
Locators in italics refer to figures and tables.

A levels 106

accountability 4, 118; assessment for learning 74; examination results 108-9, 11213; moderation systems 99; self-evaluation 13, 1415, 25, 301; students 36; work of Stenhouse 197, 205

achievement, definition 11415; see also attainment; Records of Achievement schemes

acquisition metaphor (AM) 166

activity theory 167, 174

adult learners 162

Advanced Extension Awards 109

Advanced Subsidiary (AS) 106

advisers, to schools 154

Advisory Council on Assessment and the Curriculum for Wales (ACAC) 90

affiliation networks 14950

Alexander, R. 161, 1701

anthropological approaches 3, 42, 125

apprenticeship models 132

assessment, definition 3; see also validity of assessment

assessment for learning (AfL) 6, 747, 117, 118, 1213; democratic evaluation 71, 72; learning how to learn project 141, 144, 151, 1534, 155, 182; and principles of pedagogy 160, 1645, 171, 1734; purpose of 78; sociocultural approach 12633; Teaching and Learning Research Programme 78; work of Stenhouse 2078; see also formative assessment

Assessment for Learning: beyond the black box (ARG) 6

assessment of learning 6, 118; class of 2000 1047; criteria for 4, 356, 80; democratic evaluation 72; historical context 11012; vs. lifelong learning 95, 98, 122; moderation systems 946, 978; next generation 10710; by peers 7980, 82; political context 11215; purpose of 78; Records of Achievement schemes 528; student involvement 7, 23, 6672, 7984, 81; by teachers 6572; Teaching and Learning Research Programme 1623, 174; theoretical foundations 1236; validity 69, 71, 105; work of Stenhouse 192, 2058; see also examinations; self-assessment; summative assessment

Assessment of Significant Learning Outcomes (ASLO) 1723

Assessment Reform Group 116, 117, 160, 172, 2056

attainment: measurement of 1047; moderation systems 978; vs. progress 40, 87; targets 84, 945, 978, 113, 202, 205; Teaching and Learning Research Programme 1623

audit systems: see moderation systems

Auld Report 4

authentic assessments 1279

authority of teachers 6870

authority-based evaluation 4, 312, 323

autonomy, learning 141, 144, 1468, 153, 174, 182

Autumn Package (DfEE) 11213, 114

Baker, Kenneth 5, 54, 110

Bakhtin, M. 170

barriers to student learning 43, 145

Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction (Tyler) 195

Beattie, A. 38

behaviourist theory of learning 7, 845, 1234; rejection of 1267, 131; work of Stenhouse 193201, 203, 2056

Bernstein, Basil 164

Beyond the Numbers Game (Hamilton et al) 3, 42

birth control 39

Black, P. 74, 11011, 116

Blair, Tony 113

blogs (Internet) 130, 132

Bristol University 51

British Educational Research Association (BERA) 5960

Broadfoot, P. 1067, 110

Brown, Gordon 113, 160

Bruner, J. 124, 194, 198, 201, 204

bullying 43

bureaucratic evaluation 4, 18

Callaghan, James 202

Cambridge Accountability Project, 31

Cambridge University 5, 7, 94

certification 512; see also Records of Achievement schemes

Changing Teacher Roles, Identities and Professionalism (C-TRIP) 181, 182, 183

ChildLine 107

Children’s Work Assessed (SEAC) 99

Classroom Action Research Network (CARN) 22

classrooms 132; learning how to learn project 139, 140, 143, 147, 153, 155; relationships in 176; use in research 1718, 42, 179, 194

Coalition government (2010 to present) 5

Coalition of Essential Schools (CES) 1279, 207

codified knowledge 166, 168

cognitive abilities 172

cognitive theory of learning 75, 857, 121, 124, 167

collegial management 26, 29-31, 30

community 132

Complexity of Learning (Eraut) 166

comprehensive schools 192, 201-2

computer usage 170, 1789, 183

concept-mapping 86

Confederation of British Industry 55

Confucius 112

consequential validity 78

Conservative government (1979–1990) 4, 5, 56, 113

construct validity 98, 172

constructivist theory of learning 75, 85-7, 121, 124, 167

Consulting Pupils about Teaching and Learning (TLRP project) 175

Consulting Pupils on the Assessment of their Learning (TLRP project) 174

content analysis 23

content-centred teaching 40-1

context criteria 4, 26, 435

continuing professional development (CPD) 142, 148, 155, 182

contraception 39

contractual accountability 31

core subjects 99100; focus on 114; at GCSE level 106; in Standard Assessment Tasks 104; in teacher assessments 105; see also individual subjects by name

cost issues: see funding issues

cot deaths 38, 39

creative mediation 165, 205

critical action research 45-7

Crittenden, B. 199

cultural knowledge 166

cumulative subjects 16970

curriculum 3; and accountability 74, 118; class of 2000 1047; compulsory subjects 106; Dearing Review 99101; development movement 13; evaluation of 17, 36; formative assessment 845; incorporating teachers observations 756; moderation systems 95; pedagogy 16474; and Records of Achievement schemes 545; reforms 5, 37; self-evaluation 23, 25; work of Stenhouse 1923, 199203

Curriculum Development: theory and practice (Taba) 195

curriculum workers 192

Daugherty, R. 956, 110

Dearden, R. F. 141

Dearing, Sir Ron 86, 92, 96, 99-101, 105, 112

declarative knowledge 166

deconstructionism 123

deep learning 115

definitions: achievement 11415; assessment 3; evaluation 3; formative 6; health 378; negotiation 69-70; pedagogy 161; summative 6

democratic evaluation 34, 18-19, 50, 59, 71

democratic political system 184

Dental Health Advisory Panel 39

dental health programmes 389

Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) 112

Department for Education (DfE) 94

Department of Education and Skills (DES) 519

deputy headteachers 19

development 4, 35, 52

Dewey, J. 148, 168, 177, 201, 203

dialogue 4, 52, 6572, 72, 1701

didactic transposition 16870

discrimination 45

documentary evidence 23

double loop learning 148

dumbing down 206

Dweck, C. S. 175

dynamic assessment 126

East Anglia 923, 94, 98, 102, 129-31

East Sussex Accountability Project 31

economic productivity 157

Education Act (1980) 28

Education and Inspections Act (2006) 160

Education Reform Act (1988) 53

educational assessment: see formative assessment

educationalists 1

Edwards, Anne 167

Effective Pre-School and Primary Education (EPPE) 170, 182, 183

Eisner, E. 196, 197

Elliott, J. 1718, 59, 181, 192

empirical-rational strategies 14

empowerment 41, 43, 44

engagement 162, 1756, 177, 183

English teaching 168, 169

Enlightenment thought 165, 205

environment, learning: see learning environment

epistemology, social 203

Eraut, Michael 166, 168

essays, as form of assessment 2068

ethnographic approaches 42, 175

Europe 10910

European Commission 156

evaluation 5, 88; definition 3; democratic 34, 1819, 50, 59, 71; as illumination 4, 42; for policies 5060; research 94; strategies 456, 46; Task Group on Assessment and Testing 11015; work of Stenhouse 193, 206, 207; see also self-evaluation

Every Child Matters 164, 177-8

Evidence-based Practice in Science Education (EPSE) 166, 169, 184

evidence-informed principles 158, 1601

examination boards 106

examinations 6; GCSEs 75, 82, 104, 106, 109, 1467; historical context 110; vs. lifelong learning 122; objectives model 196; prioritisation of 1089, 114-15; process model 205; SATs 76, 95, 104, 105, 1089; and student stress 1067, 11213, 117, 118, 182; Teaching and Learning Research Programme 172; teaching for 95, 98, 182; use in selection processes 112

Excellence in Cities initiative 108

Exemplification of Standards 90

experience (learning): principles of pedagogy 165, 16870; social backgrounds 176; sociocultural theory of learning 177; students 4, 403, 174

expressive objectives 197

extended professionality 15

fact learning 37, 85, 122, 166, 194

feedback (student-teacher) 78-9

Feinstein, L. 177

Field, J. 176

First Generation Assessment 7

fitness for purpose 4, 1734

fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) scans 169

formative assessment 7582; contemporary context 11517; vs. summative assessment 878, 8991, 100, 116; theories of learning 847; work of Stenhouse 2078; see also assessment for learning

free market in education 74, 113

funding issues: and curriculum 3; moderation systems 1012; professional development of teachers 153; Records of Achievement schemes 4, 56; research 5960

further education 106

games, as educational tool 756

Gardner, H. 168

gatekeepers of knowledge 166

GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education): 5A* to C grades 106, 1467; coursework 82; examinations 75; introduction of 104, 106; political context 109

General National Vocational Qualification (GNVQ) 82, 106

globalisation 8

Goldman, A. 203

governments: attitudes to education 11215; Coalition (2010 to present) 5; Conservative (1979–1990) 4, 5, 56, 113; and examination system 10910; grade targets 67; New Labour (1997–2010) 113, 124, 164, 1778; role in context criteria 434; see also policies

grades: 5A* to C GCSEs 106; formative assessment 84; formative value 79; targets 67; understanding meaning of 105

grammar schools 192, 201, 206

Gramsci, A. 11314

grassroots activities 4

Grigorenko, E. 1256

group work 1767

Harlen, W. 196

headteachers: adhering to policy 183; and moderation systems 94; role in self-evaluation 19

health education 35, 379, 435

Health Education Council 39

Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI) 923

Higher Education (HE) 289, 30, 162

Hirst, Paul 195

historical context: critical action research 45; examinations 11012; recognising achievement 512; self-evaluation 13; sociocultural theory 1245

home environment 178

Home-School Knowledge Exchange (HSKE) project 178

Hoyle, E. 15, 16

Humanities Curriculum Project (HCP) 9, 13, 192, 200, 2012, 206, 207

Identity and Learning Programme (TLRP project) 175

illuminative evaluation 3

illuminative paradigm 4, 42

independent schools 201, 206

individual freedoms 43

individuality 125

induction 198

infant schools 98

informal learning 175, 177

information: acting on 39; and democratic evaluation 71; dissemination within schools 26; see also public information

information revolution 87

Information Technology (IT) 170, 1789, 183

initial teacher training (ITT) courses 155, 182

initiation 198

Innovations for a Values- based Approach to Teacher Education project 182

INSET (In-Service Training) courses: learning how to learn project 142; self-assessment 83

INSET (In-Service Training) providers 289

inspections 7; see also moderation systems; Office for Standards in Education

inspectors 923, 154

institutionalisation 16

institutions: see schools

instruction 198

instructional objectives 197

intellectual capital 152

intellectually honest enquiry 194, 198

Intensive Quantities (TLRP project) 1834

InterActive Education (TLRP project) 1789, 183

interactive strategies 171

International Encyclopedia of Education (Peterson) 121

Internet 130, 132, 14950, 200

Inter-Play (TLRP project) 170

interpretative theory 27

An Introduction to Curriculum Research and Development (Stenhouse) 9, 192

Italy 114

Jackson, P. 1945, 199200

Japan 110, 112, 152

job satisfaction, teaching 182

Joseph, Sir Keith 51, 54

Journal of Curriculum Studies (Shulman) 151

Kane, M. 1712

Key Stages: KS1 6, 967, 100, 104, 107; KS2 1045, 1089, 166; KS3 90, 105, 106, 109; KS4 105, 106, 107, 109; KS5 106; quality assurance 92

knowledge: constructivist theories 856; deep vs. surface 115; and economic success 113; principles of pedagogy 165, 166; professional 169; subject-specific 151; work of Stenhouse 1934

Knowledge and Control (Young) 203

Labour government (1997–2010) 113, 124, 164, 1778

leadership 1489, 150, 1524, 183

league tables 6, 74, 107

learner-centred teaching 41, 54, 57, 58

Learning and Skills System (LSS) 184

learning autonomy 141, 144, 1468, 153, 174, 182

learning difficulties 68, 756, 80

learning environment 4; improvement of 117; success 437; for teachers 180; in the workplace 162

learning how to learn (LHTL) project 13943, 140, 142, 143; leadership 183; learning autonomy 171; practice and policy 1506, 1812; role of teachers 14350

Learning Lives (TLRP project) 175

learning oriented students 107

learning outcomes 7, 27, 127; for life 123; and principles of pedagogy 1634, 166, 172, 173, 1745; self-assessment 83; work of Vygotsky 125

learning process 121, 129, 132, 177, 178, 181; see also theories of learning

learning talk 171

learning theories: see theories of learning

learning with understanding 85, 87

legal issues 56

lesson objectives 144, 151

lesson planning 145

Lewin, K. 45, 84

lifelong learning 87, 11415, 118; vs. assessment 95, 98, 122; learning how to learn project 140, 1556; pedagogy 164; teaching for 123

literacy skills 90, 166, 177; see also core subjects

Local Education Authority (LEA): accountability 74; Auld Report 4; and examination results 113; moderation systems 92, 94, 967; records of achievement 4, 58

logic model 142, 143

London Institute of Education 7

Lower Attaining Pupils Programme (LAPP) 51

MacDonald, B. 1819, 71

Major, John 113

Man: A Course of Study (Bruner) 194, 200

management, schools 17, 26, 2933, 146, 147, 183

Manchester Grammar School 201

Mantle of the Expert (MoE) 12930

market in education 74, 113

marketing strategies 43

mathematical ability: see numeracy

medical model 389

meta-analysis 158

meta-cognitive skills 79, 82, 124, 140

methodology (research) 1

The Methodology of Evaluation (Scriven) 6

minority groups 45

model answers 802

moderation systems 924; Dearing, Sir Ron 99101; policy context 946; quality assurance 1012; in schools 969; Task Group on Assessment and Testing 111; see also quality assurance

moral accountability 31

moral education 3

morbidity rates 38

mortality rates 38

motivation, learning 175; certification 51, 52; examination results 112; group work 176; learning difficulties 75; setting own tasks 82; student feedback 69, 70, 91

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans 169

narrative review 160

National Council for Vocational Qualifications (NCVQ) 57

National Curriculum Assessment (NCA) 5, 845, 205; formative purpose 116; moderation systems 92

National Record of Achievement (NRA) 5, 57, 84, 106

National Strategies 155

national tests (STs) 96, 97, 99100

National Vocational Qualifications 84

naturalistic inquiry 71

negotiation in assessment 6572, 72

Networked Learning Communities 154

networking 14950, 152, 154

neuroscience 124, 167

New Labour government (1997–2010) 113, 124, 164, 1778

Newsom Report 51

non-academic secondary schools 201

normative gap 1634

normative-reeducative strategies, 14

Northern Ireland 182

Norwood Report 51

Noss, Richard 1789

novice teachers 1512, 154

Nuffield Foundation 3, 116

numeracy 756; self-assessment 83; Standard Assessment Task 104; Teaching and Learning Research Programme 166, 184; teaching process 1723; see also core subjects

Nuttall, D. 112

objectives model 193201, 203, 2056

Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) 102, 107; and accountability 113; assessment for learning 117; role in England 154

Open University 1, 3; dialogue in student assessment 669; Pilot Records of Achievement In Schools Evaluation 51; work of Stenhouse 192

outcome criteria 4, 27, 367

outcome evaluation 3740, 42

PACE (Primary Assessment, Curriculum and Experience) 106, 109, 114

parents 96, 99, 104, 105

participant observations 42

participation metaphor (PM) 166

pastoral care provision 35; context criteria 435; evaluation of 367, 3940, 47; vs. examination results 1089

pedagogy 7, 121, 122, 1578, 1856; curriculum and assessment 16474; educational values and purposes 1624; personal and social processes and relationships 1749; teachers and policies 17985; Teaching and Learning Research Programme 157, 15862, 159; work of Stenhouse 195, 2035

peer-assessment 7980, 82

Performance and Assessment (PANDA) 113

performance criteria 84

performance orientation 163; students 107, 115, 118; teachers 145, 1467

performativity 115

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) 35

Personal and Social Education: see PSE

personal autonomy 43

personal development 35, 157

personal knowledge 166

philosophy 124, 157, 1934

Philosophy of Education Society 163

Physical Education (PE) 85

Pilot Records of Achievement In Schools Evaluation (PRAISE) 501, 535, 579, 60

pluralism 35, 71

policies: and formative assessment 117; grade targets 67; influence of research 1, 5, 5060, 1734; learning how to learn 1556; and pedagogy 1834; Records of Achievement schemes 5; role of Task Group on Assessment and Testing 112; in schools 16; systems of moderation 946

political context 5, 11314; assessment for learning 74; and principles of pedagogy 158, 160, 163, 171, 197; self-evaluation 13, 14, 18; Task Group on Assessment and Testing 11011

Popham, James 1967

portfolio assessment 75; Dearing Review 101; introduction of 104; and parental involvement 99

positivist theory 27

post-modernism 165, 205

poverty 39

power-coercive strategies 14

practitioner enquiry movement 175

practitioner research 181

prejudice 45

Primary Assessment, Curriculum and Experience (PACE) project 106, 109, 114

primary schools 98; see also Key Stages

principles of pedagogy: see pedagogy

principles of procedure 195

prior knowledge 165, 16870

private schools 201, 206

procedural knowledge 166

process criteria 4, 267, 30, 401

process evaluation 413

Process Evaluation in Schools (Simons) 1617

process model 193201

professional accountability 31

professional development, teachers 7, 9, 1416; constructivist theories 86; learning from one another 1512, 154; learning how to learn project 142, 147, 148, 155; limitations on 1718; moderation systems 101; networking 14950, 152; self-evaluation 25, 31, 334; Teaching and Learning Research Programme 1802

professional knowledge 169

professionality 14, 15

progress (students) 51, 52, 55, 75, 879, 101

progressivism 114

PSE (Personal and Social Education) 35; context criteria 435; evaluation of 367, 3940, 47

PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) 35

psychology 124, 166, 168, 174

psychometric models 132

psychometric testing 197

public information 5; Key Stage 3 1056; league tables 107; and policy-making 50, 59; school self-evaluation 223

Pupil Consultation (TLRP project) 183

pupils: see students

Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) 106, 108

qualitative analysis 42, 171; learning how to learn project 1423; student progress 79

qualitative research 177

quality assurance 6, 40, 57, 1012; see also moderation systems

quality audit 92

quality control 1012

quantitative analysis: as assessment instrument 42; learning how to learn project 1423; Teaching and Learning Research Programme 158

Queensland (Australia) 7

radical approach (Tones) 445

raising of the school-leaving age (ROSLA) 201

rational management 26, 2931, 30

reading ability 978, 104

realism 203

Records of Achievement National Steering Committee (RANSC) 538

Records of Achievement (RoA) schemes 4, 6; evaluation criteria 80; historical context 518; National Record of Achievement 57; pilot schemes 501, 535, 579, 60; politics 5, 75; purpose of 65; school self-evaluation 23; self-assessment 84

Reduce the Risk campaign 38, 39

regulation of learning process 150

relational agency 167

relationship between teaching and learning 161

relationships (teacher-student) 6572, 176

relativism 165, 203, 205

reliability 171

research 1, 2, 4, 78; constructivist theories 86; evaluation strategies 456; formative and summative assessment 90; 116; funding issues 5960; influence on policy 1, 5, 5060, 1734; moderation systems 92, 94; process evaluation 42; process vs. objectives model 193201; school self-evaluation 229, 30; self-assessment 83; student vs. teacher experiences 423; by teachers 13, 42, 181, 200; see also Teaching and Learning Research Programme

Research Training Fellowship study (TLRP project) 177

responsibility-based evaluation 4, 312, 33

responsive evaluation 71

restricted professionality 15

results, examinations: see examinations

RoA: see Records of Achievement schemes

Rudduck, J. 456

Rumbold, Angela 55

Ryle, Gilbert 166

Sadler, D. Royce 789

sampling 223, 28

SATs: see Standard Assessment Tasks

scaffolding structures 124, 126, 165, 170

scholarship: see research

school uniforms 47

schools 3, 16; accountability 1415; conflicting priorities 1089; league tables 6, 107; learning how to learn project 147, 1478; links with higher education 289, 30; management 17, 26, 2933, 146, 147, 183; moderation systems 969; organizational structures 26, 2933, 30; political pressure on 115; primary 98; role in context criteria 445; secondary 28, 98, 148, 153, 178, 192, 201, 206; self-evaluation 1320, 229

Schools Curriculum and Assessment Authority (SCAA) 90; Dearing Review 1001; formative assessment 845; KS3 105; moderation systems 92

Schools Examination and Assessment Council (SEAC) 55; formative assessment 845; moderation systems 94, 96, 97

Schwab, J. 194

science 81; see also core subjects

Science 513 project 196, 198

scientific ability: Standard Assessment Task 104; Teaching and Learning Research Programme 16970

Scotland 166, 178, 182, 184

Second Generation Assessment 7

secondary schools 28, 98, 148, 153, 178, 201; see also Key Stages

self-assessment (students) 7, 23, 7980, 81; records of achievement schemes 84; student-teacher dialogue 6672, 82

self-empowerment model 41, 44

self-esteem 689, 70, 82

self-evaluation 3, 4; methodology 239; organizational structures 2933; schools 1320, 223, 154; teachers 14, 1718, 24, 334

Sfard, A. 1667

Shulman, L. S. 168

Simon, B. 1578, 185

Simons, Helen 34, 1415, 1617, 19

Simpson, M. 86

situated theory of learning: see sociocultural theory of learning

Sizer, T. 127, 129, 207

skills 87; formative assessment 85; meta-cognitive 79, 82; revolution in 55; social 1767

smoking 43

social capital 152, 176, 184

social cohesion 157

social constructivism 167

social context (learning) 85, 87, 1778, 182

social epistemology 203

social norms: constraints on actions 43, 467; cultural backgrounds 176; establishing consensus 39

social science 200

social-anthropological approach 3, 42, 125

socialism 114

sociocultural theory of learning 7, 9, 118, 12633; historical context 1245; knowledge 166; Teaching and Learning Research Programme 167, 177, 178

sociology 1645, 194

Socrates 71

Spens Report 51

Stake, R. E. 47

Standard Assessment Task (SAT) 76; introduction of 104, 105; moderation systems 95; vs. pastoral care provision 1089

Stansbury, D. 72

Statements of Attainment (SoAs) 104

Stenhouse, L. 8, 1923, 208; classrooms 1718, 194; practitioner enquiry movement 175; process model 193201; professionality 15; significance today 2018; teacher researcher 13, 42, 181

stress of examinations 1067, 11213, 117, 118, 182

STs (national tests) 96, 97, 99100

student outcomes 4, 27, 3640, 205; certification 512; limitations of 3940

students: dialogue in assessment 6572; examination stress 1067, 11213, 117; experiences 4, 403, 174; and group work 176; receiving feedback 789; self-assessment 23, 7984; Teaching and Learning Research Programme 174, 175, 183

subject-specific teaching 16870

success 4; evaluation criteria 356; learning environment 437; student experiences 403; student outcomes 3640

suicide 107

summative assessment 69; vs. formative assessment 878, 8991, 100, 116; see also assessment of learning

surface learning 83, 11415

Taba, H. 195

targets (attainment): 5A* to C GCSEs 106; contemporary context 202, 205; formative assessment 84; policy context 945, 978; pressure on schools 113

Task Group on Assessment and Testing (TGAT) 74; Dearing Review 100; evaluative purpose 11012; moderation systems 92, 93, 946

Teacher assessment (TA) 96, 97, 104, 105

Teacher Training Agency (TTA) 117

teachers: conflicting priorities 1089, 11213; Dearing Review 100; dialogue with students 6572, 789, 80; as learners 14352, 154, 17980; moderation systems 989; observing student progress 757; pedagogy 165, 17983; professionality 1416; as researchers 13, 42, 181, 200; self-evaluation 14, 1718, 24, 334; testing students 6, 7, 96, 11213; and theories of learning 1223; work of Stenhouse 193; see also professional development

teachers’ associations 117

Teaching and Learning Policy in Post-devolution UK Contexts (TLRP project) 183

Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP) 78, 121, 204; curriculum and assessment 16474; educational values and purposes 1624; pedagogy 157, 15862, 159; personal and social processes and relationships 1749; teachers and policies 17985

teaching methods 401, 123, 195

teaching talk 171

Technical and Vocational Education Initiative (TVEI) 51, 556

technology 170, 1789, 200

Technology Enhanced Learning (TLRP project) 1789

tests: see examinations

Thatcher, Margaret 111, 113

theoretical research approaches 27

theories of learning 5, 7; and assessment practice 121, 1236; constructivist 75, 857, 121, 124, 167; formative assessment 847; and professionality 15; see also behaviourist theory; sociocultural theory

Thinking Skills (TLRP project) 170, 183

Third Generation Assessment 7, 122, 127, 12932

Thought and Language (Vygotsky) 204

tick-box approach 145, 154, 182

Titanic (ship) 130, 133

Tones, K. 44

tools for learning 141, 170

traffic light communication 144

training 155, 182, 198

Training Agency 556

transactional psychology 168

Transforming Learning Cultures (TLRP project) 175

Transitions through the Lifecourse (TLRP project) 176

transmission model 401

Tyler, R. 195, 199

Tyndale affair 13

UK Assessment Reform Group 116, 117, 160, 172, 2056

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) 175

United States 9, 122, 124; curriculum 203; objectives model 192, 1967, 205; research approach 179; third generation assessment 1279

University of Bristol 51

University of Cambridge 5, 7, 94

Using Assessment for School Improvement (James) 6

validity of assessment 171; democratic evaluation 71; formative 88; teacher-pupil dialogue 69

values-practice gaps 146, 147, 182

Variations in Teachers’ Work, Lives, and their Effects on Pupils (TLRP project) 182

Verma, G. 198

vocational assessment 84

Vygotsky, L. S. 1246, 167, 170, 204

wait time 151

websites: learning how to learn project 152, 154; Teaching and Learning Research Programme 159, 179

wellbeing 157

Western thought 157

What Works Clearinghouse 179

Wider Benefits of Learning (WBL) 164, 177

Wiliam, D. 6, 116

workplace learning 162, 172, 184

World Health Organization (WHO) 37

World Wide Web 130, 132, 14950, 200

Young, M. F. D. 203

zone of proximal development (ZPD) 1256, 170, 204

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