Conclusion and prospects


Since the adoption of reform and opening-up policy, the reform of higher education in China has seen great achievements and development, contributing largely to domestic, economic and social development. Of course, higher education in China is still in the process of reform and development, with some problems to be solved and aspects to be perfected. To urge the development of higher education, relative systems must be further improved and constant practice is needed to promote the linking up of HEIs with society and the marketization and internationalization of higher education.

Key words

achievement of higher education

contribution of higher education

institution of higher education

marketization of higher education

internationalization of higher education

In the past 30 years after the adoption of reform and the opening-up policy, higher education in China has contributed greatly to the modernization of China by turning out numerous talents for domestic economic development together with great achievements in the fields of science, technology and ideology as well as all types of social work. Higher education has become an important driving force of domestic modernization, with scale and quality seeing remarkable improvement, the basic system and legal system being consolidated and enhanced constantly, structure and form being perfected and enriched. A higher education system with Chinese features and closely related to the outside world has been formulated, and China has put education into a strategic position and as a priority since the 1990s. The strategies of reinvigorating China through science and education and through human resources development have been implemented to promote sound and healthy development of higher education into a new historical phase of faster development and deepening reform. With joint efforts of all social sectors, higher education has greatly promoted the development of the economy, society, science and culture.

Expansion of higher education

Now that China has entered the initial stage of massification of higher education, in the following years higher education will see further development toward an all-round and high-level popularization. During this period, the massification will face some new situations, including the establishment and perfection of the market economy, further development of economic globalization, the adjustment and upgrading of industrial and technical structures, and the change in age structures of the population, etc., providing opportunities as well as challenges for the further popularization of higher education. All the above factors will promote higher education to enter a stage with new characteristics.

Localization of higher education

In the process of massification of higher education, local higher education has witnessed rapid development, with a group of local higher education sub-centers founded, though it remains far from perfect. A minimum of one university offering bachelor’s degrees in every prefecture-level region has become a golden rule. Statistics show that there are 113 prefecture-level regions which do not have any university offering bachelor’s degrees, accounting for 33.93% of all the prefecture-level regions.1 Meanwhile, phenomena such as ‘pre-investment’ and ‘excessive expenses’ exist in a few local higher education institutions, resulting in a heavy burden on these institutions. On the one hand, localization of higher education will be maintained, ensuring the smooth transition of popularization of Chinese higher education from the initial stage into the intermediate stage; on the other hand, strength of local regions to run higher education must be improved in order to pay a solid foundation for the sustainable development of higher education. China is a big agricultural country and the rural population occupied 54.32 percent of the total population in 2009.2 Therefore, it is possible for higher education to expand to the countryside.

Quality control of higher education

Quality is one key factor which affects the development of higher education. In order to meet the needs of the economic and social development of China, including ongoing transformation of economic growth patterns, optimization of industry structures as well as the enhancement of independent innovation, it is necessary to improve the quality of higher education so as to nurture talents with high quality. Presently, the quality of Chinese higher education is not high enough to completely meet the needs of the social and economic development of China. Besides, the concepts of higher education, talent development patterns, teaching content and methodologies remain to be converted; meanwhile the quality of teaching staff in higher education is yet to be improved. The financial investment in higher education must keep abreast with the needs of its scale to improve school conditions and the employment rate of graduates. As is stated in the 2010 work programs of the MOE, China will make efforts to improve higher education quality, conduct further ‘Project of Undergraduate Teaching Quality and Reform’ and postgraduate innovation plans, carry out fundamental specialist talent developing plans, strengthen the construction of high-level universities with their own characteristics, perfect the quality supervision and guarantee system, perfect the academic evaluation mechanism which emphasizes quality and contribution, promote the integration of production, learning, researching and application, and improve the capacity of universities for social service.3 In July 2010, President Hu Jintao stressed the importance of education quality in a speech at the National Conference on Education.4

Establishment of diverse higher education structure

To improve quality of higher education and to ensure high employment rate of graduates, China must maintain the diversity of higher education to enable graduates to meet different needs of the society. The diversification of the higher education mainly lies in the diversification of the higher education structure. Only with clearly defined levels, various patterns and balanced distributions can we ensure that the higher education structure meets all kinds of needs of the society and the public during the massification period. Only by constantly promoting institutional innovation of higher education can we sweep away all the institutional barriers which limit the construction of a diversified higher education structure. The investment system must be perfected to attract more social funds from government and individuals. Besides, it is needed to further expand independent student recruitment by colleges and universities, set up and perfect a modern university system, promote scientific and democratic operation of colleges and universities by law, grant more power to academic subjects and institutions for designing curriculum, supervision of teaching, appraisal of professional titles and encouraging scientific research. In terms of operation forms, it is necessary to improve the operation quality of private and independent HEIs to realize the cooperation of public and private HEIs. In terms of hierarchical structure, it is necessary to optimize the three-level academic degree structure, to enlarge the education scale for postgraduate programs appropriately and strengthen higher vocational education. In terms of discipline structure, it is important to adjust this structure of higher education in accordance with social and economic development; and in terms of layout, it is necessary to change the horizontal and vertical layouts to promote fair education. (The Eastern area is more developed than is central parts, which are more developed than the west; and education at provincial level is more developed than that in the city, which in turn is more developed than in the country areas.)

Institutional reform

Ownership system

In China, the common development of public and private HEIs including independent colleges will continue. Owing to the implementation of the birth-control policy, the number of high school graduates will show a largely decreasing tendency. Meanwhile, in the first years of the 21st century, a large number of private and independent colleges were founded in China so that the present scale of HEIs is basically able to meet the requirements of higher education. In the past couple of years, the examination and approval for the establishment of private and independent HEIs have been getting stricter. Consequently, the number of private and independent HEIs will not increase remarkably in the future. The government will lay emphasis on the normalization of operation, representation of operation characteristics and quality, as well as the adjustment of the proportion of HEIs under different ownerships.

Tuition charging system of higher education

In the past, public regular HEIs charged no tuition fees, but have started charging fees recently. This transformation marks a great change in macro-education philosophy and ideas as well as an important, complex and sensitive reform in the field of higher education. With steady promotion and constant reform of the higher education tuition charging system, the identification and acceptance of students, their parents as well as all social sectors have been increased and the specific operation procedures for the charge system are moving towards legalization and normalization. Meanwhile the treatment of illegal charges has been reasonably successful and the reform has provided great financial support for the popularization of higher education. Nevertheless, in the implementation process there still exist certain problems, such as the random charge program and the rise of charge rates.

Strengthening of the legal aspects concerning the tuition charging system of higher education

Higher education institutes charging tuition fees is a way for the educated to share the cost of higher education. Higher education is an important method to improve citizens’ qualifications and quality which in turn will promote the sustainable development of the whole society. In this sense, higher education should provide a service for the majority of people and with the continuing popularization of higher education, more and more students from poor families will enter HEIs to study. Tuition is not supposed to deprive students from poor families of the right to enjoy higher education. Therefore, promoting the reform in the tuition charging system of higher education, perfecting all concerned supplementary measures and the preventing rapid rise of tuition fees are the main concerns. Experiences tell us that it is impractical to prevent the tuition charging system from being affected by human factors solely by relying on the coordination of policies. We must prepare a series of law and regulations, including higher education tuition charge provisions, cost measurement methods, etc., and perfect the higher education tuition charging publication system, hearing system, tuition usage supervision mechanism, etc., so as to make the higher education tuition charging system fair and legal.

Further perfection of the financial assistance system to college students

China has established a college student financial assistance system including scholarships, loans, grants, allowances, and tuition waivers. As the popularization of higher education goes further, college students’ demand for financial assistance will be greater. Therefore, the college student financial assistance system should get ready for the new demand, converting perception of higher education, strengthening its reform force, expanding fund raising and assistance channels, innovating assistance mechanisms and perfecting itself. It is required to improve government fiscal input to enable more students to get access to scholarship; to expand comprehensively the channels and sources of student assistance funds, to encourage more enterprises and individuals to set up college student assistance funds through such measures as tax waivers or replacements; to set up more scholarships and grants as well as to gather public capital to set up education charity funds to help students in poverty; to further perfect national student loan policies and assistance measures such as source place loans, locally-granted loans, loan commuting, thereby helping students go through education through the perfection of the higher education assistance system.

Reform of student recruitment and the exam system

Combining unity with diversity

In the past 30 years, the National College Entrance Examination System has been under constant experiment and change. This system will last for a rather long term. Although there are certain differences in subject design and different minimum entrance scores are required for different types of HEIs, it is difficult to meet the needs of different HEIs at different levels to choose proper candidates, just relying on the ranking of entrance exam scores. Besides, it is hard to measure the comprehensive quality of one student, evaluating his quality via one single test. As a matter of fact, the result of the college entrance examination is only one of the key indicators for the HEIs recruitment of new students. Therefore, in order to achieve the diversity of higher education, it is necessary to set up different talent selection mechanisms for different HEIs at different levels, with being uniform as a prerequisite. In this way, the university recruitment examination system is able to suit the diversity of society and at the same time to reflect the needs of students’ individual orientation.

Establishment of more human-oriented recruitment and admission procedures

The functions of higher education are being expanded, from turning out talents solely for the country’s modernization to meeting the needs of citizens for higher education. For candidates to choose an HEI and a major which they dream of is a right nobody can deprive them of. They have the right to be informed of the relevant information, to choose their desired HEIs and majors and to enjoy equality of recruitment. Therefore, the closed recruitment management pattern needs to be reformed to set up an open path for the communication between candidates, recruitment management sectors and HEIs. In this way, candidates will be able to be informed of universities’ recruitment and admission information. When candidates are informed of the transfer process of their documents and of recruitment, the chances for them to be accepted by their desired HEIs and majors will increase. Now that China is aware of this fact, some provinces have issued temporary policies to allow candidates to check the transfer condition of their own documents at certain institutions.

Expansion and practice of the independent recruitment power of HEIs

Expanding the autonomy of HEIs in recruitment is a goal of higher education reform. But in practice, it is very difficult for HEIs to obtain autonomy for planning, examination, and enrollment during this process. Currently, HEIs can only recruit students based on the ranking of students’ test scores within a certain scale set by the education administrative departments regardless of it being a regular college entrance examination or college entrance examination for adults. HEIs cannot actively select suitable students according to their own school features, orientations and the requirements of subjects and majors. In order to implement independent recruitment for HEIs, the government should transform the direct administration of entrance examination and recruitment to indirect administration and micro-administration to macro-administration, to reduce direct administrative interference in the recruitment of HEIs to ensure that they can prepare specific recruitment standards, test methods and quality control systems.

Administrating entrance exams and recruitment by law

Over the past 30 years, the college entrance examination has been conducted according to specific administrative regulations. In terms of legislation, it lacks authority. As a social undertaking closely related to the state’s economic development and citizen’s life, the examination must be constrained and regulated under the national law. It urgent to work out relevant laws and administrate the examination and recruitment accordingly, not to only improve the authority of the exam, clearly define the rights, duties, and liabilities of each concerned party, but also to help normalization of the exam to effectively control malpractice and corrupt dealings in the recruitment process.

Graduate employment system

As breakthroughs have been made in the reform of the graduate employment system, the college graduate employment market has been largely reformed, with employment circumstances changing gradually. However, owing to the fact that graduate demand and supply have not reached a balance, college graduates face great challenges and difficult circumstances when seeking employment. Therefore, it is a must to carry out the reform to promote college graduates’ chances of employment.

Perfecting incentive policy and encouraging students to work in remote areas and at the grassroots level

Big cities and the Eastern Area, which are developed talent highlands, are attracting the majority of graduates, which results in difficulty in finding employment. By contrast, the vast Western Area, small towns and countries are in urgent need of expertise, providing great employment opportunities for graduates. In order to encourage graduates to work in these areas as well as at grassroots level, the government has issued a series of favorable policies, but with few responses. Tough conditions and low payment may contribute to such a result, but defects in the incentive mechanism and lack of systematization of the existing policies are also contributing factors. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the incentive policies, bringing the functions of benefits mechanisms (such as tax waivers, special allowances, pay rises, bonuses, family care etc.) into effect in a real sense and motivating college graduates to work in specific regions and at grassroots level. The relevant policies are supposed to be specific, clear-cut and easy to operate. Moreover, the government should speed up its process of law making to encourage college graduates to be engaged in remote areas and at grassroots level and to realize the systematization of policies so as to safeguard the benefits of beneficiaries.

Deepening education and teaching reform and training college students’ entrepreneurship

In order to ease the increasingly severe employment situation and help realize students’ self-development, the government has taken a series of measures to encourage self-employment of graduates. But they have not worked well, which is partly due to the shortage of funds and partly to students’ lack of mental preparation, skills and courage. The solution to the latter problem has to rely on the entrepreneurship education. Therefore, HEIs should deepen education reform to develop students’ entrepreneurship spirit and capacity. First, HEIs should involve entrepreneurship education into their normal curriculum throughout the whole teaching process, emphasizing its crucial role in education. Second, the content of entrepreneurship education has to be centered on the goal of developing entrepreneurship quality, providing students with the most useful and advanced knowledge and developing the skills which they are in great need of. Third, teaching methods must be directive. As is known to all, students from different HEIs and majors with different sexes, capacities, interests and personalities show different attitudes to entrepreneurship. Hence entrepreneurship education should adapt to the individuality of students to develop a variety of creative talents. Fourth, HEIs should actively build an entrepreneurship education atmosphere and environment on campus.

Energetic development of the college graduate employment market and promotion of employment quantity and quality

A number of college graduates are quite aimless when they seek employment while employers are just waiting for graduates to knock at the door of their office or are casting their nets everywhere without direction. This situation is mainly caused by the imbalance of information which is in turn caused by the lack in unity and normalization in the graduate employment market. The present operation is that there are labor markets run by labor departments, talent markets run by personnel departments, and graduate employment markets run by education departments. Among the employment markets held by education departments, some are cross-provincial, some are within a certain province, and some are held by the joint effort of certain regions and HEIs. Chances are that such a situation will lead to information distortion and interruption in the process of transmission and feedback.

In order to achieve smooth transmission of information, it is required to get rid of such a situation in which information is divided and scattered. Different markets at different levels should conduct more communication and blend in with one another, making full use of the Internet to set up a specific college graduate employment information network covering the whole country so as to realize complete sharing of information and resources. Administration sectors such as education departments, personnel departments, labor departments and organization departments should strengthen mutual communication and coordination to perfect relevant systems and provisions, strengthen the supervision of the employment mechanism in different sectors and fields to regulate their action and eliminate illegal competition to create a fair competing environment for graduates, and to improve both the quantity and quality of college graduates’ employment.

Reform in relevant social systems and ensuring the legal rights of college graduates

Although the government has cleared a large number of barriers in employment policies, there still exist a few social systems preventing reasonable mobilization of talents. In order to promote graduates’ employment and reasonable mobilization, such barriers must be cleared away to ensure the legal rights of graduates. First, there are some policies affecting the employment of college graduates in the present house-hold registration system, which must be abolished to totally break the barriers between different regions and realize free mobilization of graduates. Second, an integrated social security system covering both urban and rural areas must be set up as soon as possible. In particular, the government should make efforts to ensure the benefits of college students who work in rural areas and non-state-owned businesses, including housing, medical care, unemployment insurance, etc. The personnel system, with the post-appointment system as core policy, is to be perfected to abolish equalitarianism and set up a flexible employment system and provide easier and smoother channels for the employment of college graduates.

Reform in the management system of higher education

Strengthening of government macro-control and implementation of autonomy of HEIs

The reform of the administration system of higher education involves much more than the change in ownership of HEIs; instead, it should emphasize the change of government functions and implementation of independent operation of HEIs by law to set up a mechanism for HEIs to achieve self-development and self-restriction. Government functions are to be changed from direct administration into macro-administration in planning, scales, budget, quality and preparation of standards for the establishment of subjects, degrees, etc., with the help of legislation, financial allocation, information service, policy instruction and necessary administrative measures. This is a crucial task facing the reform of the higher education management system. Once the government function is changed, the requirement for the administrative capacity will be higher, instead of being lower. Therefore, at the same time, it is necessary to improve government’s capacity, to emphasize the improvement of professionalization of administrative team and macro management efficiency, so as to free the government from micro management and enable HEIs to enjoy legal status and rights for independent operation. Only by changing government functions can HEIs enjoy sound development after the reform. It should be recognized that the realization of independent operation of HEIs is required by the establishment of a socialist market economy. The more the government interferes in HEIs’ operation, the more difficult it will be for HEIs to realize independent operation. Therefore, to relieve HEIs from subordination to government, to regulate the government–HEI relationship by law and to realize HEIs’ independent operation will be a great step forward in the reform of the higher education management system.

Strengthening higher education’s international interaction and promoting internationalized management

With the promotion of integration of the world, Chinese higher education pays more attention to internationalization. Since the reform and opening up of China, Chinese higher education has seen increasing internationalization. Since China’s entry into the WTO, higher education in China has undergone unprecedented communication with its counterparts in other countries. The internationalization of higher education should include the internationalization of management. For a long time Chinese higher education has been updating its management philosophy, mainly by borrowing and adopting foreign experiences. So far, Chinese higher education has become an influential power in international education and its management has been largely improved.

Reform in the internal management system of HEIs

The internal management system has achieved breakthroughs, exerting great and wide influence. But objectively speaking, judging by the adaptation to the deep social changes or the requirements of the development of HEIs, the target of internal management system of HEIs has not yet been reached yet and there still exist certain problems restricting the further development of HEIs. China must make efforts to promote further reform in the internal management system to set up a modern system of HEIs.

Perfection of internal management system of HEIs

To further perfect the inner management system of HEIs and form a scientific and effective system is a must. It is necessary to improve institution regulations by combining the internal and external relationships of the HEIs to realize legal operation. It is also necessary to perfect the president’s responsibility under the leadership of a party committee, promoting the internal management system including leadership of the party committee, presidents’ responsibility, professor’s supervision and democratic management. By developing a democratic atmosphere and maintaining ‘publication of school affairs,’ teaching staff can be motivated to be devoted to the development of the HEIs. A new scientific research system beneficial to interdisciplinary development can be set up by further reforming the structures of academic organizations at the basic level of HEIs and designing the targets and orientations, functions and resource allocation methods of schools, departments, centers and research institutions, etc., as a whole. It is necessary to deepen the reform of the personnel system by implementing a classified management of staff and open recruitment of new staff, striving to set up a personnel system meeting the needs of a socialist market economy and in accordance with the rules of higher education and special features of teachers. Reform of the distribution system is to be promoted, thereby setting up an HEI payment system based of performance and promoting to excellent talents.

Improvement in the quality of administrative staff

To improve the quality of management is an urgent matter in the reform of the management system of HEIs. As the scale of HEIs gets remarkably larger, how to improve the utilization of resources and assets and how to realize the coordination of different sectors are crucial problems which remain to be solved in the reform of the internal management system of HEIs. Owing to its complex organization and various functions, HEI management itself now becomes a specific subject. In order to meet the requirement of normalization, institutionalization and high efficiency, to promote professional and efficient management has become an imperative. High-quality and highly efficient management has to take professionalization as a prerequisite to set up high-quality administrative staff. Various professional training and on-the-job research should be organized to maintain professional management and improve management capacity. To develop and set up a scientific assessment and incentive mechanism is a reliable guarantee for the professionalization of administrative staff.

Marketization of higher education

Marketization of Chinese higher education has made great progress, though it is not complete yet. In many ways, the marketization is not ideal and many problems are yet to be solved. Therefore it is necessary to stick to this process and work out relevant policies and measures to deal with emerging problems and contradictions.

Further expansion of the autonomy of HEIs

Although a number of policies have been issued to establish the autonomy of HEIs with certain powers in student recruitment, graduate employment, staff recruitment, fundraising, etc., autonomy in a real sense has not been realized at all. Restricted by all kinds of factors, the expansion of autonomy is rather slow. In order to enable HEIs to participate in market competition and to turn out talents with higher efficiency and at a lower cost, it will be the main task of the higher education reform to grant HEIs more autonomy within a specific period. A problem is that the autonomy of HEIs is contradictory to many of the present systems and practices of higher education. For example, HEIs should have complete independent student enrollment power, but the practice of uniform exams and admittance will continue for a long time yet. Another example is that in the ranking or appraising of an HEI, the number of publications, academic papers and the grade of publications are viewed as key indicators, with the result that many HEIs go after academic research achievements blindly without taking into consideration their own specialties. All these paradoxes between systems and practices barricade the realization of autonomy of HEIs.

Marketization in the personnel system

As the reform of the personnel system of HEIs involves a lot of factors and exerts a big impact, it is quite difficult to be conducted. The accomplished part of the reform has laid a crucial basis for the work of personnel. As reform of Chinese higher education is being promoted toward a further level, reform of the personnel system still faces tough tasks. In order to enhance the reform the following work must be conducted effectively.

Emancipating the minds and innovating personnel philosophy at HEIs

After years of efforts, the personnel system reform of higher education has made some breakthroughs in terms of philosophy and the thought of ‘institution ownership’ has been changed. But in general the philosophy of the system is still rather conservative, which leads to a slow reform process. Substantial transformation is yet to be achieved. Reform requires change in traditional concepts of the personnel system, the implementation of successful experience in the reform of the domestic personnel system and awareness of the present system’s defects and shortcomings. We must borrow successful ideas from developed countries and enterprises on personnel systems to construct modern and advanced personnel systems for Chinese HEIs as the basis for the design and implementation of the reform.

Constructing a human-oriented modern personnel system at HEIs suitable to the requirement of a harmonious society

To construct a human-oriented harmonious society is the social development goal in the new era of reform and opening up put forward by the central government. HEIs are a crucial force for the construction of a harmonious society. Under the traditional personnel system of HEIs, ‘Everybody eats the same amount of food and earns the same amount of money regardless of their performance.’ This equalitarianism has been a great barrier for the harmonious higher learning atmosphere as institutions have become a cozy home for all staff. Actually, such a system is against the basic organizational attribute of HEIs. The reform of the personnel system is supposed to be in accordance with the organization characteristics of HEIs and to be human-oriented to meet the requirements of modern society, to reform the employment system, working system and distribution system so as to build up a personnel system suitable to the construction of a harmonious society.

Strengthening the openness of higher education’s personnel system and promoting mobility of talents

For a long time the personnel system of HEIs lacked openness, resulting in a low turnover rate of staff. Besides visits among different institutions, other types of staff turnover were obliged. The lack of openness in the personnel system has to take the responsibility for it. The proper turnover of the staff helps improve the overall quality of teaching staff and promotes the operation of HEIs and education quality. Therefore, in reform of the personnel system, it is necessary to strengthen the openness of the system to form a mobility mechanism among talents. It is necessary to employ professional staff with working experience from all walks of life, set up an international talent employment mechanism and adopt professional and overseas talents. As a result, the internationalization of staff will be improved to enable Chinese higher education to better face the challenge of globalization and internationalization.

Optimizing incentive mechanism

The incentive mechanism is an important section of the personnel system, exerting great influence on the motivation and job satisfaction of higher education staff. Job satisfaction is not only concerned with salary, but also with justice. The incentive mechanism is a scale to measure staff’s sense of fair play. Therefore, the reform of the personnel system should pay great attention to the construction of an incentive mechanism which encourages equality so as to promote the operation quality of HEIs. In personnel assessment, it is necessary to prepare classified assessment measures to improve its efficiency based on staff’s work content, task requirements and difficulties they may face, combined with the features of different HEIs.

Socialization of logistics

With the deepening of reform in logistics management of HEIs, the operation of logistics and its supply to the teaching and academic research as well as the daily life of teaching staff and students has been fundamentally improved, proving that significant results have been achieved. However, in the process more problems and contradictions have come to light requiring further development of logistics socialization. Socialization of logistics of HEIs is a long process and we must view the achievements of the reform, analyze the present difficulties and work out future development plans from an open perspective and on an objective basis. Socialization of HEIs’ logistics is a must in the reform process. At present, we must overcome the temporary problems shown up during this period when we fully understand their nature and root cause. The reform of HEIs’ logistics management mainly relies on such external factors as policies, social construction and economic development. In the past 30 years, the introduction of the reform and opening-up policy has laid a sound foundation for the socialization of logistics management. In the reform process, we have to work out innovative ideas and methods. HEIs in different regions should make efforts to explore and to innovate methods and then to adopt those that suit themselves and put forward reform designs which better suit social development and their own needs.

First, it is necessary to prepare and implement the relevant policies and laws for the logistics management at HEIs which are supposed to lay a system foundation and serve as an important guarantee for the effective, normal and sound operation of socialized logistics management. However, at present, the reform has not yet entered a stage of reform and management in accordance with law. Lack of specific policies and laws has become an important factor constraining the deepening of the socialization reform of logistics. Therefore, the issues concerning the establishment of policies and laws must be dealt with so as to ensure a sound process of reform.

Second, the legal status of logistics entities of HEIs must be specified and their independent operation power must be enlarged. Currently logistics of HEIs is undergoing socialization and many logistics entities are not independent legal entities. In the management and operation of logistics of HEIs, there are still some problems, such as no clear line between the functions of the government and logistics entities and ambiguous power and duties of each part. Unless the legal status of independent legal logistics entities is specified, their independent operational power will not be able to be realized in a real sense and it will be impractical to achieve ‘independent accounting and responsibility for its own profit and loss.’

Third, it is necessary to further sort out the assets relationship between HEIs and logistics entities. At present, the definition of assets is not clear enough. Though some logistics enterprises are independent legal entities, they are mostly state-owned enterprises and there is no clear definition of the benefits to the operator and owner. Even since logistics reform started, newly added assets of logistics entities are all within the schools’ administrative system. Therefore, it is required to completely separate school from enterprise to set up a system of modern property rights with clearly defined assets.

It is necessary to optimize human resources management of university logistics. To achieve real logistics socialization, besides reform in mechanisms and systems, it is crucial to integrate reasonably the human resources of logistics. In a large number of universities, the human resources management team is rather weak and has a shortage of talents. At present, neither the overall quality nor service awareness of logistics staff is high enough, therefore it is urgent to further strengthen the construction of logistics teams, emphasizing the development of human resources, introduction of talents and optimization of human resources structures. Staff training should be improved and an incentive mechanism should be perfected.

It is necessary gradually to set up a performance assessment system for the reform of socialization of logistics at HEIs. Any system reform must undergo in-time performance assessment, and so must the socialization reform of HEIs. It will also be required to construct a scientific and reasonable performance assessment system to detect problems which may affect the reform and then solve real-time problems appearing during the operation of logistics socialization so as to improve the performance of the reform.


Globalization calls for the internationalization of higher education. Based on the new situation of globalization, some scholars point out that the internationalization of higher education has shown new features: the space has been further expanded, the content is getting more colorful, the economic elements are more obvious, the entities are changing, and the process has been moving toward organization, standardization and unification. The internationalization of Chinese higher education is supposed to serve the strategic goal of building China into a great educational power; therefore Chinese higher education should take an active part in the integration of regional economics, culture and education; greatly expand higher education service and trade; actively take part in no-boundary higher education; and constantly improve the international competitiveness and influence of Chinese higher education.

Overall promotion of higher education internationalization

As a big education nation, China is still far behind the great education powers of the world. The allocation of resources and layout are not able to meet the needs of modernization and social and economic development. Education philosophy, talent development patterns, teaching contents and methods are all rather behind and teaching quality is yet to be improved. The input is not able to satisfy the needs for further development. In order to become a great education power directed to the world, China must increase international awareness to promote comprehensively the internationalization of higher education. In the process, Chinese must update ideas, study hard and bravely borrow the thoughts and policies beneficial to the rapid development of higher education and the setting up of systems and mechanisms beneficial to the independent development of HEIs. HEIs should be encouraged to participate in international communication and cooperation, and to introduce better talent development patterns, teaching contents and methods from overseas so as to improve the quality of talents developed. Furthermore, talent introduction and utilization patterns should be reformed to attract high-level talents back to China or from other countries. The internationalization of higher education will contribute to the improvement of higher education quality and international competitiveness and serve the construction of China into a great educational power.

Active integration into the regional economy, culture and education

Since the 1990s, regional economic cooperation has seen rapid development, promoting the process of regional economic integration as well as driving the communication and cooperation among nations and regions in culture and education. As an important part of the integration of the regional economy, culture and education, the internationalization of higher education plays a significant role in regional social and economic development, higher education reform and talent development quality. With the speeding up of reform and opening up and the participation of Chinese higher education into a regional bilateral or multilateral economy, culture and education cooperation increases, so it is becoming more urgent to constantly improve the internationalization of Chinese higher education which not only should conduct communication and cooperation with the counterparts from the developed nations and regions, but also adapt to the tide of regional economic integration, adopting more open and flexible policies to strengthen communication and cooperation with the counterparts from surrounding nations and regions, to promote international communication of students and teaching staff among regions, to encourage and support colleges and universities to conduct talent development and academic exchange programs, and to promote the mutual recognition of academic credits, diplomas and degrees among regions.

Significant expansion of the higher education service

The education service and trading have become important investment destinations for international economy and trade. Most of the developed countries in the world have regarded developing international higher education service and concerned trading as an important strategic guideline. In recent years, Chinese higher education service and trading have witnessed rapid development, though compared with the developed countries, China is at a remarkable disadvantage in overseas student education, cooperative education and cross-national long-distance education. Therefore, China must, first, expand the education service and trading and enlarge the recruitment scale and field by making use of comparative advantages such as lower tuition fees; second, strengthen cross-national education capacity, encouraging and supporting some qualified universities to expand and set up branch schools or take over local schools to conduct cross-national higher education; third, improve the quality of superior subjects, such as those subjects concerning Chinese culture and herbal medicine, and provide higher education products and services different from those of developed countries; and fourth, strengthen cooperation with UNESCO, the WTO and other organizations to set up strategic cooperative unions for the higher education service and trading so as to improve the capacity of Chinese higher education and improve its international competitiveness and status.

Active participation in no-boundary higher education

Since the 1980s, with the rapid development of information and Internet technology, higher education has entered an era of cross-boundary expansion. With the assistance of information and communication technology, HEIs of the developed countries make use of the Internet to provide training courses and other education programs offering diplomas and degrees. To set up international virtual universities has been put on the schedule of more and more governments and social organizations. No-boundary higher education, with strong mobility of its courses, low education costs and open learning style, has been gaining popularity. China’s entry into the WTO and its development in information and communication technology has provided prerequisites for the implementation of no-boundary higher education. Chinese HEIs should be encouraged to make full use of their information technology to conduct international online education, providing cross-national courses and learning materials for foreign students, and actively develop and implement no-boundary higher education to improve its international influence.

To sum up, over the past 30 years since the adoption of reform and opening-up policy, higher education in China has seen rapid development in both scale and quality, and the reform of higher education institutions has achieved great results. The development of higher education is practically in accordance with the social and economic development of China and has contributed greatly to the latter. Admittedly, there remain a few problems and paradoxes in the process, which are yet to be dealt with. In the following years, it is necessary to free our thoughts and dare to explore problems and work out solutions in order to further develop Chinese higher education and to improve its comprehensive and international competitiveness.


1National Commission for UNESCO Secretariat. Retrospect and Prospect on Cooperation between China and UNESCO [EB/OL]. http://www.jledu.com.cn/.

2Bie, Dunrong and Deguang Yang. Reform and Development of Higher Education in China: 1978–2008. Shanghai: Shanghai Education Press, 2009: 15.

3NBSC. http://www.stats.gov.cn.

4NBSC. http://www.moe.edu.cn.

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