Activity: Using BFS to Find the Shortest Path Out of a Maze


Our maze is an H by W rectangle, represented by an array of size H of W-sized strings. Each character in a string can either be '#' or '.'. '#' represents a wall, which we cannot cross, and '.' represents a free space, which we can cross. The border of the maze is always filled with '#' except for one square, which represents the exit. For example, the following is a valid maze:

Find the total number of steps to exit the maze, when supplied with a starting point (i, j) (with (0, 0) being the upper-left point and (H, W) being the lower-right point).


To use BFS to find the shortest path out of a given maze.


Steps for Completion

  1. Encode the maze representation to a graph representation
  2. Apply the BFS implementation shown in the preceding section (with a small modification to account for distances), or you can build the graph as you go
  3. Since you know that there are at most four outward edges for a given vertex, compute their positions as you go

In this section, we've introduced two different ways to traverse a graph—breadth-first search (BFS) and depth-first search (DFS). We've seen how to use BFS to find the single-source shortest path in unweighted graphs and how to use DFS to find cycles in a graph. In the next section, we will be looking at two different algorithms to find shortest paths in a graph.

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