About the Author

Mike Alexander is a Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD) with more than 15 years’ experience consulting and developing office solutions. He is the author of over a dozen books on business analysis using Microsoft Excel and Access. He has been named Microsoft Excel MVP for his contributions to the Excel community. Visit Mike at www.DataPigTechnologies.com, where he offers free Excel and Access training.


For my family.

Author’s Acknowledgments

My deepest thanks to everyone who helped bring this book to fruition. And a special thank you to Mary, who will open this book long enough to read the dedication and acknowledgments.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

Acquisitions Editor: Katie Mohr

Project Editor: Susan Pink

Copy Editor: Susan Pink

Technical Editors: Mike Talley

Editorial Assistant: Claire Brock

Sr. Editorial Assistant: Cherie Case

Project Editor: Suresh Srinivasan

Cover Image: ©Getty Images/Roz Woodward

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