Complexity Example

Imagine we were given the task of writing a piece of software for air traffic control. Specifically, we were asked to write an algorithm that, in a pre-defined space and altitude, will ring out an alarm if any two aircraft get too close to each other.

In our implementation, we solved the problem by computing all possible distances between every pair in our airspace and keeping only the minimum distance. If this minimum distance is less than a certain threshold, our software will ring out an alarm. The following snippet of code shows this solution:

public double minimumDistance(List<Point> allPlanes) {
double minDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (Point p1 : allPlanes) {
for (Point p2 : allPlanes) {
double d = p1.distanceTo(p2);
if (d != 0 && d < minDistance) minDistance = d;
return minDistance;
Snippet 1.2: Minimum distance. Source class name: ClosestPlane and Point.

Note that the Point class in the preceding piece of code is not shown. Go to to access the code.

Our little algorithm works fine for a couple of years and the controllers are happy to have this useful alerting. However, over the years, air traffic increases at a fast rate, and instead of having to monitor a few hundred aircraft at any given time, our algorithm has to handle tens of thousands of points. At busy times, the software is having trouble keeping up with the increased load.

We are called in to investigate and we start to write some benchmarks to test how fast the algorithm performs. We obtain the timings shown in Table 1.2. As you can see, we are doubling the load on every run; however, our algorithm is not scaling up in the same manner. Our algorithm is not slowing down at the same rate as our input.

Intuitively, you may expect that if you double the number of planes, the algorithm has, then you have twice the amount of work to do, and as a result, it should take twice as long. However, this is not what is happening.

When we double the number of planes, the time taken doesn't just double but skyrockets.

For example, our algorithm takes 2.6 seconds (2,647 ms) to finish when it's dealing with 16,000 planes. However, if we double the amount of planes to 32,000, the time it takes increases to 10.4 seconds (10,488 ms), a four-fold increase!

Number of planes Time taken (ms)
1000 27
2000 48
4000 190
8000 664
16000 2647
32000 10488


In the following graph, we plot the benchmark results in a chart. What is going on here? Our algorithm is doing a lot of work due to the nested loop. For every plane point in its input, it's calculating the distance to every other plane. This results in n2 calculations, where n is the number of planes we are monitoring. We can say that our algorithm has a runtime performance of O(n2), read as big O of n squared. Alternatively, we can also call it the quadratic runtime performance. Take a look at this graph:

Figure 1.1: Algorithm benchmark result plot

The algorithm listed in Snippet 1.2 is a slow solution for the closest pair problem. There exists a much more efficient solution that involves a divide and conquer technique.

This class of algorithms is explored in detail in the second part of this book in Chapter 4, Algorithm Design Paradigms, where we present a faster solution to the closest pair problem.

Increasing the input load on your code does not always mean that the resource consumption will also increase in a directly proportional manner. The relation between the input size of your problem and resource usage (CPU time, memory, and so on) is what this section is all about.

In the next section, we will see different types of these relations between the problem, input size, and resource usage.

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