Prologue: Marketing in the Post‐Normal Era

So much has changed in the last years, from technological advances that revolutionize the way we communicate to globe‐shaking events like COVID‐19. Although much uncertainty surrounds these shifts, one factor remains clear. Business will never be the same.

And that includes marketing. In the past, a traditional or procedural approach to marketing might have produced reliable results, time and again. In this book, we'll refer to this setup as professional marketing. It is often associated with concepts such as segmentation, targeting, positioning, and product and brand management. The slow‐moving, one‐step‐at‐a‐time methodology may have been a great fit for a less connected era.

That's no longer the case. Today's fast‐paced, shifting world calls for a marketing strategy that can fit in everywhere—and be agile enough to move when needed. An entrepreneurial approach may be the ticket for organizations to be interconnected, flexible, and results‐driven.

Although the concept of entrepreneurial marketing isn't necessarily new, a more expanded version is essential. Its original definition referred to a combination of marketing and entrepreneurship elements. However, due to recent developments around the world, this approach must encompass a broader scope, a holistic perspective, if you will. One that integrates all the other departments of a company. One that doesn't remain in a silo, as marketing (and other functions) has often done in the past. It also converges an entrepreneurial mindset and a professional mindset.

This new genre of entrepreneurial marketing takes the center stage as we consider how our world has been disrupted by the pandemic. It remains important as we evaluate the technologies currently available that can connect us. When we look ahead to the coming years, we see approaching finish lines for initiatives like the Sustainability Development Goals. The United Nations adopted these in 2015 as a framework to end poverty and protect the planet. Their time line aims to achieve these goals by 2030.

In some ways, the foundation has been laid for this new version of entrepreneurial marketing. Think of online technology, for instance. Customers can easily search for what they want, get to know companies, and make purchases. Small and large companies alike can get involved in this interactive communication. The arrangement creates paths for stronger engagement, increased customer retention, and higher levels of loyalty.

Entrepreneurial marketing takes these capabilities to the next level. It seeks ways to not only connect with customers but also to speak directly to them. It is more hands on. (Want to know if a solution is working? Rather than running a report, just ask the customers!)

In addition, digital advances have made it easier than ever to integrate various functions of an organization. Entrepreneurial marketing interacts with other areas, including finances, technology departments, and operations. It supports leadership (and takes on a leadership role itself) and strategizes initiatives. It advocates for innovation and responds quickly to change. Effectively, it adds value for the organization and its shareholders.

If you're starting to think the new genre of entrepreneurial marketing sounds quite a bit like an entrepreneur, you are correct. This methodology encourages risk‐taking and is results‐oriented.1 It craves productivity and is always on the lookout for opportunities to improve.2 There are so many great potentials in the new genre of entrepreneurial marketing that you can take advantage of.


  1. 1   Retrieved August 20, 2022, from
  2. 2   Based on several definitions as explained in Robert D. Hisrich and Veland Ramadani, “Entrepreneurial Marketing: Entrepreneurship and Marketing Interface,” Entrepreneurial Marketing (Elgar, 2018).
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