
1-day events 3, 20

accommodation 36

Action Planning (The Prince of Wales’s Institute of Architecture, 1996) ii, viii, 91

Advisors 1011, 16, 17

aerial photographs 33, 42, 62, 65, 70

agencies 19

see also support bodies

AIA (American Institute of Architects) 2, 18, 48, 54, 90, 91, 94

see also R/UDATs

annual evaluation meetings 85

anonymity 66

banners 22, 26, 35, 40, 42, 65

bars, late night 36, 74

bonding 74

brainstorming 49, 74, 75

breakfast discussions 36

breaks 9, 38, 49, 74, 75

briefing 623

briefing packs 32, 33, 34, 109

‘briefing’ workshops 645

British Urban Regeneration Association see BURA


final presentation 7, 78, 79

publicity 34

budgets 14, 20, 21, 86, 109

building design options 3

BURA (British Urban Regeneration Association) 59, 91, 94

Cambridge City Council 61

case study snapshots 98101

Caterham, development ix, xiv, 5, 100

catering 38, 39

Chairperson see Team Chairperson

character cards 71

charrette xii, 16

children xv, 42, 69, 70

collaborative design workshops 51, 523, 101

community involvement xii

see also community participation

community organisations 3, 1011, 27, 35

community participation xiixvi, 2, 4, 8, 48

community planning

history xii

philosophy 23

USA 24

Community Planning Events 25

benefits xivxvi, 67

case studies 98101

common defects 86

early events 967

flowchart perspectives on 1045

planner for 1089

potted history 901

reasons for success 89

roles in 1011

summary 1067

types 51

UK 3, 901, 967

USA 2, 24, 90, 91

community planning weekends 3, 49, 51, 545, 90

case studies 99, 100, 101

computers 39, 43, 445

software 40, 43, 44, 45

conflict 65, 66

conflicts of interest 28

consensus xiv, xv, 6, 8, 31, 68

consultants 14, 17

consultation xvi, 4, 7

contacts 27, 945

context 9

creativity 8, 32, 74, 80

dates, announcing 24, 80

DATs (Design Assistance Teams) 90

deadlines 8, 39, 76, 80

defects, common 86

Design Assistance Teams (DATs) 90

design workshops 6871

developers xvi, 3, 17, 36, 100

development issues, awareness of 6

development plans 3, 100

development process 6

drawings 9, 68, 69, 74, 75, 76

‘dreams’ 66

dynamism 89

EbD see Enquiry by Design

editing 767

English Partnerships 52, 57, 94

enlightened self-interest 27

Enquiry by Design (EbD) 3, 51, 567, 71, 75, 91

case studies 100, 101

environmental standards 6

equipment 405

for workshops 65, 69

equity 8

Europe, Community Planning Events xii, 23


annual meetings 85

of events 867

of impact 7, 85, 98

evaluation forms 87

‘event record’ 76

event reports 7, 32, 769, 84, 93

event team see Team

event types 51

exercise 49, 74

exhibitions 7, 36, 37, 71, 80

exit polls 80

expenses, Team members 16

experts 8, 9, 1011, 14, 16, 17, 28

role in workshops 64, 71

facilitation tips 65

facilitators 4, 1011, 14, 28

for workshops 64, 667, 68

feedback 5, 71

fees, Team members 16

final presentations 5, 7, 32, 789, 801, 84

final reports 5, 32, 769, 84, 93

fittings 389

flexibility 5, 16

in timetable 48

flipcharts 39, 43, 71, 72, 74, 80

for timetables 50

for workshops 64, 65, 66, 67

flowchart perspectives 1045

follow-up 11, 14, 18, 845, 86

funding 14, 201, 84

goals xiii, xvi, xvii, 8

Governments xvii, 3

Greater Shankill (Belfast), community planning

weekend 82, 91, 967, 99

group sizes 64, 68

groups to involve 26, 27

‘hands-on planning’ 6871

Heart of East Greenwich project (London) 52, 101

Highbury Initiative (Birmingham) 90, 967, 98

Hosts 1011, 14, 16, 17

imaginative thinking 32

implementation 7, 84, 85


gathering 323, 77

lack of 86

information flowchart 77

information technology 445

see also computers; Powerpoint presentations

inspiration 30, 74

interest groups 26, 27

issues, identifying 667, 68

John Thompson & Partners xi, xii, 5, 55, 66, 82, 94

key groups 27

key individuals 27

key issues, identifying 667, 68

key stakeholders 14, 32, 523, 57, 601

late night bars 36, 74

lead time 24, 86

legislation 3

leisure activities 49, 74, 75

local authorities xii, xiv, xvi, 3

local interests 1011, 17

local networks 6

Lübeck (Germany), community planning weekend 81, 101

management 245

mappers 64, 68

meals 38, 39, 48

mealtime brainstorming/discussions 48, 49, 74, 75

media coverage 345, 866

mission statements 14, 15

models 9, 29, 68, 69

morale boosting 6

motivating people 267

multidisciplinary approach 2, 4, 66

negativity 66

networking 74

neutrality 4, 8, 24, 36

new ideas 9

new settlements 3, 51, 82, 967, 100

see also Poundbury; Upton Urban Extension Enquiry by Design

newsletters, follow-up 85

note-takers 29, 64, 68

Open House event 80, 103

openness 16, 20, 64

organisation 1617, 18

Organisers 1011, 14, 16, 17

originality 9

outcomes 4, 7, 8, 72, 86, 98101

ownership xvi, 8, 72

paper tablecloths 74

participation xvi, 48

community participation xiii, 2, 4, 8, 48

ladder of xiv, xv

participatory planning xii

personal contact 26, 27

photocopiers 38, 39, 43

photographs 32, 69, 70, 79

aerial 33, 42, 62, 65, 70

of events 29, 31, 66, 79

pilot events 18

Pittsburgh (USA), R/UDAT xii, 90, 96

planner for events 1089

Planning Policy Statement 1 see PPS1

Planning for Real method 68

planning system xvi, 3

costs and timescales 6, 20

plenary sessions

opening plenary workshops 667

report backs 64, 65, 723

Post-it notes xv, 41, 42, 64, 65, 667, 69

Poundbury (Dorset) 90, 967

Powerpoint presentations 7, 29, 44, 76, 80

PPS1 (Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2005) viii, 91

preparation 4, 11, 25


briefing 62

final 5, 7, 32, 789, 801, 84

Powerpoint 7, 29, 44, 76, 80

to press 34

from workshops 68, 723

press conferences 34

press releases 7, 34

The Prince’s Foundation 6, 57, 82, 91, 95

private sector xii, xiv

‘problems’ 66

Process Planning sessions 14

project websites 7, 25, 26, 32, 44, 84, 85

promotion 26

public, feedback from 71

public awareness 6

public presentations 5, 7, 32, 801, 84

public sector xiv

publications 923

publicity 5, 267, 345

for follow-up 84

quality of life xiv, xvi

realism 9

reconnaissance 25, 62, 63

record of event 76

regeneration 2, 3, 8, 51, 82, 967

Regional/Urban Design Assistance Teams see R/UDATs

Reinvigorate 51, 589, 91, 101

report backs (plenary) 64, 65, 723

report production 769


event reports 5, 7, 32, 769, 84, 93

from workshops 64, 65

resources 323

room layout 37

R/UDATs (Regional/Urban Design Assistance Teams) xii, 24, 90, 91, 98

sample reports 779

sample timetables 5061

scepticism 18

self-interest, enlightened 27

services 389

shared visions 6, 7, 26

Sherford (Devon), Enquiry by Design 82, 101

site development proposals 3

sizes of groups 64, 68

sketches 74, 75

social interaction 74

software 40, 43, 44, 45

‘solutions’ 66

sources 923

sponsorship 20, 109

Stakeholder Participation Days 3, 51, 601, 91, 100

stakeholders xii, xv, xvi, 2, 4, 7, 12, 44

categories 57

identifying 11

invited 52, 53, 601

key stakeholders 14, 32, 523, 57, 601

stationery 40, 41, 42, 43

statutory planning process xvi, 3, 6

Steering Group 1011, 12, 14, 16, 17, 84, 85

storyboarding 64, 65, 76

student support 17, 301

style 27

summary for events 1067

supplies 403, 65, 69

support bodies 1011, 14, 17, 1819, 40

support-in-kind 21

sustainable development xii, xvi, 3, 8

see also PPS1

tablecloths, paper 74

Team 1011, 12

debriefing 85

expenses and fees 16

members 16, 289, 40, 86

revisits by 85

roles and responsibilities 29

selection 16, 17, 289

workspace for 36, 37

Team Chairperson 16, 17, 28, 29, 30, 32, 48

final presentation by 80

qualities 25

reconnaissance role 25, 62

team facilitation 667

team working 4, 6, 49, 745

technical support 38, 39

timescales 1011, 20, 24

timetables 8

samples 5061

timetabling 4850

topic workshops 645

traffic solutions 3, 99

transport 39

trust 8

UK (United Kingdom) 3, 54, 901, 967

understanding 8

urban design capability, promotion of 6

Urban Design Group 90, 91, 95

urban design ‘task forces’ 3

USA (United States) xii, 2

R/UDATs 24, 90, 91, 98

see also AIA

validation 18, 20

venues 24, 369, 108

for dinners 74


for future xiv, xvi, 3, 9, 98

shared xiv, 6, 7, 26

visual approach 9, 32, 72, 79

walkabouts xiii, 6

ways forward 845

websites (project websites) 7, 25, 26, 32, 44, 84, 85


design workshops 6871

roomspace for 367

topic workshops 645

young people xv, 69, 70

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