Activity: Improving Floyd-Warshall's Algorithm to Reconstruct the Shortest Path


Improve Floyd-Warshall's algorithm so that we're able to reconstruct the shortest path between two given nodes after running the algorithm, using the predecessor matrix.


To construct a shortest path between the two vertices using the predecessor matrix.


The predecessor matrix is used to compute the shortest path between two given vertices. Each cell of the predecessor matrix Pij should be either empty (meaning that there is no path between i and j), or equal to some index k (meaning that vertex k is the one that precedes j in the shortest path between i and j). As such, we need to update our predecessor matrix whenever we use an intermediate vertex.

Implement the run() method of the Floyd-Warshall class that shall compute the shortest paths for the current graph and populate the path matrix, used later in the path() method to return the path between two given vertices. The method is available at the following URL:

Steps for Completion

  1. Adapt the implementation shown in Snippet 6.8 of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm to update the path matrix
  2. Use it to reconstruct the paths similarly to what we have previously shown in the implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm

In this section, we've introduced the shortest paths problem and visited two different algorithms to solve it: one for single source shortest paths (Dijkstra's algorithm), and another for all pairs shortest paths (Floyd-Warshall). We've shown how different implementations of Dijkstra's algorithm can affect its running time. For both algorithms, we've also shown how to reconstruct shortest paths using a parent array and a predecessor matrix, respectively.

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