Manipulating objects on the dashboard

You may wish to manipulate an object once it is part of a dashboard. Every object has certain controls that become visible when you select it:

  • Grip: Click and drag the grip to move the object.
  • Remove from Dashboard: Click this to remove the object from the dashboard.
  • Go to Sheet: To edit a single visualization on a dashboard, use this button to navigate to the individual sheet.
  • Use as Filter: Clicking here will enable the view to be used as a filter. Selecting a mark in the view will now filter other views in the dashboard. We'll look at the specifics of filter actions later in this chapter and how you can have more fine control over how a view can be used as a filter.
  • More Options: This drop-down arrow reveals a host of options for the object, including control display options for parameters and filters; showing or hiding titles or captions on views; adding legends, parameters, and filters to the dashboard; formatting, layout, and size options; and more.
  • Object Sizing Border: Hovering over the border will cause your cursor to change to a sizing cursor. You can drag the border to adjust the size of the object.
You may notice different sizing behavior based on what type of container an object is inside and whether the object is tiled or floating.
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