• abundant numbers
  • amicable numbers
  • arithmetic functions
  • associative array
  • binary complement
  • binary numbers
  • Binet’s formula
  • binomial coefficients
  • binomial theorem
  • brute-force approach
  • Chinese remainder theorem
  • ciphertext
  • combinatorial numbers
  • complements
  • complex analysis
  • composite number
  • computational complexity
  • congruence classes mod k
    • congruent mod k
    • consecutive numbers, sequence
    • incongruent mod k
    • least residues
    • modular arithmetic
  • congruent mod k
  • cryptography
    • ciphertext
    • factoring large numbers
    • history
    • knapsack problem
    • modular equation
    • plaintext
    • public-key
    • science of encoding information
    • substitution code
    • superincreasing sequences
    • two-digit integer
  • decryption exponent
  • deficient numbers
  • Diophantine equations
  • distinct binary partition
  • divergent series
  • divisors
    • greatest common divisor
    • laws of divisibility
    • multiplicative function
    • prime divisor
    • proper
    • sigma function
    • tau function
  • “dot matrix” representation
  • double precision
  • dummy variable
  • encryption exponent
  • Euler phi function
    • Fermat’s little theorem
    • index of m (mod p)
    • Legendre symbol
    • order of a (mod n)
    • phi function
    • primitive roots
    • product of m and n
    • quadratic reciprocity
    • quadratic residue
    • x2 = a (mod n), solution
  • Euler’s theorem
  • factorials
  • factoring large numbers
  • Fermat primes
  • Fermat’s little theorem
  • Fibonacci numbers
    • Binet’s formula
    • golden ratio
    • ordered partitions
    • recursive relation
  • first differences
  • flag variable
  • floating point
  • for-loop
  • Gaussian integers
  • Goldbach’s conjecture
  • golden ratio
  • hard-coding
  • harmonic series
  • html elements
  • incongruent mod k
  • infinite product
  • isaSquare
  • isEven function
  • isPrime
  • iterative way
  • JavaScript
    • array methods, unshift and push adds
    • binary representation
    • built-in sort method
    • double precision
    • push
  • knapsack problem
  • kth order differences
  • Lagrange’s theorem
  • least common multiple (lcm)
  • least residues
  • Legendre symbol
  • lemmas
  • lettercount
  • linear combination
  • Mersenne primes
  • meta tag
  • Möbius function
  • Möbius inversion formula
  • modular arithmetic
    • Chinese remainder theorem
    • congruence classes mod k
    • definition
    • Fermat’s little theorem
    • Lagrange’s theorem
    • laws
    • modular equations
    • multiplicative inverses
    • reduced Pythagorean triples
    • squares and quadratic residues
    • Wilson’s theorem
  • modular equations
  • modulo operation
  • mth power numbers
  • multiplicative functions
  • multiplicative inverses
  • NP-complete
  • NP-hard
  • number theoretic functions
    • F(n) = ∑f(d)
    • Mersenne primes
    • Möbius function
    • multiplicative functions
    • perfect numbers revisited
    • Riemann zeta function
    • sigma function
    • tau function
  • oblong numbers
  • odd numbers
    • classify function
    • consecutive
    • row sums of triangular array
  • odd primes
  • ordered partitions
  • pairwise relatively prime
  • palindromes
  • partitions
    • binary numbers
    • distinct binary
    • “dot matrix” representation
    • infinite product
    • nth power
    • odd and distinct
    • ordered
    • summands
    • transpose of matrix
  • Pascal’s triangle
    • binomial coefficients
    • combinatorial numbers
    • factorials
  • Pell equation
  • perfect numbers
  • phi function see also Euler phi function
  • plaintext
  • precision
  • prime decomposition
    • definition
    • positive integer
    • tau function
  • primeDecomposition.js
  • prime numbers
    • composite number
    • definition
    • proof by construction
    • proof by contradiction
    • sums of two squares
  • primes array
  • prime values
  • primitive recursion
  • primitive roots
  • pseudocode
  • public-key cryptography
    • decryption exponent
    • encryption exponent
    • RSA system
  • push ()
  • Pythagorean theorem
  • Pythagorean triples
  • quadratic nonresidue
  • quadratic reciprocity
    • law of
  • quadratic residues
    • Legendre symbol
    • quadratic nonresidue
    • and squares
    • x2 = a (mod n), solution
  • script element
  • second differences
  • semiprime numbers
  • shift method
  • sigma function
  • sigma notation
  • source code
  • square-free number
  • squares
    • oblong numbers
    • odd primes
    • of primes
    • quadratic residues
    • sums of four or fewer squares
    • sums of two squares
  • substitution code
  • sums
    • Diophantine equation
    • of four or fewer squares
    • nth power
    • odd numbers
    • of two squares
  • superincreasing sequences
  • tauFF
  • tau function
    • definition
    • divisors
    • prime decomposition
  • third differences
  • toString ()
  • triangular numbers
  • twin primes
  • variable
  • while loop
  • Wilson’s theorem
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