The module-level variable: Located in a VBA module, this variable holds the copy of the UserForm:

    Dim ProgressIndicator as UserForm1

  • EnterRandomNumbers: This procedure does all the work and is executed when the UserForm is shown. Notice that it calls the UpdateProgress procedure, which updates the progress indicator in the dialog box:

    Sub EnterRandomNumbers ()
    ' Inserts random numbers on the active worksheet
    Dim Counter As Long
    Dim RowMax As Long, ColMax As Long
    Dim r As Long, c As Long
    Dim PctDone As Single

    ' Create a copy of the form in a variable
    Set ProgressIndicator = New UserForm1

    ' Show ProgressIndicator in modeless state
    ProgressIndicator.Show vbModeless
    If TypeName(ActiveSheet) <> "Worksheet" Then
    Unload ProgressIndicator
    Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Enter the random numbers
    Counter = 1
    RowMax = 200
    ColMax = 50
    For r = 1 To RowMax
    For c = 1 To ColMax
    Cells(r, c) = Int(Rnd * 1000)
    Counter = Counter + 1
    Next c
    PctDone = Counter / (RowMax * ColMax)
    Call UpdateProgress(PctDone)
    Next r
    Unload ProgressIndicator
    Set ProgressIndicator = Nothing
    End Sub

  • UpdateProgress: This procedure accepts one argument and updates the progress indicator in the dialog box:

    Sub UpdateProgress(pct)
    With ProgressIndicator
    .FrameProgress.Caption = Format(pct, "0%")
    .LabelProgress.Width = pct * (.FrameProgress _
    .Width - 10)
    End With
    ' The DoEvents statement is responsible for the form updating
    End Sub

How this example works

When the EnterRandomNumbers procedure is executed, it loads a copy of UserForm1 into the module variable named ProgressIndicator. Then it sets the width of the LabelProgress label to 0 and displays the UserForm in modeless state (so the code will continue to run).

The EnterRandomNumber procedure checks the active sheet. If it’s not a worksheet, the UserForm (ProgressIndicator) is closed, and the procedure ends with no action. If the active sheet is a worksheet, the procedure does the following:

  1. Erases all cells on the active worksheet.
  2. Loops through the rows and columns (specified by the RowMax and ColMax variables) and inserts a random number.
  3. Increments the Counter variable and calculates the percentage completed (which is stored in the PctDone variable).
  4. Calls the UpdateProgress procedure, which displays the percentage completed by changing the width of the LabelProgress label and updating the caption of the frame control.
  5. Unloads the UserForm.

Using a progress indicator will, of course, make your macro run a bit slower because the code is doing additional work updating the UserForm. If speed is absolutely critical, think twice about using a progress indicator.

remember If you adapt this technique for your own use, you need to figure out how to determine the macro’s progress, which varies depending on your macro. Then call the UpdateProgress procedure at periodic intervals while your macro is executing.

tip This example is available at this book’s website.

Creating a modeless tabbed dialog box

Tabbed dialog boxes are useful because they let you present information in small, organized chunks. Excel's Format Cells dialog box (which is displayed when you right-click a cell and choose Format Cells) is a good example. The dialog box in this example uses three tabs to help organize some of Excel's display options.

Creating your own tabbed dialog boxes is relatively easy, thanks to the MultiPage control. Figure 18-11 shows a custom dialog box that uses a MultiPage control with three pages, or tabs. When the user clicks a tab, a new page is activated, and only the controls on that page are displayed.


Figure 18-11: The three tabs of a MultiPage control.

Notice that this is a modeless dialog box. In other words, the user can keep it displayed while working. Each of the controls has an immediate effect, so there is no need to have an OK button. Here's the procedure that displays the UserForm so it stays on top:

Sub ShowDialog()
UserForm1.Show vbModeless
End Sub

Modeless UserForms work a bit differently in Excel 2013 and Excel 2016, due to the single document interface (every workbook displays in its own separate window). With previous versions of Excel, a modeless UserForm stays on top regardless of which workbook is active. In Excel 2013 and later, a modeless UserForm only stays on top of the workbook window that was active when the UserForm was displayed.

remember Keep the following points in mind when using the MultiPage control to create a tabbed dialog box:

  • Use only one MultiPage control per dialog box.
  • Make sure to use the MultiPage control, not the TabStrip control. The TabStrip control is more difficult to use.
  • To make some controls (such as OK, Cancel, and Close buttons) visible at all times, place these controls outside the MultiPage control.
  • Right-click a tab on the MultiPage control to display a shortcut menu that lets you add, remove, rename, or move a tab.
  • At design time, click a tab to activate the page. After it is activated, add other controls to the page by using normal procedures.
  • To select the MultiPage control itself (rather than a page on the control), click the border of the MultiPage control. Keep your eye on the Properties window, which displays the name and type of the selected control. You can also select the MultiPage control by selecting its name from the drop-down list in the Properties window.
  • You can change the look of the MultiPage control by changing the Style and TabOrientation properties.
  • The Value property of a MultiPage control determines which page is displayed. For example, if you write code to set the Value property to 0, the first page of the MultiPage control is displayed.

tip This example is available at this book’s website.

Displaying a chart in a UserForm

If you need to display a chart in a UserForm, you find that Excel doesn’t provide any direct way to do so. Therefore, you need to get creative. This section describes a technique that lets you display one or more charts in a UserForm.

Figure 18-12 shows an example that displays three charts. The UserForm has an Image control. The trick is to use VBA code to save the chart as a GIF file and then specify that file as the Image control’s Picture property (which loads the image from your disk). The Previous and Next buttons switch the displayed chart.


Figure 18-12: Displaying a chart in a UserForm.

tip In this example, which is also available on this book’s website, the three charts are on a sheet named Charts. The Previous and Next buttons determine which chart to display, and this chart number is stored as a Public variable named ChartNum, which is accessible to all procedures. A procedure named UpdateChart, which is listed here, does the actual work.

Private Sub UpdateChart()
Dim CurrentChart As Chart
Dim Fname As String

Set CurrentChart = _
CurrentChart.Parent.Width = 300
CurrentChart.Parent.Height = 150

' Save chart as GIF
Fname = ThisWorkbook.Path & " emp.gif"
CurrentChart.Export FileName:=Fname, FilterName:="GIF"

' Show the chart
Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Fname)
End Sub

This procedure determines a name for the saved chart and then uses the Export method to export the GIF file. Finally, it uses the VBA LoadPicture function to specify the Picture property of the Image object.

A Dialog Box Checklist

I wrap up this chapter with a checklist for use when creating dialog boxes:

  • Are the controls aligned with one another?
  • Are similar controls the same size?
  • Are controls evenly spaced?
  • Does the dialog box have an appropriate caption?
  • Is the dialog box overwhelming? If so, you may want to use a series of dialog boxes or divide them over a MultiPage control.
  • Can the user access every control with an accelerator key?
  • Are any accelerator keys duplicated?
  • Are the controls grouped logically, by function?
  • Is the tab order set correctly? The user should be able to tab through the dialog box and access the controls sequentially.
  • If you plan to store the dialog box in an add-in, did you test it thoroughly after creating the add-in?
  • Will your VBA code take appropriate action if the user cancels the dialog box, presses Esc, or uses the Close button?
  • Does the text contain any misspellings? Unfortunately, the Excel spell checker doesn’t work with UserForms, so you’re on your own when it comes to spelling.
  • Will your dialog box fit on the screen in the lowest resolution to be used (usually, 1024×768 mode)? In other words, if you develop your dialog box by using a high-resolution video mode, your dialog box may be too big to fit on a lower-resolution screen.
  • Do all TextBox controls have the appropriate validation setting?
  • If you intend to use the WordWrap property, is the MultiLine property also set to True?
  • Do all ScrollBars and SpinButtons allow valid values only?
  • Do all ListBoxes have their MultiSelect property set properly?

The best way to master custom dialog boxes is to create dialog boxes — lots of them. Start simply and experiment with the controls and their properties. And don’t forget about the Help system; it’s your best source for details about every control and property.

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