Chapter 9, Automated Testing of Plug-ins

Pop quiz – understanding SWTBot


The JUnit Runner that is required is SWTBotJunit4ClassRunner, which is set up with an annotation @RunWith(SWTBotJunit4ClassRunner.class).


Views are set up by driving the menu to perform the equivalent of navigating to Window | Show View | Other and driving the value of the dialog.


To get the text value of a dialog, use textWithLabel() to find the text field next to the associated label, and then get or set the text from that.


A Matcher is used to encode a specific condition, such as a view or window with a particular title. It can be handed over to the SWTBot runner to execute in the UI thread and return a value when it is done.


To get values from the UI, use a StringResult (or other equivalent types) and pass that to the UIThreadRunnable's syncExec(). It will execute the code, return the value, and then pass that to the calling thread.


Use the bot's waitUntil() or waitWhile() methods, which block execution of the test until a certain condition occurs.

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