Machine Learning Best Practices

After working on multiple projects covering important machine learning concepts, techniques, and widely used algorithms, you have a broad picture of the machine learning ecosystem, as well as solid experience in tackling practical problems using machine learning algorithms and Python. However, there will be issues once we start working on projects from scratch in the real world. This chapter aims to get us ready for it with 21 best practices to follow throughout the entire machine learning solution workflow.

We will cover the following topics in this chapter:

  • Machine learning solution workflow
  • Tasks in the data preparation stage
  • Tasks in the training sets generation stage
  • Tasks in the algorithm training, evaluation, and selection stage
  • Tasks in the system deployment and monitoring stage
  • Best practices in the data preparation stage
  • Best practices in the training sets generation stage
  • Word embedding
  • Best practices in the model training, evaluation, and selection stage
  • Best practices in the system deployment and monitoring stage

Machine learning solution workflow

In general, the main tasks involved in solving a machine learning problem can be summarized into four areas, as follows:

  • Data preparation
  • Training sets generation
  • Model training, evaluation, and selection
  • Deployment and monitoring

Starting from data sources and ending with the final machine learning system, a machine learning solution basically follows the paradigm shown here:

Figure 11.1: The life cycle of a machine learning solution

In the following sections, we will be learning about the typical tasks, common challenges, and best practices for each of these four stages.

Best practices in the data preparation stage

No machine learning system can be built without data. Therefore, data collection should be our first focus.

Best practice 1 – Completely understanding the project goal

Before starting to collect data, we should make sure that the goal of the project and the business problem is completely understood, as this will guide us on what data sources to look into, and where sufficient domain knowledge and expertise is also required. For example, in a previous chapter, Chapter 7, Predicting Stock Prices with Regression Algorithms, our goal was to predict the future prices of the DJIA index, so we first collected data of its past performance, instead of the past performance of an irrelevant European stock. In Chapter 4, Predicting Online Ad Click-Through with Tree-Based Algorithms, for example, the business problem was to optimize advertising targeting efficiency measured by click-through rate, so we collected the clickstream data of who clicked or did not click on what ad on what page, instead of merely using how many ads were displayed in a web domain.

Best practice 2 – Collecting all fields that are relevant

With a set goal in mind, we can narrow down potential data sources to investigate. Now the question becomes: is it necessary to collect the data of all fields available in a data source, or is a subset of attributes enough? It would be perfect if we knew in advance which attributes were key indicators or key predictive factors. However, it is in fact very difficult to ensure that the attributes hand-picked by a domain expert will yield the best prediction results. Hence, for each data source, it is recommended to collect all of the fields that are related to the project, especially in cases where recollecting the data is time-consuming, or even impossible.

For example, in the stock price prediction example, we collected the data of all fields including openhighlow, and volume, even though we were initially not certain of how useful high and low predictions would be. Retrieving the stock data is quick and easy, however. In another example, if we ever want to collect data ourselves by scraping online articles for topic classification, we should store as much information as possible. Otherwise, if any piece of information is not collected but is later found to be valuable, such as hyperlinks in an article, the article might already have been removed from the web page; if it still exists, rescraping those pages can be costly.

After collecting the datasets that we think are useful, we need to assure the data quality by inspecting its consistency and completeness. Consistency refers to how the distribution of data is changing over time. Completeness means how much data is present across fields and samples. They are explained in detail in the following two practices.

Best practice 3 – Maintaining the consistency of field values

In a dataset that already exists, or in one we collect from scratch, often we see different values representing the same meaning. For example, we see American, US, and U.S.A in the country field, and male and M in the gender field. It is necessary to unify or standardize the values in a field. For example, we should keep only the three options of M, F, and gender-diverse in the gender field, and replace other alternative values. Otherwise, it will mess up the algorithms in later stages as different feature values will be treated differently even if they have the same meaning. It is also a great practice to keep track of what values are mapped to the default value of a field.

In addition, the format of values in the same field should also be consistent. For instance, in the age field, there could be true age values, such as 21 and 35, and incorrect age values, such as 1990 and 1978; in the rating field, both cardinal numbers and English numerals could be found, such as 1, 2, and 3, and onetwo, and three. Transformation and reformatting should be conducted in order to ensure data consistency.

Best practice 4 – Dealing with missing data

Due to various reasons, datasets in the real world are rarely completely clean and often contain missing or corrupted values. They are usually presented as blanks, Null-1, 999999unknown, or any other placeholder. Samples with missing data not only provide incomplete predictive information, but also confuse the machine learning model as it cannot tell whether -1 or unknown holds a meaning. It is important to pinpoint and deal with missing data in order to avoid jeopardizing the performance of models in the later stages.

Here are three basic strategies that we can use to tackle the missing data issue:

  • Discarding samples containing any missing value.
  • Discarding fields containing missing values in any sample.
  • Inferring the missing values based on the known part from the attribute. This process is called missing data imputation. Typical imputation methods include replacing missing values with the mean or median value of the field across all samples, or the most frequent value for categorical data.

The first two strategies are simple to implement; however, they come at the expense of the data lost, especially when the original dataset is not large enough. The third strategy doesn't abandon any data, but does try to fill in the blanks.

Let's look at how each strategy is applied in an example where we have a dataset (age, income) consisting of six samples: (30, 100), (20, 50), (35, unknown), (25, 80), (30, 70), and (40, 60):

  • If we process this dataset using the first strategy, it becomes (30, 100), (20, 50), (25, 80), (30, 70), and (40, 60).
  • If we employ the second strategy, the dataset becomes (30), (20), (35), (25), (30), and (40), where only the first field remains.
  • If we decide to complete the unknown value instead of skipping it, the sample (35, unknown) can be transformed into (35, 72) with the mean of the rest of the values in the second field, or (35, 70), with the median value in the second field.

In scikit-learn, the SimpleImputer class (https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.impute.SimpleImputer.html) provides a nicely written imputation transformer. We herein use it for the following small example:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer

Represent the unknown value by np.nan in numpy, as detailed in the following:

>>> data_origin = [[30, 100],
...                [20, 50],
...                [35, np.nan],
...                [25, 80],
...                [30, 70],
...                [40, 60]]

Initialize the imputation transformer with the mean value and obtain the mean value from the original data:

>>> imp_mean = SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy='mean')
>>> imp_mean.fit(data_origin)

Complete the missing value as follows:

>>> data_mean_imp = imp_mean.transform(data_origin)
>>> print(data_mean_imp)
[[ 30. 100.]
 [ 20. 50.]
 [ 35. 72.]
 [ 25. 80.]
 [ 30. 70.]
 [ 40. 60.]]

Similarly, initialize the imputation transformer with the median value, as detailed in the following:

>>> imp_median = SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy='median')
>>> imp_median.fit(data_origin)
>>> data_median_imp = imp_median.transform(data_origin)
>>> print(data_median_imp)
[[ 30. 100.]
 [ 20. 50.]
 [ 35. 70.]
 [ 25. 80.]
 [ 30. 70.]
 [ 40. 60.]]

When new samples come in, the missing values (in any attribute) can be imputed using the trained transformer, for example, with the mean value, as shown here:

>>> new = [[20, np.nan],
...        [30, np.nan],
...        [np.nan, 70],
...        [np.nan, np.nan]]
>>> new_mean_imp = imp_mean.transform(new)
>>> print(new_mean_imp)
[[ 20. 72.]
 [ 30. 72.]
 [ 30. 70.]
 [ 30. 72.]]

Note that 30 in the age field is the mean of those six age values in the original dataset.

Now that we have seen how imputation works, as well as its implementation, let's explore how the strategy of imputing missing values and discarding missing data affects the prediction results through the following example:

  1. First, we load the diabetes dataset, as shown here:
    >>> from sklearn import datasets
    >>> dataset = datasets.load_diabetes()
    >>> X_full, y = dataset.data, dataset.target
  2. Simulate a corrupted dataset by adding 25% missing values:
    >>> m, n = X_full.shape
    >>> m_missing = int(m * 0.25)
    >>> print(m, m_missing)
    442 110
  3. Randomly select the m_missing samples, as follows:
    >>> np.random.seed(42)
    >>> missing_samples = np.array([True] * m_missing + 
                                   [False] * (m - m_missing))
    >>> np.random.shuffle(missing_samples)
  4. For each missing sample, randomly select 1 out of n features:
    >>> missing_features = np.random.randint(low=0, high=n, 
  5. Represent missing values by nan, as shown here:
    >>> X_missing = X_full.copy()
    >>> X_missing[np.where(missing_samples)[0], missing_features] 
                                                          = np.nan
  6. Then we deal with this corrupted dataset by discarding the samples containing a missing value:
    >>> X_rm_missing = X_missing[~missing_samples, :]
    >>> y_rm_missing = y[~missing_samples]
  7. Measure the effects of using this strategy by estimating the averaged regression score, R2, with a regression forest model in a cross-validation manner. Estimate R2 on the dataset with the missing samples removed, as follows:
    >>> from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
    >>> from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
    >>> regressor = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=42, 
                                      max_depth=10, n_estimators=100)
    >>> score_rm_missing = cross_val_score(regressor,X_rm_missing,
    >>> print(f'Score with the data set with missing samples removed: {score_rm_missing:.2f}')
    Score with the data set with missing samples removed: 0.38
  8. Now we approach the corrupted dataset differently by imputing missing values with the mean, as shown here:
    >>> imp_mean = SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy='mean')
    >>> X_mean_imp = imp_mean.fit_transform(X_missing)
  9. Similarly, measure the effects of using this strategy by estimating the averaged R2, as follows:
    >>> regressor = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=42, 
    >>> score_mean_imp = cross_val_score(regressor, X_mean_imp, 
    >>> print(f'Score with the data set with missing values replaced by mean: {score_mean_imp:.2f}')
    Score with the data set with missing values replaced by mean: 0.41
  10. An imputation strategy works better than discarding in this case. So, how far is the imputed dataset from the original full one? We can check it again by estimating the averaged regression score on the original dataset, as follows:
    >>> regressor = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=42, 
    >>> score_full = cross_val_score(regressor, X_full, y).mean()
    >>> print(f'Score with the full data set: {score_full:.2f}')
    Score with the full data set: 0.42

It turns out that little information is compromised in the imputed dataset.

However, there is no guarantee that an imputation strategy always works better, and sometimes dropping samples with missing values can be more effective. Hence, it is a great practice to compare the performances of different strategies via cross-validation as we have done previously.

Best practice 5 – Storing large-scale data

With the ever-growing size of data, oftentimes we can't simply fit the data in our single local machine and need to store it on the cloud or distributed file systems. As this is mainly a book on machine learning with Python, we will just touch on some basic areas that you can look into. The two main strategies of storing big data are scale-up and scale-out:

  • A scale-up approach increases storage capacity if data exceeds the current system capacity, such as by adding more disks. This is useful in fast-access platforms.
  • In a scale-out approach, storage capacity grows incrementally with additional nodes in a storage cluster. Apache Hadoop (https://hadoop.apache.org/) is used to store and process big data in scale-out clusters, where data is spread across hundreds or even thousands of nodes. Also, there are cloud-based distributed file services, such as S3 in Amazon Web Services (https://aws.amazon.com/s3/), Google Cloud Storage in Google Cloud (https://cloud.google.com/storage/), and Storage in Microsoft Azure (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/storage/). They are massively scalable and are designed for secure and durable storage.

With well-prepared data, it is safe to move on to the training sets generation stage. Let's see the next section.

Best practices in the training sets generation stage

Typical tasks in this stage can be summarized into two major categories: data preprocessing and feature engineering.

To begin, data preprocessing usually involves categorical feature encoding, feature scaling, feature selection, and dimensionality reduction.

Best practice 6 – Identifying categorical features with numerical values

In general, categorical features are easy to spot, as they convey qualitative information, such as risk level, occupation, and interests. However, it gets tricky if the feature takes on a discreet and countable (limited) number of numerical values, for instance, 1 to 12 representing months of the year, and 1 and 0 indicating true and false. The key to identifying whether such a feature is categorical or numerical is whether it provides a mathematical or ranking implication; if so, it is a numerical feature, such as a product rating from 1 to 5; otherwise, it is categorical, such as the month, or day of the week.

Best practice 7 – Deciding whether to encode categorical features

If a feature is considered categorical, we need to decide whether we should encode it. It depends on what prediction algorithm(s) we will use in later stages. Naïve Bayes and tree-based algorithms can directly work with categorical features, while other algorithms in general cannot, in which case encoding is essential.

As the output of the feature generation stage is the input of the model training stage, steps taken in the feature generation stage should be compatible with the prediction algorithm. Therefore, we should look at the two stages of feature generation and predictive model training as a whole, instead of two isolated components. The next two practical tips also reinforce this point.

Best practice 8 – Deciding whether to select features, and if so, how to do so

You have seen in Chapter 5, Predicting Online Ad Click-Through with Logistic Regression, how feature selection can be performed using L1-based regularized logistic regression and random forest. The benefits of feature selection include the following:

  • Reducing the training time of prediction models as redundant or irrelevant features are eliminated
  • Reducing overfitting for the same preceding reason
  • Likely improving performance, as prediction models will learn from data with more significant features

Note we used the word likely because there is no absolute certainty that feature selection will increase prediction accuracy. It is therefore good practice to compare the performances of conducting feature selection and not doing so via cross-validation. For example, by executing the following steps, we can measure the effects of feature selection by estimating the averaged classification accuracy with an SVC model in a cross-validation manner:

  1. First, we load the handwritten digits dataset from scikit-learn, as follows:
    >>> from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
    >>> dataset = load_digits()
    >>> X, y = dataset.data, dataset.target
    >>> print(X.shape)
    (1797, 64)
  2. Next, estimate the accuracy of the original dataset, which is 64-dimensional, as detailed here:
    >>> from sklearn.svm import SVC
    >>> from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
    >>> classifier = SVC(gamma=0.005, random_state=42)
    >>> score = cross_val_score(classifier, X, y).mean()
    >>> print(f'Score with the original data set: {score:.2f}')
    Score with the original data set: 0.90
  3. Then conduct feature selection based on random forest and sort the features based on their importance scores:
    >>> from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
    >>> random_forest = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, criterion='gini', n_jobs=-1, random_state=42)
    >>> random_forest.fit(X, y)
    >>> feature_sorted = 
  4. Now select a different number of top features to construct a new dataset, and estimate the accuracy on each dataset, as follows:
    >>> K = [10, 15, 25, 35, 45]
    >>> for k in K:
    ...     top_K_features = feature_sorted[-k:]
    ...     X_k_selected = X[:, top_K_features]
    ...     # Estimate accuracy on the data set with k 
              selected features
    ...     classifier = SVC(gamma=0.005)
    ...     score_k_features = cross_val_score(classifier, 
                                  X_k_selected, y).mean()
    ...     print(f'Score with the dataset of top {k} features: 
    Score with the dataset of top 10 features: 0.86
    Score with the dataset of top 15 features: 0.92
    Score with the dataset of top 25 features: 0.95
    Score with the dataset of top 35 features: 0.93
    Score with the dataset of top 45 features: 0.90

If we use the top 25 features selected by the random forest, the SVM classification performance can increase from 0.9 to 0.95.

Best practice 9 – Deciding whether to reduce dimensionality, and if so, how to do so

Feature selection and dimensionality are different in the sense that the former chooses features from the original data space, while the latter does so from a projected space from the original space. Dimensionality reduction has the following advantages that are similar to feature selection, as follows:

  • Reducing the training time of prediction models, as redundant or correlated features are merged into new ones
  • Reducing overfitting for the same reason
  • Likely improving performance, as prediction models will learn from data with less redundant or correlated features

Again, it is not guaranteed that dimensionality reduction will yield better prediction results. In order to examine its effects, integrating dimensionality reduction in the model training stage is recommended. Reusing the preceding handwritten digits example, we can measure the effects of principal component analysis (PCA)-based dimensionality reduction, where we keep a different number of top components to construct a new dataset, and estimate the accuracy on each dataset:

>>> from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
>>> # Keep different number of top components
>>> N = [10, 15, 25, 35, 45]
>>> for n in N:
...     pca = PCA(n_components=n)
...     X_n_kept = pca.fit_transform(X)
...     # Estimate accuracy on the data set with top n components
...     classifier = SVC(gamma=0.005)
...     score_n_components = 
                   cross_val_score(classifier, X_n_kept, y).mean()
...     print(f'Score with the dataset of top {n} components:  
Score with the dataset of top 10 components: 0.94
Score with the dataset of top 15 components: 0.95
Score with the dataset of top 25 components: 0.93
Score with the dataset of top 35 components: 0.91
Score with the dataset of top 45 components: 0.90

If we use the top 15 features generated by PCA, the SVM classification performance can increase from 0.9 to 0.95.

Best practice 10 – Deciding whether to rescale features

As seen in Chapter 7Predicting Stock Prices with Regression Algorithms, and Chapter 8, Predicting Stock Prices with Artificial Neural Networks, SGD-based linear regression, SVR, and the neural network model require features to be standardized by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance. So, when is feature scaling needed and when is it not?

In general, Naïve Bayes and tree-based algorithms are not sensitive to features at different scales, as they look at each feature independently.

In most cases, an algorithm that involves any form of distance (or separation in spaces) of samples in learning requires scaled/standardized inputs, such as SVC, SVR, k-means clustering, and k-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithms. Feature scaling is also a must for any algorithm using SGD for optimization, such as linear or logistic regression with gradient descent, and neural networks.

We have so far covered tips regarding data preprocessing and will next discuss best practices of feature engineering as another major aspect of training sets generation. We will do so from two perspectives.

Best practice 11 – Performing feature engineering with domain expertise

If we are lucky enough to possess sufficient domain knowledge, we can apply it in creating domain-specific features; we utilize our business experience and insights to identify what is in the data and to formulate new data that correlates to the prediction target. For example, in Chapter 7Predicting Stock Prices with Regression Algorithms, we designed and constructed feature sets for the prediction of stock prices based on factors that investors usually look at when making investment decisions.

While particular domain knowledge is required, sometimes we can still apply some general tips in this category. For example, in fields related to customer analytics, such as marketing and advertising, the time of the day, day of the week, and month are usually important signals. Given a data point with the value 2020/09/01 in the date column and 14:34:21 in the time column, we can create new features including afternoon, Tuesday, and September. In retail, information covering a period of time is usually aggregated to provide better insights. The number of times a customer visits a store for the past three months, or the average number of products purchased weekly for the previous year, for instance, can be good predictive indicators for customer behavior prediction.

Best practice 12 – Performing feature engineering without domain expertise

If, unfortunately, we have very little domain knowledge, how can we generate features? Don't panic. There are several generic approaches that you can follow, such as binarization, discretization, interaction, and polynomial transformation.


This is the process of converting a numerical feature to a binary one with a preset threshold. For example, in spam email detection, for the feature (or term) prize, we can generate a new feature whether_term_prize_occurs: any term frequency value greater than 1 becomes 1; otherwise, it is 0. The feature number of visits per week can be used to produce a new feature, is_frequent_visitor, by judging whether the value is greater than or equal to 3. We implement such binarization using scikit-learn, as follows:

>>> from sklearn.preprocessing import Binarizer
>>> X = [[4], [1], [3], [0]]
>>> binarizer = Binarizer(threshold=2.9)
>>> X_new = binarizer.fit_transform(X)
>>> print(X_new)


This is the process of converting a numerical feature to a categorical feature with limited possible values. Binarization can be viewed as a special case of discretization. For example, we can generate an age group feature: "18-24" for age from 18 to 24, "25-34" for age from 25 to 34, "34-54", and "55+".


This includes the sum, multiplication, or any operations of two numerical features, and joint condition check of two categorical features. For example, the number of visits per week and the number of products purchased per week can be used to generate the number of products purchased per visit feature; interest and occupation, such as sports and engineer, can form occupation AND interest, such as engineer interested in sports.

Polynomial transformation

This is the process of generating polynomial and interaction features. For two features, a and b, the two degrees of polynomial features generated are a2ab, and b2. In scikit-learn, we can use the PolynomialFeatures class (https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures.html) to perform polynomial transformation, as follows:

>>> from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
>>> X = [[2, 4],
...      [1, 3],
...      [3, 2],
...      [0, 3]]
>>> poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2)
>>> X_new = poly.fit_transform(X)
>>> print(X_new)
[[ 1. 2. 4. 4. 8. 16.]
 [ 1. 1. 3. 1. 3. 9.]
 [ 1. 3. 2. 9. 6. 4.]
 [ 1. 0. 3. 0. 0. 9.]]

Note the resulting new features consist of 1 (bias, intercept), aba2ab, and b2.

Best practice 13 – Documenting how each feature is generated

We have covered the rules of feature engineering with domain knowledge, and in general, there is one more thing worth noting: documenting how each feature is generated. It sounds trivial, but oftentimes we just forget about how a feature is obtained or created. We usually need to go back to this stage after some failed trials in the model training stage and attempt to create more features with the hope of improving performance. We have to be clear on what and how features are generated, in order to remove those that do not quite work out, and to add new ones that have more potential.

Best practice 14 – Extracting features from text data

We will start with a traditional approach to extract features from text, tf, and tf-idf. Then we will continue with a modern approach: word embedding. And finally, we will look at word embedding using pre-trained models.

Tf and tf-idf

We have worked intensively with text data in Chapter 9, Mining the 20 Newsgroups Dataset with Text Analysis Techniques, and Chapter 10, Discovering Underlying Topics in the Newsgroups Dataset with Clustering and Topic Modeling, where we extracted features from text based on term frequency (tf) and term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf). Both methods consider each document of words (terms) a collection of words, or a bag of words (BoW), disregarding the order of the words, but keeping multiplicity. A tf approach simply uses the counts of tokens, while tf-idf extends tf by assigning each tf a weighting factor that is inversely proportional to the document frequency. With the idf factor incorporated, tf-idf diminishes the weight of common terms (such as getmake) that occur frequently, and emphasizes terms that rarely occur but convey important meaning. Hence, oftentimes features extracted from tf-idf are more representative than those from tf.

As you may remember, a document is represented by a very sparse vector where only present terms have non-zero values. And the vector's dimensionality is usually high, which is determined by the size of the vocabulary and the number of unique terms. Also, such a one-hot encoding approach treats each term as an independent item and does not consider the relationship across words (referred to as "context" in linguistics).

Word embedding

On the contrary, another approach, called word embedding, is able to capture the meanings of words and their context. In this approach, a word is represented by a vector of float numbers. Its dimensionality is a lot lower than the size of the vocabulary and is usually several hundred only. For example, the word machine can be represented as [1.4, 2.1, 10.3, 0.2, 6.81]. So, how can we embed a word into a vector? One solution is word2vec, which trains a shallow neural network to predict a word given the other words around it (called Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW)), or to predict the other words around a word (called skip-gram). The coefficients of the trained neural network are the embedding vectors for the corresponding words.

Given the sentence I love reading Python machine learning by example in a corpus, and 5 as the size of the word window, we can have the following training sets for the CBOW neural network:

Input of neural network

Output of neural network

(I, love, python, machine)


(love, reading, machine, learning)


(reading, python, learning, by)


(python, machine, by, example)


Table 11.1: Input and output of the neural network for CBOW

Of course, the inputs and outputs of the neural network are one-hot encoding vectors, where values are either 1 for present words, or 0 for absent words. And we can have millions of training samples constructed from a corpus, sentence by sentence. After the network is trained, the weights that connect the input layer and hidden layer embed individual input words. A skip-gram-based neural network embeds words in a similar way. But its input and output are an inverse version of CBOW. Given the same sentence, I love reading Python machine learning by example, and 5 as the size of the word window, we can have the following training sets for the skip-gram neural network:

Input of neural network

Output of neural network

































Table 11.2: Input and output of the neural network for skip-gram

The embedding vectors are of real values, where each dimension encodes an aspect of meaning for the words in the vocabulary. This helps preserve the semantic information of the words, as opposed to discarding it as in the dummy one-hot encoding approach using tf or td-idf. An interesting phenomenon is that vectors from semantically similar words are proximate to each other in geometric space. For example, both the words clustering and grouping refer to unsupervised clustering in the context of machine learning, hence their embedding vectors are close together.

Word embedding with pre-trained models

Training a word embedding neural network can be time-consuming and computationally expensive. Fortunately, there are several big tech companies that have trained word embedding models on different kinds of corpora and open sourced them. We can simply use these pre-trained models to map words to vectors. Some popular pre-trained word embedding models are as follows:

Figure 11.2: Configurations of popular pre-trained word embedding models

Once we have embedding vectors for individual words, we can represent a document sample by averaging all of the vectors of present words in this document. The resulting vectors of document samples are then consumed by downstream predictive tasks, such as classification, similarity ranking in search engines, and clustering.

Now let's play around with gensim, a popular NLP package with powerful word embedding modules. If you have not installed the package in Chapter 9, Mining the 20 Newsgroups Dataset with Text Analysis Techniques, you can do so using pip

First, we import the package and load a pre-trained model, glove-twitter-25, as follows:

>>> import gensim.downloader as api
>>> model = api.load("glove-twitter-25")
[==================================================] 100.0% 
104.8/104.8MB downloaded

You will see the process bar if you run this line of code. The glove-twitter-25 model is one of the smallest ones so the download will not take very long.

We can obtain the embedding vector for a word (computer, for example), as follows:

>>> vector = model.wv['computer']
>>> print('Word computer is embedded into:
', vector)
Word computer is embedded into:
[ 0.64005 -0.019514 0.70148 -0.66123 1.1723 -0.58859 0.25917
-0.81541 1.1708 1.1413 -0.15405 -0.11369 -3.8414 -0.87233
  0.47489 1.1541 0.97678 1.1107 -0.14572 -0.52013 -0.52234
 -0.92349 0.34651 0.061939 -0.57375 ]

The result is a 25-dimension float vector as expected.

We can also get the top 10 words that are most contextually relevant to computer using the most_similar method, as follows:

>>> similar_words = model.most_similar("computer")
>>> print('Top ten words most contextually relevant to computer:
Top ten words most contextually relevant to computer:
 [('camera', 0.907833456993103), ('cell', 0.891890287399292), ('server', 0.8744666576385498), ('device', 0.869352400302887), ('wifi', 0.8631256818771362), ('screen', 0.8621907234191895), ('app', 0.8615544438362122), ('case', 0.8587921857833862), ('remote', 0.8583616018295288), ('file', 0.8575270771980286)]

The result looks promising.

Finally, we demonstrate how to generate representing vectors for a document with a simple example, as follows:

>>> doc_sample = ['i', 'love', 'reading', 'python', 'machine', 
                 'learning', 'by', 'example']
>>> import numpy as np
>>> doc_vector = np.mean([model.wv[word] for word in doc_sample], 
>>> print('The document sample is embedded into:
', doc_vector)
The document sample is embedded into:
 [-0.17100249 0.1388764 0.10616798 0.200275 0.1159925 -0.1515975
  1.1621187 -0.4241785 0.2912 -0.28199488 -0.31453252 0.43692702
 -3.95395 -0.35544625 0.073975 0.1408525 0.20736426 0.17444688
  0.10602863 -0.04121475 -0.34942 -0.2736689 -0.47526264 -0.11842456

The resulting vector is the average of embedding vectors of eight input words.

In traditional NLP applications, such as text classification and topic modeling, tf, or td-idf, is still an outstanding solution for feature extraction. In more complicated areas, such as text summarization, machine translation, named entity resolution, question answering, and information retrieval, word embedding is used extensively and extracts far better features than the two traditional approaches.

Now that you have reviewed the best practices for data and feature generation, let's look at model training next.

Best practices in the model training, evaluation, and selection stage

Given a supervised machine learning problem, the first question many people ask is usually what is the best classification or regression algorithm to solve it? However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and no free lunch. No one could know which algorithm will work best before trying multiple ones and fine-tuning the optimal one. We will be looking into best practices around this in the following sections.

Best practice 15 – Choosing the right algorithm(s) to start with

Due to the fact that there are several parameters to tune for an algorithm, exhausting all algorithms and fine-tuning each one can be extremely time-consuming and computationally expensive. We should instead shortlist one to three algorithms to start with using the general guidelines that follow (note we herein focus on classification, but the theory transcends to regression, and there is usually a counterpart algorithm in regression).

There are several things we need to be clear about before shortlisting potential algorithms, as described in the following:

  • The size of the training dataset
  • The dimensionality of the dataset
  • Whether the data is linearly separable
  • Whether features are independent
  • Tolerance and trade-off of bias and variance
  • Whether online learning is required

Now, let's look at how we choose the right algorithm to start with, taking into account the aforementioned perspectives.

Naïve Bayes

This is a very simple algorithm. For a relatively small training dataset, if features are independent, Naïve Bayes will usually perform well. For a large dataset, Naïve Bayes will still work well as feature independence can be assumed in this case, regardless of the truth. The training of Naïve Bayes is usually faster than any other algorithm due to its computational simplicity. However, this may lead to a high bias (but low variance).

Logistic regression

This is probably the most widely used classification algorithm, and the first algorithm that a machine learning practitioner usually tries when given a classification problem. It performs well when data is linearly separable or approximately linearly separable. Even if it is not linearly separable, it might be possible to convert the linearly non-separable features into separable ones and apply logistic regression afterward.

In the following instance, data in the original space is not linearly separable, but it becomes separable in a transformed space created from the interaction of two features:

Figure 11.3: Transforming features from linearly non-separable to separable

Also, logistic regression is extremely scalable to large datasets with SGD optimization, which makes it efficient in solving big data problems. Plus, it makes online learning feasible. Although logistic regression is a low-bias, high-variance algorithm, we overcome the potential overfitting by adding L1, L2, or a mix of the two regularizations.


This is versatile enough to adapt to the linear separability of data. For a separable dataset, SVM with linear kernel performs comparably to logistic regression. Beyond this, SVM also works well for a non-separable dataset if equipped with a non-linear kernel, such as RBF. For a high-dimensional dataset, the performance of logistic regression is usually compromised, while SVM still performs well. A good example of this can be in news classification, where the feature dimensionality is in the tens of thousands. In general, very high accuracy can be achieved by SVM with the right kernel and parameters. However, this might be at the expense of intense computation and high memory consumption.

Random forest (or decision tree)

The linear separability of the data does not matter to the algorithm, and it works directly with categorical features without encoding, which provides great ease of use. Also, the trained model is very easy to interpret and explain to non-machine learning practitioners, which cannot be achieved with most other algorithms. Additionally, random forest boosts the decision tree algorithm, which can reduce overfitting by ensembling a collection of separate trees. Its performance is comparable to SVM, while fine-tuning a random forest model is less difficult compared to SVM and neural networks.

Neural networks

These are extremely powerful, especially with the development of deep learning. However, finding the right topology (layers, nodes, activation functions, and so on) is not easy, not to mention the time-consuming model of training and tuning. Hence, they are not recommended as an algorithm to start with for general machine learning problems. However, for computer vision and many NLP tasks, the neural network is still the go-to model.

Best practice 16 – Reducing overfitting

We touched on ways to avoid overfitting when discussing the pros and cons of algorithms in the last practice. We herein formally summarize them, as follows:

  • Cross-validation: A good habit that we have built over all of the chapters in this book.
  • Regularization: This adds penalty terms to reduce the error caused by fitting the model perfectly on the given training set.
  • Simplification, if possible: The more complex the model is, the higher chance of overfitting. Complex models include a tree or forest with excessive depth, a linear regression with a high degree of polynomial transformation, and an SVM with a complicated kernel.
  • Ensemble learning: This involves combining a collection of weak models to form a stronger one.

So, how can we tell whether a model suffers from overfitting, or the other extreme, underfitting? Let's see the next section.

Best practice 17 – Diagnosing overfitting and underfitting

learning curve is usually used to evaluate the bias and variance of a model. A learning curve is a graph that compares the cross-validated training and testing scores over a given number of training samples.

For a model that fits well on the training samples, the performance of the training samples should be beyond what's desired. Ideally, as the number of training samples increases, the model performance on the testing samples will improve; eventually, the performance on the testing samples will become close to that on the training samples.

When the performance on the testing samples converges at a value much lower than that of the training performance, overfitting can be concluded. In this case, the model fails to generalize to instances that have not been seen.

For a model that does not even fit well on the training samples, underfitting is easily spotted: both performances on the training and testing samples are below the desired performance in the learning curve.

Here is an example of the learning curve in an ideal case:

Figure 11.4: Ideal learning curve

An example of the learning curve for an overfitted model is shown in the following diagram:

Figure 11.5: Overfitting learning curve

The learning curve for an underfitted model may look like the following diagram:

Figure 11.6: Underfitting learning curve

To generate the learning curve, you can utilize the learning_curve module (https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.model_selection.learning_curve.html#sklearn.model_selection.learning_curve) from scikit-learn, and the plot_learning_curve function defined in https://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/model_selection/plot_learning_curve.html.

Best practice 18 – Modeling on large-scale datasets

We have gained experience working with large datasets in Chapter 6, Scaling Up Prediction to Terabyte Click Logs. There are a few tips that can help you model on large-scale data more efficiently.

First, start with a small subset, for instance, a subset that can fit on your local machine. This can help speed up early experimentation. Obviously, you don't want to train on the entire dataset just to find out whether SVM or random forest works better. Instead, you can randomly sample data points and quickly run a few models on the selected set.

The second tip is choosing scalable algorithms, such as logistic regression, linear SVM, and SGD-based optimization. This is quite intuitive.

Once you figure out which model works best, you can fine-tune it using more data points and eventually train on the entire dataset. After that, don't forget to save the trained model. This is the third tip. Training on a large dataset takes a long time, which you would want to avoid redoing, if possible. We will explore saving and loading models in detail in Best practice 19 – Saving, loading, and reusing models, which is a part of the deployment and monitoring stage.

Best practices in the deployment and monitoring stage

After performing all of the processes in the previous three stages, we now have a well-established data preprocessing pipeline and a correctly trained prediction model. The last stage of a machine learning system involves saving those resulting models from previous stages and deploying them on new data, as well as monitoring their performance and updating the prediction models regularly.

Best practice 19 – Saving, loading, and reusing models

When machine learning is deployed, new data should go through the same data preprocessing procedures (scaling, feature engineering, feature selection, dimensionality reduction, and so on) as in the previous stages. The preprocessed data is then fed in the trained model. We simply cannot rerun the entire process and retrain the model every time new data comes in. Instead, we should save the established preprocessing models and trained prediction models after the corresponding stages have been completed. In deployment mode, these models are loaded in advance and are used to produce prediction results from the new data.

Saving and restoring models using pickle

This can be illustrated via the diabetes example, where we standardize the data and employ an SVR model, as follows:

>>> dataset = datasets.load_diabetes()
>>> X, y = dataset.data, dataset.target
>>> num_new = 30 # the last 30 samples as new data set
>>> X_train = X[:-num_new, :]
>>> y_train = y[:-num_new]
>>> X_new = X[-num_new:, :]
>>> y_new = y[-num_new:]

Preprocess the training data with scaling, as shown in the following commands:

>>> from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
>>> scaler = StandardScaler()
>>> scaler.fit(X_train)

Now save the established standardizer, the scaler object with pickle, as follows:

>>> import pickle
>>> pickle.dump(scaler, open("scaler.p", "wb" ))

This generates a scaler.p file.

Move on to training an SVR model on the scaled data, as follows:

>>> X_scaled_train = scaler.transform(X_train)
>>> from sklearn.svm import SVR
>>> regressor = SVR(C=20)
>>> regressor.fit(X_scaled_train, y_train)

Save the trained regressor object with pickle, as follows:

>>> pickle.dump(regressor, open("regressor.p", "wb"))

This generates a regressor.p file.

In the deployment stage, we first load the saved standardizer and the regressor object from the preceding two files, as follows:

>>> my_scaler = pickle.load(open("scaler.p", "rb" ))
>>> my_regressor = pickle.load(open("regressor.p", "rb"))

Then we preprocess the new data using the standardizer and make a prediction with the regressor object just loaded, as follows:

>>> X_scaled_new = my_scaler.transform(X_new)
>>> predictions = my_regressor.predict(X_scaled_new)

Saving and restoring models in TensorFlow

I will also demonstrate how to save and restore models in TensorFlow as a bonus session in this section. As an example, we will train a simple logistic regression model on the cancer dataset, save the trained model, and reload it in the following steps:

  1. Import the necessary TensorFlow modules and load the cancer dataset from scikit-learn:
    >>> import tensorflow as tf
    >>> from tensorflow import keras
    >>> from sklearn import datasets
    >>> cancer_data = datasets.load_breast_cancer()
    >>> X = cancer_data.data
    >>> Y = cancer_data.target
  2. Build a simple logistic regression model using the Keras Sequential API, along with several specified parameters:
    >>> learning_rate = 0.005
    >>> n_iter = 10
    >>> tf.random.set_seed(42)
    >>> model = keras.Sequential([
    ...     keras.layers.Dense(units=1, activation='sigmoid')
    ... ])
    >>> model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy',
    ...         optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate))
  3. Train the TensorFlow model against the data:
    >>> model.fit(X, Y, epochs=n_iter)
  4. Display the model's architecture:
    >>> model.summary()
    Model: "sequential"
    Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #
    dense (Dense)                multiple                  31
    Total params: 31
    Trainable params: 31
    Non-trainable params: 0

    We will see if we can retrieve the same model later.

  5. Hopefully, the previous steps look familiar to you. If not, feel free to review our TensorFlow implementation. Now we save the model to a path:
    >>> path = './model_tf'
    >>> model.save(path)

    After this, you will see that a folder called model_tf is created. The folder contains the trained model's architecture, weights, and training configuration.

  6. Finally, we load the model from the previous path and display the loaded model's path:
    >>> new_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(path)
    >>> new_model.summary()
    Model: "sequential"
    Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #
    dense (Dense)                multiple                  31
    Total params: 31
    Trainable params: 31
    Non-trainable params: 0

    We just loaded back the exact same model.

Best practice 20 – Monitoring model performance

The machine learning system is now up and running. To make sure everything is on the right track, we need to conduct performance checks on a regular basis. To do so, besides making a prediction in real time, we should also record the ground truth at the same time.

Continuing with the diabetes example from earlier in the chapter, we conduct a performance check as follows:

>>> from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
>>> print(f'Health check on the model, R^2: {r2_score(y_new, 
Health check on the model, R^2: 0.613

We should log the performance and set up an alert for any decayed performance.

Best practice 21 – Updating models regularly

If the performance is getting worse, chances are that the pattern of data has changed. We can work around this by updating the model. Depending on whether online learning is feasible or not with the model, the model can be modernized with the new set of data (online updating), or retrained completely with the most recent data.


The purpose of this chapter is to prepare you for real-world machine learning problems. We started with the general workflow that a machine learning solution follows: data preparation, training sets generation, algorithm training, evaluation and selection, and finally, system deployment and monitoring. We then went in depth through the typical tasks, common challenges, and best practices for each of these four stages.

Practice makes perfect. The most important best practice is practice itself. Get started with a real-world project to deepen your understanding and apply what you have learned so far.

In the next chapter, we will discuss categorizing images of clothing using Convolutional Neural Networks.


  1. Can you use word embedding to extract text features and develop a multiclass classifier to classify the newsgroup data? (Note that you might not be able to get better results with word embedding than tf-idf, but it is good practice.)
  2. Can you find several challenges in Kaggle (www.kaggle.com) and practice what you have learned throughout the entire book?
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