
4GTFourth Generation Techniques
AESAdvanced Encryption Standard
APIApplication Programming Interface
APFAdaptive Project Framework
ACWPActual Cost of Work Performed
ACActual Cost
AHPAnalytical Hierarchy Process
BBSPIBlockchain-Based Software Process Improvement
BSIMMBuilding Security in Maturity Model
BCWSBudgeted Cost for Work Scheduled
BTKBidirectional Transfer of Knowledge
BNSBi-Normal Separation
CBDMComponent-Based Development Model
CMMICapability Maturity Model Integration
CPMConcurrent Process Model
CIOChief Information Officer
CPICost Performance Index
CSFCritical Success Factors
CIConsistency Index
CRConsistency Ratio
CSCMCybersecurity Challenges Model
CSSCascading Style Sheets
CSACyber Security Agency
DASTDynamic Application Security Testing
DCMDivide and Conquer Model
DevOpsDevelopment and Operations
DIMMDevOps Implementation and Management Model
DC2MDevOps’ Culture Challenges Model
DoSDenial of Service
DXDigital Transformation
EBSEEvidence-Based Software Engineering
ESCOEuropean Skills, Competences and Occupations
e-CFe-Competence Framework
EQFEuropean Qualifications Framework
EVMEarned Value Management
EVEarned Value
ESEarned Schedule
FSDMFormal Systems Development Model
FPFunction Point
FTCFeature Transition Charts
FPRFalse Positive Rate
GMWDGeneralized Modified Weibull Distribution
GSDGlobal Software Development
HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HRHuman Resource
IASTInteractive Application Security Testing
IDCInternational Data Corporation
IDRIncremental Delivery
IoTInternet of Things
IPsImprovement Packages
ITInformation Technology
ITILInformation Technology Infrastructure Library
ISO/IECInternational Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission
ISCOInternational Standard Classification of Occupations
ICTInformation and Communications Technology
KPIKey Performance Indicators
KDKolmogorov Distance
LSELeast Square Estimation
M&AMeasurement & Analysis
MMMaturity Models
MLEMaximum Likelihood Estimation
MSEMean Square Error
MVFMean Value Function
MVCModel View Controller
NCSNon-Cognitive Skills
NCSFNon-Cognitive Skills Framework
NHPPNon-Homogeneous Poisson Process
NPSNet Promoter Scores
OMGObject Management Group
OD-PRMOpen Data Process Reference Model
OD-CMMOpen Data Capability Maturity Model
OECDOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development
OSSOpen Source Software
OSOperating System
OWASPOpen Web Application Security Project
OSDOOffshore Software Development Outsourcing
PAsProcess Attributes
PCI DSSPayment Card Industry Data Security Standard
P-CMMPeople Capability Maturity Model
PEOUPerceived Ease of Use
PIOPopulation, Intervention, and Outcome
PMSProject Management System
PUPerceived Usefulness
PVPlanned Value
QAQuality Assurance
QFDQuality Function Deployment
QoSQuality of Service
RADRapid Application Development Model
ReMoRecommendation Model
RQResearch Questions
RPMRapid Prototyping Model
RFCRequest for Change
RMRisk Management
RIRandom Consistency Index
SADCMSoftware Architecture, Designing Challenges Model
SAMMSoftware Assurance Maturity Model
SBRSecurity Bug Reports
SCAMPIStandard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement
SGAStructured Gap Analysis
SHASecure Hash Algorithm
SLCSoftware Life Cycle
SDLSecurity Development Life Cycle
SDL-AgileSecurity Development Life Cycle for Agile Development
SOAService-Oriented Architecture
SPDSoftware Process Definition
SPEMSoftware & Systems Process Engineering Meta-Model
SPCMSoftware Process Certification Model
SPISoftware Process Improvement
SPICESoftware Process Improvement and Capability Determination
SPSSStatistical Package for Social Sciences
SQLStructured Query Language
SMESmall and Medium Enterprises
STRIDESpoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information Disclosure, Denial of Service, and Elevation of Privilege
SSDLSoftware Security Development Life Cycle
SVSchedule Variance
SLRSystematic Literature Review
SRGMSoftware Reliability Growth Model
SSESum of Squares Error
TAMTechnology Acceptance Model
TAMARTMMi Assessment Method Application Requirements
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TIMPThreat Intelligence Management Platform
TMMiTest Maturity Model integration
TSTheil’s Statistic
XPExtreme Programming
XSSCross-Site Scripting
XMLExtensible Markup Language
WBSWork Breakdown Structure
WSMWin-Win Spiral Model
WANWide Area Network
WSNWireless Sensor Network
WWWWorld Wide Web
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