Abercrombie & Fitch, as tribe, 66

accountability, and horror reduction, 175–176

“Acres of Diamonds” (Conwell), 253

Adams, Hoover, 33

addiction to new customers, 253

Air Miles program (Canada), 130–131

alarm customers, 207

alarm systems, for customer attrition, 217–219

Alexa, 256n

Amazon, 22, 41–42, 161, 210

statistics, 256n

Amazon Prime, 142

apology, 168, 213

Apple, 43–44, 47, 84

commercials, 39

iPhone, 46

The Apprentice (TV), 155–156

archetypes, 111–118

communicating with, 118–124

“day in the life” of, 119–120

defining, 111–112

different rewards for each, 150

ideal, 116

loyalty levels, 145

understanding, 118–120

uses, 115–116

voice of, 120–121

attrition, 208

alarm systems, 217–219

categories, 208–211

and habits, 211

solving problems of, 212–215

see also lost customers

Audi, 152, 237–238

Authentic Happiness (Seligman), 203


of community, 77

importance of, 176–179

automation software, for customer data collection, 186–187

average, 23

issues with, 109–110

average customer lifetime value, 19

B2C companies, information collection by, 189

back-end marketing, 228

Baldwin, Alec, 25

Barren quadrant, 98

Basch, Michael, 172–173

Customer Culture, 173

Bechara, Samar, 48


data collection on, 23

encouraging desired, 198–199


recognizing expected and unexpected, 242

tracking of customers’, 192–201

behavioral analytics, 110

Belle Tire, 100

Ben & Jerry’s, 112

Bentley, 93–94

Bezos, Jeff, 41

big data, 21–22, 192–193

BlackBerry Ltd., 47

PlayBook, 45–46

Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community (Putnam), 33

brand personality, 32, 53

brands, 106

differentiating, 76

loyalty to, 7

and storytelling, 42–44

Brown, Rachel, 11–13, 243

Buffett, Warren, 33


archetypes, 112

vs. content, 89

as evergreen, 2

knowing focus of, 88

scrutinizing weak spots, 172–176

business models, 83

call centers, in foreign countries, 164

call to action, 223

Camp, Garrett, 85

car dealer, 197

Caregiver, 112

caricature, vs. character, 47–49

Cathedral Grove, 1

change, 252

in customer needs, 210–211

character, 4, 31, 32, 41–59, 155

building in organization, 44–47

vs. caricature, 47–49

development in story, 43

character quality, 44

charges, for loyalty program, 141

checklists, for new customer process, 240

Chipotle, 79–80

choice, vs. customer experience, 95

Christensen, Clayton M., The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail, 86

client, or customer, 4

closing sale, vs. opening relationship, 25

CLV model, see Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) model


after the honeymoon, 238–242

with archetypes, 118–124

with customers, 120–121

frequency with customers, 215

methods, 122–124

community, 4, 31, 33–34, 61–77

benefits of building, 62–64

building, 72–77

cultivating, 76

letting go to grow, 76–77

structures, 150

tools for building, 74–75

vs. tribe, 64–68


archetypes, 112

as evergreen, 2

knowing focus of, 88

scrutinizing weak spots, 172–176

company character creation

avatar of your character, 57–58

purpose for actions, 56–57

story of origin, 53–54

superhero definition, 54–56

competitive advantage, 81


avoiding discounts from invalid, 171

response to, 213

response to valid vs. invalid, 170–172

validity of, 168–170

connections, goal in creating, 53

constant contact, establishing, 215–217

consumption, education of, 240–241

contact, knowing how much is too much, 216–217

content, 4, 31, 35–36, 79–101, 250

vs. business, 89

context for, 83–84

defining, 80–82

hyperfocusing as pitfall, 87

importance of, 82–85

importance of choices, 93–94

knowing when more is better, 90–96

overwhelming customer with, 93

conversation, 191–192

Conwell, Russell, “Acres of Diamonds,” 253

corporate character, clarity in creating, 51–52

Costco, 199–201


of losing customers, 165

of mistakes, 175

Crayola, 112

CrossFit, 61–62, 69–70, 257n

community, 68–72

daily workout, 70

Crossing the Chasm (Moore), 119

Culinary Institute of America, 79

culture, customer-focused, 64

customer acquisition, 138

see also new customers

customer attrition

alarm systems, 217–219

categories, 208–211

and habits, 211

solving problems of, 212–215

see also lost customers

customer avatar, 114

customer base, picture of segments, 113–114

Customer Culture (Basch), 173

customer database, 183–184

segmenting, 191–192

tools for data collection, 184–187

customer experience, 101

vs. choice, 95

evaluating new, 85–87

organizations and, 84–85

customer feedback, 75

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) model, 107–111, 252

calculating, 108

creative use of data, 20–21

limitations of, 19–20

customer list, segmenting, 116–118, 184, 206–208

customer loyalty, 2, 124

content and, 47

creating with first transaction, 231–238

modern definition, 134–135

Three Cs and, 38

customer loyalty action plan design, 144–153

construction, 151–152

determining focus of data, 148–149

metrics of success, 150–151

objectives, 147–148

surprises for customers, 152–153

customer reactivation, 204

customer reactivation (continued)

template for, 217

customer relationship management (CRM) systems, 183–184

customer relationships, see relationships

customer retention, 3, 15

vs. new customers, 14

system for, 183, 243–248

customer service, 63, 155–179

commonsense approach to, 164–172

customer tracking and, 218

excessive requests, 160

customer-centricity, 17–19, 158

of Amazon, 22


calling inactive, 215–216

caring for existing, 247–248

character association with organization, 32

or client, 4

cost of losing, 165

emotional commitment of, 139

follow-up with, 196–197

guidelines for firing, 159–163

importance of, 22–23

information collection on, 187–192

least profitable, 163

low-value vs. high-value, 132

money left on table by, 182–184

not worth keeping, 157

permission to fire, 157–158

profile types and datasets, 110–111

segmenting, 116–118

thanking, 235

top-tier, increased involvement from, 153

true value of, 19–24

value of, 63

see also archetypes; lost customers; new customers

data collection

choosing tools, 184–187

incentives in, 190–191

from loyalty programs, 148–149

specificity in, 188–190

“day in the life” of archetype, 119–120

deciduous quadrant, 97–98

decision makers, 73

defecting customers, 206–207

Delivering Happiness (Hsieh), 156–157

Dell, 81

Delta Air Lines SkyMiles, 131

demographic profile, 110

discounts, 243–248

Disneys’ VIP Tour Services, 143

disruptive technologies, 86

Dorsey, Jack, 186

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us (Pink), 139

Dropbox, 95–96

Drucker, Peter, 18, 22, 58

Dunkin’ Donuts, vs. Starbucks, 65

Eades, Keith, The New Selling Solution, 114–115

education of consumption, 240–241

80/20 rule, 18–19

and customer problems, 158

Ells, Steve, 79

e-mail addresses, collecting, 187

emotional commitment of customer, 139

emotional impact of customer experience, 231

employee empowerment policy, 166

employee morale, rude customers and, 159


Barren quadrant, 98

Deciduous quadrant, 97–98

Evergreen quadrant, 99

Wilting quadrant, 98–99

Evergreen customers, 207

Evergreen diagnostic, 96–99

Evergreen ladder of loyalty, 146–147

Evergreen Marketing Equilibrium, 24–28, 181

Evergreen relationships, rekindling, 222

evergreen trees, 2

exclusionary attitude, 67


importance of managing, 167–168

for reactivation system, 225–226

expectations gap, 229–231

minimizing, 230–231

expense, see costs

external circumstances, and customer attrition, 209–210

Facebook, 47–49

Facebook for Business, 48

Fader, Peter, 17

FedEx, 172–173

feedback, 176

validity of, 169

firing customers

guidelines, 159–163

hungry hippos, 160–163

problem children, 159–160, 131

focus, 106

on existing customers, 252

on growth, vs. value, 167

follow-up, 240

after mistake, 213

with customers, 196–197

Ford, Henry, 89

foreign countries, call centers in, 164

form letters, 178

Fortune 500, 106

Four Cs, 105–106

Four Ps, 105


of customer purchases, 195

determining optimal, 196–198

front-end marketing, 228

Galbraith, Jay, 17

girl-focused building toys, see GoldieBlox

Glassman, Greg, 61

Godin, Seth, 64

GoldieBlox, 29–30, 35, 112

Three Cs and, 31

Google Pay-Per-Click (PPC), 20–21, 94–95

greased chute concept, 227

Gretzky, Wayne, 124

Groupon website, 12–13, 182, 243

Gulati, Ranjay, 17


change in, 214–215

and customer attrition, 211

Haidt, Jonathan, Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion (Haidt), 34

Harley-Davidson, 74

Harvard Business Review, 88

Heath, Chip and Dan, Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die, 43

The Hero and the Outlaw (Mark and Pearson), 112

Hierarchy of Horrors process, 172–173

examining roadmap, 175–176

listing worst screw-ups, 173–174

measurements over 30-day interval, 174–175

ordering results, 175

hotels, optimal frequency for customers, 197

Hsieh, Tony, Delivering Happiness, 156–157

inactive clients, calling, 215–216

indoctrination of new customer, 232

information, from loyalty programs, 148–149

information-based website, subscription to, 140

Infusionsoft, 186, 225

The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail (Christensen), 86

inquiry cards, for customer data collection, 185

instant gratification, 15

insurance companies, customer retention, 98

intelligence gathering, 181–201

Internet, 34

nasty comments on, 159

invalid complaints, avoiding discounts from, 171

Jamie Oliver: Fresh Retail Ventures Brand Guidelines, 51

Japan, 48

jargon, 70–71

Jeffries, Mike, 67

Jester, 112

Jobs, Steve, 43

Jung, Carl, Die Struktur der Seele, 111

Kalanick, Travis, 85

Kickstarter, 35

Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, 41

Kmart, 22

Kodak, 89

Kotler, Philip, Principles of Marketing, 105

LaCugna, Joe, 128, 132

Lauterborn, Robert, 105

Leaky Bucket Theory, 15–16

least profitable customers, 163

Lego, 112

Levitt, Theodore, 88

lifetime, defining, 108–109

Limited Brands, 67

long-term objectives, 73

loopholes, customers taking advantage of, 161

lost customers, 203–226

defining, 206

effort to bring back, 207

identifying, 205–208

reasons for leaving, 208–211

low-value customers, cultivating, 163

The Loyalty Effect (Reichheld), 129, 165

loyalty of customer, 2, 124

content and, 47

creating with first transaction, 231–238

modern definition, 134–135

Three Cs and, 38

loyalty program development, 135–144

fitting within big picture, 137–138

loyalty ladder in, 138–139

objectives, 136–137

prioritizing status over stuff, 139–141

selling loyalty, 142–144

showing customers what they can’t have, 141–142

loyalty programs, 127–153

failure, 129–135

LoyaltyOne Inc, 130

Macias Gini & O’Connell LLP, 56

Maddox, 166

Made in America; My Story (Walton), 249–250

Mark, Margaret, The Hero and the Outlaw, 112


aim of, 58

campaign format vs. content, 14–15

and expectations gap, 229–231

Four Ps, 4

natural synergy of thoughtful, 124–125

tactical vs. strategic, 106

and tribe, 66

tricks and tools, 228

marketing department, importance of, 106–107

marketing myopia, 88

marketing scenario, unsustainable, 26

McLaren, Stu, 235

Media General, 33

membership-based businesses, 141


crafting, 222–223

value of follow-up, 241

messy closet theory, 92–93

Microsoft, Autopilot, 225


correcting, 212–213

costs of, 175

and customer attrition, 209

see also Hierarchy of Horrors process

mobile communications, 34

Model T, 89

monetary value, of customer purchases, 195

money on table, left by customers, 182–184

Moore, Geoffrey, Crossing the Chasm, 119

motivation, 140

Mug Club, 143

The Naked Chef, 50–51

names, correct spelling of, 188

Need a Cake (bakery), 11–13, 243

needs of customer, change in, 210–211

negative comments, Amazon accounts closed due to excessive, 161–162

negative post-purchase thoughts, avoiding, 236

net promoter score (NPS), 129

new customers, 181–182, 206, 227–248

addiction to, 253

being prepared for, 182

costs of focusing on, 16

vs. customer retention, 14

effective follow-up, 241–242

indoctrination of, 232

myth of business saved by, 11–28

next action steps from, 236–238

new customers (continued)

onboarding, 234–238

preparation to capture information, 245–246

treatment of, 239

new ideas, 5

The New Selling Solution (Eades), 114–115

newsletters, 237

newspapers, Buffett investment in, 33

NPS (net promoter score), 129

Oliver, Jamie, 50–51, 122

omote-ura, 48–49

one-size-fits-all approach, problem of, 117

opening relationship, vs. closing sale, 25

optimal frequency, determining, 196–198

optimization, 15

Orbitz, 166

Pareto principle, 18–19

and customer problems, 158

peanut butter, recall by Costco, 200

Pearson, Carol S., 111

The Hero and the Outlaw, 112

Pink, Daniel, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, 139

pivot point, 232–233

point-of-sale (POS) systems, 185–186, 189

points cards, 130–131

Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind (Ries and Trout), 32

PPC (Google Pay-Per-Click), 20–21, 94–95


horrors, 175

status over stuff, 139–141

privacy of customers, 235

proactive representation of your brand, 49–52

products, quality of, 13

profits, maximizing, 84


broader context for, 244

end goal, 246–247

planning, 245

preparing staff for, 246

prospects, 206

publicity, 11

Pukie (CrossFit’s mascot), 68

purchase patterns, 194

alarm for missed time, 219

Putnam, Robert D., Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community (Putnam), 33

quality of products and services, 13

railroads, decline of, 88

reactivation system

expectations about, 225–226

implementing, 220–225

reactivation system, steps, 221

crafting message, 222–223

delivering system, 223–224

monitoring, 224–225

rekindling Evergreen relationships, 222

tracking results, 224

Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Value (RFM) model, 194–196

recency, of customer purchases, 195

referrals, 20–21

generating, 63

loss of, 165

Reichheld, Frederick, The Loyalty Effect, 129, 165


company absence of efforts to grow, 182

between company and customer, 2–3, 6

customer feelings about, 121

end of, 204

Evergreen diagnostic and, 96–99

opening, vs. closing sale, 25

rekindling Evergreen, 222

responsibility, for customer attrition, 209

restaurants, 197

retention, 15

see also customer retention

reviews, validity of, 169

rewards, intrinsic vs. tangible, 140

rhabdomyolysis, 68

Ries, Al, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, 32

Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion (Haidt), 34

roach letter, 176–179

sales closing ratios, 25

sales transaction, 25

salmonella outbreak, 200

satisfaction, increasing, 128

search engine optimization, 94

segmenting customer list, 116–118, 184, 191–192, 206–208

Seligman, Martin, Authentic Happiness, 203

services, quality of, 13

shareholders, company duty to, 85

Sinek, Simon, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, 44–45, 176–178

social media, 74–75, 123–124

social organizations, decline of participation in, 33

social proof, power of, 237

Soderquist, Don, 249–250

software, for customer data collection, 186–187

Southwest Airlines, 167

specificity, in data collection, 188–190

Sprint, 161

Square (reader for credit cards), 186

Starbucks, 128, 132–134, 152

vs. Dunkin’ Donuts, 65

stars, customers as, 143

status, prioritizing over stuff, 139–141

Sterling, Debbie, 30, 35

stick letter, 233–234

storytelling, branding and, 42–44

strategy, definition, 72–74

straw man, 114

Die Struktur der Seele (Jung), 111

subscription, to information-based website, 140

sweet spot, for customer loyalty, 46–47

taxis, 85

telephone, nasty comments on, 159

thanking customers, 235, 166

Three Cs of Evergreen organization, 3–4, 30, 31–36, 106, 135, 251

character, 32, 155

community, 33–34

content, 35–36

in harmony, 36–39

pyramid, 83–84

time, true cost of, 28

time frame, for customer purchases, 197

tire companies, 99–101

to-do list, for new members, 236

Tom Cruise Effect, 217

top-tier customers, increased involvement from, 153

touch points, 223–224

tracking of customers, and customer service, 218

transaction, going beyond, 99–101

transparency, 49


vs. community, 64–68

leader’s mistake, 67–68

tactics of, 71–72

Tribe Lingo, CrossFit, 70–71

Trout, Jack, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, 32

Trump, Donald, 155–156

Trump Card Privileges Program, 190

trust, 45

Uber, 85–87

Uncle Rhabdo, 68

validity of complaints, 168–170

and response, 170–172


meaning of, 90

providing, 216

Veltman, Shawn, 31, 172

vision, translating to the voice of your customer, 58–59


of archetypes, 120–121

of customer, 115

Walton, Sam, Made in America; My Story, 249–250

websites, subscription to information-based, 140

Weiss, Alan, 65

welcome messages, and customer privacy, 235

welcome package, 141

what, as product focus, 45–46

why, as startup strategy, 46

wilting quadrant, 98–99

WishList Member, 235

wow experience, and companies, 101

Wozniak, Steve, 43

Zappos, 50, 156, 167

zip codes, 188

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