Tab. 6.11: J48 algorithm experiment result.

Note:* denotes a dataset with missing values, and CCI/DOA denote classified correctly (instances) and degree of accuracy, respectively.

Tab. 6.12: DFGHR algorithm experiment result.

Note:* denotes a dataset with missing values, and CCI/DOA denote classified correctly (instances) and degree of accuracy, respectively.

6.6.1Question description

First, we consider the verification of chemical molecular structure identification results. Data mining and knowledge representation of chemical molecular information is an important field of life sciences. By analysing the chemical molecular structure, we can abstract a given substance to an undirected graph, where the vertices in the graph denote the atoms and the relations between the vertices represent the chemical bonds between the atoms. A double sparse relational learning algorithm based on multiple kernel learning [2] has been used to test chemical information datasets, and experimental results show that the prediction accuracy is obviously improved, with fewer rule sets and more direct explanations. Zhao XF et al. [58] designed the OpenMolGRID system, which is used to mine chemical information in the grid environment for the design and construction of molecules. Qi et al. [59] proposed a two-layer classifier to identify the Escherichia coli promoter in DNA. The first-level classifier uses three Bayesian neural networks to learn three different feature sets, and the second layer is combined with the output of the first layer to give the final results. The method of Borgelt et al. [60] embeds the generated molecular fragments in parallel into all suitable molecular structures and prunes the search tree to help distinguish between different classes based on local atomic and bond sequences. Machine learning methods help chemists in two ways: finding frequently occurring chemical molecular fragments and finding fragments in the database that are frequent and infrequent in other parts of the database, which allows the database to be divided into active molecules and non-active molecules, as shown in the following example.

Fig. 6.11: J48 and DFGHR10-fold cross validation classification accuracy comparison chart.
Fig. 6.12: Classification accuracy rate of J48 and DFGHR based on training set.

For the compounds shown in Fig. 6.14, two are active and two are inactive. The task of learning is to find a model that can distinguish active from non-active molecules. This type of learning task is important in computational chemistry, where it is usually called structure activity relationship prediction [1] and can be used for the design and development of drugs and toxicity detection.

Fig. 6.13: Prediction of mutagenicity of compound.
Fig. 6.14: Substructure discovery and compression of graphs.
Fig. 6.15: A part of DNA Subdue clustering.

The pattern found in Fig. 6.13 is called a structural alarm and is used to separate active molecules from inactive molecules. Because the structure warning is a substructure (sub-graph), it is compatible with the active molecule, and there is no match with the non-active molecules. At the same time, the structural alarm is easy to understand and provides useful insights into the factors that determine molecular activity.

The DF map constructed by DFGHR is compressed using the Subdue method [57]. Because it can find common sub-graph patterns in the large image, we iterate the model to compress the original image until it can no longer be compressed. This produces a hierarchical conceptual clustering of the input data. In the i th iteration, the best sub-graph is used to compress the input graph and introduce the new node into the graph for the next iteration, as shown in Fig. 6.14.

Figure 6.16 hierarchy discovery process can be compressed as shown in Fig. 6.15.

Fig. 6.16: Compressed representation of 6.15.

6.6.2Sample analysis

We combined the DFGHR and DFLR algorithms to construct a DF graph and extract rules from the “promoter” dataset in the UCI knowledge base ( The input properties are 57 ordered DNA nucleotides (A, G, T, C), with a total sample number of 106 [53 positive cases (promoter sequence samples), 53 negative examples (non-promoter sequence samples)]. Each nucleotide sequence is aligned with a reference point, so that the n th attribute corresponds to the n th nucleotide. If the data are not aligned, standard classifiers such as C4.5 cannot handle the problem. In the form of a graph, the data need not be aligned with the reference points.

In this section, each sequence is transformed into a representation of a graph, as shown in Fig. 6.17. Each element is assumed to interact with at most 10 elements. Therefore, each sequence obtains 57 nodes and 515 connections.

After using the DFGHR algorithm to produce a sub-graph model of the promoter dataset, the DFLR algorithm was used to obtain the following classification rules: where y represents the abstracted sub-structure, n represents the number of models abstracted, + represents a promoter, and – represents a non-promoter.

Fig. 6.17: DNA sequence data transformation diagram.
Fig. 6.18: Comparison of the rule size extracted by 3 algorithms.

The resulting rule size is compared with those of the C4.5 and MofN algorithms in Fig. 6.18.

Intelligibility reflects the extent to which the rule is understood by the user. Any increase in the rule number and the antecedent number of each rule will increase the difficulty of understanding the rules. From the above graph, we can see that the rules obtained by DFLR are simpler to understand than those obtained by C4.5 and MofN. It is also necessary to consider whether the rules have significance. Of the six rules obtained by DFLR, the sixth rule covers counterexamples. This has too many complex antecedents, and can be omitted. That is, the samples covered by the first five rules are positive, otherwise they are negative.


Relationship learning is a learning paradigm in the field of machine learning that considers knowledge representation to obtain specific information in relational data, and then uses the knowledge obtained to reason, predict, and classify.

It is difficult to deal with uncertain information, such as the bias in data caused by the subjectivity of an expert system, or the absence or fuzziness of data. Dynamic fuzzy theory can effectively express this kind of data.

This chapter has introduced the theory of DFD into relational learning. The main results include the following:

(1)Based on DFL and a dynamic fuzzy matrix, we proposed a DFL learning algorithm and dynamic fuzzy relationship matrix hierarchy learning algorithm, and verified the effectiveness of the algorithms.

(2)On the basis of dynamic fuzzy sets and the dynamic fuzzy production, combined with the C4.5 algorithm and a decision tree, a dynamic fuzzy tree hierarchical relationship learning algorithm was proposed, and samples combined with real data were analysed.

(3)Based on dynamic fuzzy graph theory, we proposed a dynamic fuzzy direct acyclic graph hierarchy analysis, and presented a dynamic fuzzy HRL algorithm that was compared with the J48 algorithm.

(4)By combining the DFGHR and DFLR algorithms, a dataset of chemical molecules with missing data was constructed and its rules extracted. Compared with the conventional method, our algorithm is more general.


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