Futuristic Artificial Intelligence


  • This chapter looks at the future trends of artificial intelligence (AI), risk, and security in 5 to 10 years.
  • The good, bad, and ugly side of AI and machine learning (ML).
  • How risk and security relates to AI and ML.

Chapter Outline

  • Prediction of AI and ML and how they surpass human intelligence
  • The negative side of AI to employment opportunities

Key Learning Points

  • Learn and understand AI and where it is heading with intelligence

Possible Future

What is the future of AI in 5 or 10 years?

Currently, technology forecasters do not believe that human intelligence is likely to be surpassed (Yang and Yu 2019). Advances in AI will likely result in general reasoning systems and lack human cognitive limitations.

Some believe that AI and ML algorithms will eventually behave like humans and do the things humans do today. Currently, AI and ML keep track of consumer habits and respond accurately on selling to human consumers. Technology can change the way humans interact with their immediate surroundings.

We can ask ourselves questions today about the things that humans could not do 10 years back. The same questions can be asked about what humans can accomplish. In short, there will be some improvements and accomplishments in our lives.

Increase Security

Drones did not exist in the 1990s and phones were not easily available and attractive as they are now (Nassi et al. 2019). Drones can be perceived similarly to phones. Drones have numerous capabilities, such as transporting things through the air in a short period of time and to remote locations. Items that can be transported include package delivery and emergency response products to meet urgent and immediate needs. Drones can fly and inspect obscure places that are not easily accessible. Drones can be packed with AI features to make them intelligent.

Generate New Social Issues

AI is an extension of our abilities to solve problems and to provide new ideas to help humanity. It is possible for great things to come from AI, including advancement at an unprecedented rate. Assimilation of robots and AI in business operations can foresee AI-based products and services that will lead to consumer and industrial markets. The consumer and market areas will vary based on the innovators and business interests. AI will have challenges, such as cybersecurity issues. Organizations must fight the bad sides of AI, such as challenges with privacy, security, and algorithmic bias. The military, air force, and the navy will take interested in protecting countries from negative AI innovations.

Vesting Into Business and Health

AI- and ML-powered algorithms related to consumer applications may increase in confidence. This confidence and trust will increase the longer AI exists. This is all good!

Certainly, doctors are going to be around to take care of patients; however, the busy work of doctors can be done using AI. Doctors’ knowledge and experience can be captured and used tirelessly by AI systems. Doctors will retire and AI systems will give doctors the break needed to retire. AI systems can maintain the most recent innovations, research, and experiences needed for patient care. AI can access and use a larger dataset of patient’s data, treatment techniques, and advancements in medication. Diagnostic outcomes will improve when machines do the busy work for the doctor.

Facilitate Sustainability

AI is growing quickly and will impact every industry. More people are talking about AI; AI is not a new buzz phrase anymore. AI can improve the density of cities by tracking the movement of residents within cities.

Physical and Digital Coming Together

People have expressed the need for computers to react more intelligently with humans. A typical example is a computer pointing at errors that occur and automatically reacting to resolve the problem. Another option is to talk to the computer to fix issues that occur. In a nutshell, computers need to be smarter and AI can make it happen.

AI Is Going to Make Humans Smarter

The trend of AI and ML using formulae is going to continue and it is possible more algorithms will emerge (Metcalf et al. 2019; Ford 2019). It will not be a surprise when the amount of data increases exponentially. AI and ML will make intelligent projections on future behaviors and subsequent events by training more intelligent models and knowledge models. People in the financial environment are likely to get scared because of decisions AI and ML will be making. It is important that the models are trained appropriately to continue to grow as useful tools for humans.

What Does the Artist Gain From AI?

Artists would like to have a stake in AI to make artists’ work easier and more fun (Miller, 2019). Artists will use numerous algorithms that will emerge exponentially. Hopefully, the artist can use AI systems to create beautiful images that are fun to look at. Artists may fear that their job will be taken over and make them obsolete. This is a frightening thought; however, the artist can use AI systems to become more creative in every sense. AI can augment the creative process. It is important to factor a sense of civility, creativity, and equity when deploying AI systems. Eventually, industries that use art can use AI to increase productivity while giving respect to human dignity and cultural needs.

Human Like AI

In 5 to 10 years of AI, it is believed that AI will begin to show human-like intelligence that includes the cognitive abilities of humans (Joo et al. 2019). Computers are already good at repetitive tasks, but this is not the same as having cognitive ability. Artificial general intelligence (AGI) seems to be emerging slowly. AI is currently used in technologies such as Uber and e-mail. Gmail tends to provide some initial e-mail responses that the user can build on.

AI has been used in hospitals to identify diseases in patients that human doctors have missed. This is encouraging to the patients; however, this example is classified as weak AI and referred to as AGI. AGI is simply a machine that can perform normal, human tasks. The current goal in AI is to develop a machine that must prove it is intelligent and distinguishable from a human.

Survey on AI Prediction

Participants of the 2019 Joint Multi-Conference on Human-Level Artificial Intelligence conducted a survey on the predictions of AI progress over the next 10 years (Strickland 2019). The outcome of the survey indicated that 28 percent of respondents believe that AGI will emerge within 20 years. Out of the 100 percent respondents, 2 percent do not believe that humans will see AGI.

The survey asked the respondents to indicate sectors where AI will have the greatest impact. The result showed the following:

  1. Health care (46 percent).
  2. Logistics (47 percent).
  3. Customer service (38 percent).
  4. Banking and finance (34 percent).
  5. Agriculture, retail, software development, and manufacturing (28 percent).

The survey indicated that AI is progressing exponentially.

An earlier survey on AI conducted in 2016 showed an outcome with less exciting results. The survey asked, “How many years before AI could pass high-level machine intelligence?” High-level machine intelligence is defined as unaided machines that accomplish tasks better and more cheaply than human workers. The end analysis showed five percent intervals for achieving AI milestones. The concrete outcome indicates that AI machines will eventually be competitive with human intelligence.

Risk and Security Effects of AI

AI falls into two domains of significant importance: employment and security. The increase of AI is due to cybersecurity, justice (criminal and civil), and labor market patterns. Furthermore, occupations are susceptible to automation.

How AI for Risk and Security Is Going to Shape Up?

Risk and security issues will exist with any task or project. These issues will increase as AI is used more in the future. The thought of AI making decisions worries some people; however, with training and education, humans will accept the reality of AI making decisions in different areas.

The following are some predicted and fictional ideas that may emerge in the future.

Finance Industry Sector

We can further include new technologies such as Bitcoin. Can Bitcoin become actual currency? This question leads to intense infrastructure planning to safeguard everyone’s security fears. The security and risk associated with this helps protect against hackers.

Everything may become digital currency. The corporation that has a good communication network and access through Internet of Things (IoT) or connected devices to Cloud server environments will manage financial businesses. IoT data are currently being collected heavily in the business world. This has created opportunities for data analytics and for big data engineers and teams to purposefully deal with the collected data.

Retail Industry Sector

Retail stores may not require humans; anyone could pick up products from any store and directly charge to Bitcoin.

Automatic checkout would be used and make recommendations to the customer. Items would be available instantly through all connected devices. A person’s home fridge would maintain a minimum quantity that is instantly delivered to a person’s home based on the optimal quantity.

Humans need to find a way to earn money, and Bitcoin should be available to use for payment. Humans may own multiple specialized devices to serve customer needs such as purified water, a robot to prepare personalized foods, or a robot doctor that provides health advice.

Government Sector

Some may wonder what will happen to tax collections. The government may adopt automatic dynamic taxes instead of a fixed income tax. This method would require a political mandate to pass through congress.

Transportation Industry Sector

Driverless cars, driverless trucks, and drones for carrying goods and delivering to customers are determined by the user or owner of the drone.

Numerous risk and security issues will arise with the prediction provided earlier. Well-planned security and risk management will make this prediction feasible and humans will be able to enjoy the privileges that come with it.

Risk and security experts should be available to carry out adequate strategies that are testable in respective environments.

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