Chapter 1. Design SharePoint Infrastructure

The previous version of Microsoft SharePoint has often been discussed as if it were two distinct products: SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online. SharePoint 2013 provides traditional IT organizations with the option of either federating with SharePoint Online or adopting an exclusively on-premises stance, in which all servers and development efforts are kept within the boundaries of the server room. If the federated SharePoint Online option is enabled, additional “cloud first” functionality is available to the organization’s users.

As you prepare for the 70-339 exam, you’ll be challenged to instead consider SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint Online as a single product. Although your organization might initially choose to implement SharePoint by using only on-premises functionality or only in the cloud, it’s more likely that you will find yourself implementing fully hybrid environments of SharePoint before too long. Planning for the overall infrastructure in the near term will make the initial environment more scalable and robust.

Skill: Design information architecture

SharePoint implementations require both flexibility and scalability to be considered successful. A flexible SharePoint environment enables change to take place in the structure and layout of the implementation with minimal impact to the user base, and a scalable SharePoint environment accounts for the necessary growth required to meet changing business objectives.

This section reviews the taxonomical, navigational, and structural considerations that should be decided on prior to implementing your SharePoint environment.

Design information architecture

This section relates the concepts of information architecture to planned implementations of SharePoint, including how to capture metadata with a focus on optimizing reuse and searchability.

Design an intersite navigational taxonomy

The concepts of sites and site collections are core elements of basic SharePoint navigation. A site is the most granular element in this taxonomy and is formed from a combination of lists and libraries. When sites are functionally, navigationally, and administratively grouped together, this grouping is called a site collection (see Figure 1-1).


FIGURE 1-1 A site collection and its sites

The first site created within a site collection is known as a top-level site, and it often defines the navigational relationship with all its subsites and their subsites (children, grandchildren, and so on).

Creating sites within a single site allows for a fairly straightforward navigational structure that is easily configured. As you begin the process of adding subsites beneath the top-level site, the creation process offers the chance for you to add the newly created sites to the overall navigational structure and also to inherit the structure to the site you are creating. This so-called structural navigation allows the navigational component of SharePoint to be easily customized to a point as the organization changes and grows.

Scalability Issues

The issue with placing all content within a single site collection is not initially apparent to users, as they are busy adopting and configuring the new environment. This increase in activity can cause the site collection (and the content database in which it is stored) to grow quickly; this growth subsequently poses an issue, as it’s not possible to have a single site collection span multiple content databases. As subsites are added and duties are delegated, the site collection begins to become unwieldy, affecting components such as security groups and permissions inheritance.

Current and global navigation

Current and global navigation refer to the two major navigation page areas present in traditional web design (also known as the inverted L), as shown in Figure 1-2. Current navigation generally contains links to content within the current site, whereas global navigation is often used to link multiple sites together.


FIGURE 1-2 Global and current navigation

As this chapter focuses on intersite navigation taxonomy, this section concentrates on the global navigation section, although the current navigation section might be mentioned in a limited capacity.


When site collections are created in SharePoint, the template chosen for the top-level site influences which functionality will be present by default for sites in the site collection. Some site templates, including the Team Site, do not have current and global navigation enabled by default. Instead, these controls are replaced by more basic tools that provide limited link customization functionality, known respectively as Quick Launch and the Top Link Bar.

OrganizationAL chart navigation

One of the simplest site taxonomies to build echoes the layout of the organizational chart. Users visiting the site are immediately greeted by a navigational menu system with links to each major unit in the company (human resources, information technology, accounting, and so on).

As with any configuration, there are benefits and drawbacks. In this case, configuration requires little effort to set up on the front end and might be sufficient for a smaller organization, but is it suitable for a growing company? Basing navigation on the structure of the organization can end up being quite restrictive and inflexible.

Organizational navigation might be accurate when the site is first configured, but your organizational structure itself might change. Several factors can cause broken or incorrect links within a site, such as new or divested acquisitions that alter the SharePoint navigational structure. A sudden shift in this structure to accommodate organizational change can result in broken bookmarks or errant search results.

Functional navigation

The challenge is not to necessarily make the navigational hierarchy echo the structure of the company; instead, consider focusing the navigational hierarchy on the actions of people who visit the site. Functional navigation is based on the notion that navigation items should function as verbs, possessing both action and specific intent (for instance, “check my benefits” instead of “HR”).

Deciding which items get promoted to the navigation requires some interaction with the respective business units. When you meet with these units, it is important to throw the rule book out: A large whiteboard, some sticky notes (to foster navigation activities), and an open forum are all that is necessary to foster a solid navigational design. Challenge the members of the group to act as normal business users visiting the site. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. These requirements form only an initial understanding of how the site is to be used; navigation can be refined by using site metrics as time progresses.

Design site columns and content types

There are two distinct types of columns within SharePoint: list columns and site columns. From a functional perspective, the two are identical, with one major difference: Only site columns are reusable.

List columns

As an example, consider a new list for a small company’s building management that will be used to assign a desk to a worker. The company currently has two offices, one in Houston and one in San Antonio, with only one building in each city. The plan is for the organization to eventually expand into other states.

The requirement is to capture a simple series of metadata elements (such as user name, office location, and phone number), and for each office to maintain its own version of the list. Within each office’s list, you could build simple list columns to capture each of these distinct pieces of metadata (also known as information types).

So far, so good—maintaining two distinct lists for two separate offices isn’t really that tough. Adding values to each list requires you to visit its site and office list to make changes. As the company begins to add sites (and more office sites and lists), maintenance of these list columns becomes more error prone and time consuming.

Site columns

The next step on the path to reusable metadata is to build site columns instead of list columns and then associate the site columns to a list or library. The major benefit of moving from list columns to site columns is extensibility; metadata that was assigned to a single list column can now be associated to that same column, but in multiple lists.

Site columns are similar to list columns, but they are hierarchical in nature. When a site column is instantiated on a particular site, that site and all its child sites inherit the site column and its properties, allowing you to maintain the column from a single location within the structure.

Figure 1-3 shows the inheritance of three site columns within a site hierarchy. This example is oversimplified, but you can see the inheritance of site columns based on where they were initially created.


FIGURE 1-3 Site column inheritance

Site columns are hierarchical, inherited from parent to child. After a site column is created, a list can be assigned to that column (along with its information type and all metadata). If the metadata associated with the information type changes (for instance, adding a new color choice), this change can be propagated throughout any list that had previously been assigned to that site column.

Both list columns and site columns are defined by the type of content they possess (also referred to as the column’s information type). Most of these information types are scoped to the particular list or site column, meaning that metadata contained within the column is available only to sites residing within that site collection.

Content types

A content type allows you to manage groupings of similar items in a list or library. These attributes not only provide descriptive information about the item (metadata and properties), but also provide activities that can be associated with each item (workflows, information management policies, document templates, and other features).

As is the case with site columns, content types behave in a hierarchical fashion and are inherited from each parent site to its child in the same site collection, as shown in Figure 1-4.


FIGURE 1-4 Content type inheritance

After a content type is created, a list or library can be assigned to that content type. If the content type is then changed at a later time (for instance, a new retention policy stage or new site column is added), these changes can optionally be propagated throughout any list or library that had previously been assigned to that content type.

Content type hierarchy

All content types are related and form an ecosystem of documents, items, pages, lists, and libraries. For example, when you provision a new document library, the default content type assigned to it is Document. If you wanted to build a hierarchy of legal documents and have Contract (a more specific document type) as one of the available content types, its content type hierarchy might look something like Figure 1-5.


FIGURE 1-5 Content type hierarchy

In this case, you might assign a core set of site columns to the Legal Document content type and then assign workflows, retention policies, and more site columns to the individual child content types (Contract, Will, and so on).

Site collections are automatically populated with a series of content types that are themselves composed of out-of-the-box (OOB) site columns. The number and type of content types provisioned depend on two different factors:

Image Site template The template you choose when provisioning a new site

Image Features The features you select to add to an existing SharePoint site

So far, we have a series of site columns that can inherit managed metadata, but the content type is still limited in application scope to the site collection. If you build multiple site collections for your implementation (and you should), you’ll need a mechanism to make metadata available beyond the site collection boundary without having to build the same information type over and over again in each new site collection. For that, we will use the Managed Metadata Service (MMS) and a concept known as the content type hub.

Content type hub

Although content types can easily be defined within the boundaries of a site collection, we’ve not yet seen any provision for creating a content type that can be used in multiple site collections; this situation is quickly remedied by the use of a content type hub.

A content type hub is a site collection specifically configured to provide content types to other site collections. The individual content types are syndicated by the MMS; the process is fairly straightforward:

1. The MMS is configured to allow the content type hub to be the only source for centralized content type syndication.

2. The MMS connection is configured to consume content types from the hub’s content type gallery.

3. Content types are placed in the content type hub for syndication.

4. Content types are published by the Content Type Subscriber timer job on a regular basis (every hour by default) to all web applications that are connected to the MMS application.

External content types

External content types incorporate Business Connectivity Services (BCS) functionality to enable external data to be represented within SharePoint lists and data columns. These content types are metadata that represent connectivity information to data, data definitions, and behaviors applied to the data.

Information provided via the use of external content types is reusable, mimicking the behavior of normal content types within a site or site collection. Users who interact with an external content type do not have to be aware of the underlying data type, connection type, or security present. External content types also allow for the creation of lists and data columns within SharePoint that function identically to their native SharePoint counterparts.

The information represented by external content types is provided by BCS and surfaced in SharePoint by specific Web Parts:

Image Business Data Actions Displays a list of actions associated with an entity defined in BCS (for example, an external list) and made available to a user, such as sending email or editing customer information

Image Business Data Connectivity Filter Filters the contents of a connected Business Data Web Part by using values from an entity

Image Business Data Item Displays the details of an entity instance (for example, an item) from a business application, such as a particular customer or order

Image Business Data Item Builder Creates a Business Data Item based on URL query string parameters, then provides the output to other Business Data Web Parts

Image Business Data List Displays a list of entity instances (for example, items) registered in BCS, such as displaying a list of customers or orders

Image Business Data Related List Displays a list of related entity instances from a business application, such as showing all orders related to a particular customer

External content types and item pickers are also available for use within SharePoint along with profile pages, which can display details about a particular item. If more functionality is desired than what is presented by the OOB tools, development by using external content types is available via the SharePoint and client object models, or by using Representational State Transfer (REST) URLs.


As it happens, the release of SharePoint 2016 does not correspond to an updated release of the SharePoint Designer tool; thus, business users of SharePoint 2016 continue to rely on the use of the 2013 release of SharePoint Designer for many tasks, including the creation and integration of external content types by using BCS.

SharePoint administrators and developers can alternately continue to use Visual Studio for the creation of external content types.

Design keywords

Within a SharePoint 2016 site, descriptive keyword metadata (words or phrases) can be directly assigned to any list item or document and are often created by individual users on a site. Enterprise keywords are stored in a single term set within the MMS. This specialized term set is nonhierarchical and simply called the keyword set.

Adding keywords to a list item or document is fairly straightforward, but requires a bit of configuration prior to use. The basic configuration process requires the MMS connection to be configured as the default storage location for keywords. Once this is complete, the enterprise keywords site column can be added to content types.

Configuring the default storage location

Configuring the default storage location requires access permissions to Central Administration, specifically to the MMS application or connection.

To configure the default storage location:

1. Open Central Administration and select Application Management.

2. Under Service Applications, select Manage Service Applications.

3. Scroll down the list of service applications, and click the blank area next to Managed Metadata Service Connection.

4. On the ribbon, on the Service Applications tab, click the Properties icon.

5. On the Edit Managed Metadata Service Connection page, select the This Service Application Is The Default Storage Location For Keywords check box (see Figure 1-6).


FIGURE 1-6 Selecting a default storage location for keywords

Adding the enterprise keywords column

Next, the Enterprise Keywords column must be added to a list or document library (see Figure 1-7); this column allows the user to enter multiple keyword values to describe an item.


FIGURE 1-7 Keywords added to a document in a library

Once keywords have been added by users in the enterprise, these values are reflected within the Managed Metadata term store. Note that keywords are located under the System, Keywords group; none of the specialized term sets within the System group enables you to build any sort of hierarchy.

Keywords that are regularly used by business users in the organization can be reviewed and moved into term sets; doing so enables the keyword to become centrally managed as a term and moved into appropriate term sets. In other words, the keyword effectively makes the transition from folksonomy to taxonomy.

To transform a keyword into a term, right-click it and select Move Keyword (see Figure 1-8).


FIGURE 1-8 Moving a keyword to a term set

A series of destinations appear; at this point, you can select a term set (see Figure 1-9). You can also decide whether this word can continue to be used as a distinct keyword outside of this term set.


FIGURE 1-9 Choosing a destination term set


This conversion is a one-way process; after a keyword has been changed to a term, it cannot be reverted to a keyword.

Design synonyms

The ability to define synonyms in SharePoint requires the use of a thesaurus, which is uploaded to SharePoint by using PowerShell cmdlets. The use of a thesaurus in SharePoint 2016 provides two benefits to search users:

Image The ability to define multiple names for the same items; for example, searching for “put a kettle on” will return search results that include the phrase “make a cup of tea”

Image The ability to use acronyms in search; searches for CEO will return results that include “chief executive officer”

Creating the thesaurus file

Creating a thesaurus for use in SharePoint is a straightforward process; essentially, you first build a text file as a comma-separated value (.csv) file and then import it to SharePoint by using a PowerShell session.

The manner in which the thesaurus is created truly matters. Each entry in the thesaurus is comprised of a key, a synonym, and a language; each should also be contained in its own line. By using our previous examples and building entries in English, our entry would look something like Figure 1-10.


FIGURE 1-10 Key, synonym, language: one set per line in thesaurus


Uploading a new thesaurus file to SharePoint overwrites the previous thesaurus entry (they are not additive). Also, you might want to retain a copy of the thesaurus .csv file outside of SharePoint because there is no way to retrieve or export the thesaurus once uploaded. Once the thesaurus file is complete and ready for upload, save it as a .csv file with UTF-8 encoding to a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) share that is accessible by a SharePoint server in the farm.

Importing the thesaurus file

Importing the thesaurus requires the person uploading the file to possess the Search Service Application Administrator permission and be able to run a PowerShell session within the farm. In this example, the Thesaurus.csv file has been created and is stored in the \16SP2016RCPowerShell share. To upload the thesaurus (PowerShell shown in Listing 1-1):

1. In Windows PowerShell, set a variable to the Search service application.

2. Import the thesaurus by using the Import-SPEnterpriseSearchThesaurus cmdlet.

$searchApp = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication
Import-SPEnterpriseSearchThesaurus -SearchApplication $searchApp -Filename
\16sp2016rc\powershell hesaurus.csv

Once the thesaurus file has been successfully imported, the console will report the message, “Dictionary imported successfully,” as shown in Figure 1-11.


FIGURE 1-11 Dictionary imported successfully


The SharePoint Online component of Office 365 does not currently include the ability to upload a thesaurus; thus, the Import-SPEnterpriseSearchThesaurus cmdlet is only for use with on-premises versions of SharePoint 2016.

Design Promoted Results

Promoted Results are weighted or promoted to be preferred responses to a particular search query. For instance, if a corporate user were to type in a search query that happened to include a key phrase such as “Benefits” or “Onboarding,” you might want to direct them to the Human Resources website.

Promoted Results do not use keywords as triggers, instead using the query rule functionality for this task. To be effective, SharePoint Farm Administrators, Site Collection Administrators, and Site Administrators all have a hand in optimizing search results. To this end, Promoted Results can be configured at the following levels:

Image Search application Scoped within the boundaries of the particular Search application

Image Site collection Scoped to a single site collection

Image Site Scoped to a single site

Building Query Rules

Promoted Results are configured by adding query rules at the appropriate level (Search application, site collection, or site). Query rules can be found in three places: (1) under Queries and Results, Query Rules in the Search service application, (2) under Query Rules in Site Collection Administration, or (3) under Query Rules in Site Settings.

Adding a query rule requires only three steps: Select an appropriate search context, specify one or more query conditions, and then specify the resulting action.


SharePoint 2016 does not allow you to alter any of the built-in query rules. If you wish to build a query based on an existing rule, you must first make a copy of it; then you can alter the copy to meet your requirements. The Edit menu of a built-in query rule is always unavailable.

Design managed properties

Items within a list or library have metadata stored in columns, such as author, title, and subject. The metadata captured from these populated columns (both built in and user assigned) is initially stored as crawled properties.

To make crawled properties useful within SharePoint search, managed properties must be created and mapped to the crawled properties. Although this process can be done manually, the majority of the time, SharePoint can do the conversions for you.


It’s easy to forget: Assigning a standard column to a SharePoint list or library will give you a crawled property, but will not automatically create and map this property to a managed property. If you wish this process to happen automatically, first build a site column, then assign it to the list or library.

Creating a managed property at the site collection level and adding it to search requires just a few steps. In this example, we will be adding a site column called Phase to the Documents library, then making sure that SharePoint search is picking up the contents of the column.

1. Create the Phase site column.

2. Assign the Phase site column to a document library.

3. Create or edit an item in the list, adding metadata in the column you just created, then start a search crawl to create and map a managed property to the crawled property.

4. Verify that the property was created and mapped.

The Search Schema page within Site Collection Administration shows all of the managed properties, but you need to view the mapping between crawled properties and managed properties. Select Crawled Properties.

In the Filters section of the page, enter Phase into the Crawled Properties text box, and then select the green arrow to filter the properties. You should now see the Property Name ows_q_TEXT_Phase (the crawled property) and the Mapped To Property of PhaseOWSTEXT (the managed property), as shown in Figure 1-12.


FIGURE 1-12 Crawled properties, showing the managed property mapping

Need More Review?

Do you want a more in-depth understanding of the conversion process between crawled and managed properties? Read the TechNet article entitled “Automatically created managed properties in SharePoint Server 2016” at

If you need to have a managed property be sortable or refinable, you will create and map it from Central Administration in the Search service application.

Need More Review?

Refiners take search results to the next level, allowing the user to choose properties that streamline search results. To better understand the manual process for creating managed properties, read the TechNet article entitled “Configure refiners and faceted navigation in SharePoint Server 2016” at

Design durable links

Durable links is a way of assigning document links that remain functional when moving or renaming documents within a SharePoint 2016 site collection. In earlier versions of SharePoint, this was an issue because documents were exclusively assigned absolute URLs, which changed when a document was relocated or renamed.

This functionality is dependent on Office Online Server, the successor to the Office Web Apps server, and will not function without Office Online Server configured in the SharePoint farm. The resource ID of a document (docID) is stored within the content database and assigned to the document. When a user selects a durable link to a document, Office Online Server looks up the document by docID and then renders the document.

Image Exam Tip

If a document is moved from one location to another with different permissions, the permissions for the file do not get carried over with the file. Thus, it is possible to relocate a document to a location where the user has no access to a document, although the link to the document is still perfectly valid.

Design document library accessibility

There are several accessibility improvements in SharePoint 2016:

Image Keyboard shortcuts allow you to do standard tasks without having to use the ribbon, by using shortcuts that seem familiar to Microsoft Office users (such as Alt+N to create a new document).

Image Multiple documents can now be uploaded by using the Upload command (Alt+U) in a document library.

Image File menus in SharePoint are now right-click enabled, allowing you to download, open, share, rename, delete, and more.

Image Quick previews of videos and images are now available by hovering over or clicking them.

Need More Review?

For a complete listing of accessibility improvements in SharePoint 2016, read the Document library features section of the article entitled “What’s new in SharePoint Server 2016” at

Plan information management policies

In an increasingly litigious corporate world, the ability to regulate the life cycle of content is no longer an optional feature for an enterprise content management (ECM) system; it has become a core requirement.

SharePoint 2016 provides specific functionality designed to regulate the creation, interaction, and disposition of content. An information management policy is a set of rules that can be assigned to any given piece of content. These rules (also known as policy features) then define behaviors, such as the retention schedule, auditability, or markings (bar codes and labels) for a given piece of content.

Need More Review?

For more details on the creation and use of information management policies, see the TechNet article entitled “Plan for information management policy in SharePoint Server 2016” at

There are four sets of policy features available in SharePoint Server 2016: retention, auditing, bar codes, and labels.

Retention policy features

Documents that have to comply with legal regulations often have a retention requirement. This requirement essentially regulates the amount of time that a document can (or should) be legally discoverable within any given ECM system.

After a retention policy feature has been enabled in SharePoint, a retention stage must be added to describe how the item will be managed according to the information management policy. This retention stage requires two elements to be valid: an event and an action. A third element, recurrence, is utilized only when certain actions are selected.

Image Exam Tip

Although one stage is the minimum requirement for a retention policy to be considered valid, it is possible to build multiple stages as required by your business stakeholders.

Auditing policy feature

A vital element in any information management policy, auditing enables key personnel to monitor how a document is interacted with and by whom. When the auditing policy feature is enabled, any combination of the following events can be audited:

Image Opening or downloading documents, viewing items in lists, or viewing item properties

Image Editing items

Image Checking out or checking in items

Image Moving or copying items to another location in the site

Image Deleting or restoring items


Increasingly, SharePoint Administrators are requested to provide auditing information for the environments they support. SharePoint 2016 provides the ability to generate Content Activity, Information Management Policy, Security and Site Settings, and Custom Reports. Events generated specifically by the auditing policy feature described in this section can be viewed in Site Settings, Site Collection Administration, Audit log reports.

Bar code policy feature

Due to legal regulation and other concerns, documents are sometimes still rendered as paper documents. Printed versions of these documents must still be managed; thus SharePoint’s information policies include the bar code policy feature.

When enabled, this feature creates a unique identifier value for a document and then inserts a bar code image of that value in the document. Although the default bar codes are compliant with the Code 39 standard (ANSI/AIM BC1-1995, Code 39), you can use the policies object model to add other bar code providers.

Labeling policy feature (deprecated in SharePoint 2013 and 2016)

This policy feature is strictly provided in SharePoint 2016 for backward compatibility and should never be used in new information management policies. The purpose of this policy feature was to enable fixed text or document properties to be applied to the printed version of a document.

Creating a new information policy

To create a new site collection policy, follow these steps:

1. In Site Settings, Site Collection Administration, select Content Type Policy Templates.

2. On the Policies page, click Create to build a new information management policy.

3. Enter a name and description for the policy, then add a policy statement that will appear to users when interacting with items subject to this policy.

4. Choose and configure the pertinent policy features as applicable.

Image Exam Tip

Site collection policies are scoped to a single site collection. For the sake of consistency, it is possible to export a policy from one site collection, then import it to another for reuse. Be familiar with the steps required in this process.

Assigning an information management policy

Information management policies can be assigned in three different ways:

Image Policy features can be associated with a site collection policy template; that policy template can be associated with a content type, list, or library.

Image Policy features can be associated directly with a content type; the content type can then be added to lists and libraries.

Image Policy features can be associated directly with a list or library.

Note the hierarchy in the three different applications of information management; the more direct the application of policy features, the more difficult the administration of the features would be across multiple libraries, lists, or sites. After the policy has been applied at a high level (for instance, the top of the site collection), all subordinate levels using the same content type must inherit all information management policies present.

Disabling a policy feature

Any of the four policy features can be disabled from Central Administration. A good practice is to choose which of these features are in use within your organization, and prohibit the use of the rest (particularly the Labeling policy feature, which is deprecated). To disable any of the features in Central Administration, select the Security link. Within the Information Policy section, choose Configure Information Management Policy.

Plan search for sensitive and nonsensitive content

Data loss prevention (DLP) queries allow users responsible for managing sensitive content to locate content that might not belong in SharePoint sites, in accordance with corporate governance policies. These sensitive information types are templated, and they are identical for use between Exchange and SharePoint 2016.

Need More Review?

For more details on templates available for use with DLP as a whole, see the TechNet article entitled “Sensitive information types inventory in Exchange 2016” at Note that not all of these templates are enabled within SharePoint Server 2016 by default.

Search enables DLP users to find sensitive information types based on patterns defined by a regular expression or a function, and also make use of keywords and checksums. Proximity ratings give the DLP user a confidence rating (85 percent, 75 percent, 65 percent, or 55 percent) in the type of information retrieved.

Image Exam Tip

The configuration of DLP queries is the first step toward gaining an understanding of sensitive information deployed in SharePoint. Understand how to create a query and which actions can be added to it. For more information, refer to the Office article entitled “Create a DLP query in SharePoint Server 2016” at

Sensitive information types might include content such as bank routing numbers, credit card numbers, identification card numbers, and passport numbers; there are more than 80 template types available overall, although only a subset of these is available by default in SharePoint 2016. These types are specified by templates and are activated by DLP search queries put in place via an enterprise eDiscovery Center. When configuring the query of a search, the scope can be configured to search everything in SharePoint or to narrow the scope to one or more site collections.

Plan compliance features

DLP policies complement DLP queries, allowing an organization to identify, monitor, and automatically protect sensitive information across the SharePoint farm. DLP policies are created and stored in a Compliance Policy Center.

Each new DLP policy requires that you select a policy template, select the number of instances of sensitive information that triggers an event, and then send an incident report when new content is saved or edited. Optionally, the user can be notified via a policy tip when their content contains sensitive information, and this content can also be blocked (but potentially overridden by the user).

Image Exam Tip

The configuration of DLP policies provides the ability to automatically control the handling of sensitive information deployed in SharePoint. Understand how to create a policy and which actions can be added to it. For more information, refer to the Office article entitled “Create a DLP policy in SharePoint Server 2016” at

Although many sensitive information types are accounted for OOB in SharePoint 2016, it’s possible to extend this functionality via Document Fingerprinting. Document Fingerprinting allows you to convert business documents (contracts, intellectual property, and other documents) into sensitive information types.

As we look to a hybrid installation of SharePoint 2016, we find that DLP is extensible in Office 365. If you have a predefined, text-based document template that you want to turn into a sensitive information type, Document Fingerprinting can be used to prevent the transmission of that document outbound, by using Information Rights Management (IRM).

IRM also permits users in the organization to configure item-level encryption via Information Rights Management Services, both on-premises and in the cloud. This level of content control maintains the governance requirements of the organization and prevents sensitive information from being made available to external users.

Plan managed site structures

Site structure design is a key concept in a SharePoint farm, affecting everything from capacity planning to navigational structure.

Earlier in this chapter, we defined the relationship between sites and site collections. A site is the most granular element in a given taxonomy and is formed from a combination of lists and libraries. Sites are functionally, navigationally, and administratively grouped together, into one or more site collections.

Within a site collection, moving a subsite around is fairly straightforward, requiring only that the Publishing Infrastructure feature be enabled:

1. Open Site Settings, Site Administration, Content And Structure.

2. Next to the site you want to move, click the drop-down arrow and then select Move, as shown in Figure 1-13.


FIGURE 1-13 Moving a site within the Site Content And Structure menu

3. Choose a destination site and click OK.

Moving sites between site collections is another story. Sites within a site collection share administrative groups, content types, permissions, policies, and other items, which are provided only within that site collection. Although it’s technically possible to copy a site to a different site collection by using the Export-SPWeb and Import-SPWeb PowerShell cmdlets, doing so does not make the newly copied site a full-fidelity copy of the original. Some permission and document settings are copied over, but other components (such as workflows) will not be transferred.

As their SharePoint implementations grow in size, most large organizations tend to focus on building multiple site collections rather than implementing fewer site collections with more sites and subsites. The problem then becomes one of navigation, which is addressed via a combination of two navigation types: path-based and metadata-based.

Path-based navigation

When two site collections need to be included in the same navigational structure, path-based site collections can be used. These site collections are associated to one another by using managed paths. Two distinct types of managed paths are available for use: explicit and wildcard.

Image Explicit managed paths enable two site collections to be put into the same URL path. For instance, if you had a site collection at, you could create an explicit managed path (for example, /yoursite) to store another site collection at

Image Wildcard managed paths enable one site collection to be the “implied” parent of several site collections. Doing so requires two things:

Image All site collections are nested under a path that itself is not a site.

Image All site collections in the wildcard are at the same URL level.

If you had a site collection at, you could build a wildcard managed path (/projects) to contain all your projects, each in its own site collection. So the projects would be located at, /project2, /project3, and so on. If a user decided, however, to navigate directly to, there would be a problem because there is no site at that level, only the wildcard managed path.

Need More Review?

For more details about creating and implementing managed paths, review the TechNet article entitled “Define managed paths in SharePoint Server 2016” at

Metadata-based navigation

Although path-based navigation is useful, navigation can be further improved by way of managed navigation. Conversely, your navigational design might choose to hide path-based navigation, instead arranging logical site collection navigation by the use of metadata alone.

Image Exam Tip

There really is no right answer here: Your organization will likely use both of these navigational elements. For the exam, be familiar with both of these navigational concepts and the mechanisms for setting them up.

Using the MMS, a navigational structure can be generated on a fairly dynamic basis, tying multiple sites and site collections together into an organized (and exceptionally flexible) structure. It should be noted that the navigational structure is generated on a per-site collection basis, with every site collection setting up a term set for its own use.

Managed navigation is dependent on one or more term sets, which are nothing more than a grouping of terms within the term store. Each term set defines a navigational structure, and multiple navigational structures can be utilized, even within a single site collection (if desired).

Within a site, global and current navigation can each use a term set for navigation. Note that global and current navigation cannot use two separate term sets—only a single term set can be specified on the navigation settings page of a site. The individual terms can be set to show in global navigation, current navigation, or both.

Need More Review?

For more details about creating and implementing managed navigation for site collections in SharePoint 2016, review the TechNet article entitled “Overview of managed navigation in SharePoint Server 2016” at

Plan term sets

Term sets are part of the larger set of MMS functionality present in a SharePoint Server 2016 ECM solution. A term set is nothing more than an intelligent grouping of related terms; terms are nothing more than metadata that can be associated with items in a SharePoint list or library.

As discussed previously, MMS encompasses two distinct groupings of metadata: taxonomy and folksonomy.

Image Taxonomy The more formalized of the two groupings, taxonomy is hierarchical and deliberate in nature and includes terms and term sets.

Image Folksonomy The more casual of the two groupings, folksonomy imparts items with metadata by using tags or keywords, generated by individual users; no hierarchy can be implied or defined.

Image Exam Tip

SharePoint administrators are often not the people who define term sets. Most term sets start as tags and keywords (folksonomy) and are then promoted to more formal status as part of a term set (taxonomy). Be familiar with how this transition takes place.


One of the more interesting behaviors of terms is that they can be nested up to seven levels deep. Additionally, you can designate certain levels of terms as “unavailable for tagging,” meaning that you will be using them only for navigational purposes (such as grouping topics by letter; for example, A–F, G–J, and so on).

Term sets

Term sets with SharePoint are stored within a term store, which is stored within an MMS application. A SharePoint implementation is not limited to a single metadata service application; multiple service applications might be present to service different legal or organizational functions.

Term sets can have a status of either open or closed. An open term set enables anyone to contribute a new term; a closed term set enables only contributors and owners to add a new term.


All metadata elements in SharePoint share the same hierarchy: MMS applications, taxonomy term store (organized by language), term set group, term sets, terms.

Defining term set functionality

Colors (red, green, blue), sizes (small, medium, large), and fabrics (polyester, wool, cotton) are all examples of valid term sets; their values would be considered terms within a SharePoint environment. Additionally, these term sets could be grouped into a larger term set group, such as clothing.

Local versus global term sets

As term sets are being designed, it is important to consider the audience who will be consuming the metadata. During this design phase, questions such as these often arise:

Image Does everyone in the enterprise need access to a particular term?

Image Is the term specific in scope?

Image Who should be managing the term set?

Image What is the desired “footprint” of the term set?

A SharePoint MMS application is associated to a web application via the service application proxy. Terms provided via the proxy can be assigned to items within the desired SharePoint web application; the only consideration that must be made is one of scope.

Term sets are assigned by way of the Term Set Management Tool, which can be used at two distinct levels, local and global:

Image Local term sets are scoped to a single site collection and are created via the Term Set Management Tool in Site Collection Administration.

Image Global term sets are scoped to an MMS and are created via the Term Set Management Tool in Central Administration.


You might notice that both types of term sets are intended to be administered by power users. Site collection administrators familiar with the administration of term sets are often those whom you will work with to formalize global term sets for use across multiple sites and site collections connected to the MMS. Either farm administrators or appropriately trained business stakeholders can be granted access to administer global term sets within the MMS instance management page in Central Administration.

Core term set planning

Members of a particular business unit often volunteer to be early adopters of this information management strategy and are advocates for a successful ECM implementation. It is a common misconception that term set designers have to be technical to design an effective metadata taxonomy; truthfully, they do not.

Working with an enterprise librarian or design team, it is quite preferable to involve this group of term set designers in planning simply because they have firsthand knowledge of the products and processes that are pertinent to their segment of the business.


Microsoft provides two distinct metadata planning worksheets in Microsoft Excel format. Both of these sheets can be found in the TechNet article entitled “Plan terms and term sets in SharePoint Server 2016” at The Term Sets Planning worksheet provides a basic worksheet intended for manual term set implementations, whereas the Detailed Term Set Planning Worksheet can be used for more in-depth design and can be directly imported (.csv) into the Term Store Management Tool.

Successfully implementing a term set involves five core activities: identifying each term set, identifying a term set owner, designing term set groups, defining the term sets themselves, and creating the term sets.

Identifying term sets

Identifying which items belong in a term set (and at what level) is often the hardest part of the entire metadata process. The amount of metadata present in a business can be overwhelming, but there is an easy way to overcome the initial shock: Look for the pain points. Specifically, you are looking for places where even a limited application of metadata could streamline processes and make information more readily searchable, such as the following:

Image Custom columns, particularly those that enable the selection of one or more values (such as choice fields)

Image Words or phrases that are being regularly used to tag an item (from folksonomy to taxonomy)

Image Metadata that users often use to sort or filter items in a list or library

Image Acronyms or abbreviations for a function or product

Image Items that are, by definition, hierarchical in nature (for example, inventories)

Items that probably should not be included in a term set might include:

Image Items that have column metadata fields that have already been provided with the SharePoint framework (built-in columns)

Image Boolean (yes or no) values

Image Items that might have different values in different segments of a business

Image Items that have no well-defined values

Identifying term set owners

A term set owner is the person or group responsible for the maintenance of terms in a particular term set. As an example, if a business has locations that are added and removed on a regular basis, the term set owner is the person who performs the additions and deletions of terms from the term set.

In more formal term sets (global term sets, in particular), the term set owner is often not a single individual but a small team of people who are responsible for the overall correctness of the term set.

DeterminING term set groups

Term set groups define security for a particular term set; they also provide for the logical grouping of term sets. Users can be designated as contributors for a term set, and these people can be enabled to manage a particular term set in the group. Additionally, individuals can be designated as term set group managers, enabling them to assign and remove permissions to a term set (or sets) as required.

Defining the term set

After owners are defined for a particular term set, they can choose to either define the term set on their own or designate contributors to a term set to more fully develop the term set. To define a term set, users must be able to answer three distinct questions:

Image What terms belong in any given term set?

Image How are terms organized with a term set?

Image Who are the designated contributors for a given term set?

Creating a new term set

There are two ways to begin the process of generating a new term set, both of which use the Term Store Management Tool. Site collection administrators and owners can find the Term Store Management Tool from any site in the site collection. To begin using the Term Store Management Tool, these users select the Term Store Management link from within Site Settings, Site Administration.

Farm administrators and designated term store administrators have the ability to define term sets at the MMS instance level. To begin using the Term Store Management Tool, these users can select the Term Store Management Tool from within an MMS associated with the SharePoint farm itself.

Plan for support of Open Document Format

Prior to Microsoft Office 2007, documents were saved in binary (.doc, .xls, and so on); the introduction of Office 2007 brought a series of new document types based on an Open XML structure (.docx, .xlsx, and so on) and were quite a bit smaller from a file size standpoint. Documents saved in these formats could now be viewed and edited in other, non-Microsoft tools, such as OpenOffice.

Starting with Office 2010, Open Document Format (ODF) documents (.odt, .ods, and so on) could be viewed and edited in the Office client; SharePoint also supported the storage of these documents, but they could not be made available as a template in a single library or used in a content type. This is remedied in SharePoint 2016, which now allows users to generate documents based on these templates in a library.

Need More Review?

For more details about configuring an ODF document as a template within a document library in SharePoint 2016, review the TechNet article entitled “Set Open Document Format (ODF) as the default file template for a library” at

Plan mobile navigation

SharePoint 2016 now fully incorporates the use of HTML5 to create a fully mobile-compliant experience. Users visiting a SharePoint site or function can expect a consistent experience regardless of the screen format (phone, tablet, slate, or PC or Mac) they use to visit it.

In a hybrid configuration, a user visiting a SharePoint site is presented the opportunity to interact with both on-premises and cloud-based functionality. By using a touch-enabled interface in this configuration, a user can select to browse sites, subsites, and content right alongside apps such as Delve and OneDrive for Business. This mobile view on a device can also be switched into a full web view as would be seen from a desktop computer.

Design a logical architecture

In the previous section, we worked through the design of informational elements to be used in the SharePoint farm. The effort now shifts from planning to design, determining the layout of technical components required to implement the newly generated informational design. This section focuses on the capabilities present in Internet Information Services (IIS) and SharePoint that enable you to determine a logical design while considering storage, authentication, web applications, and other components.

Plan application pools

An application pool is a construct used to group web applications logically, based on a number of criteria such as authentication, performance, isolation, and configuration. Web applications contained in an application pool provide functionality for one or more websites in an IIS farm.

If you build a basic SharePoint farm, activate the default service applications by using the OOB Farm Configuration Wizard, and then build a site collection by using the defaults, you would see from IIS Manager that several application pools, even more web applications, and a few SharePoint-specific websites have already been created (see Figure 1-14).


FIGURE 1-14 Application pools supporting a SharePoint farm

Looking at Figure 1-14, you can see that there is a SharePoint – tailspintoys.com80 application pool. Filtering on this pool (by right-clicking the application pool and selecting View Applications), you can see that this application pool hosts a single root application (see Figure 1-15).


FIGURE 1-15 Root web application for the SharePoint – tailspintoys.com80 site

There is also another application pool listed that hosts a different web application, which also provides services to the SharePoint – tailspintoys.com80 site. If you filter instead on SecurityTokenServiceApplicationPool, you can see that it is linked to the SharePoint – tailspintoys.com80 site and to the SharePoint Central Administration v4 and SharePoint Web Services sites (see Figure 1-16).


FIGURE 1-16 The SecurityTokenServiceApplicationPool and its associated sites

Web application pool limits guidance

Before adding a new application pool, consider whether an existing pool might be used to host your new web application. The number of pools might not initially be an issue, but as SharePoint usage grows within your organization, you might find that servers hosting the Front-end server role in your farm begin to run short of available memory resources.

Considerations for building NEW web applications

Although you want to keep the overall number of application pools low, you might find the need to build a new web application pool for any one of several reasons:

Image Grouping web applications that run with the same configuration settings

Image Isolating web applications that require unique configuration settings

Image Providing security by running a particular group of websites under a closely monitored service account for auditing purposes

Image Resource isolation

Image To prevent an outage of the entire IIS application based on one or more misbehaving or failed web applications

Image For Internet service providers (ISPs) to separate application pools based on customer resource needs

Before adding a new web application, consider using Performance Monitor (Perfmon.exe) to get a baseline of existing RAM usage. Monitoring a SharePoint environment is a topic that is covered in Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting and monitoring.”

Plan web applications

Because there are software boundaries and limits that affect web application pools, it stands to reason that there would be metrics around the number of web applications in a SharePoint farm. For any SharePoint farm, the supported number of web applications is 20 per farm.

Image Exam Tip

In the section on planning for software boundaries, you will note that the supported limit for web applications in a farm is set to 20. This is not a per-web application pool limit, but a limit for the entirety of the SharePoint farm. As with the web application pools, this limitation is memory dependent, and baseline RAM monitoring is recommended before increasing the web application count to that level.

Planning the web app configuration

Several configuration items must be considered when planning web applications in a new SharePoint farm. Documenting each of these decisions as the new web application is implemented results in a streamlined, repeatable installation process.


Developing a naming standard for both your web applications and the content databases with which they interact is a key first effort at documentation, and will prevent confusion and potentially costly administration mistakes.

Determining the purpose of a web application before it is implemented guides the direction of its configuration. Defining this purpose can be as easy as developing a set of questions such as the following:

Image What group of users does this application serve (intranet, extranet, Internet)?

Image How are users expected to authenticate?

Image What type of navigation do users expect when they visit the site or site collections in this web application?

Image How will site collections be created? There are two distinct choices: host-header site collections or path-based site collections, both of which affect web application design, and are discussed later in this chapter.

Authentication types

When a new web application is created via Central Administration, there are several options available for choosing how a user will authenticate to it. More than one authentication type can be chosen for a given web application, assigned to a particular zone (we’ll talk about zones shortly):

Image Windows authentication Integrated Windows authentication (NTLM or Kerberos)

Image Basic authentication Windows user name and password combination (encoded but not encrypted; password sent in clear text)

Image Forms-based authentication Using the ASP.NET membership and role provider

Image Trusted identity provider Secure Application Markup Language (SAML) token-based authentication


Classic mode authentication is also technically available for a SharePoint 2016 web application, but is no longer supported and should not be used for any new user-facing web applications. In a new SharePoint 2016 farm, the only place you should encounter this authentication type is the Central Administration web application.

Each of these four authentication types uses claims-based authentication to a web application. Claims-based authentication is used for user, server-to-server, and app authentication; thus, it’s recommended for use with all web applications and zones of a SharePoint 2016 farm.

Classic mode authentication is also available for a SharePoint 2016 web application, but is no longer supported and should not be used for any new user-facing web applications. If required, web applications can be configured to use classic mode (Windows classic) authentication via PowerShell. In a new SharePoint 2016 farm, the only place you should encounter this authentication type is the Central Administration web application.

Need More Review?

For more details about authentication providers, review the TechNet article entitled “Plan for user authentication methods in SharePoint Server 2016” at

Anonymous access

Although not technically a form of authentication, anonymous access for a web application enables users to retrieve content without the need for a user name and password combination (in other words, they are not required to authenticate). Allowing anonymous access does not mean that content in a web application will be immediately available to users; it simply means that site administrators can enable anonymous authorization to site content.


This setting should be enabled when using forms authentication mode because certain forms-aware client applications might not correctly authenticate without it.

Database server and authentication type for the web application

Working with your SQL database administrator (DBA) team, you should be able to determine which Microsoft SQL database server or instance should host your SharePoint content databases. The SQL DBA will let you know which type of authentication is acceptable, but it must be one of the following:

Image Windows authentication (recommended)

Image SQL authentication

Specifying a failover database server

There are currently four types of high-availability (HA) solutions provided by SQL Server; however, the only one that SharePoint is directly aware of (the others are transparent) is SQL database mirroring.

When a SharePoint database is mirrored, SharePoint must know not only the name or instance of the principal server (where the database read and write transactions are occurring) but also the name or instance of the mirror server (the read-only copy of the database). If the mirrored database is failed over, SharePoint then knows the location of the alternate name or instance.


Although SQL mirroring is still supported in SQL 2012, 2014, and 2016, it has officially been deprecated, meaning that it might not be supported in future versions of SQL. If you are in the process of creating or upgrading to a new SharePoint 2016 farm, consider this an opportunity to move from SQL mirroring to SQL AlwaysOn Availability Groups. High availability and disaster recovery options are covered in Chapter 3, “Workload optimization.”

Service application connections

SharePoint 2016 provides service application functionality (User Profile, Search, and so on) through a series of service application proxies. These proxies are usually collected into a proxy group (the first one is called “default,” appropriately enough), but it is possible to connect to one or more proxies by just selecting a custom connection and selecting the check boxes of the proxies to which you want to connect the new web application.

Alternate access mapping URLs and web application zones

Alternate access mapping URLs are a mechanism that allows for a single site collection to be associated to multiple URLs. Zones are logical constructs that define several different means of accessing the same web application. Each zone can have different types of authentication mechanisms based on how a user would be accessing the site. Detailed coverage of both alternate access mappings and web application zones is found later in this chapter in the “Plan zones and alternate access mappings” section.

Plan for software boundaries

Software boundaries can be interpreted as operational limitations for a system. Some limits are finite, with a maximum allowed value, whereas others exceed performance or recommended limitations. SharePoint Server 2016 has three classes of software boundaries and limits: boundaries, thresholds, and supported limits.

Image Boundaries A boundary is an absolute limit, meaning that the value given cannot be exceeded in the current version of SharePoint. An example of this type of limit is the number of zones in a web application; there are always five: default, intranet, extranet, Internet, and custom.

Image Thresholds A threshold has an initial value set, meaning that the value can be modified to a maximum value (boundary). Before altering these values, consideration should be given to whether your specific infrastructure can accommodate the increased load that might be caused by this change.

Image Supported limits A supported limit for any particular configuration parameter is a set value based on testing conducted by Microsoft. Although you can exceed supported limits, you might encounter unexpected results; these results could come in the form of diminished performance or unexpected behavior in the farm.

Image Exam Tip

Reviewing boundaries and limits documentation can make for some rather dry reading. That said, don’t miss reviewing this information; being able to relate software boundaries and limits effectively is one of the most important tools in your SharePoint arsenal. More important, your knowledge of these boundaries and limits can make the difference in being able to reason out the correct answer to an exam question. Concentrate on the ones that have the largest impact on the farm as a whole: those that affect RAM, storage, processor usage, and overall performance.

The current listing of software boundaries and limitations for SharePoint can be found in the TechNet article entitled “Software boundaries and limits for SharePoint 2016” at

Plan content databases

SharePoint administrators often become itinerant SQL administrators as well; after all, the level of SQL familiarity required by a SharePoint implementer is often fairly significant. SQL databases constitute an entire segment of the SharePoint farm environment, so it stands to reason that a SharePoint installation’s health is heavily invested in the performance and storage characteristics of the SQL environment that supports it.

Software boundary considerations

In the SharePoint software boundaries and limitations documentation, there are some boundaries given for content databases:

Image 500 content databases per farm (supported limit)

Image General content database size recommendations:

Image 100 GB maximum recommended

Image 200 GB supported limit for general usage scenarios

Image A supported limit of 4 TB per content database for archival content databases with very little read and write access (supported limit)

Image No explicit limit for content databases housing document center or record center sites

If you examine these limits for a moment, you might come to realize that an environment approaching these levels would be quite large. A farm containing 500 databases with an average content database size of 50 GB would place the SQL back-end storage requirement somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 TB.


In some organizations, the data tier of your SharePoint farm will be administered by one or more SQL DBAs. This team will likely be unfamiliar with the specifications and limitations for SharePoint 2016, so you will need to be able to explain the requirements from an SQL point of view.

Content databases in the range of 50 GB are quite common. Content database growth beyond this level, eventually exceeding the 100 GB limit, will cause a warning to be generated in the SharePoint Health Analyzer, stating “Some content databases are growing too large.” In fact, there are two SharePoint Health Analyzer rules related to database sizing. The first, “Database has large amounts of unused space,” is a daily check that reports databases with large amounts of free space (pregrowth); the second, “Some content databases are growing too large,” is an hourly check that reports on content databases exceeding 100 GB in size.

Scaling a SharePoint implementation

A content database can house several site collections, but a site collection can reside only within a single content database. With this in mind, we begin to consider how to scale out our environment.

Before contemplating the site collection taxonomy, you might first want to consider the life cycle of site collections. Some site collections are fairly permanent, providing the structural backbone of your SharePoint environment; others might be quite temporary (a one-off collaborative site collection, for instance) and can be disposed of when no longer in use.

In an environment in which you, the SharePoint administrator, are responsible for managing growth, the initial goal is scalability. By scaling your SharePoint environment to multiple site collections, you begin to account for potential growth.

In Figure 1-17, an example content database is initially configured with five site collections:

1. Over time, one of the site collections begins to experience rapid growth and begins to cause the content database to drastically increase in size.

2. The SharePoint farm administrator recognizes this growth and moves the larger site collection into its own content database to manage growth.

Image After the content database is moved, its growth can be restricted by setting the maximum number of site collections in the database to 1.


FIGURE 1-17 Moving a growing site collection into its own content database

Plan host-header site collections

This section and the later one, “Plan zones and alternate access mapping,” are closely related; the two of them together result in a choice about how a user will ultimately access any particular URL within a SharePoint farm.

A little history

One of the primary reasons administrators used to build separate web applications for a SharePoint site was to enable a farm to have distinct URLs for different web applications. A business unit within an organization would request a particular URL for its function, such as for HR.

The farm administrator would then oblige by generating a new web application for the HR group and assigning it the host header. Other business units would find out about the new URL and begin to have the same requirement; soon the farm administrator could have several web applications, one for each new business unit.

If you were to build a farm and give each business unit its own web application (simply to give it a distinct URL), you might find that your farm will quickly exceed published web application limits and start to exhaust resources, particularly on the front-end servers.

Using host-header site collections

Host-header site collections enable you to assign vanity URLs to multiple site collections contained within a single web application. In this configuration, no host header is set up in IIS Manager; host headers are assigned as part of the site collection setup process by using PowerShell. Setting up a new web application for host-header site collections requires a bit of forethought, and some basic knowledge of PowerShell.

Image Exam Tip

The default behavior of the New-SPWebApplication cmdlet is to create a web application in Windows (or Classic) authentication mode. Windows authentication mode is deprecated and should not be used.

This behavior can be averted by using the -AuthenticationProvider switch. Claims Authentication should be used instead of Classic. If you forget to use the switch, PowerShell will dutifully warn you of the missing switch, but only after it runs the cmdlet and creates the web application (which you will have to delete) in Windows mode.

The Central Administration interface for creating new web applications does not provide a way to build new Host-Header Site Collection (HHSC)-based web applications. When the HHSC web application is created, a path-based root site collection should also be created. This site collection should not be available for use, nor should it have a template assigned.

Assuming that the domain name for your SharePoint farm is something like, you should request that your administrators place a wildcard (*) entry in DNS and point it to the IP address of your web server. Any requests that are made to this domain will then be referred to SharePoint.

Image Exam Tip

Creation of (and most of the maintenance duties for) host-header site collections is done entirely in PowerShell. Be familiar with how to create, reconfigure, and remove web applications and host-header site collections from a PowerShell perspective. Extensive coverage of this topic is available in the TechNet article entitled “Host-named site collection architecture and deployment” at

Plan Fast Site Collection Creation

Fast Site Collection Creation is a new mechanism for quickly deploying site collections in SharePoint 2016. In SharePoint 2013 and prior versions, the creation of a new site collection was a fairly involved process, requiring multiple features to be activated after the instantiation of the site collection itself.

SharePoint 2016 improves this mechanism by allowing site collections to be created from a master copy of a site collection for an enabled template (for instance, SPSPORTAL#0 for a Collaboration Portal). The master copy is called a Site Master, and is used as the blueprint from which your new site collections are created.

The optimization for this process is that the Site Master is copied at the content database level, with all pertinent features automatically enabled and ready for use.

Need More Review?

Fast Site Collection Creation requires a working knowledge of PowerShell and some specific commands (notably Enable-SPWebTemplateForSiteMaster, New-SPSiteMaster, and the CreateFromSiteMaster parameter for use with New-SPSite). For detailed information regarding the use of Fast Site Collection Creation, refer to the TechNet Blog article, “Fast Site Collection Creation in SharePoint Server 2016 IT Preview” at

Plan zones and alternate access mappings

Imagine for a moment that you have a web application in SharePoint that requires three different security mechanisms (discussed in Chapter 2, “Plan authentication and security”) for accessing content:

Image Intranet/Internet access Your users require access to the web application from inside your corporate network by using their regular user name and password credentials.

Image Extranet access You have partners that require access but you need to provide another authentication mechanism, such as offering Forms Authentication (a user name and password combination that you administer).

Image Internet access You have other partners that want to use their credentials or a trusted Identity Provider (Microsoft, Facebook, Google, and so on) account to access content.

There are five zones available in SharePoint: default, intranet, extranet, Internet, and custom. Although there is no functional difference (by default) between the zones, they provide a structure to configure access for these different user segments accessing the same web application. Each type of user can have a distinct URL and mechanism for accessing your corporate systems.

There are two ways to associate a web application with a zone.

Image Alternate access mappings Map internal URLs to public URLs, directing users to the appropriate URLs when interacting with SharePoint 2016 sites

Image Set-SPSiteUrl Used to add or change URL mappings for host-named site collections


Every web application in your SharePoint farm should have a default zone configured. Many of the internal functions of SharePoint depend on this particular URL (including Search crawls).

When a new SharePoint web application is created, its URL is stored in the default zone. If claims authentication is to be added along with another authentication mechanism, some consideration should be given to adding claims authentication to the default zone so the same URL can be used both inside the network and from outside the network.


Alternate access mappings were technically deprecated in SharePoint 2013, in favor of using Set-SPSiteUrl and host-header site collections. That said, alternate access mappings must be configured for load balancing, even though alternate access mappings generally do not apply to host-header site collections. The default zone must also be configured to enable NTLM authentication for the crawl component of Search to access content.

Design a physical architecture

A key design characteristic of SharePoint Server is its scalability. An effective SharePoint design accounts for the current and expected requirements of an organization. After the initial design is implemented, the SharePoint farm can then be modified and tuned to suit the changing requirements of the business.

Design a server farm topology using MinRole

In the past, SharePoint farms have often been configured in a traditional topology, arranged in three tiers of servers: web, application, and database. Such an arrangement is quite common, but often means that the application tier servers are overcommitted, hosting all services that do not require user interaction.

In SharePoint 2016, the optimal configuration expands on the traditional topology, adding servers to create a streamlined topology. In this topology, both system performance and resources are optimized because servers are compartmentalized into roles (based on the function they perform).

This compartmentalization is further reinforced by the MinRole concept. In this concept, servers are assigned one of six possible roles:

Image Front-end Serve user requests; optimized for low latency

Image Application Serve back-end requests; optimized for high throughput

Image Distributed cache Hosts only components required for a distributed cache

Image Search Hosts only components required for searching

Image Custom Hosts components that do not integrate with MinRole; the farm administrator has full control over which service instances can run on servers assigned to this role

Image Single-server farm Hosts all components required for a single SharePoint server to operate in a farm configuration; this configuration should be limited use

SharePoint 2013 was quite capable of expanding to meet enterprise needs; SharePoint 2016 is no different, allowing for multiple farm types that utilize MinRole server roles. These farms meet specific requirements when federated together:

Image Content Farm Requires the Front-end web, Application, and Distributed cache roles; Search and Custom roles are optional

Image Shared Services Farm Requires only the Application and Distributed cache roles; Search and Custom roles are optional

Image Search Farm Requires only the Search role; Custom roles are optional

MinRole and its effect on service topologies are covered later in this chapter in the “Define service topologies” section.

Need More Review?

More information about MinRole is discussed in the TechNet article entitled “MinRole overview” at

Design Central Administration deployment

Central Administration is a specific web application where administration tasks are performed for the farm as a whole. In SharePoint 2016, Central Administration is automatically configured on the first server, and it is the only web application that does not use claims authentication.

Creating a new Central Administration web application is the same as it was in SharePoint 2013: Log on to the server you want to host this web app, and run the New-SPCentralAdministration PowerShell command with the desired switches. If you previously built the first server in a farm but do not want it to host Central Administration, there is a new PowerShell command designed for this use: Remove-SPCentralAdministration.

Image Exam Tip

Be familiar with the process for creating and removing Central Administration from a server in your farm. For more information, refer to the TechNet article entitled “Farm cmdlets in SharePoint Server 2016” at

Design a storage architecture

SharePoint Server farms are data-intensive, requiring both large storage capacities and solid I/O storage design to ensure the best performance possible. This back-end storage is attached to the SQL (data tier) instance of the SharePoint farm.

Three storage architectures are supported within a SharePoint environment: direct-attached storage (DAS), storage area network (SAN), and network attached storage (NAS). DAS and SAN storage architectures are fully supported; NAS storage is supported only for content databases configured to use Remote BLOB Storage (RBS).

Need More Review?

Planning and configuring the storage layer of a SharePoint farm infrastructure can be a complex task. Input/output operations per second (IOPS), content database sizing, and topics cause the SharePoint and SQL teams to work directly with one another to determine the best possible storage solution for a SharePoint farm. More in-depth information about storage architecture and requirements can be found in the TechNet article entitled “Storage and SQL Server capacity planning and configuration (SharePoint Server 2016)” at

Each storage architecture has an associated set of hardware and administrative costs; the storage type you choose is often based on the hardware and administrative structure you have available within your enterprise.

Direct-attached storage

DAS describes an environment in which each server maintains its own discrete storage without benefit of a storage network. Modern servers support two distinct types of drives: Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) and Serial Attached ATA (SATA).

Storage area network

SAN environments abstract the storage subsystem from the server hosts to which they are attached. The benefits of this abstraction are immediate: The storage subsystem can be centrally managed and expanded as desired.

The Fibre Channel connections between the storage and host are attached by using either twisted-pair copper wire or fiber-optic cables. A host connected to the SAN uses a host-based adapter to transfer small computer system interface (SCSI) commands to the storage by using the Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) for transport.

Network attached storage

NAS provides file-based data storage to other devices on the network. Connectivity and I/O metrics from such a system are often subpar when compared to DAS or SAN-connected storage. As such, this type of storage is supported only for content databases that have been configured to use RBS.

Image Exam Tip

All network storage connected to SharePoint is required to meet two criteria. First, the storage must respond to a ping within 1 millisecond (ms), meaning that the storage will most likely be located within the same datacenter as the host. The second criterion is that the first byte of requested data must be returned within 20 ms (this is true regardless of the disk subsystem chosen).

Disk and RAID types

The types of disks chosen can have an effect on the performance of your storage subsystem. Additionally, the redundant array of independent disks (RAID) configuration of the drives can have a dramatic effect on the performance characteristics of storage.

SharePoint 2016 supports several types of disks:

Image Small computer system interface (SCSI)

Image Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA)

Image Serial Attached SCSI (SAS)

Image Fibre Channel

Image Integrated drive electronics (IDE)

Image Solid-state drive (SSD)

Without going into on-disk caching, rotation speed, or other in-depth storage tuning discussions, you can pretty much break down this list in terms of newer, faster drive technologies (SSD, SAS, SATA, Fibre Channel) and older technologies (SCSI and IDE). Often, the type of drive you choose will just come down to the available interface types provided by your storage subsystem.

SharePoint 2016 supports all RAID types, but the recommendation for best performance characteristics is to implement RAID 1+0 (also known as RAID 10). This RAID type configures drives in a striped set of mirrored drives—the mirroring component provides fault tolerance, and the striped component maximizes performance. In such a system, multiple drives can sustain losses, but the RAID does not fail unless a mirror loses all its drives.


Resilient File System (ReFS) is a newer type of file system that was introduced with Windows Server 2012. This type of file system allows servers to have a just a bunch of disks (JBOD) storage system based on SATA or SAS without requiring specialized redundancy hardware, so this is usually configured with DAS configurations. SharePoint 2013 could not take advantage of this file system, but support for ReFS is built into SharePoint 2016.

For more information about ReFS in 2012, review the TechNet article entitled “Resilient File System Overview” at

Configure basic request management

Traditional load balancing technologies enable incoming traffic to be routed to one or more SharePoint web servers. The amount of intelligence applied to these routing actions varies in scope from the most rudimentary types of routing (such as DNS round-robin) to advanced routing as seen in dedicated load balancing solutions.

Although it is possible to configure an external load balancer to understand the specific behaviors required for a SharePoint environment, such solutions can have shortcomings:

Image Changes made at the load balancer level can have dramatic effects on the SharePoint farm, resulting in inconsistencies or outages.

Image Changes made within the SharePoint farm but not reflected in the load balancer configuration (such as Search crawler changes) can have a negative effect on performance.

For instance, consider a SharePoint farm that is serving both user requests and Search crawls at the same time. Enough Search requests might cause the SharePoint environment to have increased latency when serving user requests; such a situation could result in a perceived outage and irregular work stoppages.

Request management versus throttling

Earlier versions of SharePoint (prior to 2013) included the notion of HTTP request throttling, in which the current state of each web server was evaluated, and incoming requests could be throttled before a server reached a nonresponsive status. The current health of a web server could be observed in the HTTP response within a header called X-SharePointHealthScore.

Request management is a better mechanism for intelligent request routing and throttling, present in both SharePoint Server 2013 and 2016. Request management can be enabled on a per web application basis, enabling incoming requests to be evaluated against a set of rules to determine which Front-end server (if any) will respond.

Deployment modes

There are two deployment modes for request management: dedicated and integrated.

Image Dedicated mode deployments are useful in larger environments and allow for the segmentation of request management activities away from the Front-end servers servicing the requests.

Image In an integrated mode deployment, request management is handled directly on the Front-end servers, meaning that any server running the SharePoint Foundation Web Application Service also has the Request Management service instance provisioned.

Need More Review?

Request management is a fairly complex topic with several possible configurations that are discussed in the TechNet article entitled “Configure Request Manager in SharePoint Server 2016” at

Define individual server requirements

The configuration of each server in your new SharePoint farm depends greatly on the topology you choose. If you are implementing a pilot or user acceptance test installation of SharePoint 2016, you might start your design with as few as two servers, a computer running SQL server and a SharePoint server that hosts the Single-server farm MinRole.


In SharePoint 2013, new administrators sometimes chose to build stand-alone farms. A farm installed in this fashion would use SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 Express Edition on the same box as the SharePoint server. Unfortunately, a farm configured in this manner was not expandable. In SharePoint 2016, stand-alone farms are a thing of the past. Replacing this need is the Single-server farm server role. Unlike stand-alone farms, single-server farms can be grown to multiple servers as demand increases.

Interestingly enough, a single-server farm installation of SharePoint requires significantly more memory and resources on the individual server than would be required on each server in a distributed server installation. The reason for this requirement is rather straightforward: A single-server farm installation combines all required services for Front-end web, Application, Distributed cache, and Search onto a single server.

Single-server farm installations

Single-server farm installations of SharePoint are most often used for evaluation or development environments, not production. If this approach is to be used for production, it should be used only in an environment with a limited number of users.

In such an environment, the SQL server serving as the data layer of the farm should meet at least the minimum requirements (4 GB of RAM for SQL 2014 and 2016).

The following requirements do not really address items such as the storage space required for the databases and any other services (such as Search indexes). The recommendation is to add a secondary drive for the storage of such information.

The basic requirements for a single-server SharePoint farm depend greatly on the SharePoint installation chosen and are shown in Table 1-1.


TABLE 1-1 Single-server farm requirements

Image Exam Tip

The amount of free disk space available on the system drive of a SharePoint server should never fall below two times the amount of server RAM; this limit is specifically designed to allow memory dumps to be stored on the subsystem if necessary.

MULTItier farm installations

Because we have determined that a single server is not the preferred installation for a production SharePoint farm, you should now learn about the hardware requirements for a tiered installation. In such an environment, the web and application tier servers are separated from the SQL servers and have different hardware requirements (see Table 1-2).


TABLE 1-2 Three-tier farm requirements

Need More Review?

For a complete discussion of requirements for servers in a SharePoint farm, review the TechNet article entitled “Hardware and software requirements for SharePoint Server 2016” at

Define service topologies

Scaling a SharePoint 2016 installation requires planning for the distribution of service applications across the farm environment. Because each implementation differs in terms of the amount of data, services offered, and users supported, no single topology is appropriate for any given business.

It is important to note that MinRole server roles must govern the majority of service assignments within a farm (see Table 1-3 for details).


TABLE 1-3 MinRole server roles

The following topologies are by no means the only ones available, but they give guidance as a starting point for topology designs.

Smallest supported farm

In this farm type, the web and application tiers are supported by a SharePoint server by using the single-server role. The data tier is supported on a separate server. All required service applications are located on the SharePoint server, but are not fault-tolerant (see Figure 1-18).


FIGURE 1-18 Single-server farm

Four- and five-tier farms

In SharePoint 2013, we often speak of the three-tier farm as a fairly basic production environment. The web tier (SharePoint) handles user requests, the data tier (SQL) stores the content and configuration data, and the app tier (SharePoint) handles just about everything else, including most services. Often, this requirement means that the app tier server is overcommitted from a RAM and processing standpoint, negatively affecting performance.

In SharePoint 2016, MinRole controls the assignment of services to a server based on its role in the farm. Although it might seem that you could follow the Front-end, Application, and Data server configuration, doing so would omit a key component, the distributed cache service; without this component, a farm is considered unsupported.


Distributed cache service is a memory-intensive application, supporting a maximum of 16 GB of RAM. Distributed cache is required in a SharePoint farm and supports features ranging from client applications (such as OneNote) to page load performance and authentication.

Thus, a minimal MinRole-compliant configuration of SharePoint will contain four tiers (Front-end, Application, Distributed cache, and Data), as shown in Figure 1-19.


FIGURE 1-19 Four-tier supported farm with no search

There’s one component we haven’t yet considered: Search. The four-tier farm we’ve discussed does not incorporate any search services; we need to add one more server that holds the Search MinRole, moving us into a five-tier farm configuration (shown in Figure 1-20).


FIGURE 1-20 Five-tier farm including Distributed cache and Search

Need More Review?

Content farms are not the only topologies that are available in SharePoint 2016. Multiple farms can be configured and then connected to one another to provide specific functionality, such as Shared Services and Search. Understanding which roles are associated with which topology will help you better understand large implementations of SharePoint. More information about MinRole is discussed in the TechNet article entitled “MinRole overview” at

Plan server load balancing

Although we discuss high availability and disaster recovery in Chapter 3, we should pause for a moment to look at what is required to provide resiliency within a SharePoint content farm, from a service point of view. Each of the server roles within SharePoint itself (let’s set the SQL database tier aside for a moment) can provide an element of high availability, so long as the server count is adequate. Each of the Front-end, Application, and Search tiers will require two servers each for resiliency; the Distributed cache tier will require three servers for resiliency.


There are only two valid server counts for the Distributed cache tier of a SharePoint farm: either one server or three servers.

For a SharePoint content farm to be fully resilient using MinRole server roles (excluding SQL servers), you need a total of nine servers, arranged as shown in Figure 1-21.


FIGURE 1-21 A fully resilient SharePoint farm (highlighted, excluding SQL servers in the data tier)

Resiliency at the data layer is discussed in Chapter 3, when we discuss the AlwaysOn options available in SQL Server.

Plan a network infrastructure

When planning the layout of a SharePoint farm, it is important to remember that the farm not only communicates with SharePoint users, but also requires communications within the farm (to each tier) and communications to other servers in the network (such as Exchange or Skype for Business servers). Effective network infrastructure planning requires that each of these connection types be considered in the overall design.

Interserver and user-facing communication

There are two distinct types of network communication present within a SharePoint farm: user-facing and interserver communication. Communications between servers within the farm can be quite intense at times; during these times, users might experience diminished performance if both types of communication take place across the same physical network interface.


The introduction of MinRole seeks to minimize intraserver network traffic.

As a result, servers in the web and application tiers of a SharePoint farm ideally will have at least two distinct network interfaces: One handles user requests, routing traffic back and forth to users, and the other handles interserver connectivity, routing traffic back and forth between the SharePoint servers (Front-end, Application, Search, and Distributed cache tiers) and the SQL data tier.

Network latency and stretched farms

Latency and bandwidth are concepts that go hand in hand. The best way to understand the relationship between these two is to imagine driving on a freeway. The speed limit (bandwidth) relates to how fast the traffic can travel on the freeway, whereas the traffic congestion present on the freeway can cause the commute time (latency) for any one car to increase.

SharePoint 2016 allows for highly available farms to be distributed or “stretched” if they meet the following criteria:

Image There is a highly consistent intrafarm latency of < 1 millisecond (ms) one way, 99.9 percent of the time over a period of 10 minutes. (Intrafarm latency is commonly defined as the latency between the front-end web servers and the database servers.)

Image The bandwidth speed must be at least 1 gigabit per second.

Plan for large file support

SharePoint 2013 had a hard upload and download limit of 2 GB (2,047 MB). SharePoint 2016 can be configured beyond this limit up to 10 GB, primarily due to the adoption of Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), which delivers quicker and more reliable file transfer performance.

Obviously, transferring files this large into any content database should be done with an eye toward how they are to be used. Although content databases are no longer subject to the 200 GB supported limit, the fact remains that a site collection that has several hundred GB of storage will take quite a long time to back up and restore; the surface area for database corruption is also increased, making the scope of a failure potentially push both the Recovery Time Objective and Recovery Point Objective beyond organizational governance limits.

Plan an app hosting model

SharePoint 2013 once provided three different types of app hosting models: SharePoint-hosted, Autohosted, and Provider-hosted. The Autohosted model was discontinued in late 2014, and in late 2015, the terminology for the remaining hosting models changed the term App to Add-in.

In SharePoint 2016, then, we are left with two different hosting models: SharePoint-hosted and Provider-hosted. The SharePoint-hosted Add-in model is centered around SharePoint components, including lists, pages, Web Parts, workflows, libraries, and more. In this model, Add-in parts and custom actions are deployed in the host web, and all other components are deployed to the Add-in web.

The Provider-hosted model builds on the SharePoint-hosted model, allowing the use of additional remote components such as web applications, services, or databases, hosted in a separate web stack. The stack chosen is located outside the SharePoint farm and does not have to necessarily even be on a Microsoft stack (for example, it can be supported on other web hosting frameworks such as LAMP, Python, and others).

Need More Review?

Although add-in development is generally outside the realm of the IT pro (this is truly a developer topic), exactly how the environment will host Add-ins is an administrative task; therefore, understanding of these models is required. More information about hosting models is discussed in the MSDN/Office Dev Center article entitled “Choose patterns for developing and hosting your SharePoint Add-in” at

Skill: Plan an installation

This section reviews the configuration steps required to set up a SharePoint farm at a base level. Establishing a core infrastructure plan that is both scalable and manageable will help guide you toward the goal of a solid SharePoint installation.


The Plan Project Server installation skill can be found in Chapter 6, “Plan and configure cloud services.”

Identifying and configuring installation prerequisites

Before SharePoint 2016 binaries can be installed on a new server, a series of installation prerequisites must be met. These prerequisites are a combination of installed software components (such as the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6) and configuration changes to the server (such as adding the Application server and Web server roles).

Need More Review?

The complete listing of prerequisites for SharePoint Server 2016 is extensive, covering both operating system-level roles and other software components that must be added prior to installing SharePoint Server 2016. The TechNet article entitled “Hardware and software requirements for SharePoint Server 2016” includes a listing of these requirements (and download links) in the “Minimum software requirements” section, and can be found at

When the prerequisite installer is run on a Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2016 server, it checks to see if a prerequisite component is installed. If the installer finds a prerequisite component, the individual component installation is skipped and the installer moves to the next item in the list.

Image Exam Tip

Although you should be familiar with the prerequisites for a SharePoint farm, concentrate on remembering the major components that are required, such as installing Windows Server AppFabric 1.1 or configuring Application server and Web server roles.

Installing and configuring prerequisites (online)

Prerequisites are installed as part of the SharePoint GUI install experience. When the SharePoint 2016 splash screen appears, the first item in the Install section is Install Software Prerequisites (see Figure 1-22).


FIGURE 1-22 SharePoint 2016 installer splash screen

Clicking Install Software Prerequisites immediately activates the SharePoint 2016 Products Preparation Tool, shown in Figure 1-23.


FIGURE 1-23 SharePoint 2016 Products Preparation Tool (online)

After you click Next and accept the license terms, the tool runs through the list of items to be installed, first configuring the Application server and Web server roles, and then proceeding with the installation of the other components.


The role installation requires a reboot of the server’s operating system. After the reboot is complete, the tool resumes installation of the remaining components.

Downloading and installing prerequisites (offline)

It is also possible to install all the prerequisites with the server not connected to the Internet. Reasons for such a configuration might include corporate policies preventing servers from accessing the Internet, or you might be creating multiple servers for a farm and do not wish to have each server download its own copy of the components.

The solution is to gather the components together into a centralized location and then install the prerequisites to each server as needed. This type of installation involves two separate actions:

Image Installing and configuring the Application Server role and Web Server (IIS) role to the new servers via Windows PowerShell (requires Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016 media)

Image Creating a set of installation switches to run with the Prerequisiteinstaller.exe tool, then downloading the components to a file share that is accessible by the new server

Installing the application and web server roles

The Application server and Web server roles can be added to a server in one of two ways: via Add Roles And Features in Server Manager or by using PowerShell. Regardless of the method you choose, this installation changes the server’s configuration and will require a reboot before taking effect.

Downloading the prerequisite software components

After the server roles have been configured, you need to download each software component to a central file share location that is accessible by the new server.

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Links to the applicable prerequisite software can be found in the “Links to applicable software” section of the TechNet article entitled “Hardware and software requirements for SharePoint Server 2016” at The Prerequisite installer expects these files to all be available in the same place. Do not place each file in its own directory; simply download each one component to one central folder.

Creating and running the prerequisite installer script

Now that all the components have been downloaded, you can use the Prerequisiteinstaller.exe file along with some arguments to install and configure each component. Running the Prerequisiteinstaller.exe file (found at the root of your SharePoint installation media location) with the /? option displays all the available switches, as shown in Figure 1-24.


FIGURE 1-24 Command-line options for Prerequisiteinstaller.exe


If you are generating the arguments file from Notepad or another text editor, make sure that you do not use Word Wrap or any other feature that might inadvertently include a line break. It’s best to enter all of the text on a single line.

Each of these installations can be run individually, but they are most often batched together into an arguments file and run all at once.

Need More Review?

Downloading SharePoint prerequisite installation files into an offline location and building the arguments script requires some effort, but this effort will pay off when building multiple servers at once.

As prerequisite versions can change, it’s always good to refer to the install prerequisites documentation from TechNet to ensure that your scripts and media are current. The TechNet article entitled “Install prerequisites for SharePoint 2016 from a network share” can be found at

Implement scripted deployment

Installing a single-server SharePoint farm via the GUI is a pretty straightforward process. At a very high level, there are only four steps involved: download and install the SharePoint prerequisites, install all the binaries from the installation media, run the SharePoint 2016 Products Configuration Wizard, and run the Farm Configuration Wizard.

After these steps are complete, the farm will be technically up and running, but it will require further configuration to meet user needs. Additionally, it probably won’t be configured to your specifications or those of your corporate IT department. For instance, running the Farm Configuration Wizard will create a series of content and service application databases. It is unlikely that the names of these databases will meet the naming convention requirements in your organization because SharePoint uses default database names that include a globally unique identifier (GUID) suffix.

Most enterprise installations require multiple servers in their SharePoint farm. The ability to reliably create, re-create, and duplicate server functionality in the farm requires you to find a better mechanism for installing and configuring SharePoint, a script.

Developing an installation script

The first step of establishing a repeatable installation pattern is to develop installation scripts to deploy the farm. If you are in a larger farm that has multiple tiers and distinct services on a certain server (assigned via MinRole), you might want to build multiple scripts that are tailored for each function.

Installation scripts can be broken down into three core segments:

1. Prerequisite installation and configuration (previously covered)

2. Farm creation and configuration of Central Administration and assignment of MinRole

3. Installing and configuring service applications (covered throughout this book)

In this section, you will review the core elements required to create and configure the farm via script, including both SQL and SharePoint configuration efforts.

Configuring the maximum degree of parallelism

For a SharePoint installation, the maximum degree of parallelism (MAXDOP) value must be set to 1, which indicates that no parallel processing activity can take place on the supporting instance, regardless of whether or not multiple processors are available. This setting needs to be made only once on each SQL instance that supports your SharePoint 2016 farm, and is a defining reason for SharePoint to be installed in its own SQL instance.

This value can be set via the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) GUI, via a T-SQL script, or via PowerShell. The thing to remember about configuring MAXDOP in your farm PowerShell scripts is that neither your SharePoint setup account nor your SharePoint farm account should have this level of permission on the SQL instance. As a result, you will most likely need the SQL DBA to configure this value on your data tier before proceeding with the rest of the scripted actions.

Image Exam Tip

Although SQL Server supports different settings for MAXDOP, SharePoint does not; the only valid value for this setting is 1. Be familiar with how to set this value via the SQL Server Management Studio or a T-SQL script (, or via a PowerShell script (

Preparing configuration accounts

The SharePoint Setup account will need to be created in Active Directory Domain Services. This account has four requirements: It must be a domain user, it must be a member of the local Administrators group on each SharePoint server, it must be able to log in to the SQL instance, and it must be assigned to the securityadmin and dbcreator SQL fixed server roles.

A SharePoint Farm account will also need to be created, set up simply as a user in Active Directory; the SharePoint setup process will take care of assigning required permissions to the farm account as part of the installation.

Need More Review?

As a SharePoint admin, you are often required to explain exactly why and how permissions are being assigned by SharePoint during the configuration process (and beyond). Being able to document which accounts make what changes is a must, especially when you are trying to explain to the Active Directory and SQL administrators that these permissions should not be revoked or altered after the farm is configured. Detailed information about the required and assigned permissions is discussed in the TechNet article entitled “Account permissions and security settings in SharePoint Server 2016” at

The initial farm configuration can be broken down into three major sections: creating the farm, installing farm features and services, and creating the Central Administration web application. The only real difference between SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2016 farm creation from a scripting perspective is the addition of the LocalServerRole switch, which specifies the server role in the farm (MinRole).

Creating the farm

The initial farm creation is accomplished while logged in as the SharePoint Setup account, and can be implemented via PSConfig.exe or via PowerShell.

Using PSConfig.exe to create the farm

Using PSConfig.exe to create a SharePoint farm is fairly straightforward, requiring the use of a single command and quite a few switches:

psconfig.exe -cmd configdb -create -server <SqlServerName> -database <ConfigDbName>
-user <DOMAINFarmServiceAccount> -password <FarmServiceAccountPassword> -passphrase
<FarmPassphrase> -admincontentdatabase <AdminContentDbName> -localserverrole
<ServerRole> -cmd helpcollections -installall -cmd secureresources -cmd services
-install -cmd installfeatures -cmd adminvs -provision -port <PortNumber>
-windowsauthprovider onlyusentlm -cmd applicationcontent -install


<ServerRole> in PSConfig.exe designates the required MinRole for the server you are configuring: WebFrontEnd, Application, DistributedCache, Search, Custom, or SingleServerFarm.

In the preceding PSConfig command, notice that the installation assigns the role and then adds in modular sections like help collections, secure resources, and install features. This is similar to how the sections are added when creating the farm in PowerShell.

Using PowerShell to create the farm

Creating a farm via PowerShell is also done in a modular fashion and requires the use of a single cmdlet, New-SPConfigurationDatabase. This cmdlet allows you to specify the desired MinRole; alternately, you can remove the requirement for MinRole in your existing deployment scripts by specifying -ServerRoleOptional instead of -LocalServerRole.


Just because you can, doesn’t necessarily mean that you should. Prior to SharePoint Server 2016, member servers were role agnostic, relying on the farm admin to properly configure and optimize services. Although you could technically still operate in this fashion, you should instead implement MinRole server roles in your SharePoint 2016 farm, reserving the Custom role exclusively for servers hosting custom service applications, services, and components.

To begin the installation, open a SharePoint 2016 Management Shell window, running with administrative privileges. You will see a message that indicates “The local farm is not accessible. Cmdlets with FeatureDependencyId are not registered,” as shown in Figure 1-25.


FIGURE 1-25 Farm is not accessible

This warning indicates that there is currently no farm, which is created starting with the following script.

# Create the Configuration Database
# ServerRole can be any of the following:
# WebFrontEnd, Application, DistributedCache, Search, Custom, or SingleServerFarm
New-SPConfigurationDatabase -DatabaseServer <SqlServerName> -DatabaseName <ConfigDbName>
-FarmCredentials <FarmServiceAccountCreds> -Passphrase <FarmPassphrase>
-AdministrationContentDatabaseName <AdminContentDbName> -LocalServerRole <ServerRole>


The New-SPConfigurationDatabase cmdlet can take quite a bit of time to run — be patient.

Next, we must install the core components of the farm, including the help site collection files, resource security, available services, and all existing features.

# Install the Help Site Collection Files in the Current Farm
Install-SPHelpCollection -All
# Enforce Resource Security on the Local Server
# Install and Provision Services on the Farm
# Install Features from the Feature.xml file
Install-SPFeature -AllExistingFeatures

The last step in creating the initial farm is the creation of the Central Administration web application.

# Create Central Administration Web App
New-SPCentralAdministration -Port <caport> -WindowsAuthProvider "NTLM"
# Copy Shared Application Data to Existing Web Application Folders


If you look carefully at the switches available in the New-SPCentralAdministration cmdlet, you will notice something interesting: Central Administration uses Windows classic authentication, as claims authentication is not used for this web app.

Plan Access Services deployment

SharePoint 2016 continues the support of Access Services via the availability of two different Service Application types: Access Services 2010 and Access Services.

Access Services 2010 is a backward-compatible service application to support the creation, editing, and updating of linked Access databases into a SharePoint Server farm; once created, these web databases can be accessed via an Internet browser, the Access 2010 client, or a linked HTML page.

Access Services is the current service application designed for the housing and presentation of Microsoft Access 2013 and 2016 databases. This functionality is available both on-premises and in the cloud (Office 365) via the use of Access apps.

Core requirements

From a SharePoint administrator standpoint, there are four major steps required to configure Access Services for Access apps: Install and configure SQL Server 2014 SP1 (or greater), configure SharePoint Server 2016 to present SharePoint apps, configure Access Services to successfully run Access apps, and create a dedicated SharePoint site collection that will host Access apps (each Access app requires its own subsite and database).

Need More Review?

The creation and administration of Access databases that will be presented by SharePoint requires a great deal of collaboration between a SharePoint administrator and an SQL DBA to administer and maintain. Detailed information about the process required for setting up Access apps within SharePoint 2016 is discussed in the Microsoft white paper entitled “Office 2013—Access Services Setup for an On-Premises Installation” at

Implement patch slipstreaming

As with any software platform, SharePoint Server 2016 is constantly being updated. These updates often include critical on-demand (COD) hotfixes, cumulative updates, and full service packs.

When new servers must be added to the existing farm, these servers must match the current update level of the existing farm to join. Although it’s perfectly acceptable to install the binaries from the original media and then add each individual update, you might find this process labor-intensive and potentially error prone.

The solution, then, is to find a way to update the installation media itself. This process is called slipstreaming, and involves downloading each update and applying the update over the previous installation media. This media can then be used to create new servers that will join your SharePoint farm with no issues.

Preparing to slipstream updates

Slipstreaming updates requires a bit of effort. In essence, you will be building new installation media by accumulating the required updates and then applying them to your original SharePoint installation media.

If you open your SharePoint installation media in Windows Explorer, you can see that there are several subdirectories present at the root directory. One of these subdirectories is called Updates, and this is where you will be extracting and applying your updates, cumulative updates, and service packs (see Figure 1-26).


FIGURE 1-26 Updates folder within the SharePoint 2016 installation media

After this directory has been populated with updates, it can be automatically installed by the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard as part of the installation process.

Image Exam Tip

Some updates are built as .exe files and must be extracted to the Updates folder. Others might be built as .msp files, which do not require extraction and can be placed directly in the Updates folder as is. Understand the required commands to expand the media for each update type and how to add it to the Updates folder; this function has not changed since SharePoint 2007. For more information, review the TechNet article entitled “Create an installation source that includes software updates (Office SharePoint Server 2007)” at

Creating slipstream installation media

Slipstreaming SharePoint installation media gives you a robust and repeatable way to configure multiple servers from a constantly updated installation source. This source is usually a network share that will contain a combination of the original SharePoint installation media and the updates you choose to install.

To prepare the slipstream media on a network share called \<servername>SPInstall, you would do the following:

1. Copy the original SharePoint 2016 installation media to the SPInstall share.

2. Extract each update to the Updates folder in the SPInstall share, starting with the oldest update first. The update can be extracted by using the /extract switch (refer to the installation instructions for each update).


The resulting installation media requires that newer updates overwrite portions of the older updates as needed. If you look at the updates media folder, don’t be surprised to see individual files with different date codes and version numbers; patches are intentionally designed to be extracted and stacked one on top of the other (oldest to newest).

Plan and install language packs

SharePoint has built-in functionality that enables the use of multiple languages within a single SharePoint installation. Each language that is supported within the farm requires the download of a distinct language pack.


The current list of downloadable SharePoint 2016 language packs can be found on the Microsoft Download Center at

Installing a SharePoint Server 2016 language pack

Installing a SharePoint 2016 language pack is a relatively simple process, except for one detail: The installation procedure for the language pack is written entirely in the designated language. To begin the installation process, ensure that you are logged in as the SharePoint setup account, mount the .iso file for your language pack, and then run Setup.exe.


You never need to download a language pack for the language in which you installed SharePoint.

In the following examples, the German language pack will be installed. The language pack installer appears in Figure 1-27, in the destination language (German).


FIGURE 1-27 The Microsoft language pack license screen in German

After the installation is complete, you are offered the opportunity to run the SharePoint Configuration Wizard (Figure 1-28).


FIGURE 1-28 Configuration complete, ready to run the Configuration Wizard

Image Exam Tip

There are four key items to remember regarding the installation of language packs: (1) They must be installed by using the SharePoint setup account credentials; (2) multiple language packs can be installed in the same SharePoint farm; (3) any language pack installed must be installed on all SharePoint servers in the farm; and (4) the SharePoint Configuration Wizard must be run on each SharePoint server once language pack binaries have been successfully installed.

Plan and configure service connection points

Active Directory has a marker called a service connection point (SCP) that is used by services to publish themselves in Active Directory. SCPs can be utilized as a key component of an enterprise governance strategy, intended to specifically prevent so-called rogue SharePoint installations.

After SCP functionality is correctly set up, any new SharePoint farm created in the domain will automatically register itself; the process of running the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard causes a marker to be created and stored in the SCP container. This marker contains the address for the Application Discovery and Load Balancer Service (the Topology service application) for the individual farm, and is useful on multiple levels.

If you suspect that your environment might have many different SharePoint installs, you can use this functionality to begin building a working inventory of SharePoint 2010, 2013, and 2016 farms. If you have multiple domains that might contain SharePoint farms, you must configure the use of this marker in each domain to track these installations.

Creating and configuring the SCP container

Active Directory must be configured by using ADSIEdit to create an SCP container. After this container is built, Write and Create All Child Object permissions must be granted for SharePoint farms to automatically register themselves on installation.


Consider allowing all authenticated users to write and create all child objects within the SCP container; doing so enables the container to capture and track any unauthorized SharePoint installations.

1. Run ADSIEdit; from the Action menu, connect to the default naming context of your domain as shown in Figure 1-29 (in this example, 16DC.rc.local).


FIGURE 1-29 Default naming context in ADSIEdit

2. Expand the domain that you want to connect to, then select CN=System.

3. Right-click in the white area of the details pane to open a shortcut menu. Select New, Object (see Figure 1-30).


FIGURE 1-30 Creating a new object in the System container

4. Select the Container class in the Create Object box. In the Value box, type Microsoft SharePoint Products and then click Next. When you click Finish, your new Active Directory container should appear in the details pane (see Figure 1-31).


FIGURE 1-31 The Microsoft SharePoint Products container inside the System container

5. Assign permissions to the container, choosing the users you want to access the SCP container and assign them Write permissions. Alternately, you could select the Authenticated Users group and assign it Read and Write permissions (preferred).

Registering an existing farm in the SCP container

As stated previously, a new or existing farm attempts to write to the SCP container (if it exists) when the SharePoint Configuration Wizard is run. If the container is created after SharePoint products exist in the environment, there will be no record of previously existing farms in the SCP container.

To register an existing farm in the SCP container, either run the SharePoint Configuration Wizard or register the SharePoint farm in an SCP using Windows PowerShell. To create an SCP in Windows PowerShell (assuming you have the correct permissions), do the following:

1. Use Get-SPFarmConfig to see whether the farm is already registered (optional):

Get-SPFarmConfig -ServiceConnectionPoint

2. Use Set-SPFarmConfig to register the farm in the SCP container (the URL shown is the uniform resource identifier [URI] of the farm’s Topology service in our example):

Set-SPFarmConfig -ServiceConnectionPointBindingInformation

Image Exam Tip

By default, the address for the Application Discovery and Load Balancer Service (Topology service) of a farm is stored in the SCP container. You can input the value of your choosing (say, the address for Central Administration), but if you want to discover the address for your Topology service, you can do so with the Get-SPTopologyServiceApplication | select URI cmdlet. For the test, know how to register a farm in a new SCP in this container using Windows PowerShell.

Deleting a farm’s SCP in Active Directory

You might decide at some point that you need to remove the SCP for your farm from Active Directory. In theory, this should happen automatically when the last server is removed from a farm (effectively destroying it).

To remove the SCP for your farm, use the -ServiceConnectionPointDelete option with the Set-SPFarmConfig cmdlet:

Set-SPFarmConfig -ServiceConnectionPointDelete

Plan installation tracking and auditing

Now that the SCP infrastructure has been created, you can use this functionality to effectively audit and manage any SharePoint installations in your domain. Each time a new farm is created, the SCP container will be updated with information about that new server.

Image Exam Tip

Although you will most likely not be called on to inspect this container in Active Directory, you should know both the correct location in Active Directory where the SCPs are located (CN=Microsoft SharePoint Products, CN=System) and the required permissions to add entries in this container.

Viewing SharePoint farm SCPs in ADSIEdit

In this example, you view the Topology service content for a SharePoint 2016 farm that has registered in Active Directory. To view this information in ADSIEdit, connect to your domain and then navigate to the System container (CN=System). Once there, select the Microsoft SharePoint Products container and expand it. Entries for SharePoint farms appear with a GUID in the Name box. Right-click this GUID and select Properties. The address for the Topology service is shown (or another value if it is what you chose), as shown in Figure 1-32.


FIGURE 1-32 Topology service address within serviceConnectionPoint

Viewing the SCP for a farm via Windows PowerShell

As a SharePoint administrator, you might not have access to the ADSIEdit tool. You can retrieve the SCP information for your farm using PowerShell:

Get-SPFarmConfig -ServiceConnectionPoint


Although you might not have access to Active Directory using the ADSIEdit tool, you are likely able to run a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) query (read-only permissions are required) against your domain to review the registered SCPs.

Plan and install Office Online Server

Office Online Server is a companion product to SharePoint Server 2016 that replaces Office Web Apps Server 2013. Office Online Server is similar to its predecessor in that it provides functionality to instances of Exchange, SharePoint, and Skype for Business; however, it differs from its predecessor in that it replaces some on-premises functionality (such as Excel Calculation Services) while also enabling new features (such as Durable Links).

Office Online functionality

From a product line standpoint, Office Online Server supplants both Office Web Apps Server and Excel Services. By using this product, you can interact with Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote) from SharePoint libraries using supported web browsers on browser-enabled phones (view), smartphones (view), tablets and slates (edit), and PCs or Macs (edit).

Image Exam Tip

Office Online Server only works with SharePoint web applications that use claims-based authentication.

When considering the deployment of Office Online Server, you’ll need to account for three core functions: Previews and Online Viewing, Durable Links, and Excel Services.

Previews and Online Viewing

Office Online Server allows for online viewing and editing of Office files in a browser window. It also enables a preview capability that renders an initial view of a document when searching in SharePoint or a read-only view of an email-attached document in Outlook Web App.


Office Online Server will not render any attachments of an IRM protected email message.

Office Online Server also provides Online Viewers, which allow a user to view Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files that are stored in file shares and other websites. Using the URL http://<OfficeWebAppsServername>/op/generate.aspx, links can be generated for documents that have UNC or URL addresses.

Durable Links

Durable Links allow a document to be assigned a resource ID in Office Online Server. This ID allows a document to be moved or renamed without losing its link; for instance, a document in a draft library could be moved into a published library without losing its original link. The applicable permissions for the document would be that of the library in which it is stored (it does not retain its previous permission set), allowing for a consistent permissions governance experience.

When a user selects a link to a document, Office Online Server looks up the resource ID and returns the document to the user for presentation in Office Online Server Preview. If the document has previously been moved into a library to which the user has no permissions, the document will not be displayed, although the link is still valid.

Excel Services

Excel Services provided by Office Online Server are the next generation of those provided by Excel Calculation Services in SharePoint Server 2013. SharePoint 2016 integrates with Office Online Server (and this Excel Services), but this feature no longer exists within the bounds of the SharePoint farm proper.

This change in functionality means that additional planning is required to replace Excel Calculation Services functionality when moving content from SharePoint Server 2013 to SharePoint Server 2016. Some functionality present in Excel Calculation Services, such as trusted data providers, file locations, and data connection libraries, has been deprecated due to the change in architecture. PowerShell administration functions for Excel Services are no longer administered from within the SharePoint farm and are now applied from within the Office Online Server farm.

With this change in architecture, however, Excel Services is positioned as a modern platform capable of providing Web Parts in SharePoint while also adding current programmability features such as JavaScript Object Model (OM), User Defined Function Assemblies, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), and Representational State Transfer (REST) protocol support.

Need More Review?

For a complete listing of both the deprecated and additional functionality in Excel Services, review the “Excel Services in SharePoint” section of the TechNet article entitled “What’s deprecated or removed from SharePoint Server 2016” at

Requirements for Office Online

Office Online Server is similar to Office Web Apps Server 2013 from a deployment standpoint in that it can be deployed as a single-server farm or as a multiserver, load balanced farm. If you have a high-availability requirement using a multiserver configuration, you will need to use either a hardware or software load balanced solution.

Once the farm has been created, server-to-server authentication can be set up between it and SharePoint Server 2016.

Need More Review?

To better understand the specifics of creating a server-to-server connection between Office Online Server and SharePoint Server 2016, review the TechNet article entitled “Configure server-to-server authentication between Office Online Server and SharePoint Server 2016” at

As was the case with Office Web Apps Server, server instances (either physical or virtual) that run Office Online are resource intensive. This means:

Image Server applications such as Exchange, SharePoint, Skype for Business, or SQL should never be installed alongside Office Online Server.

Image Office Online Server will not run on servers that run Active Directory Domain Services (domain controllers).

Image Microsoft Office should never be installed on a server that is running Office Online Server.

Image Don’t install any services or roles that depend on the Web Server role (IIS) on ports 80, 443, or 809, as Office Online Server periodically removes web applications on these ports.

Need More Review?

For a complete listing of items to be considered before installing Office Online Server, review the TechNet article entitled “Plan Office Online Server” at

Implement managed paths for Office 365 migrations

SharePoint Server 2016 provides the ability to build custom wildcard or embedded site collections. The software boundaries and limits guidance for SharePoint 2016 provide a supported limitation of only 20 managed paths per farm; beyond this limit, system performance could suffer.

SharePoint Online does not provide a mechanism for creating new managed paths, either via the GUI or via PowerShell cmdlets. When migrating content from an on-premises SharePoint 2016 environment, /sites and /teams are the only wildcard managed paths available to store migrated site collections.


SharePoint Online has no provision for the creation of explicit managed paths.

Configure SharePoint hybrid cloud settings

When configuring an on-premises SharePoint 2016 installation for hybrid (shown in Figure 1-33), there are three selections that should be made: My Site URL, selecting an audience, and selecting hybrid features.

Image My Site URL Selecting the My Site URL requires the logged in admin to sign in to Office 365 as the global admin; the My Site URL will be automatically provided.

Image Select Audience For Hybrid Features The SharePoint admin can choose either to make the hybrid features available to everyone, or to limit the availability of hybrid features by using one or more audiences (useful for a phased deployment of hybrid features).

Image Select Hybrid Features By default, hybrid OneDrive and Sites features are not enabled; admins can choose to deploy OneDrive only or both OneDrive and Sites.


FIGURE 1-33 Configuring hybrid OneDrive and Sites features

Skill: Plan a hybrid cloud environment

This section reviews the configuration steps required to set up a SharePoint farm at a base level. Establishing a core infrastructure plan that is both scalable and manageable will help guide you toward the goal of a solid SharePoint installation.

Plan for deployment of Office Online

Deployment of an Office Online installation should be approached with the same care as any IT initiative. Due to the nature of the Office 365 product stack, it’s likely that the Office Online rollout will be part of a larger deployment schedule. This schedule will involve staffing and expertise from the SQL, Exchange, Skype for Business, and SharePoint teams; it will also require resources from other teams, such as those responsible for Active Directory, Desktop, and Deployment services.

The deployment of Office Online will rely on a project structure, with topics such as these:

Image Determining deployment goals

Image Developing training guidelines and requirements

Image Inventorying the current environment

Image Making deployment decisions (such as product deployment order)

Image Analyzing and correcting issues that will prevent efficient deployment

Image Setting up the appropriate Office 365 services

Image Rolling out Office 365 functionality to users (phased deployment)

Configure server-to-server authentication

Server-to-server (S2S) authentication is a mechanism of establishing a trust between two server environments; once the relationship is established, resources can be securely exchanged from one environment to the other, based on user need. These trusts can be established between environments including:

Image SharePoint 2016 farms

Image Exchange farms

Image Skype for Business

Image Office Online Server

Image SharePoint Online

Image Azure Active Directory

Need More Review?

Not all S2S configurations are equal. Properly configuring the relationships between each of these environments requires some thought and planning for proper execution. From a SharePoint standpoint, you’ll likely need to understand four distinct S2S configurations: between SharePoint Server farms (, between SharePoint and Exchange (, between SharePoint and Office Online Server (, and between SharePoint and Office365 and Azure AD (found within

Configure OAuth

OAuth (Open Authorization 2.0 protocol) authentication is used for S2S authentication and authorization. Usually OAuth requires an authorization server and two realms that need to communicate with each other; however, this is not always the case.

On-premises S2S authentication between two Microsoft servers does not require a third-party server. Server products such as SharePoint, Exchange, and Skype can issue and sign a security token and then communicate with other Microsoft servers.

When setting up S2S, OAuth is configured to use HTTPS by default. If you choose to use HTTP instead of HTTPS, you will need to do the following:

Image Allow the use of HTTP for outbound HTTP connections from Office Online Server

Image Allow the use of HTTP paths to store Office Data Connection files

Need More Review?

To better understand the use of HTTP/HTTPS, review the “Configure Office Online Server to use the certificate for server-to-server authentication” section of the TechNet article entitled “Configure server-to-server authentication between Office Online Server and SharePoint Server 2016” at

Configure audiences and hybrid features

Audiences are a mechanism used in SharePoint to target content to a particular subset of users. This functionality has been available for several versions of SharePoint, although it’s acquired a new use within SharePoint 2013 and 2016. Specifically, audiences are now used to determine which users receive access to hybrid services such as OneDrive for Business. Having this functionality present allows SharePoint administrators to perform a phased migration to the cloud, rather than having an all-or-nothing configuration.

Configure audiences

Audiences can be configured from Central Administration, or they can be created from PowerShell. Once created, the membership of the audience can be assigned access to hybrid features.

Need More Review?

To better understand how users can be granted access to Office 365 via audience, review the “Configure settings in Central Administration” section of the TechNet article entitled “How to redirect users to Office 365 for OneDrive for Business” at

Configure hybrid features

Hybrid features in SharePoint Server 2016 allow users in your enterprise to have the best of both worlds: all of the local functionality present in your on-premises implementation plus the benefits of technologies that are found exclusively in Office 365. Each of the following technologies requires a baseline configuration; Office 365 must be configured to hybrid with your on-premises SharePoint Server 2016 implementation.

Additionally, SharePoint Server 2016 hybrid configurations also require the following services to be running on your farm:

Image Managed Metadata Service (MMS) application

Image User Profile Service application

Image My Sites

Image Exam Tip

Hybrid features are unavailable without first configuring your Office 365 tenant for hybrid, registering your domain, configuring User Principal Name (UPN) suffixes, and synchronizing your user accounts. Understanding and implementing this requirement should be reviewed for the test, and is detailed in the “Configure Office 365 for SharePoint hybrid” article that can be found on TechNet at


SharePoint Server 2016 supports two distinct types of Search configurations between on-premises and cloud installations. Cloud hybrid search is the more recent search configuration, which works both with SharePoint Server 2016 and SharePoint Server 2013 (requires the August 2015 Public Update) installations. Hybrid federated search is also supported, as was introduced in SharePoint Server 2013.

Cloud Hybrid Search

Cloud hybrid search allows crawled content from your on-premises file shares, SharePoint (2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016) and Office 365 installations to be presented by a Search index that is hosted in Office 365. Users querying content in this hybrid experience see unified search results from both installations, presented in a single search experience:

Image Enterprise Search Search Center in SharePoint Online automatically includes results from your on-premises content. You can customize your Search Center in SharePoint Online, for example, by adding custom refiners.

Image Search verticals Search verticals narrow search results to a specific set of content, for example, to show only videos. If you currently use a search vertical in your Search Center in SharePoint Server, you have to re-create it in your Search Center in SharePoint Online.

Need More Review?

For a better understanding of the SharePoint Online Search Center, review the Office article entitled “Manage the Search Center in SharePoint Online” at

Content metadata from your on-premises SharePoint 2016 implementation is securely encrypted as it’s transferred to the Search index in Office 365. Search itself is configured from Office 365, except for setting up content crawls, which you do in Central Administration on your SharePoint Server farm.

Storing the Search index fully in the cloud means that users always have the most current SharePoint Online search experience possible. From an administrative point of view, you no longer have to migrate the Search index as you upgrade your on-premises installation of SharePoint; additionally, you don’t have to worry about the overall size of your Search index, as it does not require any on-premises resources.

At its core, the configuration of cloud hybrid search is comprised of the following configuration steps:

1. Configure Office 365 for your SharePoint hybrid implementation.

2. Create a cloud Search service application in SharePoint Server 2016 by using the CreateCloudSSA.ps1 PowerShell script.


The cloud Search service application can be set up on either SharePoint 2013 or 2016; note that there can only be one cloud Search service application in a SharePoint farm.

3. Connect the cloud Search service application to the Office 365 tenant by using the Onboard-CloudHybridSearch.ps1 PowerShell script.


Both the CreateCloudSSA.ps1 and Onboard-CloudHybridSearch.ps1 PowerShell scripts can be found in the Microsoft Download Center.

4. Create (and then crawl) content sources.

Image Exam Tip

Search is an essential component of most SharePoint implementations. For the test, be familiar with the roadmap provided by Microsoft for Cloud Hybrid search configuration, entitled “Configure cloud hybrid search – roadmap,” which can be found on TechNet at

Hybrid Federated Search

Hybrid federated search was introduced with SharePoint 2013 and Office 365, and is still a supported Search configuration for SharePoint 2016. In this configuration, two separate indexes are maintained: SharePoint 2016 on-premises and Office 365 in the cloud. Content from these indexes is presented together on Search results pages, but the environments are maintained separately from a search standpoint.

Hybrid federated search can be configured in inbound, outbound, or bidirectional hybrid topologies. In an Outbound configuration, users receive hybrid results when searching from the SharePoint Server 2016 Search Center, whereas in the Inbound configuration, users receive hybrid results when searching from the SharePoint Online Search Center. Bidirectional hybrid is, of course, a combination of Inbound and Outbound search configurations. All of these configurations assume that you have already set up synchronization of Active Directory to the cloud and that you have previously established your server-to-server trust with Office 365.

Displaying hybrid federated search results in the SharePoint 2016 Search Center (Inbound) requires that the following procedures be completed:

Image A result source is created that defines how Search results are retrieved from SharePoint Online.

Image A query rule is created to turn on hybrid Search results in SharePoint Server 2016.

Displaying hybrid federated search results in the SharePoint Online Search Center (Outbound) requires that the following procedures be completed:

Image A result source is created that defines how Search results are retrieved from the on-premises deployment of SharePoint Server 2016.

Image A query rule is created to turn on hybrid Search results in SharePoint Online.

Need More Review?

Configuring Outbound and Inbound topologies requires two distinct efforts to set up. For more information about configuring Outbound topologies, review the TechNet article entitled “Display hybrid federated search results in SharePoint Server 2013” at For more information about configuring Inbound topologies, review the TechNet article entitled “Display hybrid federated search results in SharePoint Online” at

Hybrid Picker tools

Hybrid Picker is a tool set found in Office 365 administration that allows you to integrate hybrid solutions with your on-premises SharePoint Server farm. This tool is used to set up one of two possible hybrid features (shown in Figure 1-34): Hybrid OneDrive for Business or Hybrid SharePoint Sites.


FIGURE 1-34 The Cloud-Driven Hybrid Picker

During activation, both of these features configure a server-to-server (OAuth/S2S) trust between SharePoint Server 2016 and Office 365. Hybrid Picker requires that the App Management, Subscription Settings, and User Profile Services are running and configured; additionally, the Search service application must be running and configured.

Need More Review?

To better understand the specifics of creating a server-to-server connection between Office 365 and SharePoint Server 2016, review the “S2S authentication trust between SharePoint and SharePoint Online” section of the “Planning and Preparing for Microsoft SharePoint Hybrid” ebook on the Microsoft Virtual Academy website at

A series of prerequisites must be met prior to using the Hybrid Picker:

Image An on-premises SharePoint Server 2013 farm requires the September 2015 Public Update; no action is necessary for SharePoint Server 2016.

Image Ports 80 and 443 must be opened on the firewall for your on-premises configuration outbound to Office 365.

Image You must log in to a server in the on-premises SharePoint Server farm with an account that accesses Central Administration as a Farm Administrator; from the same server, you must also log in to Office 365 as an account that is a Global Administrator.

Image On-premises accounts being synchronized must have an email address, a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) address, or a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address.

Image Exam Tip

At first, it would seem that you are committing your enterprise to an “all or nothing” configuration, requiring that all users are part of the hybrid options. This is actually not the case, as you can set up audiences in your on-premises SharePoint Server environment to deploy hybrid features to your users in phases. Audiences should be configured prior to running the Hybrid Picker tool; be familiar with how audiences are configured in an on-premises configuration, both from Central Administration as well as via PowerShell cmdlets.

OneDrive for Business

Hybrid OneDrive for Business is the more basic of the two Hybrid Picker options and alters your OneDrive for Business configuration to redirect users to the Office 365 version of OneDrive for Business to store their files, rather than using the on-premises variant. Users are automatically redirected to OneDrive for Business in Office 365 when they click the OneDrive link in the navigation bar.


As previously mentioned, audiences can be configured to allow some users to access their OneDrive for Business in Office 365 while other users access the on--premises version of OneDrive for Business.

In an exclusively on-premises implementation of OneDrive for Business, users are forced to log in via some mechanism to access their corporate storage. If this environment is available via a hybrid configuration, users can securely access their data from outside your corporate network. Information stored in this environment is still subject to governance settings that are configured from within SharePoint Server 2016.

Configuring OneDrive for Business allows you to configure Office 365 to host hybrid users’ profile information, and is available in both SharePoint 2013 and 2016. Profile information is also automatically made available within Delve.

Need More Review?

To better understand the specifics of configuring hybrid OneDrive for Business, follow the published TechNet roadmap entitled “Configure hybrid OneDrive for Business - roadmap” at For more information on hybrid profiles, refer to the TechNet article “Plan hybrid profiles” at

Team Sites

Team Sites (Hybrid SharePoint Sites) is a superset of OneDrive for Business, and adds both Site following and the extensible App Launcher to the user experience. Followed Team Sites from SharePoint Server 2016 and SharePoint Online are both presented on the Sites page, and are easily accessed from the Sites tile of the App Launcher.

Need More Review?

To better understand the specifics of configuring hybrid sites features, follow the published TechNet roadmap entitled “Configure hybrid sites features – roadmap” at

Extensible Hybrid App Launcher

Office 365 users are familiar with the App Launcher feature in Office 365. This feature has now been extended to on-premises installations of SharePoint Server 2016, and is made available once you enable one of the two hybrid features (Hybrid OneDrive for Business or Hybrid SharePoint Sites).

Once the Extensible Hybrid App Launcher has been enabled, on-premises users of SharePoint Server 2016 can access apps such as Office 365 Delve and Video, and also access any custom Office 365 tiles. Additionally, any custom tiles pinned to the Office 365 app launcher will automatically appear in the on-premises SharePoint Server 2016 app launcher.

Need More Review?

To better understand the use and configuration of the Extensible Hybrid App Launcher, follow the guide entitled “The extensible hybrid app launcher” at


Image External content types are used to represent data in external systems within a SharePoint site.

Image Keywords, synonyms, promoted results, and managed properties heavily influence Search results.

Image Durable links are a mechanism for linking documents that will survive a move or renaming action.

Image DLP queries allow users to discover sensitive content in a farm, and DLP policies allow for the automated management of sensitive information.

Image There are four claims-aware authentication types in SharePoint 2016: Windows authentication, Basic authentication, Forms-based authentication, and a Trusted identity provider. Classic mode authentication is not supported in SharePoint Server 2016.

Image A software boundary is an absolute limit that cannot be exceeded or changed, whereas a software threshold has an initial value set that can (if required) be expanded to the boundary limit, and a software limit is a configuration value that is set based on performance testing by Microsoft.

Image A site collection can be moved from one content database to another; a site cannot.

Image A MinRole-compliant farm can run on as few as one SharePoint server (Single-server server role), three SharePoint servers (one server in each of the Front-end, Application, and Distributed cache tiers), or four SharePoint servers (one server in each of the Front-end, Application, Distributed cache, and Search tiers). A fully resilient MinRole-compliant farm runs on a minimum of nine servers (two each in the Front-end, Application, and Search tiers with three servers in the Distributed cache tier).

Image The maximum degree of parallelism (SQL setting) for a SharePoint farm is 1.

Image Server-to-server authentication is a mechanism of establishing a trust between two server environments.

Thought experiment

In this thought experiment, demonstrate your skills and knowledge of the topics covered in this chapter. You can find the answer to this thought experiment in the next section.

You are creating the first SharePoint farm at your company, and have been given guidance by your management to keep costs down. You are supporting a minimal number of users, but are supporting a large body of content that will need to be stored in SharePoint.

Answer the following questions for your manager:

1. How many servers need to be purchased (not including the data tier) to build the first production environment? What MinRole will be used?

2. How many servers need to be purchased to make the environment fully resilient (not including the data tier)? How many tiers will there need to be? What MinRoles will be used?

3. What sort of problems might you expect from an information topology standpoint?

Thought experiment answer

This section contains the solution to the thought experiment.

1. To build the smallest possible farm, you will need a single server, configured with the Single-server farm MinRole.

2. You will need to scale the farm out to a total of nine servers in four tiers with the following server roles: two Front-end servers, two Application servers, three Distributed cache servers, and two Search servers.

3. If you start with a single site collection, it will be easy to administer permissions; you might have scalability issues, depending on just how big the body of content turns out to be.

You could consider starting with a single content database that has multiple site collections; this way, if you ever need to scale down the size of a content database, you could create a new content database, then move site collections to the new storage.

Scaling the site collections might cause you to reconsider your navigation strategy, moving from a structural to a managed navigation structure.

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