Mindset Assessment Scoring Guide

Odd number questions answered with a Yes = 1 point

Even number questions answered with a Yes = 4 points

Odd number questions answered with a No = 3 points

Even number questions answered with a No = 1 point

The highest score possible is 105 points. The lowest score possible is 30.

Score = 30–48—The Smooth Sailor

Your preferences indicate that you enjoy a more conventional approach to your work. Risk is mostly uncomfortable for you, and currently you are better suited to a more defined work environment that has routines, structure, and predictability. You prefer not to rock the boat and have a “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” mentality. The status quo probably doesn’t bother you much, and you will likely find great fulfillment in working for someone else as an employee.

Score = 49–67—The Team Player

You show that minimal risk is welcome in your career journey. Although you are most inclined to safety and security, you appear to take on occasional but very calculated risks that don’t stretch you too far outside of your comfort zone. You will likely rise to the occasion when required, and, as such, you fit well into a team environment within the workplace.

Score = 68–86—The Intrapreneur Leader

You display some characteristics of an entrepreneur, which might lend itself very well while leading a group of people within the organization you work for. If you desire to start a business, with the right development, you could do well as an entrepreneur. You are not a stranger to risk, but you probably don’t thrive on it. People can depend on you and look to you for guidance because of your outlook on getting things done.

Score = 87–105—The Enterprising Boss

You demonstrate a mindset that is conducive to succeeding as an entrepreneur. If you are not currently a business owner, you should strongly consider the path of entrepreneurship. Your capacity for taking on a higher-than-average amount of risk and your leadership attributes are qualities that are necessary for running a business and making your mark on this world. You are not guided by fear and are definitely not a follower. A traditional 9-to-5 job will stifle your creativity and place limitations on your potential.

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