Approximate Quantum Cloning

Dagmar Bruß and Chiara Macchiavello

Heinrich‐Heine‐Universität Düsseldorf, Institut für Theoretische Physik III, Universitätsstr. 1, D‐40225 Düsseldorf, Germany

Università degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN‐Sezione di Pavia, Via Bassi 6, I‐27100 Pavia, Italy

4.1 Introduction

Perfect cloning of quantum states that are a priori unknown is forbidden by the laws of quantum mechanics (13). Perfect cloning is only possible when the input states belong to a known set of orthogonal states. For example, the Controlled‐NOT quantum gate (4), which operates as follows on two qubits (two‐level systems):

4.1 equation

where images denotes addition modulo two and images represent basis states for each qubit, implements a perfect cloning transformation for qubits, when the second qubit is initially prepared in state images (the first qubit is the one to be cloned and is initially in one of the two orthogonal states images or images ). The requirement that the input state belongs to a known class of orthogonal states is quite restrictive. It is intuitive to expect that by relaxing the conditions on the class of allowed input states, perfect cloning can be approximated with a decreasing efficiency.

This chapter describes approximate cloning transformations for different sets of input states and analyzes the corresponding optimal qualities in terms of fidelity. In Section 4.2, we review the no‐cloning theorem. In Section 4.3, we analyze the smallest nontrivial class of input states, namely, the set of two nonorthogonal states, and then consider the case of two pairs of orthogonal states. In Section 4.4, we consider another interesting set of input states, Namely, the one of all possible states lying on the equator of the Bloch sphere. In Section 4.5, we describe the least restrictive case, where the input states of the qubits are completely unknown, and report the optimal fidelities for qubits and then for systems with arbitrary finite dimension. We review fidelities of various processes and show how the fidelity increases by restricting the class of inputs. In Section 4.6, we drop the constraint that all copies should have identical output density matrices and study asymmetric cloning. In Section 4.7 we discuss probabilistic cloning, where perfect copies can be created with a certain probability. Before concluding, we finally briefly report on experimental quantum cloning in Section 4.8. ‐ An overview of approximate quantum cloning can be found in (5).

4.2 The No‐Cloning Theorem

The no‐cloning theorem states that it is not possible to perfectly clone an unknown quantum state, or a state drawn from a set of two (or more) nonorthogonal states ( 1 3). The theorem can be easily proved by contradiction. Let us assume that such an ideal cloner exists and it can be described by a unitary operator images that acts on the global system of the initial copy, in a pure state images , a blank copy on which the state will be cloned, in an initially arbitrary state images , and, in general, an auxiliary system (ancilla) whose dimension is not specified, initially in a state images . Notice that all the states that we consider are normalized. Assuming that ideal cloning is possible for two nonorthogonal input states images and images , the cloning transformation would lead to

4.2 equation

where images and images represent the output states of the ancilla and images . Since the cloning transformation images is unitary, it preserves the scalar product. The scalar product images of the two possible inputs in the aforementioned expressions must be then equal to the corresponding scalar product between the outputs, that is, images . Since the two possible input states are assumed to be nonorthogonal, this relation leads to

4.3 equation

which clearly can never be satisfied, unless in the trivial case images . Thus, images does not exist. All cloning transformations presented in the following sections are therefore approximate cloning transformations, the optimal quality of which depends on the scenario.

Another reason for the impossibility of perfect quantum cloning is the impossibility of superluminal signaling: assume the situation where Alice and Bob are distant and share a maximally entangled state, for example, the singlet state for two qubits. Alice measures her qubit and encodes one bit of information into whether her measurement is in the images ‐ or the images ‐basis. If Bob would possess a perfect cloner, he could make many perfect copies of his qubit (after Alice's measurement) and measure half of them in the images ‐basis, half of them in the images ‐basis. In the case where his basis coincides with Alice's, all measurement outcomes are identical; in the other case half of his results are 0, half of them 1. The speed of information transfer would just depend on the speed of the cloner, and if Alice and Bob would be far enough from each other, they could communicate with superluminal speed. Note that the impossibility of superluminal signaling does not only arise in a relativistic theory but also in quantum mechanics, due to linearity of any physical transformation (CP‐map) (6).

4.3 State‐Dependent Cloning

In this section, we study approximate cloning transformations for a set of two nonorthogonal input states, parameterized as follows:

4.4 equation

where images . This set of two input states can equivalently be specified by their scalar product images .

We will derive here a lower bound for the fidelity of an optimal images cloning transformation that operates on images input states of the form images , with images . This analysis was performed in (7) for images and images , and later generalized in (8) for any values of images and images . The resulting transformation is called state‐dependent cloner, because its form depends explicitly on the set of initial states, namely, on the parameter images .

We will consider a unitary operator images acting on the Hilbert space of images qubits and define the final states images and images as

4.5 equation
4.6 equation

Unitarity gives the following constraint on the scalar product of the final states:

4.7 equation

Notice that this ansatz does not describe the most general cloning transformation because we have not included an auxiliary system. Therefore, the fidelities derived below will be lower bounds on the optimal cloning fidelity.

As a convenient criterion for optimality of the cloning transformation, we maximize the average global fidelity images of both final states images and images with respect to the perfectly cloned states images and images . The average global fidelity is defined formally as

4.8 equation
Geometrical illustration of Vectors and angles for cloning of two nonorthogonal states.

Figure 4.1 Vectors and angles for cloning of two nonorthogonal states. See main text for the notation.

It can be easily shown (7) that the above fidelity is maximized when the states images and images lie in the two‐dimensional space images , which is spanned by the vectors images . We will now maximize explicitly the value of the global fidelity 4.8. We can think about it in a geometrical way and define images , images , and images as the “angles” between vectors images and images , images and images , images and images , respectively, as illustrated in Figure 4.1. The global fidelity 4.8 then takes the form

4.9 equation

and is thus maximized when the angle between images and images is equal to that between images and images , that is, images . The optimal situation thus corresponds to the maximal symmetry in the disposition of the vectors. This symmetry guarantees that the fidelity is the same for both input states images and images . By inserting the explicit definitions of the angles images and images – notice that due to images we have images – the optimal global fidelity then takes the form

4.10 equation

We will now derive the explicit expression of a different figure of merit, namely, the single‐copy fidelity images of each output copy with respect to the initial state. We first write the output states as

4.11 equation


4.12 equation

From these equations, the reduced density operator images corresponding to one of the images output copies can be easily derived (notice that the global states of the images copies images and images belong to the symmetric subspace, that is, the space spanned by all states which are invariant under any permutation of the constituent subsystems, therefore each output copy is described by the same reduced density operator):

4.13 equation

The fidelity is then calculated as

4.14 equation

As mentioned, notice that by the symmetry of the transformation the fidelity of the output state images with respect to the input images leads to the same result.

Notice that the single‐copy fidelities for the cloner of nonorthogonal states 4.14 are just a lower bound. Actually, in order to find the optimal state‐dependent cloner to be compared with the phase covariant and universal ones, the fidelity images should be maximized explicitly, and, in general, additional auxiliary systems interacting with the images qubits should be considered in the definition of the cloning transformation images . Reference (7) showed that for the images case the maximization of images leads to a different cloning transformation than the one considered here, where the global fidelity is maximized. However, the value of the resulting optimal fidelity is only slightly different from the fidelity reported in Eq. 4.14 for images and images , which was first derived in (7) and reads explicitly

4.15 equation

As an illustration, we also report here the explicit form of the bound 4.14 for the fidelity corresponding to the case of the images cloner

4.16 equation

Figure 4.2 shows the fidelities for the images and the images cloners as functions of the parameter images . The dashed curve corresponds to images , the full curve to images . As expected, the values of the fidelity are always much higher than images and images for the images optimal phase‐covariant and universal cloners, respectively, and than images and images , see sections 4.4 and 4.5 .

Graphical illustration of Fidelity for each output copy of the state-dependent cloner as a function of the parameter θ.

Figure 4.2 Fidelity for each output copy of the state‐dependent cloner as a function of the parameter images . The dashed curve refers to the images cloner (Eq. 4.15), while the full curve corresponds to the images cloner (Eq. 4.16).

We can describe the state of each qubit in terms of its Bloch vector representation

4.17 equation

where images is the images identity matrix, images is the Bloch vector (with unit length for pure states) and images are the Pauli matrices. The length of the output Bloch vector can then be easily calculated. For example, in the images case it takes the form

4.18 equation

It can be seen that, differently from the phase‐covariant and universal cases, which will be analyzed in the next sections, in state‐dependent cloning the Bloch vector of the input states is not simply shrunk along the direction of the input Bloch vector, but is also rotated in the Bloch sphere.

We now slightly enlarge the class of possible input states and consider an ensemble that consists of two pairs of orthogonal states for a two‐dimensional quantum system (9). These four states can be parameterized in the Bloch sphere representation with a single parameter in the following way. The four Bloch vectors images for the states images with

4.19 equation

where images is the identity operator and images with images are the Pauli matrices, are given by

4.20 equation

In this representation, the four vectors are lying in the images ‐plane, and each of them includes an angle images or images with the images ‐axis; see Figure 4.3. The two pairs of orthogonal states are given by images and images .

Geometrical illustration of disposition of two pairs of orthogonal states.

Figure 4.3 Geometrical disposition of two pairs of orthogonal states.

We could also parameterize the states images with the real parameters images and images with images :

4.21 equation

where the relation between the parameters images and images is given by

4.22 equation

We study the case of images cloning and consider the most general cloning transformation as a unitary operation acting on the input, a prescribed blank qubit, and an auxiliary system, initially in an arbitrary state images . In order to derive the optimal cloning transformation, due to linearity it is sufficient to define its action on the basis states of the input, namely

4.23 equation

where the coefficients images can be taken real and positive by including possible phases into the ancilla states. The above form for the cloning transformation guarantees that the two output copies are described by the same reduced density operator. We study cloning transformations that lead to the same efficiency for the four states images . Since the four states are transformed into one another by renaming the basis states, that is, images , the cloning transformation will be invariant under the exchange of images and images . This condition leads to images . Moreover, unitarity of the cloning transformation images dictates the condition

4.24 equation

We will now optimize the fidelity images of each output copy with respect to the input state images , where images and the trace is performed over the auxiliary system and one of the output copies. With our symmetric way to parameterize the states, we can easily derive the fidelity for the four input states, as we just have to calculate the fidelity once and can then use symmetry arguments in order to find the explicit form of the other three cases, for example, we can replace images by images to go from the fidelity for images to the fidelity for images . We require the fidelities for the four input states to be equal. This condition leads to

4.25 equation

Independently of the coefficients images , the fidelity will be maximal for the following choice of scalar products between the auxiliary states:

4.26 equation

which can be reached with a two‐dimensional ancilla and, for example, the choice

4.27 equation

Inserting this into equation 4.25, we arrive at

4.28 equation

The optimal cloning transformation corresponds to the maximum value of the fidelity 4.28, together with the constraint 4.24 due to unitarity.

Using the method of Lagrange multipliers, we thus have to solve the system of equations

4.29 equation

where images is the Lagrange multiplier. The solution for the coefficients images and images turns out to be

4.30 equation

Inserting this into equation 4.28 leads to the optimal fidelity

4.31 equation

The explicit form of the resulting optimal cloning transformation is found immediately by inserting equations 4.30 and 4.27 into equation 4.23.

In Figure 4.4 we plot images as a function of the angle images . The figure demonstrates that the cloning task is performed in the worst way for the two pairs being maximally spread, that is, in the case images .

Graphical illustration of Optimal fidelity for cloning two pairs of orthogonal states, as a function of φ.

Figure 4.4 Optimal fidelity for cloning two pairs of orthogonal states, as a function of images .

We point out the following geometrical description of the cloning transformation. For states with a Bloch vector lying on the images plane of the Bloch sphere, namely states given by the density operator images , we can describe the cloning transformation 4.23 in terms of two shrinking factors images for the images ‐component of the Bloch vector, and images for its images ‐component, such that the output state of each copy takes the form images . The explicit expression for the two shrinking factors with our choice of ancillas 4.27 is given by

4.32 equation

In the case of the optimal transformation, according to equation 4.30, the shrinking factors depend only on the value of images :

4.33 equation

According to the symmetry of the input ensemble 4.20 that we used to perform the optimization, the shrinking factors are related as images . Furthermore, the identity images holds. The shrinking factors become equal for images , namely images . Notice that this case turns out to coincide with the optimal images phase‐covariant cloner, which is discussed next.

4.4 Phase‐Covariant Cloning

In this section, we extend the set of input states to a continuous one and consider states of the form

4.34 equation

where images . Notice that this class of states corresponds to a Bloch vector lying on the images plane in the Bloch sphere representation. We are interested in cloning transformations that treat each input state belonging to this class in the same way, namely whose quality does not depend on the value of the phase images . This requirement corresponds to imposing the following phase‐covariant condition on the operation of the cloning map images :

4.35 equation

for all input states images and for all unitary phase shift operators images , where images . In this equation, images denotes the trace operation over all the output copies except one. Cloning transformations satisfying the above condition will be called phase covariant.

It can be shown (10) that phase‐covariant cloning transformations for input states images correspond to a shrinking of the Bloch vector by a factor images (in this case images represents the shrinking in the images plane of the Bloch representation). The simplest case of images and images was reported for the first time in (10) and corresponds to the optimal transformation for two pairs of orthogonal states, derived in Section 4.3 , for images . We point out that this transformation coincides with the optimal eavesdropping strategy in the BB84 scheme (11).

The case of general images and images was studied in (12,13). The derivation is very involved and will not be reported here. In Reference (12) a cloning transformation from an arbitrary number of input copies images to an arbitrary number images of output copies was presented and was proved to be optimal only for images . The optimal maps for the case images with equal parity of images and images (i.e., images and images are either both even or both odd) were derived in (13). For the images case, the optimal phase‐covariant fidelity is given by (13)

4.36 equation
4.37 equation

Moreover, when images and images have the same parity, the fidelity takes the form

4.38 equation

where images is the binomial coefficient images . It is interesting to notice that, in contrast to the universal case in which the optimal maps are the same for optimization of the global or single‐ particle fidelity (14), in the phase‐covariant case the solutions are, in general, different (13).

It is possible to extend the definition of phase‐covariant cloning to higher‐dimensional systems with finite dimension images , by optimizing the cloning transformations on “equatorial” states

4.39 equation

where the images 's are independent phases in the interval images . The optimal fidelity for the images case is given by (15)

4.40 equation

The general images case was analyzed in (16), where explicit simple solutions were obtained for a number of output copies given by images , where images is a positive integer. In this case, the optimal fidelity takes the explicit form

4.41 equation

In this summation images represent images indices that have to fulfill the constraint images . The interesting aspect of these cloning transformations is that they can be achieved “economically”, without the need of auxiliary systems in addition to the images output copies (16).

4.5 Universal Cloning

4.5.1 The Case of Qubits

We now consider the least restrictive set of pure input states, namely, the one corresponding to the whole two‐dimensional Hilbert space of a qubit. We will investigate universal cloning transformations, namely, transformations whose quality does not depend on the input state. As a figure of merit, we use the single‐copy fidelity images .

Universal images quantum cloning is a unitary transformation acting on an extended input, which contains images original qubits all in the same unknown pure state images , images “blank” qubits and images auxiliary systems, and leading to images output clones. The blanks and the auxiliary systems are initially in some prescribed quantum state. In order to guarantee that the images output qubits have the same reduced density operator images (symmetry condition), we require that the output state of the images copies is supported on the symmetric subspace. When requiring that all input states must be treated in the same way (universality condition), it has been shown (7) that the reduced density operator images , describing the state of each of the images output qubits, is related to the input state, characterized by the Bloch vector images , via the transformation

4.42 equation

namely the Bloch vector is just shortened by a shrinking factor images . Notice that the shrinking factor is simply related to the single‐copy fidelity images as

4.43 equation

In order to optimize the fidelity images , or, equivalently, the shrinking factor images , of an images universal cloning transformation we follow the approach of Ref. (17), relating universal cloning to state estimation. The aim of state estimation is to find a measurement that leads to the best possible estimation of the a priori unknown quantum state images . The most general measurement is a positive operator valued measure (POVM), namely, a set of positive operators images , such that images . Suppose that we have at our disposal images copies of the state images . The outcome of each instance of the measurement provides, with probability images , the “candidate” images for images We can calculate the fidelity images of state estimation by averaging over the outcomes of the measurement as follows:

4.44 equation

where images represents the reconstructed density operator corresponding to the state images . For a universal state estimating procedure, the fidelity must not depend on images , thus the reconstructed density operator images can also be written as in Eq. 4.42, with shrinking factor images . It has been shown in (18) that the optimal fidelity images for state estimation of images pure qubits has the form

4.45 equation

corresponding to the optimal shrinking factor

4.46 equation

We now want to show a connection between optimal universal cloning and optimal universal state estimation, given by the equality

4.47 equation
Geometrical illustration of Concatenation of an N → L cloner with a state estimation of the L copies.

Figure 4.5 Concatenation of an images cloner with a state estimation of the images copies. The output of the cloner is entangled (as indicated by the dashed line).

To prove it, we first consider a measurement procedure performed on images copies, which is composed of an optimal images cloning process and a subsequent universal measurement on the images output copies. This concept is illustrated in Figure 4.5. The total procedure can be regarded as a possible state estimation method. Since the state images of the images output copies of the optimal universal cloner is supported on the symmetric subspace, it can be conveniently decomposed as (19)

4.48 equation

where the coefficients images add up to one (images ), but are not necessarily positive. After performing the optimal universal measurement on the images outputs of the cloner, we can calculate the average fidelity of the total estimation process, due to linearity of the measurement procedure as follows:

4.49 equation
4.50 equation

where we explicitly exploited the universality of state estimation from Eq. 4.49 to Eq. 4.50. In the limit images , we have images . Remembering that at the output of the images cloner images , the average estimation fidelity in the limit images can be written as

4.51 equation

This fidelity cannot be higher than the one for the optimal state estimation performed directly on images pure inputs, thus we conclude

4.52 equation

We can derive the opposite inequality by noticing that after performing a universal measurement procedure on images identically prepared input copies images , we can prepare a state of images systems, supported on the symmetric subspace, where each system has the same reduced density operator, given by images . As mentioned above, a universal cloning process generates outputs that are supported on the symmetric subspace. Therefore, the aforementioned method of performing state estimation followed by preparation of a symmetric state can be viewed as a universal cloning process, and, thus, it cannot lead to a higher fidelity than the optimal images cloning transformation. Therefore we find the inequality

4.53 equation

which holds for any value of images , in particular for images . The above inequality, together with equation 4.52, leads to the equality 4.47. ‐ Note that the equivalence between asymptotic cloning and state estimation holds for any ensemble of states, as shown in (20), by using the monogamy of entanglement and properties of entanglement breaking channels, and in (21), by analyzing channels that distribute information to many users.

An interesting property of universal cloning transformations is that the shrinking factors of universal cloning machines multiply (17), namely, the shrinking factor of a universal images cloner composed of a sequence of an images cloner followed by an images cloner is the product of the two shrinking factors: images . Moreover, since a sequence of an images and an images universal cloner cannot perform better than the optimal images universal cloner, we can write the following upper bound for an images cloner:

4.54 equation

where we have used Eqs. 4.46, 4.47, and 4.43 on the right‐hand side. The corresponding fidelity reads

4.55 equation

The above bound is achieved by the cloning transformations proposed in (22) for images and images , and in (23) for arbitrary values of images and images . The explicit optimal images transformation for universal cloning of qubits, suggested by Bužek and Hillery (22), reads

4.56 equation

Here, one still has the freedom of a unitary transformation of the output ancilla states.

4.5.2 Higher Dimensions

The optimal images cloning transformation for pure states in arbitrary finite dimension images was derived in Ref. (19). The corresponding optimal single‐copy fidelity is given by

4.57 equation

which generalizes the optimal fidelity derived in Eq. 4.55 to arbitrary finite dimension.

Subsequently, explicit unitary realizations of the above transformations were shown in (24). It is interesting to notice that the link 4.47 between optimal universal cloning and optimal universal state estimation can be proved in a very similar way also for higher‐dimensional systems (25), thus leading to the following explicit evaluation of the optimal fidelity for state estimation of images identical states in dimension images ,

4.58 equation

4.5.3 Entanglement Structure

In Eq. 4.56 the output of a universal images cloner for qubits was given. It is clear that the output state is entangled. In Reference (26) the entanglement structure for the output of a cloner was studied. For the simple case of a images cloner, it was shown that the 3‐qubit output is an entangled state from the images ‐class By considering the concurrence, which is a good measure of entanglement for two‐qubit subsystems, it was also shown that the entanglement between clone and ancilla is higher than between the clones.

For the case images and general images , it is straightforward to derive an explicit expression for the concurrence between two clones or one clone and one ancilla, by calculating the respective reduced density matrices and using their symmetry properties, as derived in (27). The concurrence between two clones is found to be

4.59 equation

As we can see, the entanglement between two clones surprisingly vanishes for images . The concurrence between one clone and one ancilla can be calculated as

4.60 equation

This expression is nonzero for all finite images , that is, there is always an entanglement between a clone and an ancilla, unless images .

Generalizing these results to the images cloner for qubits, one can again calculate the concurrence between two clones. Again, the entanglement between two clones does not only vanish for images , but already for finite images , namely, for images . The entanglement between one clone and one ancilla, however, has different properties: the concurrence is nonzero for any finite images , and only vanishes in the limit images .

It is also possible to study multipartite entanglement in the cloning output. An interesting example is the images qubit cloner, for which no bipartite entanglement between the clones exists, as mentioned above. However, by studying the reduced density matrix of three clones, which consists of a mixture of projectors onto W‐states and a certain product state, it was shown (26) that there does exist genuine tripartite entanglement of the images ‐type between three clones.

4.6 Asymmetric Cloning

So far we have always assumed symmetry for the output copies, that is, all reduced 1‐particle output density matrices of the cloner were supposed to be identical. If one gives up this requirement, one can study asymmetric quantum cloning. For the universal images ‐cloner it was shown in (28) for qubits, and in (29) for images ‐dimensional systems, that there exists a trade‐off for the quality of the copies: Increasing the fidelity of one copy requires decrease in the fidelity of the other copy. The resulting no‐cloning inequality reads

4.61 equation

where images denotes the fidelity of copy images . Note that this bound is tight. For the symmetric case images , this bound reduces to the upper bound given in Eq. 4.57 for images . This concept has been generalized in (30) to the case of images identical inputs and a number images of output copies having the same fidelity, while images outputs all have some different fidelity. For the scenario of asymmetric phase‐covariant images cloning in images dimensions, similar inequalities have been derived in (31).

Asymmetric cloning is closely related to security issues in quantum cryptography: the eavesdropper can use an asymmetric cloner in order to win partial information about the state sent from Alice to Bob, by keeping one copy and sending on the second one. In all protocols where the optimal eavesdropping strategy (optimal in the sense of maximising Eve's mutual information with Alice for a fixed disturbance) is known, it turns out that the optimal eavesdropping strategy is equivalent to optimal asymmetric cloning (32,33). Note, however, that in general the task of optimal cloning is not identical to optimal eavesdropping in quantum key distribution; for details, see (34).

4.7 Probabilistic Cloning

In the previous sections, we have always considered deterministic quantum cloning, that is, the case where the cloning machine consists of a unitary operation only. The different concept of probabilistic quantum cloning (35) allows for a unitary operation plus measurement. By selecting a certain measurement result, one may arrive at perfect clones, however with a success probability of less than 1. It was shown in (35) that the states chosen from a set images can be probabilistically cloned if and only if the images are linearly independent. In this case, a unitary transformation of the following form exists:

4.62 equation

with images and images for images . Measuring the ancilla state in the basis images then leads with probability images to the desired clones images .

The most simple example is given by an input set of only two states, namely, images . Here, the success probabilities have to obey the inequality (35)

4.63 equation

In the more general case of images input states, one arrives at bounds for the respective success probabilities by solving a certain series of inequalities.

4.8 Experimental Quantum Cloning

The first explicit idea of how to implement an approximate cloning transformation in an experiment was suggested in (36), where it was shown that optimal universal quantum cloning can be realized via stimulated emission in certain three‐level‐systems, for example, atoms in a cavity. These three‐level systems have a ground state and two degenerate excited levels, connected to the ground state by two orthogonal modes of the electromagnetic field, images and images . The aim is to clone general superposition states images , via stimulated emission. Another experimental possibility is based on stimulated parametric down‐conversion. The latter proposal was used for an experimental demonstration of a optimal universal images cloning process (37). A quality of the clones that is close to the optimal value of images was reached, namely, images . The interaction Hamiltonian for parametric down‐conversion reads

4.64 equation

where images is a coupling constant and images is the creation operator for a vertically (horizontally) polarized photon in spatial mode images , and analogously for images . This Hamiltonian is invariant under joint identical polarization transformations in modes images and images , thus ensuring universality of the cloning process.

Polarized photons have been used in (38) to realize optimal universal quantum cloning, in (39) to demonstrate optimal images phase‐covariant cloning, in (40) to implement optimal cloning of four‐dimensional quantum states, and in (41) to demonstrate experimental eavesdropping based on optimal quantum cloning.

A completely different idea was realized in (42), where a nuclear magentic resonance (NMR) experiment with three qubits was used to implement the approximate images cloner via the network that was derived in (43) (in a slightly modified version). The universality was tested explicitly by studying 312 input states, covering the Bloch sphere. ‐ Phase‐covariant cloning (44) and state‐dependent cloning (45) and, more recently, probabilistic cloning (46) have also been implemented with NMR techniques.

Another physical system in which quantum cloning could be implemented is Cavity QED (47). It has been shown (48) that optimal phase‐covariant cloning can be achieved in a spin network with a certain XY Hamiltonian. This method is more robust against noise than the network approach (43).

4.9 Summary and Outlook

In this contribution, we have reviewed approximate quantum cloning transformations for various scenarios. Here, we have only discussed cloning for finite‐dimensional systems. Optimal cloning of continuous variable systems has also been studied in the literature, mainly for Gaussian cloning transformations (49), but is beyond the scope of our chapter.

The topic of approximate quantum cloning is mainly of fundamental interest: for example, limits on the cloning fidelity imply limits on the security in quantum cryptography. Thus, we have learned about differences between classical and quantum information processing by studying cloning. It is interesting to ask whether a cloning process be used as a tool in quantum information processing. Reference (50) has shown that quantum information distribution can improve the performance of certain quantum computation tasks. This distribution can be naturally implemented with different types of quantum cloning procedures: the information content of the input state is spread over the output state.

As a generalization of the concept of quantum cloning of pure input States, one can consider mixed input states. Here, one arrives at the so‐called no‐broadcasting theorem (51), which states that it is impossible to create from one mixed state, drawn from a set of two noncommuting density operators, an images ‐party output state, where each single‐copy density operator is equal to the input. Further developments in this direction (52) have shown that the no‐broadcasting theorem does not hold if one increases the number of input copies (images ).

Recently, approximate quantum cloning has found new interest in the context of various information‐theoretical concepts: In the resource theory of asymmetry, where a measure for asymmetry is given by the relative entropy of a state with respect to its symmetrized version, this quantity leads to a tight bound for the achievable cloning fidelity (53). In the same context it was shown, by employing entropic inequalities, that universal cloning machines and symmetrized partial trace channels are dual to each other, that is, one can be used as approximate recovery map for the other (54). Furthermore, it has been shown in (55) that universal cloning is the optimal coding/decoding strategy for the compression of identically prepared (mixed) states. The scheme of probabilistic superreplication has been suggested in (56): here, the authors showed that images pure copies from a phase‐covariant set can be transformed to images approximate copies. In the limit images , the fidelity approaches one, while the probability of success tends to zero. Here, the number of almost perfect output copies is restricted to images due to the Heisenberg limit.


  1. 4.1 No‐cloning theorem and linearity

    Show that perfect cloning of a set of linearly dependent states cannot be achieved by any linear transformation.

  2. 4.2 Phase‐covariant cloning

    Derive the optimal phase‐covariant images cloning transformation for qubits. (Hint: start from the ansatz in Eq. 4.23 and impose that states from a great circle of the Bloch sphere, that is, states of the form given in Eq. 4.34, are cloned with the same fidelity.)

  3. 4.3 Entanglement structure of universal cloning
    1. Derive the concurrence between two clones, that is, formula 4.59, and between one clone and one ancilla, that is, formula 4.60, for the universal images cloner for qubits. (Hint: use the concurrence for certain symmetric density matrices as derived in (27).)
    2. Show that the total output state of the universal images cloner belongs to the W‐class. (Hint: consider the tangle.)


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