
  • Aa corporate bond yields
  • Administered interest rates
  • Advanced economies
  • Adverse selection
  • Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
  • Age, labor market participants
  • Agency costs
  • Aggregate demand (AD)
  • Aggregate price levels, imperfect information about
  • Aggregate supply (AS)
  • Analysis paralysis
  • Anchoring bias
  • Arbitrage
  • Argentina
  • Aristotle
  • Asia, currency pegs in. See also specific countries
  • Asymmetric information
  • Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test
  • Augmented Phillips curve
  • Australia
  • Autocorrelation
  • Autoregressive Integrated Moving Averages (ARIMA) model
  • Autoregressive model of order one (AR(1) model)
  • Average hourly earnings:
    • and cost of labor
    • and employment rate
    • mean reversion of
    • robustness of change in
    • secular trends in
    • volatility of
  • Average hours worked
  • Aviation industry contracts
  • Baa corporate bonds
  • Baby Boomers
  • Balance of trade
  • Banks. See also Central banks
  • Bank of England
  • Bank of Japan (BOJ)
  • Bank of Mexico
  • Basel Accords
  • Base period
  • Bayesian Vector Autoregression (BVAR) model
  • Benchmark(s):
    • for corporate profit growth
    • for cyclical indicators
    • employment rate
    • in forecasting models
    • in imperfect economy
    • for inflation
    • for interest rates
    • mean reversion
    • U.S. Treasury yields
  • Benign neglect
  • Bernanke, Ben
  • Beveridge curve
  • Blue Chip Economic Indicators group
  • Bounded rationality
  • Brazil
  • Bretton Woods
  • British pound
  • Budget
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
  • Business cycles:
    • business investment in
    • corporate profits in
    • and credit spreads
    • dynamic information in
    • labor market in
    • and price adjustments
  • Business investment
    • and corporate profit growth
    • drivers of business spending
    • incomplete information in
    • and inflation
    • and interest rates
    • in long-run economic growth
    • slow recovery in
  • Business spending
    • capacity utilization and
    • discrete jumps in
    • expected sales and
    • expected useful life and
    • interest rates and
    • and regulation
    • tax policy/policy uncertainty index and
  • Canada
  • Capacity utilization
  • Capital, access to
  • Capital flows
    • exchange rates and
    • interest rates and
    • and policy making based on perfect model
    • structural shifts in
    • in U.S. and global economy
  • Capital investment, see Business investment
  • Capital markets. See also Interest rate(s)
  • Capital stock
  • Cash flow, corporate
  • Cayman Islands
  • Central banks. See also specific banks
    • financial repression by
    • imperfect information about
    • independence of
    • inflation and
    • quantitative easing by
    • target inflation rates of
  • Ceteris paribus assumptions
  • China
  • Cognitive bias
  • Commodities
  • Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
  • Consumer confidence index
  • Consumer price index (CPI)
  • Consumer Sentiment Survey
  • Contracts
  • Corporate bonds
  • Corporate profits
    • analyzing trends and growth in
    • and business spending
    • complex behaviors of
    • defining
    • drivers of
    • and dynamic adjustment
    • in economic growth
    • as incentives and rewards
    • macroeconomic factors for forecasting
    • modeling patterns in
    • over economic cycle
    • over time
  • Cost of equity
  • Cost-push inflation
  • Creative destruction
  • Credit, price of
  • Credit cycle
  • Credit delinquencies
  • Credit financing
  • Credit markets. See also U.S. Treasury yields
    • asymmetric information in
    • dynamically incorrect information in
    • fiscal stimulus effects in
    • imperfect information in
    • incomplete information in
    • incorrect information in
    • and inflation
    • policy inconsistencies and
    • regulatory policy and
    • and Treasury yields
    • volatility in
  • Credit ratings
  • Credit rationing
  • Credit spreads
  • Credit standards
  • Crony capitalism
  • Currency, appreciation/depreciation of
  • Currency pegs
  • Current account balance
  • Data, revisions in
  • Data quality
  • Debt:
    • high-yield
    • household debt delinquencies
    • sovereign
    • sovereign
  • Debt contracts
  • Debt-to-equity (D-E) ratio
  • Decision making:
    • frictionless models/assumption in
    • imperfect
    • with incorrect information
    • information in
    • mean in
    • uncertainty and
  • Decision theory
  • Deflation
  • Delinking of Swiss franc
  • Demand:
    • aggregate
    • equilibrium
  • Demand-pull inflation
  • Denmark
  • Developing countries, inflation in
  • Dickey, D.
  • Disequilibrium:
    • from 2005 to present
    • in capital flows
    • in exchange rates
    • in labor market
    • measures of
  • Disinflation
  • Dispersed information, principle of
  • Dividends
  • Dodd-Frank Act
  • Dollar index
  • Dornbusch, Rudi
  • Dornbusch's Law
  • Dot plot (FOMC)
  • Doves (policy makers)
  • Draghi, Mario
  • DuPont
  • Dynamic adjustment(s). See also Price adjustment(s)
    • in capital flows model
    • and corporate profits
    • of credit standards
    • and current economic conditions
    • and decision making based on macro-models
    • as economic policy consideration
    • and equilibrium in frictionless models
    • of exchange rates
    • in imperfect economy
    • and importance of frictions
    • key characteristics of
    • and macro-model assumptions
    • modeling of
    • quantifying effects of shocks for
    • quantifying frictions for
    • in regulatory policy
    • in trade policy
  • Dynamically incorrect information
  • Earnings, bond yields and
  • E-commerce
  • Economic cycle(s)
  • Economic events, assessing reaction to
  • Economic growth:
    • and business investment
    • corporate profits in
    • distribution of
    • global influences in
    • imperfect information about
    • and inflation
    • long-run
    • and policy
  • Economic models. See also specific models and types
    • in imperfect economy
    • information as barrier to effective
    • price adjustment in reality vs.
  • Economic policy. See also specific types
    • confronting market imperfections with
    • constraints on
    • dynamic adjustment and
    • generalized model for
    • in imperfect economy
    • imperfect information and
    • inconsistencies in
    • modeling to evaluate changes in
    • and political turnover
    • price adjustment in
    • regulation's effect on
    • and reputation of policy makers
    • restoring equilibrium with
    • rules for conduct of
    • and secular labor trends
  • Economic Policy Uncertainty Index
  • Economic profits
  • Economy(-ies):
    • interactions of U.S. and global
    • interdependencies between
    • prices as incentives in
  • Education, labor market participants
  • Eisenhower, Dwight D.
  • Employment cost index
  • Employment rate:
    • as benchmark
    • H-P filter–based trend in
    • incorrect information about
    • mean reversion of
    • modeling change in
    • volatility of
  • Employment Situation report
  • Energy prices
  • Entitlement programs
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Equilibrium
  • Equilibrium demand
  • Equilibrium real interest rates
  • Euro
  • Europe
  • European Central Bank
  • European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM)
  • Eurozone
  • Exchange rates:
    • capital flows, interest rates, and
    • and capital flows
    • depreciation in
    • dynamic adjustment for
    • and market prices
    • mean reversion for
  • Exchange rate markets, fiscal stimulus and
  • Existing equipment
  • Existing home sales
  • Expectations:
    • about inflation
    • and exchange rates
    • realized information vs.
  • Expected sales
  • Experience level, of labor market participants
  • External balance (capital flow model)
  • Federal funds rate
    • after Great Recession
    • H-P filter–based trend in
    • and inflation
    • longer-term forecast for
    • mean reversion of
    • missing variable problem for
    • modeling change in
    • volatility in
  • Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
    • manipulation of yield curve by
  • Federal Reserve. See also Monetary policy; Quantitative easing
    • business cycles and actions of
    • capital flows and
    • current economic conditions and
    • dual mandate of
    • and expected vs. actual inflation
    • financial repression and
    • imperfect information for
    • inflation forecasts from
    • inflation targets of
    • job growth estimates by
    • policy accommodation by
    • policy benchmarks of
    • tightening cycles by
    • and unemployment/employment
  • Federal spending
  • Financial markets, prices as incentives in
  • Financial obligations ratio
  • Financial repression
  • Financing gap
  • Fiscal policy:
    • constraints on
    • and corporate profits
    • and current economic conditions
    • dynamic adjustment in
    • in generalized policy model
    • inconsistencies in
    • in open economy
    • price adjustments due to
  • Fiscal stimulus
  • Fischer equation
  • Fixed costs
  • Fixed prices
  • Fleming, Alexander
  • Forecasting and forecasts:
    • building models for
    • of corporate profits
    • of economic growth
    • of inflation
    • out-of-sample errors in
  • Foreign economic policy
  • Foreign exchange market
  • Foreign policy, trade and
  • Foreign purchases of U.S. securities
  • Framing bias
  • France
  • Frictions:
    • causes of
    • defined
    • dynamic adjustment due to
    • imperfect capital mobility as
    • importance of
    • in labor market
    • in macro-model
    • quantifying
    • sector differences in
  • Frictional unemployment
  • Frictionless macro-models:
    • business investments in
    • decision making based on
    • equilibrium in
    • global influences in
    • interest rates in
    • micro-foundations in
  • Friedman, Milton
  • Full employment
  • Fuller, W.
  • Fur production
  • G7 nations
  • GDP deflator
  • Gender, labor market participants
  • Generalized model for economic policy
  • German Bundesbank
  • Germany
  • Global developments
  • Global economy
  • Globalization
  • Global markets
  • Granger causality test
  • Great Britain. See also United Kingdom
  • Great Depression
  • Greece
  • Gross domestic income (GDI)
  • Gross domestic product (GDP):
    • and business investment
    • GDI vs.
    • global influences on
    • growth in
    • imperfect information about
    • and interest rates
    • potential GDP estimate
    • real
    • and unemployment rate
  • Growth rates
  • Hawks (policy makers)
  • Hazlitt, Henry
  • Hedging
  • Heuristics
  • High-yield debt
  • Hindsight bias
  • Hiring
  • Hodrick-Prescott (H-P) filter:
    • for capital flows
    • for corporate profit growth
    • for economic sectors
    • for labor market
    • for Treasury yields
  • Home inventories
  • Home prices
  • Households
  • Household debt delinquencies
  • Household utility
  • Housing market, price adjustments in
  • Housing prices
  • Housing starts:
    • federal funds rate and
    • H-P filter–based trend in
    • mean reversion in
    • robustness of change in
    • volatility in
  • Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act (1978)
  • Hyperinflation
  • Hysteresis effects
  • Idealized decision maker
  • Imperfect capital flows model
    • challenges in
    • disequilibrium and dynamic adjustment for exchange rates in
    • imperfect information in
    • and international economic relations
    • limitations on
    • limits on price adjustments in
    • mean reversion of sovereign yields from
    • and Treasury yields
    • violations of perfect competition conditions
  • Imperfect decision making
  • Imperfect economy
    • characteristics of
    • dynamic adjustments in
    • economic policy in
    • imperfect information in
    • problems with economic models in
    • state-dependent pricing in
    • uncritical assumptions in
  • Imperfect information
    • about economic growth
    • about interest rates
    • about policy makers
    • and capital flows
    • in credit market
    • decision making based on
    • in decision theory
    • in econometric modeling
    • in imperfect economy
    • in labor market
    • and monetary policy
    • as policy consideration
    • and regulatory policy
    • uncertainty related to
  • Imperfections, in science and economics. See also Market imperfections
  • Imperfect price adjustment:
    • identifying
    • implications of
  • Import prices
  • Impulse response functions (IRFs)
  • Incentives
  • Income:
    • education and
    • gender and
    • gross domestic
    • personal
  • Incomplete information
  • Incorrect information
  • Industrial production
    • change in federal funds rate and
    • H-P filter–based trend in
    • robustness of change in
    • volatility in
  • Inflation
    • after Great Recession
    • central banks' influence on
    • defined
    • drivers of
    • expectations about
    • and fiscal stimulus
    • forecasts of
    • global trends in
    • imperfect information about
    • importance of
    • incentives for policy makers to allow
    • incorrect information about
    • and interest rates
    • in missing variable problem
    • and monetary policy goals
    • Phillips curve framework for
    • and quantity theory of money
    • and state-dependent pricing
    • wages and productivity in
  • Information. See also specific types
    • as barrier to effective economic model
    • in decision theory
    • dynamic nature of, over time
    • and effect of uncertainty on decision making
    • importance of, in decision making
    • and limits of public policy in society
    • in perfect models
    • in price discovery
    • and underlying assumptions
  • Infrastructure projects
  • Initial public offerings (IPOs)
  • Input costs
  • Input prices
  • Institute for Supply Management (ISM) manufacturing index
  • Interest rate(s)
    • administered
    • benchmarks for
    • and business spending
    • and capital flows
    • and corporate profits
    • and current economic conditions
    • disequilibrium measures for
    • dynamic adjustment for
    • and exchange rates
    • imperfect information about
    • and inflation
    • and information about credit
    • and manipulation of yield curve
    • and market prices
    • mean reversion for
    • nominal
    • as price of credit
    • real
    • and U.S. Treasury yields
  • Interest rate regimes, structural breaks in
  • Internal balance (capital flow model)
  • Internally generated funds. See also Corporate profits
  • International economic relations
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • Inventories
  • Involuntary separations, job
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Japanese yen
  • Job growth
  • Job openings, rate of
  • Keynes, John Maynard
  • Krugman, Paul
  • Kuttner, Kenneth N.
  • Kydland, Finn E.
  • Labor costs
  • Labor force participation rate:
    • by age
    • and education level
    • employment rate and
    • by gender
    • imperfect information about
    • in payroll growth modeling
    • robustness of change in
    • secular trends in
  • Labor market. See also Unemployment rate
    • contracts in
    • cyclical trends in
    • disequilibrium in
    • dynamic adjustment in
    • and employment rate as benchmark
    • frictionless equilibrium in
    • frictions in
    • imperfect information in
    • imperfections in
    • incomplete information in
    • nominal wage rigidities in
    • partial equilibrium in
    • search costs in
    • secular trends in
  • Labor market index
  • Labor market participants
    • education of
    • experience level of
    • gender of
  • Lehman Brothers
  • Limited information
  • Linear trends
  • Log form of profits
  • London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)
  • Long-run average
  • Long-run economic growth
  • Long-term inflation expectations
  • Long-term unemployment
  • Louis XVI
  • Louvre accord
  • Lucas, Robert E.
  • Lucas critique
  • M2 money supply
  • Macro-models. See also Frictionless macro-models
  • Management, principal-agent problems for
  • Mandated prices
  • Marginal cost of capital
  • Marginal product of capital
  • Marginal tax rates
  • Markets, relationships between. See also specific markets
  • Market imperfections. See also specific entries, e.g.: Imperfect information
  • Market prices
  • Mean:
    • of capital flows
    • of corporate profit growth
    • decision making based on
    • for economic sectors
    • of foreign purchases of U.S. securities
    • of global sovereign yields
    • of labor market measures
    • measuring volatility with
  • Mean reversion
    • for capital flows
    • for corporate profit growth
    • in economic sectors
    • for exchange and interest rates
    • and imperfect price adjustments
    • in labor market
    • and structural breaks
    • for sovereign yields
    • for unemployment rates
  • Measurement error
  • Medicare
  • Men:
    • labor force participation rate for
    • labor market outcomes for
  • Menu costs
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Micro-foundations assumption
  • Mies Van der Rohe, Ludwig
  • Missing observations problem
  • Missing variable problem
  • Moltke, Helmuth von
  • Monetarist theory
  • Monetary expansion
  • Monetary policy:
    • analysis paralysis in
    • constraints on
    • and current economic conditions
    • dynamic adjustment in
    • and economic growth
    • and exchange rates
    • in generalized policy model
    • goals of
    • imperfect decision making about
    • imperfect information as basis for
    • and inflation
    • interest rates and
    • job growth and
    • in open economy
    • price adjustments due to
    • rules for conducting
    • and state-dependent pricing
    • in U.S. vs. other countries
    • yield curve term premium and
  • Money, quantity theory of
  • Money neutrality
  • Money supply, inflation and. See also M2 money supply
  • Moral hazard
  • Mortenson, Dale T.
  • National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)
  • Natural rate of interest
  • Natural rate of unemployment
  • New Coke
  • New Deal
  • Newton, Isaac
  • New Zealand
  • NFC ratio
  • Nominal exchange rate
  • Nominal interest rate
  • Nominal wages
  • Nonaccelerating inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU)
  • Nonfarm payrolls
  • Nonlinear trends
  • Nonstationary series
  • Norges Bank
  • North America
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • Novo Banco
  • Nye Committee investigations
  • Oil crisis (1970s)
  • Oil sector
  • Okun's Law
  • Open economy
  • Ordinary least squares (OLS) method
  • Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
  • Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
  • Out-of-sample forecast errors
  • Output
  • Output gap
  • Output prices
  • Overshooting
  • Partial equilibrium
  • Part-time workers
  • Payroll growth
  • Pent-up wage cuts
  • Perfect competition model
  • Perfectly flexible prices
  • Perfect models of economic information:
    • barriers to effective use of
    • limited information in
  • “Permanent” money growth
  • Personal consumption expenditures (PCE) deflator
    • and federal funds rate
    • and inflation
    • and M2 money supply
    • mean reversion in
    • in missing variable problem
    • policy making at current level for
    • robustness of change in
    • volatility in
  • Personal income
  • Phelps, Edmund S.
  • Phillips, Arthur
  • Phillips curve framework
  • Plaza accord
  • Policy expectations, exchange rates and
  • Policy inconsistencies
  • Policy makers
  • Policy making
  • Politics:
    • economic policy and turnover in
    • and economic policy inconsistencies
    • and lags in economic policy
    • principal-agent problems in
    • rational ignorance in
  • Portugal
  • Potential GDP estimate
  • Prescott, Edward C.
  • Prices:
    • imperfect information about
    • as incentives
    • and inflation
    • stability in
  • Price adjustment(s)
    • barriers to perfectly flexible prices
    • and capital flows
    • dynamic
    • in economic models vs. reality
    • as economic policy consideration
    • imperfect
    • limits on
  • Price discovery
  • Pricing, state-dependent
  • Principal-agent problem
  • Private firms
  • Probit analysis of price stability
  • Productivity:
    • as driver of corporate profit growth
    • and education
    • imperfect information about
    • and inflation/wage growth
    • over economic cycles
  • Productivity growth
    • H-P filter–based trend in
    • mean reversion of
    • volatility of
  • Productivity resurgence
  • Profits. See also Corporate profits
  • Profit margins
  • Prospect theory
  • Public policy:
    • asymmetric information about
    • confusion in making of
    • influence of, on interest rates
    • limits on
    • price adjustments and
  • Puerto Rico
  • Quantitative easing (QE)
  • Quantity theory of money
  • Rational ignorance
  • Rationality
  • Real exchange rate
  • Real interest rates
  • Realized inflation
  • Realized information
  • Real risk of investment
  • Rebenchmarking
  • Recession
  • Recovery, in business investment
  • Recursive method for model selection
  • Regulatory policy (regulation):
    • constraints on
    • and credit rationing
    • dynamic adjustment in
    • in generalized policy model
    • incomplete information about
    • and inflation
    • and other economic policy
    • price adjustments due to
    • and yield curve term premium
  • Reputation of policy makers
  • Retraining
  • Return for innovation
  • Revenues
  • Revisions, data
  • Rewards, corporate profits as
  • Risk, corporate profit growth and
  • Romer, Christina
  • Root mean square error (RMSE)
  • Rules for conduct (economic policy)
  • Samuelson, Paul
  • Saving vs. spending decisions
  • Schumpeter, Joseph
  • Schwarz Bayesian Criterion (SBC)
  • Search costs
  • Sectors (economic):
    • corporate profits for
    • dynamic adjustments in
    • frictional unemployment for
    • gender differences in employment for
    • modeling reactions to change in
    • quantifying frictions for
  • Secular trends, in labor market
  • Separations, job
  • Services, price adjustments for
  • Sheshinski, Eytan
  • Shocks
  • Simon, Herbert A.
  • Singapore
  • Social Security
  • Society, limits on public policy in
  • Solow, Robert
  • Sovereign debt
  • S&P 500 companies, revenues of
  • S&P 500 index
    • and corporate bond yields
    • and corporate profits
    • and federal funds rate
    • and nonfarm payrolls
    • robustness of change in
    • volatility in
  • Stability ratio:
    • for capital flows
    • for corporate profit growth
    • in economic sectors
    • for foreign purchases of U.S. securities
    • for global sovereign yields
    • for interest rates
    • for labor market measures
  • Stagflation
  • Standard deviation:
    • for capital flows
    • for corporate profit growth
    • in economic sectors
    • for foreign purchases of U.S. securities
    • for global sovereign yields
    • for labor market measures
  • State-dependent pricing
  • State-Space approach
  • Stationary series
  • Sticky information
  • Stone & McCarthy
  • Stopping point (decision making)
  • Structural breaks:
    • for capital flows
    • in corporate bond yields and earnings
    • in corporate profit growth
    • in credit spreads
    • and dynamic adjustments
    • in economic sectors
    • for foreign purchases of U.S. securities
    • for global sovereign yields
    • in interest rate regimes
    • in interest rates
    • for labor market measures
    • in Treasury yields
  • Structural shifts
  • Structural trends, labor market
  • Structural unemployment
  • Supply:
    • aggregate
    • equilibrium
    • of labor
    • money, see Money supply
    • shocks to
  • Supply-and-demand curve
  • Surge pricing
  • Sweden
  • Swiss franc
  • Swiss National Bank
  • Switzerland
  • Taper tantrum
  • Target pricing
  • Tax policy
  • Tax revenues, job growth
  • Taylor rule
  • Thai baht
  • Tightening cycles, business investment in
  • Time horizon, forecast errors and
  • Time span, selection of
  • Tobin's Q ratio
  • Tokyo Interbank Offered Rate (TIBOR)
  • Townsend, Robert
  • Trade policy
  • Trade-weighted broad dollar index
  • Treasury Department
  • Trend rate of job growth
  • Turnover, labor market
  • U-6 rate of unemployment
  • Uber
  • Uncertainty
  • Uncritical assumptions
  • Underemployment
  • Unemployment, duration of
  • Unemployment rate
    • after Great Recession
    • by age of participants
    • by education level of participants
    • and employment as economic benchmark
    • employment rate and
    • federal funds rate and
    • and gross domestic product
    • H-P filter–based trend in
    • incomplete information about
    • incorrect information about
    • and inflation
    • job growth to lower
    • as labor market measure
    • mean reversion of
    • and payroll growth
    • in Phillips curve framework
    • robustness of change in
    • volatility of
  • United Kingdom. See also Great Britain
  • United States:
    • administered interest rates in
    • gold standard in
    • inflation in other advanced economies vs.
    • interactions of U.S. and global economies
    • portfolio investment flows
    • structural shifts in economic fundamentals for
    • volatility and structural breaks in capital flows of
  • U.S. Congress
  • U.S. dollar
  • U.S. securities, foreign purchases of
  • U.S. Treasury bonds
  • U.S. Treasury yields:
    • anchoring bias for
    • as benchmark
    • and global developments
    • housing market and change in
    • and interest rates
    • and ISM manufacturing index
    • mean reversion for
    • predicting
    • Treasury yields of other countries vs.
    • variability in
    • volatility in
  • Unit labor costs
  • Unit root test
  • University of Michigan
  • Vector autoregression (VAR) modeling
  • Volatility:
    • of capital flows
    • of corporate bond yields and earnings
    • of corporate profit growth
    • for economic sectors
    • of foreign purchases of U.S. securities
    • and imperfect capital mobility
    • for labor market measures
  • Volcker, Paul
  • Voluntary separations, job
  • Wage growth
  • Wages and salaries series
  • Weiss, Yoram
  • Women:
    • labor force participation rate for
    • labor market outcomes for
  • Working-age population growth
  • World Trade Organization (WTO)
  • World War II
  • Yellen, Janet
  • Yield curve, manipulation of
  • Yield curve spread
  • Yield curve term premium
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