Depth-First Search

Given a graph G = (V, E) and a source vertex s, depth-first search explores the edges of the graph by going "deeper" in the graph whenever possible. Depth-First Search (DFS) explores edges adjacent to the most recently discovered vertex v that still has unexplored edges whose head is adjacent to it. Once all of v's edges have been explored, the search "backtracks" to explore edges, leaving the vertex from which v was discovered. The process continues until all vertices that are reachable from the original source vertex have been discovered.

If any undiscovered vertices remain, then DFS selects one of them as a new source, and it repeats the search from that source. While it may seem odd that BFS limits itself to vertices reachable from a single source whereas DFS considers multiple sources, the reason behind it is related to the applications of these searches.

BFS is usually used to find shortest-path distances while DFS is often used as a subroutine in another algorithm, which we shall see when we explore the cycle detection problem.

Similar to BFS, when we discover a vertex v during the scan of the adjacency list of an already discovered vertex, we record its parent attribute. Since we mentioned that we explore different sources, the parent subgraph produced by DFS is, unlike the breadth-first tree, a forest (that is, a set of trees).

In order to illustrate this, let's look  at a run of DFS for the directed graph of Figure 6.1, starting at node 2, in the following table:

Table 6.4: A run of DFS on the directed graph of Figure 6.1, starting at node 2

Note that the results of DFS may depend on the order in which the vertices are examined. In the previous case, we started with 2 and always went for the lowest-numbered vertex in the adjacency list of a vertex first. If we had started with vertex 0, we would have a different forest. In practice, we can usually use any DFS result with equivalent results.

We previously saw how to perform DFS on trees. DFS on graphs is similar, but we need to keep track of explored nodes so that we don't get stuck in cycles.

In order to implement DFS, we will assume that our graph is represented using adjacency lists. We will attach certain attributes to each vertex in the graph, which will allow us to guide our search and later construct the depth-first forest. The following code snippet illustrates the implementation of depth-first search:

public void dfsVisit(int u, boolean[] visited, int[] parent) {
visited[u] = true;
for (int i = 0; i < adj[u].size(); i++) {
int next = adj[u].get(i);
if (!visited[next]) {
parent[next] = u;
dfsVisit(next, visited, parent);
Snippet 6.5: Implementation of depth-first search. Source class name:dfs.Graph.

Go to to access this code.

The DFS procedure works by initializing all vertices as not visited, and setting their parents to -1 (meaning that they have no parent). Then, we find the first undiscovered vertex and visit it. In each visit, we start by recording the vertex as visited and then going through its adjacency list. There, we are looking for vertices not yet discovered. Once we find one, we visit it. Looking at the previous implementation, we see that the loops inside DFS take time O(V), as they run for each vertex in the graph. We can also see that the dfsVisit() method is called exactly once for each vertex. During the execution of dfsVisit(), the loop scanning the adjacency list executes in time proportional to the size of the vertex's adjacency list. Since we said before that dfsVisit() is called exactly once for each vertex, the total time spent in the loop is proportional to the sum of the sizes of all adjacency lists, that is, O(E). Therefore, the total running time of DFS is O(V + E).

In the DFS method, we're returning the parent array, but the return type of this routine is usually adapted depending on the larger task that a more general algorithm that uses DFS is trying to achieve. We'll see DFS adapted to our specific needs in the next section.

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