Cycle Detection

A useful application of DFS is determining whether or not a graph is acyclic (that is, it does not contain cycles). In order to do so, it's important to define four types of edges in terms of the depth-first forest produced by DFS. They are as follows:

  • Tree edges: They are edges in the depth-first forest. An edge can only be a tree edge if it was the one explored when first discovering a vertex.
  • Back edges: They are edges connecting a vertex to an ancestor in a depth-first tree. Self-loops (which may occur in directed graphs) are back edges.
  • Forward edges: They are edges that do not belong to a depth-first tree but connect a vertex to one of its descendants in a depth-first tree. Forward edges are therefore edges that weren't used when performing the DFS, but connect vertices u and v in a depth-first tree provided that v is a descendant of u in the tree.
  • Cross edges: They are all other edges. They can go between vertices in the same depth-first tree or they can go between vertices in different depth-first trees. They are therefore edges that weren't used when performing the depth-first search, but connect vertices that don't share an ancestor relationship in the same tree or vertices in different trees.

Having classified edges, it is possible to show that a directed graph is acyclic if and only if a DFS does not produce back edges. If a depth-first search produces a back edge (u, v), then vertex v is an ancestor of vertex u in the depth-first forest. Therefore, G contains a path from v to u, and (u, v) completes a cycle. This algorithm is generalizable for undirected graphs. In undirected graphs, if we find a back edge (u, v) and v is not the parent of u in the depth-first forest, then we are in the presence of a cycle.

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