
Additive dummy variables, 6869


multiple linear regressions, 44

simple linear regressions, 2425


autocorrelation function, 8182

consequences, 81

HAC standard errors, 84

LM test, 8284

multiple regression, 80

OLS estimator, 8486

one lag error and k lag errors, 80

population correlation function, 81

regressing, 9395

regression, 9294

simple-regression model, 79

testing, 9294

Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model, 9091

Autoregressive (AR) model

dependent variable, 86

first-difference model, 8889

interval prediction, 8788

one constant and two lag values, 87

point prediction, 87

random walk model, 86

Balanced panel, 98

Best linear unbiased estimators (BLUE), 25, 72, 84

Central Limit Theorem (CLT), 25, 29

Chow test, 74, 105

Coefficient estimates, 2627

Column chart, 13

Conditional expectation function, 24

Confidence intervals, 29, 48

Correlations, 54

Critical t-value, 33

Cross-sectional dataset, 24

Data analyses

add-in tools, 12

calculation results in excel, 1820

column chart, 13

data importing, 1517

frequency distribution, 15

heteroscedasticity, 7478

histogram, 14

panel data, 107111

simple linear regression, 3840

time-series data, 9196

unwanted data deletion, 1718

Dependent variable, 4, 23, 44, 45, 86

Descriptive statistics, 710, 20

Distributed lag (DL) models, 90, 9596

Econometric model

multiple linear regression, 4346

simple linear regression, 2326

steps involved in, 5

vs. theoretical model, 34

wage and spending, 4

Elasticity, 27


autocorrelation, 80, 84

heteroscedasticity, 72

Newey-West standard errors, 84

White’s standard errors, 72, 76, 84

Estimators and estimates

multiple linear regression

interval estimates, 47

point estimates, 4647

predicted values, 4748

simple linear regression

coefficient estimates, 2627

interval estimates, 2830

point estimates, 2728

predicted value, 3132

variance, 3031

First-difference estimation, 100102

First-difference model, 8889

Fixed-effects estimators, 102104

Frequency distribution, 15


tests of joint significance, 4850

tests of model significance, 5152

vs. t-test, 52

Gauss-Markov theorem, 25

Generalized least squares estimators, 72

Goodness of fit measure

multiple linear regression, 5253

panel data technique, 106

simple linear regression, 3637


data analyses, 7478

detection, 7071

nature and consequences, 6970

OLS estimator, 7274

standard errors, 72

Heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (HAC) errors, 84

Histogram, 14

Hypothesis testing

F-tests, 4852

t-tests, 3235

Inferential statistics, 1012

Intercept dummy variable, 6869

Interval estimates

multiple linear regression, 47

simple linear regression, 2830

Interval prediction, 31, 32, 47, 8788

Lagrange multiplier (LM) test, 7071, 8284

Least square dummy variable (LSDV) method, 103

Left-tailed test, 34

Linear-log model, 66

Logarithmic model, 6466

Log-linear model, 6566

Log-log model, 6465

Long-and narrow panels, 98

Mean squared error (MSE)

panel data technique, 106

Model transformations, 6364

Multicollinearity, 45, 54

Multiple linear regression

data analyses, 5458

econometric model, 4346

estimators and estimates, 4648

goodness-of-fit, 5253

Newey-West standard errors, 84

Normal distribution, 3, 29, 82

One-tailed test, 3435

Ordinary least squares (OLS)

autocorrelation, 84

autoregressive distributed lag model, 90

autoregressive model, 87

distributed lag model, 90

fixed-effects estimation, 102

heteroscedasticity, 7274

panel dataset regression, 98

simple linear regression, 2527

Panel data techniques

advantage, 9798

balanced panels, 98

data analyses, 107111

different characteristics detection, 105106

first-difference estimation, 100102

fixed-effects estimation, 102104

goodness-of-fit, 106

identity differences, 98

long-and narrow panels, 98

pooled OLS estimation, 98

seemingly unrelated regressions, 104105

short-and-wide panels, 98

unbalanced panels, 98

Point estimates

multiple linear regression, 4647

simple linear regression, 2728

Predicted value, 3132

Probability, 57

P-value, 3738, 53

Random walk model, 86

Right-tailed test, 34

Root mean squared error (RMSE), 106

R-squared (R2) value, 3637

Seemingly unrelated regression (SUR), 104105

Short-and-wide panel, 98

Simple linear regression

data analyses, 3840

econometric models, 2326

estimators and estimates, 2632

hypothesis testing, 3225

P-value, 3738

R-squared value, 3637

Simple model issues

function of training, 6768

growth rate, 6667

heteroscedasticity, 6974

intercept dummy variable, 6869

logarithmic model selection, 6466

model transformations, 6364

Standard error of the prediction (se(p)), 31

Standard error of the regression, 31

Stationary variable, 25, 80, 88, 89

Statistics primer

descriptive statistics, 710

inferential statistics, 1012

probability, 57

t-distribution, 28

Tests of coefficient significance, 38

Tests of significance, 3435

Theoretical model, 34

Three-period difference model, 102

Time-series data

autocorrelation, 7986

autoregressive distributed lag models, 9091

autoregressive model, 8689

data analyses, 9196

distributed lag models, 90

Time-series dataset, 24, 25

t-ratio, 35


vs. f-tests, 52

general hypothesis, 3334

steps involved in, 3233

tests of significance, 3435

Two-tailed test, 35

Unbalanced panel, 98

White’s standard errors, 72, 76, 84

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