Securing Windows 8 Metro applications using Azure ACS 2.0

Windows 8 Metro applications would inevitably talk to services hosted either in cloud or in an on-premise hosting environment providing access to resources for consumers using the Metro client application. Access to services from Windows 8 Metro client applications can be made secure using Windows Azure Access Control Services (Azure ACS 2.0). In Chapter 4, Cloud-based Identity with Azure Access Control Service, we have explored the steps to perform identity delegation using Azure ACS 2.0. In this recipe, we will take a look at the steps to create a Windows 8 Metro application. We will then configure it to receive a security token issued by Azure ACS and use it to access resources from a Service Provider.

Getting ready

The prerequisites to walk through the "how-to steps" are as follows:

  • Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview (can be downloaded from running on Windows 8 Developer Preview (you can download from your MSDN subscription).
  • Windows Azure account with Azure ACS namespaces appropriately configured.
  • The Relying Party application must be appropriately configured in ACS. This application will act as a Service Provider for the Windows 8 Metro client application. This should be fairly familiar to you having done it in Chapter 4, Cloud-based Identity with Azure Access Control Service.
  • For our example, we will use Yahoo as the Identity Provider. It should be configured in ACS.


Both Windows 8 and Visual Studio 11 are in Developer Preview at the time of writing this book. Expect the implementation to change with the future releases.

In addition to the preceding prerequisites, you would also need to be familiar with Windows 8 Metro application development using XAML (plus C#) and JavaScript. We will also use Task Based Asynchronous Programming (TAP) concepts in this recipe. You can learn more about this pattern in the document available at the following URL:

How to do it...

For creating and configuring a Windows 8 Metro application, follow these steps:

  1. In the Start screen in Windows 8, click on the Microsoft Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview application:
    How to do it...
  2. Create a new Visual Studio 11 C# Windows Metro style application and name it MetroAcsApplication:
    How to do it...
  3. In the just created MetroAcsApplication project open the MainPage.xaml file and create a button (captioned Login) and a textbox (with name txtStatus) to display a "Success / Failure" message post the authentication process.
  4. Open the MainPage.xaml.cs file and add a private method GetAuthenticationResultAsync:
    private async Task GetAuthenticationResultAsync(string ipURL)
    var result = await WebAuthenticationBroker.AuthenticateAsync(
    new Uri(ipURL));
    txtStatus.Text = (result.ResponseStatus == 0) ? "Success" : "Failure";
    catch (Exception e)
    txtStatus.Text = e.Message;

    Note that GetAuthenticationResultAsync is not an ordinary private method. It uses the TAP pattern in .NET Framework 4.5 to asynchronously carry out the authentication process.

  5. Call the GetAuthenticationResultAsyc task from the button-click event handler of the Login button:
    private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    Task getLoginUrl = GetIdentityProviderLoginUrlAsync("Yahoo");
    txtStatus.Text = "Loading Provider...";
    await getLoginUrl;
    Task authenticate = GetAuthenticationResultAsync(loginUrl);
    txtStatus.Text = "Authenticating..";
    await authenticate;


    Notice that the Button_Click handler is marked async to allow await-able operations.

    • The GetIdentityProviderLoginUrlAsync method returns the login URL, based on the Identity Provider (Yahoo, in our solution).
  6. Compile and run the application. Click on the Login button. You will be redirected to the Identity Provider for authentication:
    How to do it...
    • You have now successfully implemented access control in your Metro application with Azure ACS.

How it works...

The most important item to note in the steps is the usage of WebAuthenticationBroker (Windows.Security.Authentication.Web). It is a WinRT ( object that starts an asynchronous authentication operation with a call to the method AuthenticateAsync.

The returned result contains the following three properties:

  • ResponseData: This property holds the credential information
  • ResponseErrorDetail: This property holds the error information if the authentication is not successful
  • ResponseStatus: This property holds the status code

There's more...

Rich client applications such as Windows 8 Metro Applications do not have the ability to federate in passive mode such as in a web browser. Web Authentication Broker mediates to allow rich client applications delegate identity to providers such as Azure ACS and then use the retrieved token to make a request to the Service Provider specifying the token in the Request Header. To retrieve the ACS token, you must specify a valid call-back URI to the AuthenticateAsync method. The call-back URI will receive the ACS token (SWT or SAML). The following diagram illustrates this scenario:

There's more...

Identity provider's login URL

Information regarding the identity providers (name, logo, login URL, logout URL, and so on) registered in ACS is published in JSON format. The login URL for an identity provider can be retrieved by parsing the JSON string fetched by making a GET request to https://{0}{1}version=1.0.

Cache credentials with Password Vault

WinRT exposes the PasswordVault class (Windows.Security.Credentials) that can be used to store a PasswordCredential object. This is particularly useful if you need to authenticate more than once and you don't want to be redirected every time to the identity provider. Use the ResponseData property to retrieve the credential information and store it in PasswordVault.

Windows Azure Toolkit for Windows 8

Vittorio Bertocci did a great talk on Identity and Access Management in the Build Conference. You can learn more about it at The demos used in the talk are packaged as samples with the Windows Azure Toolkit for Windows 8 which can be installed from You will need to run the setup script after extracting the contents of the Toolkit to make sure that all the dependencies are installed and the Visual Studio templates are appropriately configured.

See also

The complete source code for this recipe (for illustration only) can be found in the Chapter 7Recipe 3 folder.

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