List of Tables

Chapter 1. Introducing Zend Framework

Table 1.1. Key features of Zend Framework, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Solar, and Symfony

Chapter 4. Managing the view

Table 4.1. Parameters for the url() view helper

Table 4.2. The headMeta() view helper functions

Chapter 6. Managing the database

Table 6.1. Inserting with Zend_Db_Table and Zend_Db_Adapter compared

Table 6.2. Updating with Zend_Db_Table and Zend_Db_Adapter compared

Table 6.3. Saving data with Zend_Db_Table_Row’s save() method

Table 6.4. Deleting rows with Zend_Db_Table and Zend_Db_Adapter compared

Chapter 8. Forms

Table 8.1. Standard Zend_Filter classes available for use with Zend_Form

Table 8.2. Standard Zend_Validate classes available for use with Zend_Form

Table 8.3. Zend_Form standard decorators used to add markup to form items

Chapter 9. Searching

Table 9.1. Lucene field types for adding fields to an index

Table 9.2. Search-term modifiers for controlling how the parser uses the search term

Table 9.3. Boolean operators for refining the search

Table 9.4. Search query objects

Table 9.5. Lucene field types for adding fields to an index

Chapter 10. Email

Table 10.1. Comparing a physical address with an email address

Table 10.2. Comparing a physical letter with an email

Chapter 12. Talking with other applications

Table 12.1. Mapping PHP types to their XML-RPC types and Zend_XmlRpc_Value objects

Table 12.2. Comparing HTTP methods used in REST with common generic database operations

Table 12.3. The resources provided by the Akismet API

Chapter 13. Mashups with public web services

Table 13.1. The services available via Google’s Data API

Chapter 14. Caching: making it faster

Table 14.1. Core frontend options of Zend_Cache

Table 14.2. The cache frontends

Table 14.3. Additional frontend options for Zend_Cache_Frontend_Function

Table 14.4. The additional frontend options for Zend_Cache_Frontend_Class

Table 14.5. The additional frontend option for Zend_Cache_Frontend_File

Table 14.6. The additional frontend options for Zend_Cache_Frontend_Page

Table 14.7. The additional options for Zend_Cache_Backend_File

Table 14.8. The additional Zend_Cache_Backend classes

Chapter 16. Creating PDFs

Table 16.1. Predefined Zend_Pdf_Page page-size constants with width and height measurements

Table 16.2. The PDF v1.4 document meta-information keys available for use by Zend_Pdf

Appendix A. A whistle-Stop Tour of PHP Syntax

Table A.1. PHP data types

Appendix B. Object-Oriented PHP

Table B.1. PHP5’s magic methods are automatically called by PHP when required

Appendix C. Tips and tricks

Table C.1. Mapping of controller URLs to controller class name and filename

Table C.2. Mapping of action URLs to action functions and view script filenames

Table C.3. Priorities for Zend_Log log() messages

Table C.4. Zend_Log_Writer objects

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