Breadth-First Search

Given a graph G = (V, E) and a source vertex s, breadth-first search explores the edges of G systematically to discover every vertex that is reachable from s. While doing so, it computes the smallest number of edges from s to each reachable vertex, making it suitable to solve the single-source shortest path problem on unweighted graphs, or graphs whose edges all have the same weight.

Breadth-First Search (BFS) is named so because it expands the frontier between discovered and undiscovered vertices uniformly across the breadth of the frontier. In that sense, the algorithm first explores vertices at distance k from s before discovering vertices at distance k + 1. To keep track of progress, breadth-first search identifies each vertex as undiscovered, discovered, or expanded. All vertices start out undiscovered. A vertex is discovered the first time it is encountered during search, and is expanded when all the vertices adjacent to it have been discovered.

BFS constructs a breadth-first tree, rooted at source vertex s. Whenever the search discovers an undiscovered vertex v when scanning the outward edges of already discovered vertex u, the vertex v and the edge (u, v) are added to the tree. Therefore, u becomes the parent of v in the breadth-first tree. Since a vertex is discovered at most once, it has at most one parent.

In order to illustrate this, let's look at a run of breadth-first searches for the directed graph of Figure 6.1, starting at node 2, in the following table:

Table 6.3: A Run of BFS on the directed graph of Figure 6.1, starting at node 2

There are a lot of insights to take from the breadth-first tree. For instance, the path from the root to a given node in the tree is the shortest path (in terms of edges) from those two vertices. Another thing to note is that vertices that are not in the breadth-first tree (as is the case of 0) are unreachable from the root vertex.

We previously saw how to perform the breadth-first search on trees. BFS on graphs is similar, but we need to keep track of explored nodes so that we don't get stuck in cycles. In order to implement breadth-first search, we will assume that our graph is represented using adjacency lists.

We will attach certain attributes to each vertex in the graph that will allow us to guide our search and later construct the breadth-first tree. We will also use a first-in, first-out queue (covered in Chapter 2, Sorting Algorithms and Fundamental Data Structures) to manage the set of discovered vertices. The following code snippet illustrates the implementation of breadth-first search:

Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<>();
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
int current = q.remove();
for (int i = 0; i < this.adj[current].size(); i++) {
int next = this.adj[current].get(i);
if (!visited[next]) {
visited[next] = true;
parent[next] = current;
Snippet 6.4: Implementation of breadth-first search. Source class name: BFS.Graph

Go to to access this code.

Let's focus on the implementation of the BFS function. We will start by initializing a couple of auxiliary arrays: parent and visited. The first one will hold, at parent[i], the parent of node i in the breadth-first tree. The second one will tell us, at visited[i], whether or not vertex i has been discovered. We start by discovering the starting node and adding it to a queue. The queue will keep those vertices that have been discovered but not yet expanded. As such, while there are still elements in the queue, we will take its first element, go through its adjacent vertices, and discover those that haven't already been discovered, adding them to the queue.

When the queue becomes empty, we're sure of having expanded all vertices that are reachable from the starting vertex.

In the previous implementation, we've returned the array of parent nodes of the breadth-first tree in the bfs() function, allowing us to reconstruct the paths. If not necessary, you could just return the size of paths, or any other information we might be interested in extracting from the breadth-first search traversal.

In the bfs() method, we're sure of enqueuing, and hence dequeuing, each vertex at most once. As such, the total time dedicated to queue operations is O(V). After dequeuing each vertex, we scan its adjacency list. Since we dequeue each vertex at most once, we scan each adjacency list at most once. As the sum of lengths of all the adjacency lists is O(E), the total time spent in scanning adjacency lists is O(E). Therefore, the BFS procedure has an initialization time of O(V) and a total running time of O(V + E), running in linear time to the size of the adjacency list representation of G.

As we will see in later sections, the BFS procedure is the archetype for many important graph algorithms.

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