
  • a
  • Abelian symmetry  629–630
  • absolutely maximally entangled states  317
  • absorption  691, 810–811
  • accuracy  805, 814
  • active transformations  48
  • additivity  224
  • adiabatic approximation  477, 478
  • adiabatic computation  104–105
  • adiabatic theorem  105
  • alphabet  403
  • Anderson localization  599
  • angular momentum  635
  • annihilation operator  196
  • anti‐Jaynes–Cummings Hamiltonian  488
  • approximate quantum cloning
    • asymmetric cloning  69–70
    • experimental quantum cloning  70–71
    • no‐cloning theorem  56–57
    • phase‐covariant cloning  63–65
    • probabilistic cloning  70
    • state‐dependent cloning  57–63
    • universal cloning  65–69
  • area law  311
  • asymmetric cloning  69–70
  • asymptotic activation effect  273
  • asymptotic continuity  223
  • asymptotic superactivation  277, 284
  • atom‐cavity microscope  680
  • atom chip  684
  • atomic ensemble  702, 724, 731
  • atomic frequency comb  725–727
  • atomic kaleidoscope  680
  • atomic spin operator  704
  • atomic trajectory  679
  • atom–light interaction  802–805
  • atoms in a cavity  661
  • attenuated laser pulses  360
  • Aunt Martha  369
  • authentication  357
  • axioms of probability  405
  • b
  • base norm  226
  • BB84 protocol  278, 355, 369
  • BBPSSW protocol  242
  • beam splitters  199, 201, 371, 409–410, 681
  • Bell
  • Bell inequalities
    • communication complexity reduction  285–286
  • Bell states  242, 336, 424
    • analysis  377
    • basis  376
    • measurement  336–337
  • Berry phase  477
  • binary symmetric channel (BSC)  9
  • binding entanglement channel  281–282
  • binomial coefficient  64
  • bipartite  195
  • bipartite entanglement distillation
    • defined  267
    • LOCC operations  265–267
  • bipartite system  233
  • biseparable  308
  • bit‐flip error  116
  • Bloch ball  42
  • Bloch band  497
  • Bloch equation  634
  • Bloch–Messiah reduction  846
  • Bloch sphere  417
  • Bloch vector  42
  • block code  10
  • Boolean function  404, 432
  • bosonic system  613, 614
  • bosons, Gaussian state  314
  • bound entanglement
    • activation effects  284–285
    • applications  275–277
    • asymptotic activation  277–278
    • asymptotic irreversibility  272
    • asymptotic regime  277
    • Bell inequalities and communication complexity reduction  285–286
    • binding entanglement channel  281–282
    • bipartite  238
    • continuous variables  287
    • enhanced probabilistic quantum teleportation  276–277
    • feedback to classical theory  286–287
    • information phenomenon  281
    • multipartite  248
    • quantum cryptography  278–280
    • remote quantum information concentration  285
    • states  206
  • bound information  281
  • bound states  600
  • branching diagram  610, 613
  • breeding  246
  • Brownian motion  593
  • Bures distance  219
  • bus mode  490
  • by‐product operator  452
  • c
  • Calderbank–Shor–Stean code (CSS)  358
  • Caley's hyperdeterminant  300
  • canonical commutation relations  45
  • canonical transformations  717
  • Cartan decomposition  653
  • Cauchy–Schwarz inequality  203
  • cavity  678, 698
  • CD‐decomposition  464
  • centraliser  610, 634
  • channel  75
    • binary symmetric  9
    • classical  83–84
    • covariant  88
    • dephasing  113
    • depolarizing  87, 112
    • discrete  4
    • entanglement breaking  87
    • expansion  77
    • forgetful  86
    • Gaussian  89
    • Heisenberg picture  77
    • ideal  86–87
    • with memory  83–84
    • memoryless  85
    • noiseless  4
    • noisy  4
    • noisy time evolution  77–78
    • product  113
    • restriction  77
    • Schrödinger picture  77
    • unitary time evolution  77
  • channel capacity
    • discrete memoryless  8
    • discrete noiseless  5
    • quantum  114
  • channel noise  358, 691
  • characteristic function  46
  • charge qubit  644, 656
  • Choi–Jamiolkowski isomorphism  78–80, 277
  • Cirac–Zoller  95, 490
  • classical–classical state  180
  • classical Gaussian noise  50
  • classical regime  811
  • Clifford gates  428
  • Clifford group  453, 459–461
  • cluster state  249, 449, 838
    • three‐qubit  313
    • two‐dimensional  314
  • cluster states  849
  • CNOT gate  653, 656, 676
    • multiply controlled  653
  • C‐numerical range  614
  • code
    • block  10
    • CSS  122
    • dual  14
    • Hamming  14–15
    • quantum  114
    • rate  10
    • repetition  10
    • stabilizer  123
  • coherent attack  360
  • coherent evolution  593
  • coherent pulses  372
  • coherent quantum control  493
  • coherent spin state  705, 712
  • coherent states  45, 47, 783–786
  • coherent superposition  677
  • collective attack  360
  • collective controls  633
  • coloring  27–28
  • commutant  610
  • commutation relations
    • angular momentum  704
  • commutator  196
  • compact Lie algebra  614
  • completely positive map  75–78
    • Gaussian  716
    • trace preserving  76
    • unital  77
  • complete positivity  44
  • composability  357
  • compositeness  26–27
  • composition  44
  • concurrence  154
  • conditional entropy  8, 223
  • conditional probability distribution  182
  • conditional variance  348
  • connection  693
  • constrained optimisation  616
  • continuous variables  195
    • entanglement  339, 340
    • quantum teleportation  343–347
    • systems  384–386
  • control engineering  607
  • controllability  607, 628
    • pure state  628
    • strong  628
    • symmetry condition  612
  • controllability criteria  608
  • controlled NOT  407, 429
    • operation  242
  • controlled reversible inhomogeneous broadening  724
  • controlled Sign gate (CSIGN)  445
  • controlled unitary gate cU  658
  • controlled‐Z‐gate  313
  • control system  608
  • control theory  651
  • convex roof construction  224
  • Cooper pair boxes  684
  • correlation matrix  198, 199
  • correlation operator  241, 249
  • coset  651, 653
    • leader  15
  • coupling topology  653–655
  • covariance matrix  136, 315
    • criterion of separability  138
  • creation operator  207
  • cross norm  227
    • criterion of separability  135
  • cryogenic environment  673
  • cryptography  33
  • CSS code  122
  • d
  • decoherence  411, 597, 677, 716
    • free coding  377
  • DEJMPS protocol  243
  • dense coding capacity  160
  • density matrix  427
  • density operator  647
    • thermal  647
  • dephasing channel  113
  • depolarization  241
  • depolarizing channel  112
  • depumping rate  706
  • designer atom  820
  • detection  589, 590
  • Deutsch–Josza algorithm  94–96, 645, 648, 653, 661
  • Deutsch's algorithm  93
  • dipole‐blockade  508
  • dipole–dipole interaction  507
  • discrete log  101
  • discrete‐time quantum walk  593
  • discretization  588
  • displacement  811
    • operator  46
  • distillability  252–253
  • distillable entanglement  155, 220, 236
    • Rains' bound  226
  • distillation  232
  • distributed‐phase‐reference  373
  • divide‐and‐conquer  22
  • Doppler cooling  802
  • dual code  14
  • dual‐rail encoding  440
  • Duan separability criterion  712
  • dynamical trapping  523–524
  • dynamic disorder  599
  • dynamic group  633
  • dynamic system algebra  610, 614
  • e
  • eavesdropping  354, 360
  • effective Rabi frequency  816
  • eigenvalue  418, 419
    • symplectic  315
  • eigenvector  418
  • Einstein–Podolski–Rosen (EPR)  195, 675
    • entangled beams  829
    • entangled state  712
    • entangled two‐mode quantum states  839
    • pair  303, 334, 338
    • paradox  318
  • electron spin  563, 643
  • electro‐optic modulator  598
  • element distinctness  104
  • encoded operator  119
  • energy constraint  41–42
  • ensemble quantum  643
    • computing  648
  • ensemble states  661
  • entangled mixed states  131
  • entangled pure states  130, 294
  • entangled states  392, 396, 712, 794
    • of atomic ensembles  712
  • entanglement  195, 231, 334–336
    • activation  188–190
    • based QKD  375
    • combing  305
    • cost  155, 219
    • distillation  210
    • of distillation  236
    • entropy  303
    • fidelity  113
    • genuine  299
    • measure  305
    • monotonicity  305
    • multi‐partite  293
    • pumping  243
    • purification  232
    • spectrum  295
    • structure, cloning  68–69
    • swapping  693, 719
    • witness  141, 203, 309
  • entanglement measures  305
    • additivity  224
    • additivity on pure states  223
    • asymptotic continuity  223
    • axioms for  221
    • convex roof construction  224
    • cross norm measure  227
    • distillable entanglement  220
    • entanglement cost  219
    • entanglement monotones  222
    • entanglement of formation  224
    • entropy of entanglement  220, 223
    • extremality of distillation and cost  223
    • logarithm of the negativity  225
    • norm based monotones  226
    • ordering of  223
    • pure states  616
    • regularization  223, 224
    • relative entropy of entanglement  225
    • robustness of entanglement  226
    • squashed entanglement  228
    • uniqueness on pure states  223
  • entanglement of formation  153, 224
    • additivity  224
    • strong super additivity  224
  • entropy
    • conditional  8
    • conservation  662
    • entanglement  181
    • of entanglement  153, 220, 234, 303
    • entropy of entanglement  220, 223
    • function  9
    • joint  7
    • relative  306
    • Shannon  5–6
    • von Neumann  303
  • error
    • basis  115
    • bit‐flip  116
    • correction  377–378
    • model  253–254
    • operator  112
    • sign‐flip  116
    • syndrome  14
    • threshold  259
    • weight  115
  • Eulerian path  20
  • exchange coupling  554–556
  • expectation value  615, 616
    • quantum computer  644
  • experimental control  644
  • experimental quantum cloning  70–71
  • extension field  12
  • extrinsic constraints  620
  • f
  • Fabry–Perot  678
  • factoring  97
  • factorization  32
  • faint pulse QKD
    • fiber based  371–373
    • free space  373–375
  • Faraday mirror  372, 373
  • fast Fourier transform (FFT)  98
  • feedback loop  597, 598
  • feed‐forward  389–390
  • fermionic system  610
  • fermions
    • Gaussian state  314
  • fidelity  240, 241, 339, 676
    • entanglement  113
  • field
    • extension  12
    • prime  12
  • field‐ionization  673
  • filtering  239
    • operation  299
  • five‐qubit quantum computer  646
  • flux qubit  644
  • focal Hamiltonian  311
  • free atom limit  811
  • free‐space QKD  373–375
  • frequency combs  837
  • full controllability  644, 645
    • symmetry condition  612
  • g
  • gain  345, 346
  • Galilei group  635
  • gapped phase  311
  • gate
    • complexity  654
    • model  319
  • Gaussian measurements  51–52
  • Gaussian operations  199–200
  • Gaussian quantum cloning  51
  • Gaussian states  47, 200–202
    • of bosons  314
    • of fermions  314
  • Gaussian transformations  387–389
  • generator matrix  13
  • genuine entanglement  845
  • genuine multipartite entanglement  162
  • geodesic  651, 655
    • Riemannian  653
    • sub‐Riemannian  653
  • geometric  654
  • GHZ‐class  164
  • GHZ game  318
  • GHZ state  235
  • GKS‐Lindblad generator  622
  • glass fiber  371
  • GMon  624
  • Gottesman/Chuang trick  438–439
  • gradient echo memory  724
  • gradient flow  617
    • on Lie groups  619
    • on Lie subgroups  619
  • graph isomorphism  33, 102
  • graph state  249, 449
  • Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ)  820
  • group orbit  614
  • Grover's algorithm  103
  • Grover's search  102
  • h
  • Hadamard gate  92, 416, 425
  • Hahn–Banach theorem  141
  • Hamiltonian  419, 421
    • local  311
    • path  24
  • Hamming code  14–15
  • Hamming distance  10
  • Hamming weight  10
  • Hanbury Brown and Twiss  681
  • hashing  245, 252, 256
    • inequality  224
  • Heisenberg algebra  624
  • Heisenberg–Langevin equations  707
  • Heisenberg limit  780, 782, 791
  • Heisenberg picture  704
  • Hermitian conjugate  413
  • hidden subgroup problem  101, 653
    • abelian  653
  • hidden translation problem  102
  • higher dimensions, cloning  68
  • high‐finesse cavity  683
  • highly charged ions  822
  • Hilbert space  57, 343
  • Holevo bound  159
  • Holevo's theorem  316
  • holonomic quantum computation
    • application to  479–480
    • geometric phase  475–479
  • holonomy  478
  • homodyne detection  389–390
  • homodyne detector  344, 346
  • homodyne method  677
  • Hubbard model  501
    • derivation  500
    • Mott insulator  495
    • offsite interaction  501
    • onsite interaction  502
    • superfluid  495
    • tunneling  502
    • tunneling matrix elements  501
  • Huffman coding  7
  • hyperdeterminant  300
  • hyperpolarisation  648
  • i
  • incomparable states  218
  • individual attack  360
  • individual controls  632
  • infinite‐dimensional  195
  • inhomogeneous walk  598–600
  • inseparability criteria  202–209
  • inseparable
  • inseparable  202, 203
  • instance  19
  • intensity correlation  681
  • interaction phase  506
  • interference  414–416
  • interferometer  780–783
  • internal state preparation  807–808
  • intrinsic constraints  620
  • intrinsic information  281
  • invariants  296
  • ion
    • crystal  526–529
    • delta kick  494
    • internal states  487
    • motional states  486
    • Paul trap  521, 522
    • phase gate  490
    • quantum control gate  492
    • qubit  546
    • single qubit gate  489
    • state dependent interaction  491
    • traps  485, 519, 661
    • two‐qubit gate  490
  • Ising interaction  645, 653
  • j
  • Jaynes–Cummings Hamiltonian  704
  • Jaynes–Cummings model  631, 661
    • controllability  632
  • Jaynes principle  49
  • joint entropy  7
  • joint probability distribution  177
  • Jones polynomial  657, 658
  • Josephson device  644, 656, 661
  • k
  • kinematic phases  506
  • KLM scheme (Knill–Laflamme–Milburn)  437
  • knot theory  657
  • Königsberg bridges  20
  • Kraus operator  298
  • Kraus operators  112
  • k‐SAT  29
  • k‐separable  308
  • l
  • Lagrange multiplier  62
  • Lamb–Dicke  803
  • Landau symbols  21
  • Langevin stochastic forces  707
  • laser beam  829
  • laser‐cooling  679
  • laser diodes  373
  • laser spectroscopy (LS)  799
  • Lie algebra  653, 656, 661
    • compact  614
    • definition  610
    • exceptional  610
    • orthogonal  610, 613
    • rank condition  608
    • semi‐simple  614
    • simple  610
    • (unitary) symplectic  610, 613
  • Lie semialgebra  622
  • Lie semigroup  622
  • Lie wedge  623
  • light–atoms interface  701
  • light force  683
  • light pulses  372
  • light source  680
  • Lindblad‐generator  622
  • linear optics  440
  • linear spin chain  653
  • linear transformations  199
  • local broadcasting  184–186
  • local C‐numerical range  616
  • local coherence  187–188
  • local operations and classical communication (LOCC)  131, 190, 216, 217, 234, 297
    • asymptotic transformations  219
    • operation  265–267
    • single copy transformations  218
    • stochastic  298
  • local oscillator  707
  • local unitary (LU)  295
  • logarithmic negativity  157, 225, 272
  • logical Heisenberg picture  456–457
  • logical qubit  119
  • logic gates  414
  • Lorentz group  635
  • lossy channel  50, 360
  • m
  • Mach–Zehnder interferometer  411–412
  • macroscopic superposition  512
  • magnetic resonance  643
  • majorization  218, 620
  • majorization criterion of separability  134
  • Markov condition  624
  • master equation  620
  • matrix
    • generator  13
    • parity check  13
    • product state  311
    • realignment criterion of separability  135
  • maximally entangled set  298
  • maximally entangled states  217
  • Maxwell–Bloch equations  705
  • measurement  421–422
  • measurement‐based quantum computation (MBQC)  319, 450, 466, 837, 852–853
  • Mermin GHZ game  318
  • Mermin–Klyshko inequalities  285
  • metrology  320
  • micromaser  674
  • millennium problems  31
  • minimal reversible entanglement generating set (MREGS)  304
  • minimum distance  11
    • quantum  119–120
  • minimum spanning tree  34
  • mixed state  427
    • entanglement  235–236
  • mixing  42
  • molecule  815
  • monogamy of entanglement  164, 302
  • motional eigenfrequencies  528
  • motional eigenmodes  520
  • motional sideband  488
  • multimode quantum light  837
  • multipartite  210
  • multipartite bound information  286
  • multi‐partite entanglement  845
  • multipartite entanglement distillation  268–269
  • multipartite fully‐separable states  162
  • multipartite k‐separable states  162
  • multipartite pure state entanglement  235
  • multipartite quantum secret sharing  851–852
  • multiparty entanglement purification  249
  • multiparty quantum channels  287
  • multiphoton path representation  761–766
  • multiplexed homodyne detection  842, 843
  • multiplexing, spatial  588, 590
  • multiplexing, temporal  589, 590
  • multiply‐controlled NOT gate  653, 655
  • multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz (MERA)  312
  • mutual information  8, 316
  • n
  • near‐field image  833
  • negative partial transpose (NPT)  237
  • negative Wigner functions  849
  • negativity  157, 225
  • network  587
  • Nielsen's theorem  298
  • N→M purification protocol  245
  • NMR quantum computer  646, 648
  • no‐broadcasting theorem  72
  • no‐cloning theorem  56–57, 116, 335, 340, 370
  • noiseless coding theorem  6–7
  • noisy apparatus  252–257
  • noisy coding theorem  9
  • noisy operation  253–254
  • non Abelian quantum Fourier transform  102
  • nonclassical states  819–821
  • nondestructive state detection  815–819
  • nondeterministic polynomial  25
  • non‐Gaussian operations  52–53, 849, 853
  • non‐Gaussian transformations  390–391
  • nonlinear‐sign‐shift gate (NSS)  445
  • non‐local games  318
  • non‐locality  318, 675
  • nonseparable state  335
  • nonunity gain teleportation  347
  • normal form  296
  • normal modes  801
    • decomposition  49, 315
  • NP  24
    • NP‐complete  31
    • NP‐hard  37
  • n‐positive map  79
  • nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)  71
  • nuclear spin  573–574
  • nullifiers  850
  • number states  45
  • numerical optimal control  624, 651
    • dynamo platform  651
    • GRAPE algorithm  651
    • Krotov algorithm  651
    • platform DYNAMO  624
  • numerical range  614
  • NV centers  661
  • o
  • observable  615
    • all expectation values  634
  • occupation‐number qubit  439
  • one‐time pad  354
  • one‐way function  33
  • one‐way pattern  452
  • open system  683
  • optical amplification  831
  • optical clocks  805–806
  • optical density  706
  • optical dipole  815
  • optical experiments  678
  • optical Feshbach resonance  514
  • optical frequency combs  838
  • optical lattice  496
    • blue detuning  500
    • controlled coherent collision  505
    • geometry  498
    • impurity  512
    • loading  502
      • defect suppression  503
      • irreversible scheme  503
    • maximally entangled state  511
    • red detuning  500
    • single qubit gate  504
    • site offset  498
    • spontaneous emission  500
    • state dependence  498
    • state dependent interaction  507
    • state selective movement  499
  • optical potential  496
  • optical qubits  439–440
  • optimal control  655
    • theory  643
  • optimization  34–37
  • oscillator algebra  634
  • p
  • Pancharatnam phase  476
  • para‐hydrogen  661
  • parallel computing  661
  • parallel transport condition  476
  • parametric fluorescence  681
  • parity check matrix  13
  • partial transpose  205, 208
  • partial transposition  132, 206, 208, 225–226, 237
    • criterion of separability  133
  • partition  308
  • passive transformations  48
  • Pauli group  122
  • Pauli matrices  59, 60, 420
  • percolation  594
  • period finding  97
  • phase conjugation  50
  • phase‐covariant cloning  63–65
  • phase distribution  677
  • phase gate  428
  • phase space  45
  • phase‐space variables  197
  • photon  698
    • antibunching  680
    • bunching  680
    • echo  724, 725
    • recoil spectroscopy  811–814
    • statistics  680
  • photonic band‐gap  684
  • photon‐number resolving detection  589–592
  • photon‐number splitting attack  360
  • physical qubit  119
  • π‐pulse  675
  • π/2 pulse  675
  • plug&play‐system  372
  • Pockels cells  369
  • polarizing beam splitter (PBS)  378
  • polynomial reduction  29–30
  • positive maps  144
  • positive operator valued measure (POVM)  66
  • positive partial transposition (PPT)  237
  • positive Shannon entropy  181
  • primality  27
  • prime field  12
  • Prim's algorithm  35
  • privacy amplification  359
  • probabilistic cloning  70
  • probabilistic gates  444
  • probability amplitudes  410–414
  • product channel  113
  • product state  294
  • proof checking  33
  • proof existence  33
  • pseudo‐pure state  647, 648
  • pseudo‐spin system  644, 656, 661
  • pulse shaping  842
  • pure product states  130
  • pure states  43, 427, 661
    • entanglement  233
  • purification loop  695
  • purification step  240
  • q
  • QND interaction  706
  • quadrature covariance matrix  842
  • quadrature operators  706
    • of atomic ensemble  705
  • quadratures  345
  • quantized motion  801
  • quantized radiation field  761
  • quantum
    • bits  175
    • channel capacity  114
    • channels  43, 370, 691
    • circuit  428–433, 561, 578
    • code  114
    • coherence  175
    • computation  259–260
    • control  643, 651, 661
    • Cramer‐Rao bound  792, 853
    • cryptography  278–280
    • Darwinism  186
    • defined  175
    • dense coding  158, 376–377, 391–393
    • discord  180–184
    • dot  553, 564, 698
    • error correction  259
    • gate operation  521, 526
    • harmonic oscillator  196
    • information theory  265
    • interface  672
    • laser pointer  828–830
    • logic gates  377
    • logic spectroscopy  806
    • memories  683
    • messengers  683
    • metrology  853–854
    • microlithography  828
    • mutual information  182
    • neural network  661
    • noise  707, 827
    • non demolition  676, 706
    • operation  43
    • phase gate  676
    • regime  811
    • repeaters  691, 713
    • secret sharing  317
    • sensing  793, 795
    • Shannon theory  316
    • simulator  595
    • systems theory  607
    • teleportation  333
    • walk  104, 593–595
  • quantum algorithm  521, 544, 817
    • for binary search  91
    • DQC1 by NMR  659
    • for graph problems  91
  • quantum‐beat  682
  • quantum‐classical boundary
  • quantum‐classical state  180
  • quantum cloning  720
    • into atomic memory  720
    • coherent states  720
  • quantum communication  232, 257, 691
    • error correction  377–378
    • quantum dense coding  376–377
  • quantum compiler
  • quantum correlations
    • alternative characterizations  186–190
    • beyond entanglement  175
    • general desiderata  190–191
    • interpreting  184–186
    • quantifying  180–184
    • vs. quantumness  176–180
  • quantum cryptography  70, 71
    • entanglement based QKD  375
    • faint pulse QKD  371–375
  • quantum error correction code (QECC)  114, 358
  • quantum Fisher information  780, 792
  • quantum Fourier sampling  96
  • quantum Fourier transform  98, 653, 654
  • quantum gate
    • local  645
    • universal  645
  • quantum imaging
    • laser pointer  828–830
    • spatial quantum noise  830–832
    • two‐photon  832–833
  • quantum key distribution (QKD)  357, 393–396
    • faint pulse  371–375
  • quantum map
    • divisible  621
    • Markovian  620, 622
    • time‐dependent Markovian  622
    • time‐independent Markovian  622
  • quantum memory  712, 728
    • retrieval  715
    • storage protocol  713
  • quantumness 2
  • quantum protocol
    • multi‐party  317
  • quantum teleportation  375, 718
    • of light onto atoms  719
  • quasifree states  47
  • quaternion  634
  • qubits  65–68, 804
    • logical  119
    • physical  119
  • r
  • Rabi flopping  803
  • Rabi frequency  680, 803
  • Rabi pulse  675
  • Radon–Nikodym theorem  82–83
  • Rains' bound  226
  • Raman process  680
  • random walk  593
  • range criterion of separability  148
  • rank
    • tensor  300
  • rare‐earth ion  728–730
  • reachable set  620, 645
    • closed system  614
    • open systems  623
  • realtime measurements  678
  • receiver  4
  • recoil kicks  683
  • recurrence protocol  240, 250
  • reduced density matrix  427
  • reduction  29–30
    • criteria  238
    • from factoring to period finding  97
  • regularization  223, 224
  • relative C‐numerical range  616
  • relative entropy
    • of entanglement  225
      • regularized  224
      • subadditivity  225
  • relative entropy of entanglement  156
  • remote quantum information concentration  285
  • repeater  691
  • rephased amplified spontaneous emission  727–728
  • resources  696
  • retarded time  705
  • reversible classical computation  92
  • reversible computation  405, 431
  • Riemannian exponential map  618
  • Riemannian manifold  617
  • Riemannian metric  617
  • Riemannian symmetric space  653
  • robustness of entanglement  226, 302
  • rotating wave approximation (RWA)  743, 761, 803
  • rotational state  816
  • RSA  33
  • Rydberg atoms  672
  • s
  • satisfiability  29
  • scalability  648, 649, 654, 661
  • Schmidt
    • coefficients or entanglement spectrum  295
    • decomposition  130, 196, 233, 295
    • measure  303
    • rank  303
  • Schrödinger cat  676
  • Schrödinger‐cat states  821
  • secure function evaluation  318
  • secure links  374
  • secure state distribution  258–259
  • self‐homodyning  707
  • semi‐simple Lie algebra  614
  • separable  201, 202
  • Shannon entropy  5–6, 177, 181
  • Shannon's theorem  432
  • Shor's algorithm  98
  • shot noise  827
  • sidebands  707
    • transitions  804
  • sifting  356
  • sign‐flip error  116
  • Simon's algorithm  96
  • simple Lie algebra  610
  • simulability  613
  • single‐atom transistor  512
  • single photon processes in cavity  767
  • single‐photon source  682
  • solid‐state  553
  • spatially multimode beams  838
  • spectrum estimation  295
  • spin
    • definition  635
    • orbit  558
    • polarization  662
    • qubit  563
    • system  613
  • spin‐1/2  675
  • spontaneous emission  674, 680
  • squashed entanglement  228
  • squeezed states  196, 200, 386, 393, 711, 786–792
    • of atomic ensemble  711
  • squeezing  196
  • stability  805
    • diagram  523–524
  • stabilizer code  123
  • stabilizer formalism  455
  • stabilizer group  122
  • standard array  15
  • standard form  209
  • Stark effect  673
  • Stark eigenstate  507
  • state‐dependent cloning  57–63
  • state preparation  819
  • states  42
    • space  42
    • transformation  234
  • static disorder  599
  • Stinespring dilation theorem  80
  • Stinespring representation  80
    • ancilla form  81
    • Kraus form  82
    • minimal  80
  • stochastic local operations and classical communication (SLOCC)  298
  • stochastic matrices  404, 405
  • Stokes vector  704
  • strip‐line resonators  684
  • strong‐binding  811
  • strong controllability  628
  • strong coupling  678
  • strong phase reference pulse  363
  • strong subadditivity  316
  • subgroup orbit  614, 619, 620
  • super additivity  114
  • superconducting  672
    • qubits  575–582
  • supermodes  840, 847
  • superradiance  683
  • super‐resolution techniques  834
  • switchable noise  623
  • symmetry  610
    • breaking of  630
    • condition  612
    • of a dynamic system  634
    • quadratic  612
  • symplectic transformations  199
  • synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillators (SPOPOs)  838
  • system algebra  634
  • systems theory
    • closed quantum systems  609
    • open quantum systems  620
  • t
  • tangent space  619
  • 3‐tangle  307
  • technical noise  707
  • tensor  296
    • network state  311
    • product  406–407
    • rank  300
  • thermal state  648, 661
  • threshold  254
  • time complexity  643, 654, 655, 661
  • time‐optimal  645, 651, 653–655
  • time reversal  206
  • Toffoli gate  429, 432, 656
  • topological order  311
  • topological quantum computing  657
  • trace distance  219
  • transmitter  4
  • traveling salesman problem  36
  • tripartite  202
  • T‐transform  623
  • T‐V diagram  348
  • two‐colorable graph  250
  • 2D quantum walks  600
  • two‐mode squeezing  717
  • two‐particle scattering  600
  • two photon processes in cavity  767
  • two‐photon quantum  832–833
  • 2π pulse  675
  • two qubit gate  505
  • u
  • unbalanced interferometer  371–372
  • uncertainty relation  198
  • unconditional security  359
  • unitary matrix  423, 430
  • unitary operation  44
  • unitary orbit  645
  • unitary transformations  199
  • unity gain teleportation  347
  • universal cloning  65–69
    • entanglement structure  68–69
    • higher dimensions  68
    • qubits  65–68
  • universal control  634
  • universal gate set  91, 428
  • universal quantum gates  635
  • universal quantum simulators  508
    • Heisenberg Hamiltonian  510
    • Ising interaction  509
    • one‐qubit term  509
    • quantum phase transition  512
    • two‐qubit term  509
  • v
  • vacuum‐Rabi frequency  680
  • vacuum‐Rabi oscillation  675
  • vacuum‐Rabi period  678
  • vacuum‐Rabi splitting  680
  • Vernam cipher  354
  • von Neumann entropy  178, 201, 209, 662
  • w
  • Wannier function  497
  • W‐class  164
  • weak‐binding regime  811
  • Werner state  241
  • Weyl operator  46
  • Wigner function  46, 197, 200, 385, 386, 677, 840
  • Williamson eigenvalues  846
  • Williamson normal form  315
  • words
    • ɛ‐typical  6
  • worst case  21
  • z
  • Zeeman level  680
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