Chapter 2. Creating a Simple Application

This chapter will walk you through creating a simple application in Sencha Touch. We will cover the basic elements that are included in any Sencha Touch application, and we will take a look at the more common components you might use in your own applications: containers, panels, lists, toolbars, and buttons.

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Setting up your folder structure

  • Starting from scratch with TouchStart.js

  • Controlling the container using layouts

  • Testing and debugging the application

  • Updating the application for production

  • Putting the application into production

Next, we will cover how to use the various containers to display text and other items. We will then add additional components to create our first simple application. Finally, we will take a look at debugging your application and give you some pointers on what to do when things go boom.

Setting up your folder structure

Before we get started, you need to be sure that you've set up your development environment properly, as outlined in the previous chapter.


Root folder

As noted in the previous chapter, you will need to have the folders and files for your application located in the correct web server folder, on your local machine.

On the Mac, this will be the Sites folder in your Home folder.

On Windows, this will be C:xamphtdocs (assuming you installed xampp, as described in the previous chapter).

Through the rest of the book, we will refer to this folder as the root folder of your local web server.

Setting up your application folder

Before we can start writing code, we have to perform some initial set up, copying in a few necessary resources and creating the basic structure of our application folder. This section will walk you through the basic setup for the Sencha Touch files, creating your style sheets folder, and creating the index.html file.

  1. Locate the Sencha Touch folder you downloaded in the previous chapter.


    The code in this chapter was written using Sencha Touch 1.1.0.

  2. Create a folder in the root folder of your local web server. You may name it whatever you like. I have used the folder name TouchStart in this chapter.

  3. Create three empty sub folders called lib, app, and css in your TouchStart folder.

  4. Now, copy the resources and src folders, from the Sencha Touch folder you downloaded earlier, into the TouchStart/lib folder.

  5. Copy the following files from your Sencha Touch folder to your TouchStart/lib folder:

    • sencha-touch.js

    • sencha-touch-debug.js

    • sencha-touch-debug-w-comments.js

  6. Create an empty file in the TouchStart/css folder called TouchStart.css. This is where we will put custom styles for our application.

  7. Create an empty index.html file in the main TouchStart folder. We will flesh this out in the next section.


    Icon files

    Both iOS and Android applications use image icon files for display. This creates pretty rounded launch buttons, found on most touch-style applications.

    If you are planning on sharing your application, you should also create PNG image files for the launch image and application icon. Generally, there are two launch images, one with a resolution of 320 x 460 px, for iPhones, and one at 768 x 1004 px, for iPads. The application icon should be 72 x 72 px. See Apple's iOS Human Interface Guidelines for specifics, at

When you're done, your folder structure should look as follows:

Setting up your application folder

Creating the HTML application file

Using your favorite HTML editor, open the index.html file we created when we were setting up our application folder. This HTML file is where you specify links to the other files we will need in order to run our application.

The following code sample shows how the HTML should look:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <title>TouchStart Application – My Sample App</title>

    <!-- Sencha Touch CSS -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="lib/resources/css/sencha-touch.css" type="text/css">

    <!-- Sencha Touch JS -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/sencha-touch-debug.js"></script>

    <!-- Application JS -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="app/TouchStart.js"></script>

    <!-- Custom CSS -->

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/TouchStart.css" type="text/css">



Downloading the example code

You can download the example code files for all Packt books you have purchased from your account at If you purchased this book elsewhere, you can visit and register to have the files e-mailed directly to you.



In HTML, anything between <!-- and --> is a comment, and it will not be displayed in the browser. These comments are to tell you what is going on in the file. It's a very good idea to add comments into your own files, in case you need to come back later and make changes.

Let's take a look at this HTML code piece-by-piece, to see what is going on in this file.

The first five lines are just the basic set-up lines for a typical web page:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <title>TouchStart Application – Hello World</title>

With the exception of the last line containing the title, you should not need to change this code for any of your applications. The title line should contain the title of your application. In this case, TouchStart Application – Hello World is our title.

The next few lines are where we begin loading the files to create our application, starting with the Sencha Touch files.

The first file is the default CSS file for the Sencha Touch library—sencha-touch.css.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="lib/resources/css/ext-touch.css" type="text/css">


CSS files

CSS or Cascading Style Sheet files contain style information for the page, such as which items are bold or italic, which font sizes to use, and where items are positioned in the display.

The Sencha Touch style library is very large and complex. It controls the default display of every single component in Sencha Touch. It should not be edited directly.

The next file is the actual Sencha Touch JavaScript library. During development and testing, we use the debug version of the Sencha Touch library, sencha-touch-debug.js:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/sencha-touch-debug.js"></script>

The debug version of the library is not compressed and contains comments and documentation. This can be helpful if an error occurs, as it allows you to see exactly where in the library the error occurred.

When you have completed your development and testing, you should edit this line to use sencha-touch.js instead. This alternate file is the version of the library that is optimized for production environments and takes less bandwidth and memory to use; but, it has no comments and is very hard to read.

Neither the sencha-touch-debug.js nor the sencha-touch.js files should ever be edited directly.

The next two lines are where we begin to include our own application files. The names of these files are totally arbitrary, as long as they match the name of the files you create later, in the next section of this chapter. It's usually a good idea to name the file the same as your application name, but that is entirely up to you. In this case, our files are named TouchStart.js and TouchStart.css.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="app/TouchStart.js"></script>

This first file, TouchStart.js, is the file that will contain our JavaScript application code.

The last file we need to include is our own custom CSS file, called TouchStart.css. This file will contain any style information we need for our application. It can also be used to override some of the existing Sencha Touch CSS styles.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/css/TouchStart.css" type="text/css">

This closes out the </head> area of the index.html file. The rest of the index.html file contains the <body></body> tags and the closing </html> tag.

If you have any experience with traditional web pages, it may seem a bit odd to have empty <body></body> tags, in this fashion. In a traditional web page, this is where all the information for display would normally go.

For our Sencha Touch application, the JavaScript we create will populate this area automatically. No further content is needed in the index.html file, and all of our code will live in our TouchStart.js file.

So, without further delay, let's write some code!

Starting from scratch with TouchStart.js

Let's start by opening the TouchStart.js file and adding the following:

new Ext.Application({
name: 'TouchStart',
launch: function() {
var hello = new Ext.Container({
fullscreen: true,
html: '<div id="hello">Hello World</div>'

this.viewport = hello;

This is probably the most basic application you can possibly create: the ubiquitous "Hello World" application. Once you have saved the code, use the Safari web browser to navigate to the TouchStart folder in the root folder of your local web server. The address should look like the following:

The first line, NewExt.Application({, creates a new application for Sencha Touch. Everything listed between the curly braces is a configuration option of this new application. While there are a number of configuration options for an application, most consist of at least the application's name and a launch function.



One of the biggest problems with using someone else's code is the issue of naming. For example, if the framework you are using has an object called "Application", and you create your own object called "Application", the two functions will conflict. JavaScript uses the concept of namespaces to keep these conflicts from happening.

In this case, Sencha Touch uses the namespace Ext. You will see this namespace used throughout the code in this book. It is simply a way to eliminate potential conflicts between the frameworks' objects and code, and your own objects and code.

Sencha will automatically set up a namespace for your own code as part of the new Ext.Application object.

Ext is also part of the name of Sencha's web application framework called ExtJS. Sencha Touch uses the same namespace convention to allow developers familiar with one library to easily understand the other.

When we create a new application, we need to pass it some configuration options. This will tell the application how to look and what to do. These configuration options are contained within the curly braces ({}) and separated by commas. The first option is as follows:

name: 'TouchStart'

This sets the name of our application to whatever is between the quotes. This name value should not contain spaces, as Sencha also uses this value to create a namespace for your own code objects. In this case, we have called the application TouchStart. The next option is where things start to get interesting:

launch: function() {
var hello = new Ext.Container({
fullscreen: true,
html: '<div id="hello">Hello World</div>'

this.viewport = hello;

The launch configuration option is actually a function that will tell the application what to do once it starts up. Let's start backwards on this last bit of code for the launch configuration and explain this.viewport.

By default, a new application has a viewport. The viewport is a pseudo-container for your application. It's where you will add everything else for your application. Typically, this viewport will be set to a particular kind of container object.

At the beginning of the launch function, we start out by creating a basic container, which we call hello:

var hello = new Ext.Container({
fullscreen: true,
html: '<div id="hello">Hello World</div>'

Like the Application class, a new Ext.Container class is passed a configuration object consisting of a set of configuration options, contained within the curly braces ({}) and separated by commas. The Container object has over 40 different configuration options, but for this simple example, we only use two:

  • fullscreen sets the size of the container to fill the entire screen (no matter which device is being used).

  • html sets the content of the container itself. As the name implies, this can be a string containing either HTML or plain text.

Admittedly, this is a very basic application, without much in the way of style. Let's add something extra using the container's layout configuration option.


My application didn't work!

When you are writing code, it is an absolute certainty that you will, at some point, encounter errors. Even a simple error can cause your application to behave in a number of interesting and aggravating ways. When this happens, it is important to keep in mind the following:

  • Don't Panic.

  • Retrace your steps and use the tools mentioned in the previous chapter to track down the error and fix it. If anything from this chapter does not work for you, jump to the Testing and debugging section of this chapter for some pointers on where to start looking.

Controlling the container with layout

Layouts give you a number of options for arranging content inside containers. Sencha Touch offers four basic layouts for containers:

  • fit: A single item layout that automatically expands to take up the whole container

  • hbox: Arranges items horizontally in the container

  • vbox: Arranges items vertically in the container

  • card: Arranges items like a stack of cards where only the active card is initially visible

In our previous example, we did not declare a layout. In general, you will always want to declare a layout for any container. If you don't, the components inside the container may not size themselves appropriately when they appear. This is not as critical when the container only contains HTML.

Let's take our previous example and modify it a bit:

new Ext.Application({
name: 'TouchStart',
launch: function() {
var hello = new Ext.Container({
fullscreen: true,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
items: [
xtype: 'container',
flex: 2,
html: '<div id="hello">Hello World Top</div>',
cls: 'blueBox',
border: 1
  }, {
xtype: 'container',
flex: 1,
html: '<div id="hello">Hello World Bottom</div>',
cls: 'redBox',
border: 1
}, {
xtype: 'container',
height: 50,
html: '<div id="footer">Footer</div>',
cls: 'greenBox'


this.viewport = hello;

For this example, we have removed the line that previously set HTML, '<div id="hello"> Hello World</div>', and replaced it with our layout configuration:

layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'

This configuration sets our main container layout to vbox (objects aligned vertically) and stretches the boxes to take up the full horizontal width on the screen.

We have also added items to our container, after we set the layout. The items are a collection of Sencha Touch components we want to include inside our container. The items list is enclosed in brackets, and the individual components within the items list are contained in curly braces.

In this case, we are going to include three additional containers inside of our main container:

items: [
xtype: 'container',
flex: 2,
html: '<div id="hello">Hello World Top</div>',
cls: 'blueBox',
border: 1
  }, {
xtype: 'container',
flex: 1,
html: '<div id="hello">Hello World Bottom</div>',
cls: 'redBox',
border: 1
  }, {
xtype: 'container',
height: 50,
html: '<div id="footer">Footer</div>',
cls: 'greenBox'


One of the first things you will notice is the addition of a configuration called an xtype.

In Sencha Touch, xtype: 'container' is just another way of saying new Ext.Container. This is a much easier way to add items within an existing container and has the added benefit of saving device memory. Almost every component used in Sencha Touch has a unique xtype.



When you use xtype, the component isn't created until it is actually needed for display to the user. By contrast, any time you use the new command, such as new Ext.Container, the component is created in memory immediately.

The Sencha Touch API contains a list of the available xtype components at (search for Component).

The next configuration in the list is called flex. The flex configuration is unique to the hbox and vbox layouts. It controls how much space the component will take up, proportionally, in the overall layout. You may also have noticed that the last container does not have a flex configuration. Instead, it has height: 80. The vbox layout will interpret these values to lay out the container as follows:

  1. Since we have one component with a height of 50, the vbox layout will leave that component as 50 pixels tall.

  2. The vbox layout will then use the flex values of the other two components as a ratio. In this case, 2:1.

  3. The end result is a container, 80 pixels high, on the bottom of the screen. The other two containers will take up the rest of the available space. The top container will also be twice as tall as the middle container.

In order to make these sizes clearer, we have also added a cls configuration to each of the inner containers. The cls configuration sets a CSS class on the container, allowing us to use our TouchStart.css file to add style changes for each of the containers.

Locate your TouchStart.css file, open it in your code editor, and add the following:

.blueBox {
background-color: #7FADCF;

.redBox {
background-color: #CE7E83;

.greenBox {
background-color: #7ECEA0;

Save your changes and reload the page in Safari:

Controlling the container with layout

As you can see from this example, we can easily nest containers to create more complex layouts. We should also take into account the fact that each of these containers can have a different layout and can contain its own items. It would be easy enough to add buttons to our footer container on the bottom and make it into a real working toolbar. However, we really don't need to, because Sencha Touch has already provided us with a simpler way.


An important concept to understand when working with layouts is that the layout configuration does not change where the container itself lives, or how it looks, but only affects the items inside the container. Additionally, all display components in Sencha Touch have a default layout of fit. If you don't specify a different layout type, a fit layout will be used. We will cover layouts in depth, later in the book.

The panel

As we noted previously, containers are a very basic object in Sencha Touch, and they can be extended to create more complex objects with new features. The first of these is Panel.

Like the container, a panel can have a layout, html, or items components and it can be set to fullscreen. In fact, since it inherits from the container, it can do everything a container can, and more.

One of the key advantages of a panel is the ability to have docked items. These docked items can be used to make title bars, toolbars, and navigation bars. A simple example would be the following:

new Ext.Application({
name: 'TouchStart',
launch: function() {

  this.viewport = new Ext.Panel({
fullscreen: true,
  bodyPadding: 5,
dockedItems: [
dock : 'top',
xtype: 'toolbar',
title: 'Touch Start'
dock : 'top',
xtype: 'toolbar',
items: [
text: 'Hello Button'

html: 'Hello Panel'

The panel

This is similar to our first example, except we are now using a panel and we have also taken a shortcut by directly setting the viewport method:

this.viewport = new Ext.Panel({

We also added a bit of visual appeal, in the form of padding, to the panel, by setting bodyPadding to 5, but the big change is the docked items.

Much like when we added containers into our main container, the docked items are shown as an array of components inside brackets. In this case, there are two items: one for the title bar and a second for the button bar. Both of these items have an xtype value toolbar.

The toolbar also inherits from our old friend, the container. This means it can also have layout, html, and items components. As a dockedItems component, toolbar also understands the concept of where it should be docked. The dock configuration can be set to top, right, left, or bottom.

Our first toolbar simply sets a title configuration value instead of html or items. However, the second toolbar is a bit different.

One of the interesting things you might have noticed in the second toolbar is that our Hello Button doesn't actually have a configuration value for xtype. This is because the toolbar assumes that all of its items are buttons, unless you tell it otherwise. In this case, the button only has a text property. At this point, the button doesn't do anything, but you can begin to see some of the possibilities for panel and its dockedItems component.

It should also be noted that dockedItems components don't have to be toolbars. They can actually be any kind of component you like. For example, if you want to have a left sidebar, you could add a dockedItem component with an xtype value of Panel and a dock setting of left, which would give you all the functionality of a regular panel, pinned to the left side of your existing panel.


When do I use a panel instead of a container?

Since the panel does so much more than a container, the logical question would be: why use the container at all?

The general rule of thumb is, if you need the extra functionality, use the panel, component, and if you don't require docked items or a title bar, use the container component. Using the container saves a bit of memory and makes for cleaner, more understandable code.

While the panel is a good starting point for starting an application, Sencha Touch also provides a more complex version of the panel called the TabPanel.

The TabPanel component

TabPanel components contain all of the core functions of the regular panel, but they have a few extra advantages as well.

TabPanel is a very specialized panel that uses a card layout to quickly create a switchable set of tabs for each item in the tab panel.

The card layout can contain a number of different containers, but it only displays them one at a time. Much like a deck of cards where only the top card is visible, the card layout can only have one active item at a time. You can then change the active item and the new card will automatically switch to the front, hiding the previous card.

The TabPanel creates a card layout for all of its items by default. It also adds a button in the tab bar for each of its items. These buttons automatically switch from one card to the next, without any additional code.

The TabPanel component

To create this new TabPanel, let's modify our previous example. Instead of setting the viewport method to a simple panel, we will set it to be a TabPanel and put our old panel inside TabPanel. We will also add two empty containers, so we can see how the tabs work:

new Ext.Application({
name: 'TouchStart',
launch: function() {

this.viewport = new Ext.TabPanel({
fullscreen: true,
cardSwitchAnimation: 'slide',
dock: 'bottom',
layout: {
pack: 'center'
items: [{
xtype: 'panel',
title: 'Panel 1',
fullscreen: false,
html: '<div id="hello">Hello World</div>',
iconCls: 'info',
dockedItems: [
dock: 'top',
xtype: 'toolbar',
title: 'About TouchStart'
  }, {
xtype: 'container',
html: 'TouchStart container 2',
iconCls: 'home',
title: 'Panel 2'
  }, {
xtype: 'container',
html: 'TouchStart container 3',
iconCls: 'favorites',
title: 'Panel 3'


Looking at the code, you can see that TabPanel has a couple of new configuration options. The first is the cardSwitchAnimation option, which we have set to slide. Other options include:

  • fade

  • flip

  • cube

  • pop

  • wipe

You can also set this to false, which simply swaps the cards without any animation.

TabPanel also has a tabBar property that functions in much the same way as the toolbar component from our previous examples. In this example, we have set tabBar to appear at the bottom, and we have set the tabBar's layout to place all of the buttons together (pack) in the middle (center) of the tabBar.

For the TabPanel items list, we have our original Hello World panel component and a pair of simple container components. One difference you will see with these items is that we now have configuration options for title and iconCls. These two options control what appears on the tab for the item. iconCls can be set to one of the included icons, or you can customize and include your own icons.



A full list of the available icons can be found in the Kitchen Sink application ( under Interface | Icons. Click on the Source button to see how the icons are used.

Now that we have our TabPanel component, load the application in Safari and click through the tabs to see how they work. Change the cardSwitchAnimation option and see what the other options look like. You can also try changing some of the values for iconCls. When you are ready to move on, we will add something a bit more interesting and complex to our TabPanel.

The list component

The list component in Sencha Touch allows you to display data in a list layout. This seems pretty straightforward, but the list follows a slightly different pattern than the previous components. Let's make some modifications to our current code and see what some of those differences look like.

Find the set of parentheses that contain the first of our empty containers:

xtype: 'container',
html: 'TouchStart container 2',
iconCls: 'home',
title: 'Panel 2'

Replace that entire container component (including the {} at either end) with the following:

xtype: 'list',
title: 'List',
fullscreen: false,
iconCls: 'bookmarks',
itemTpl: '{id} - {fullname}',
store: new{
model: 'ListItem',
data: [
    {id: 1, fullname: 'Aaron Karp'},
    {id: 2, fullname: 'Baron Chandler'},
    {id: 3, fullname: 'Bryan Johnson'},
    {id: 4, fullname: 'David Evans'},
    {id: 5, fullname: 'John Clark'},
    {id: 6, fullname: 'Norbert Taylor'}


The first big difference we can see is that the list component does not declare a layout. Instead, it uses an itemTpl object to control how the items within the list are arranged. Notice that the elements in curly braces, '{id} - {fullname}',, also appear in our data component, at the bottom of the list component. This means that each row of the list will appear with the ID, a dash, and the value.

These itemTpl layout values are called XTemplates in Sencha Touch. The XTemplates consists of a string with items in curly braces. When the list appears, it will print out the XTemplates and substitute the items inside the {} with the corresponding value listed in the data.

store is used to control the data for the list. It can keep the data locally, as in our example, or it can retrieve the data from a server. The data within the store has to conform to a model. The model describes what values are available to the store and any special attributes they may have.

We will cover XTemplates, stores, and models in greater detail, later on in this book. For now, we still need to create the actual model this store example needs. Right now, the model configuration option for the store component is set to ListItem.

At the top of the application, create a new line right after the launch function:

launch: function() {

Add the following code:

Ext.regModel('ListItem', {
fields: [
    {name: 'id', type: 'int'},
    {name: 'fullname', type: 'string'}

This will create the correct model for our store. The model creates an array of fields, each of which has a name and a type. The name should match the one you use in the itemTpl object and the data object for the store. The type configuration option lets the store understand how to deal with the data when it is sorted or stored.

If everything has gone as planned, your second tab should now look as follows:

The list component

With each step of this example, we have gotten more and more complex. At some point, it is very likely that an empty screen has greeted you instead of your application. Before we go too far ahead, we need to take a look at what you should do when things go boom.

Testing and debugging the application

The first place to start when testing an application in Safari is the Error Console. From the Develop menu, select Show Error Console.

Testing and debugging the application

Parse errors

The Error Console in the previous screenshot tells us two very important things. The first, is that we have SyntaxError: Parse error. This means that somewhere in the code we did something that the browser didn't understand. Typically, this is something such as:

  • Forgetting to close a parenthesis, bracket, or brace, or adding an extra one

  • Not having a comma between the configuration options, or adding an extra comma

  • Leaving out the semicolon at the end of one of the variable declarations

  • Not closing quotes or double-quotes (also not escaping quotes where necessary)

The second critical bit of information is /app/TouchStart-4.js: 39. It tells us that:

  • /app/TouchStart-4.js is the file where the error occurred

  • 39 is the line where the error occurred

Using this information, we should be able to track down the error quickly and fix it.

Case sensitivity

JavaScript is a case-sensitive language. This means that if you type xtype: 'Panel', you will get the following in the Error Console:

Attempting to create a component with an xtype that has not been registered: Panel

This is because Sencha Touch is expecting panel and not Panel.

Missing files

Another common problem is missing files. If you don't point your index.html file at your sencha-touch-debug.js file correctly, you will get two separate errors:

  1. Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

  2. ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Ext

The first error is the critical bit of information; the browser could not find one of the files you tried to include. The second error is caused by the missing file and simply complains that the Ext variable cannot be found. In this case, it's because the missing file is sencha-touch-debug.js, which sets up the Ext variable in the first place.

Web Inspector console

Another feature of Safari Web Inspector that is incredibly useful for debugging applications is the console. In your JavaScript code, add the following command:

console.log('Creating Application'),

Add it just before this new Application line:

new Ext.Application({

You should see the text Creating Application in your Web Inspector's console tab. You can also send variables to the console where you can view their contents, thus:

console.log('My viewport: %o', this.viewport);
Web Inspector console

This shows you the TabPanel component we created, if you place it after the this.viewport = new TabPanel block of code. This is useful if, for some reason, you have a component that is not displaying properly. Sending an object to the console allows you to see the object as JavaScript sees it.


If you'd like to learn more about using the Safari Web Inspector for debugging your application, visit Apple's Deb ugging your Website page at

Updating the application for production

When you're done writing and testing your application, and are comfortable that it's ready for production, there are a few simple steps you should take before you release your application into the wild.

Point to production library files

In our HTML file, we suggested loading the file sencha-touch-debug.js via the script tag. You should definitely change this to sencha-touch.js, in order to reduce load times and memory use. You may also have used the sencha-touch-debug.css file to help with writing your own custom CSS. This should be changed back to sencha-touch.css as well.

Remove debugging code

You should also go through your application's JavaScript code and remove any console.log lines, alerts, or any other code you added to help you debug errors. Many mobile devices don't understand debugging code, and those that do may behave strangely if you leave it in place.


Be sure to test out your application again once you've removed the debugging code, just to make sure you didn't delete any other code by accident.

Going that extra mile

There are some optional steps you could take before putting your application into production. With an application as simple as this one, these additional steps aren't really necessary. With larger applications, however, they can help to speed up your application and reduce its download size:

  1. Minimize your JavaScript and CSS via a tool, such as YUI Compressor ( or Google's Minify (, to reduce file size.

  2. Combine your separate graphics files into sprites to reduce load time.


    The following are tools that can help you create sprites from your image files:

  3. Prepare your application icon: create a 72px x 72px PNG file. Add the following to the <head> element of your index.html file: <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="icon.png"/>.


    Apple has a document explaining the guidelines for creating icons for your application, at

Putting the application into production

Now that you've written and tested your application, and prepared it for production, it's time to find somewhere for it to live. Since the method for putting an application into production will vary based on your setup, we will be covering this task in very general terms.

The first thing to do is to familiarize yourself with three basic pieces of the puzzle for putting your application into production: web hosting, file transfer, and folder structure.

While it is fine to develop your application on a local web server, if you want anyone else to see it, you will need a publically accessible web server with a constant connection to the Internet. There are a large number of web hosting providers, such as GoDaddy, HostGator, Blue Host, HostMonsteror, and RackSpace.

Since our application is pure HTML/JavaScript/CSS, you don't need any fancy add-ons, such as, databases or server side programming languages (PHP or Java), for your web hosting account. Any account that can serve up HTML pages is good enough. The key to this decision should be customer support. Make sure to check the reviews before choosing a provider.

The hosting provider will also supply information on setting up your domain and uploading your files to the web server. Be sure to keep good track of your username and password, for future reference.

In order to copy your application to your web hosting account, you'll probably have to familiarize yourself with a FTP (File Transfer Protocol) program such as FileZilla . As with hosting providers, there is a huge selection of FTP programs. Most of them follow a few basic conventions.

To begin with, you will need to connect to the web server with the FTP program. You will need:

  • A name or IP address for the web server

  • Your web hosting username and password

  • A connection port for the web server

Your web hosting provider should provide you with this information when you sign up.

Putting the application into production

Once you are connected to the server, you will see a list of files on your local machine, and files on your remote web server. You will need to move the TouchStart files on the remote server to upload them. Your hosting provider will also provide you with the name of a specific folder where these files need to go. The folder is typically called something like httpd, htdocs, html, or public_html.

This brings us to our last consideration for uploading files: folder path.

The folder path affects how the application locates its files and resources. When you upload the application to the remote web server, it can affect how your folder is seen within the application. If you have any files referenced from an absolute path, such as, then the file will not work when you move things over to the web server.

Even relative URLs can become problematic when you transfer files to the remote server. For example, if you have a file which uses the path /TouchStart/myFile.js, and you upload the contents of the TouchStart folder instead of the folder itself, the file path will be incorrect.

This is something to keep in mind if you find yourself with missing images or other errors.

Again, your web hosting provider is your best resource for information. Be sure to look for Getting Started documentation and don't be afraid to seek help from any user forums that your hosting provider may have.


In this chapter, we created our first simple application. We showed some of the basics of Sencha Touch components, including configuration and nesting of components within one another. We discussed the differences between panel and container components, and when to prefer one over the other; we also introduced you to the TabPanel and list components. In addition, we explained some basic debugging methodology and prepared our application for production.

In the next chapter, we will create a custom theme for our application through the use of SASS and the Sencha Touch library's styling tools.

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