
Thanks to all the Excel project managers who were happy to take the time to discuss the how or why behind a feature. At various times, Aviv Azrachi, Scott Ruble, Igor Peev, David Gainer, Chad Rothschiller, Sam Radakovitz, and Dan Battigan pitched in to help with a particular issue.

Other Excel MVPs often offered their take on a potential bug. I could send a group email over a weekend and someone like Kevin Jones, Zack Baresse, Ken Puls, Roger Govier, or Ingeborg Hawighorst would usually respond. I particularly loved launching a missive just after the Microsoft crew in Building 36 went home on Friday evening, knowing they would return on Monday morning with 40 or 50 responses to the conversation. Without any Excel project managers to temper the discussion, we would often have designed massive improvements that we would have liked to have implemented in Excel. Someone would show up on Monday and tell us why that could never be done.

Bob Umlas is the smartest Excel guy that I know, and I was thrilled to have him as the technical editor for this book. Also, thanks to Barbara Hacha for copy editing.

Robert F. Jelen, my 93-year-old father, recently moved near us. I enjoy our daily lunches. I apologize that I had to miss a few when deadlines for this book were looming.

Mary Ellen Jelen did a great job of keeping me on track with this book.

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