Definition 4.26 If DF concept (c,c)=((X,X),(Y,Y)) has only one direct child node, DF concept is the DF critical concept. Otherwise, it is called the DF extension concept.

According to the above definition, if the critical concept is (c1,c1)=((x1,x1).(y1,y1)),(x2,x2),(y2,y2))),,((xm,xm),(ym,ym)) in dynamic fuzzy background B:(X,Y,I),(X,X)=(x1,x1)(x2,x2)(xm,xm)andY=(y1,y1)(y2,y2)(ym,ym) can be obtained.

For a conceptual (C,C)=((X,X),(YY)) in a dynamic fuzzy background B:(X,Y,I),if(C,C) has more than two direct subconcepts, it may be assumed that c1,c1)=((x1,x1),(y1,y1)),(c2,c2)=((x2,x2),(y2,y2)),,(cm,cm)=((xm,xm),(ym,ym))(wherem2), and then (X,X)=(x1,x1)(x2,x2)(xm,xm),(YY)=(y1,y1)(y2,y2)(ym,ym). The DF concept lattice can be generated as long as all DF critical concepts have been found.

The DF critical hierarchical construction algorithm proceeds as follows:

(1)The dynamic fuzzy background is preprocessed and the dynamic fuzzy critical concept is obtained on the dynamic fuzzy background.

(2)According to the hierarchical rule of the DF concept lattice, the critical concept of DF is placed on the corresponding level.

(3)Starting from the bottom, perform the following operation layer by layer and generate the dynamic fuzzy extension concept:

1The same-layer DF critical concept determines the intersection of connotation and the union of extension with two combinations and finds the new concept of DF. Then, DF concepts with the same connotation are merged. The merging strategy leaves the intension unchanged and the epitaxy is the union operation.

2For the new concept of DF, check whether its subconcept attribute difference is 1 to determine whether it is the DF direct super-concept. If so, determine its location and connection line; otherwise, consider this the DF temporary concept.

3For the DF concept, the provisional concepts are divided into three cases:

iIf there is no inclusion relationship between the DF concept and the super-concepts of its subconcepts, the concept is the direct superconcept of its DF subconcept, and its position and connection line are determined.

ii.If there is an inclusion relationship between the DF concept and a superconcept of its subconcepts, then modify the concept of DF to be the intersection of connotation and the union of the extension of DF.

iii.If there is an inclusion relationship between the DF concept and two or more super concepts of its subconcepts, then delete the DF temporary concept.

The algorithm is simple and clear. After all the DF boundary concepts have been obtained, we can break away from the background of DF data, which improves the efficiency of constructing the DF concept lattice. The disadvantage is that some redundant concept nodes may be generated as we break away from the dynamic fuzzy background. Compared with the DFCL_Layer algorithm, as the number of instances in the form of DF data grows, the efficiency of the DF concept lattice becomes higher, but there may be more redundant concept nodes in the DF data. Therefore, the two algorithms have their own advantages in specific applications, and we can choose one algorithm to construct a DF concept lattice in accordance with the specific case.

4.4.3DF Concept Lattice Reduction and status of concept lattice reduction

The DF concept lattice is a complex lattice structure, which places a serious obstacle in its specific application. Therefore, it is necessary to control the growth of the concept lattice nodes and to reduce the DF concept lattice. There are two common reasons for the expansion of the concept lattice. One is that there are too many attributes. In the worst case, the number of nodes in the DF concept lattice grows exponentially with the number of attributes. The second problem is the high degree of similarity between elements of the object; i.e. the difference between the different concepts is very small. If we allow nearly identical objects to be merged (similar to clustering problems), the size of the concept lattice will be reduced. This may also improve the application efficiency of the concept lattice and reduce the consumption of time and space. Therefore, reducing the DF concept lattice not only improves the application efficiency but also improves the application quality.

At this stage, there have been many studies on the reduction of the concept lattice. Oosthuizen proposed a method of pruning concept lattices [14], and Agrawal proposed a method of clustering association rules in concept lattices [15]. Ho et al. used fuzzy set theory [16] to reduce the fuzzy concept lattice. Concept lattice reduction techniques are widely used, especially in classification systems. These prevent the use of a large concept lattice, reducing the processing time and improving the precision of the concept lattice. based on clustering technique

In data analysis, conceptual objects with large similarities are often divided into different concepts. From a human point of view, however, this division is completely unnecessary. It is often considered that objects belong to the same concept. Based on this consideration, we can use some clustering techniques to classify similar concepts and form one concept class.

Definition 4.27 Consider a known dynamic fuzzy concept C = (O, A) in the dynamic fuzzy form background B:(X, Y, I) with node vector E(c.c)=(E(y1.y1)(c.c),E(y2.y2)(c.c),,E(y3.y3)(c.c),,E(yq.yq)(c.c)).For(yi,yi)ϵY:


where |X| = k, |Y| = q, |O| = n. The formula indicates that the value of E(yi.yi)c depends on whether attribute (yi,yi) is included in connotation (A,A) of node (C,C). The dynamic fuzziness of the object is introduced into the node, which reflects the entire dynamic fuzzy characteristics of the object set on the basis of preserving the dynamic fuzzy features of a single object. Thus, the dynamic fuzzy lattice between the nodes has a theoretical basis for comparison. Each concept in DF is a node. Each node can be expressed in vector form, so that the similarity between nodes (or concepts) can be defined as a metric for concept clustering.

Definition 4.28 The distance between the dynamic fuzzy concept lattice nodes (Ci,Ci)and(Cj,Cj) is defined as the Manhattan distance d((Ci,Ci),(Cj,Cj))=d1+d2++di+++dm between vectors E(, where di = |E(yi.yi)(|,andE(yi.yi)(,E(yi.yi)(cj.cj)E(yi.yi)cj,, are the i th components of the dynamic fuzzy parameters of concepts (Ci,Ci)=((Oi,Oi),(Ai,Ai))and(Cj,Cj)=((Oj,Oj),(Aj,Aj)), respectively.

λs is the similarity threshold for clustering. It can be set manually or calculated by other methods. If the distance between the two concepts is less than λs, the two concepts are placed into the same concept category. If the distance between the two concepts is greater than λs, they belong to different concepts.

4.4.4Extraction of DF concept rules

Presenting conceptual rules in a large dataset is a common application of knowledge discovery. This problem has been solved by generating association rules through the definition of the probability parameters [17]. However, the dynamic fuzzy concept lattice expresses the hierarchical relationship of concepts vividly. This level also implies that the rules contain a very high level of information. Mathematical parameters can be used to constrain and generate rules with greater application values. of dynamic fuzzy rules

Dynamic fuzzy association rules are the implication relations among dynamic rules: (M,M)(N,N),where(M,M) is the premise of the dynamic association rules and (N,N) is the conclusion. The meaning of the rule is that the DF membership of each attribute in (M,M) is greater than the corresponding set of thresholds. The DF membership of each attribute in (N,N) is also greater than the corresponding threshold. DF classification rules are special association rules. When the conclusion of a rule is a decision attribute (i.e. label attribute of dynamic fuzzy concept), a DF classification rule is obtained.

To extract concept rules effectively, the DF minimum support and DF minimum confidence must be specified by the user. The main problem of dynamic fuzzy concept rule extraction is that, given an object database, finding all conception rules may require a support degree that is not lower than the user specified DF minimum support and DF minimum credibility.

Definition 4.29 Given the dynamic fuzzy concepts (ci,ci)and(cj,cj), and the dynamic fuzzy association rule (M,M)(N,N),where(M,M)=Intent((ci,ci)),(N,N)=Intent((cj,cj))Intent((ci,ci)), the dynamic fuzzy association rules support and confidence are




The corresponding thresholds are dfsup and dfconf, respectively. fuzzy rule extraction algorithm

To avoid generating redundant dynamic fuzzy association rules, two parameters are defined to control the generation of association rules. According to the definitions of mean and variance in statistics, the mean defines the fuzzy degree of the sample and the variance defines the degree of dispersion of the sample. These are introduced into dynamic fuzzy concept learning as follows.

Definition 4.30 Define two DF parameters: the dynamic fuzzy mean (α,α)((Xi,Xi),(Yi,Yi)) and the dynamic fuzzy variance (δ,δ)((Xi,Xi),(Yi,Yi)):






where |(Xi,Xi)| is the length of element (Xi,Xi)and|(Yi,Yi)| is the length of element (Yi,Yi).(α,α) denotes the dynamic average fuzzy degree of concept (ci,ci),and(δ¯,δ¯) illustrates the discrete degree of dynamic fuzzy membership of concept (ci,ci)

Definition 4.31 (ci,ci)=((Xi,Xi),(Yi,Yi)),, if the parameter (α,α)((Xi,Xi),(Yi,Yi)) is greater than or equal to the given threshold (θ,θ) and the parameter (δ,δ) is smaller than the threshold (ψ,ψ), then this is a candidate node.

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