
Accountability, 14

Affiliate marketing, 63

Agrarian Age, 24

Airbnb, 69–70

Alibaba, 22

Amazon Associates program, 63, 28, 35

Apple, 25

Artificial intelligence, 62

Automation, 65–66

Bezos, Jeff, 28

Blockchain, 64

Blogging, 62

Branson, Richard, 80

Business models, creative

matchmaker model, 67

pay-in-advance model, 67

scarcity model, 68

subscription model, 67

Business ownership, 52

Cell phone technology, 24–25

Change, 37

circumstances, adjusting to new set of, 37–39

embracing change, 38

PayPal, 39

resistance to change, 37–38

staying open and being ready for, 37

willingness and adapt, 38

Chatbots, 64–65

Civilization, ages of, 24

Cloud computing, 62

Consultative selling, 74

Coursera, 65

Coworking arrangements, 65

Creativity, 57

creative business models

matchmaker model, 67

pay-in-advance model, 67

scarcity model, 68

subscription model, 67

ideation process, 59

5 Ws, 60–61

modern trends in entrepreneurship, 62–63

questions for getting creative ideas, 58

thoughts of entrepreneurs, 64–67

Volition Beauty, 59–60

Cryptocurrency, 62

Customer contact by text, 64

Decision making, 12–13

Digital media, 64

Diversity, 66–67

“Do as I say and not as I do” method of leadership, 12

Dropbox, 5

E-commerce, 63

Edison, Thomas, 41

Elide Fire, 29

Embracing change, 38


after failure

John, Daymond, 43

Mirza, Com, 43

Wang, Vera, 43

mindsets of. See specific mindsets

thoughts of, 64–67

types of, 9

Entrepreneurship, 1

context of, 13

by design, 2

modern trends in, 62–63

ESPN, 25–26

Facebook Messenger, 64

Failure, 41–43

entrepreneurs after

John, Daymond, 43

Mirza, Com, 43

Wang, Vera, 43

fear of, 3–4

Nintendo, 42

success and, 42

False Evidence Appearing Real (F.E.A.R), 4

Fear of failure, risk and, 3–4

Feedback for improvement, 14–16

5 Ws Ideation Process, 60–61


leader vs., 9

to influence, 9–10

gain, 1–5

Gates, Bill, 26

Houston, Drew, 5

Industrial Age, 24

Information/Digital Age, 24

Innovation. See Pioneering and innovation

Instructions, given by leader, 10

Integrity Selling class, 74

Intrapreneurs, 69

James, LeBron, 72

Jetsons, The, 23

John, Daymond, 43

Jordan, Michael, 41

Leaders. See also Leadership

characteristics of

assuming responsibility for outcomes, 11–12

developing talents of staff, 11

exemplifying behaviors expected, 12

followers to influence, 9–10

giving instructions, 10

holding team accountable, 14

making difficult decisions for greater good of all, 12–13

managing strategic direction, 13–14

motivating others to take action, 13

seeking feedback for improvement, 14–16

with no vision, 21

Leadership, 9

good vs. poor, 15

LinkedIn, 16

vision. See Vision

Legacy, 51

Lifestyle, 54–55

LinkedIn, 16, 66

Live video, 64

Loss, exchanging possibility of, 1–5

Ma, Jack, 22

Market research, 75

Marketing segmentation by social media, 66

Massive open online courses (MOOC), 65

Matchmaker model, 67

McDonald, 26

Memo app, 58

Mental barriers, 2

Microsoft, 26

Mindset, 84–88

assessment scoring guide, 89–90

on change, 37–39

on creativity. See Creativity

on failure, 41–44

on leadership

assuming responsibility for outcomes, 11–12

developing talents of staff, 11

exemplifying behaviors expected, 12

followers to influence, 9–10

giving instructions, 10

holding team accountable, 14

making difficult decisions for greater good of all, 12–13

managing strategic direction, 13–14

motivating others to take action, 13

seeking feedback for improvement, 14–16

on obstacles

ability to overcome to top 10 tools, 34

Amazon, 35

encountering and setbacks, 32

perceiving opportunities as, 34

ways to handling, 32–33

on pioneering and innovation, 23–29

on risk

Dropbox, 5

exchanging possibility of loss for potential gain, 1–5

fear of failure and, 3–4

Mindset Risk Analysis, 5–7

and rewards, relationship between, 1

on self-determination, 79–88

on selling, 73–77

on status quo, 69–72

on vision, 17–22

on work

legacy, 51

lifestyle, 54–55

purpose, 45–51

self-sufficiency, 52–54

Mindset Risk Analysis, 5–7

Mirza, Com, 43

Mobile retail sales, 66

Motivation, 81

by leaders, others to take action, 13

Neo-entrepreneurship, 67

Nintendo, 42

Nontraditional education, 65

Obstacles, 31

ability to overcome to top 10 tools, 34

Amazon, 35

encountering and setbacks, 32

perceiving opportunities as, 34

ways to handling, 32–33

Outcomes, responsibility for, 11–12

Paradigm shift, 67, 70, 83

Passed Over Opportunities Repeatedly (POOR), 34

Pay-in-advance model, 67

PayPal, 39

Pioneering and innovation, 23

Apple, 25

civilization, ages of, 24

Elide Fire, 29

ESPN, 25–26

McDonald, 26

meaning of, 23

Microsoft, 26

process of, 26

smartphone, functions of, 24–25

Widgetworks, 29

Problem-solving abilities of entrepreneur, 31

Purpose, 45–51

Pursue Your Purpose LLC, 45

Rain Heat & Snow, 18

Relationship management, selling, 75

Responsibility for outcomes, 11–12

Revenue, 76

Risk, 1

Dropbox, 5

exchanging possibility of loss for potential gain, 1–5

fear of failure and, 3–4

Mindset Risk Analysis, 5–7

and rewards, relationship between, 1

Robotics, 62

Salesforce, 48

Sales presentation, 74

Sander, Colonel, 41

Scarcity model, 68

Self-determination, 79

internally, self-determined people, 80

patience and, 79

people holding themselves accountable, 81–82

Virgin Group, 80

Self-gratifying, 80

Self-sufficiency, 52–54

Selling, 73

consultative, 74

market research and, 75

relationship management, 75

sales training, 73

in social media, 77

solopreneur, 76

Target, 77

Smartphone, functions of, 24–25

Snapchat, 66

Social media

marketing segmentation by, 66

selling in, 77

Solopreneur, 76

Spring Hill Entertainment, 72

Staff’s talents, developing, 11

Status quo, 69–72

Strategic direction, managing, 13–14

Subscription model, 67

Success, 3, 7

failure and, 42

Talents of staff, developing, 11

Target, 77

Team accountability, 14

Tesla, 23, 70

Traditional 9-to-5 job, 70

Traveling, 81

Travelocity, 67

Uber, 70


fears of, 3

stress of, 53

Virgin Airlines, 19

Virgin Mobile, 19

Vision, 17

Alibaba, 22

casting, 21

clarity of thoughts, 17–18

deciding on vision and vision statement, 18

lacking of, 19

leader with no vision, 21

loss of, 19

Rain Heat & Snow, 18

Wang, Vera, 43

Weiner, Jeff, 16

WhatsApp, 64

Widgetworks, 29

Winfrey, Oprah, 33

Work, 45

legacy, 51

lifestyle, 54–55

mindset exercise, 50–51

purpose, 45–50

Salesforce, 48

self-sufficiency, 52–54

World-renowned media, 33, 39

YouTube, 63

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