Classifying handwritten digits

In the previous section, we covered a lot of the theory around neural networks, which can be a little bit overwhelming if you are new to this topic. Before we continue with the discussion of the algorithm for learning the weights of the MLP model, backpropagation, let's take a short break from the theory and see a neural network in action.


Neural network theory can be quite complex, thus I want to recommend two additional resources that cover some of the concepts that we discuss in this chapter in more detail:

T. Hastie, J. Friedman, and R. Tibshirani. The Elements of Statistical Learning, Volume 2. Springer, 2009.

C. M. Bishop et al. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Volume 1. Springer New York, 2006.

In this section, we will train our first multi-layer neural network to classify handwritten digits from the popular MNIST dataset (short for Mixed National Institute of Standards and Technology database) that has been constructed by Yann LeCun et al. and serves as a popular benchmark dataset for machine learning algorithms (Y. LeCun, L. Bottou, Y. Bengio, and P. Haffner. Gradient-based Learning Applied to Document Recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE, 86(11):2278-2324, November 1998).

Obtaining the MNIST dataset

The MNIST dataset is publicly available at and consists of the following four parts:

  • Training set images: train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz (9.9 MB, 47 MB unzipped, and 60,000 samples)
  • Training set labels: train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz (29 KB, 60 KB unzipped, and 60,000 labels)
  • Test set images: t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz (1.6 MB, 7.8 MB, unzipped and 10,000 samples)
  • Test set labels: t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz (5 KB, 10 KB unzipped, and 10,000 labels)

The MNIST dataset was constructed from two datasets of the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The training set consists of handwritten digits from 250 different people, 50 percent high school students, and 50 percent employees from the Census Bureau. Note that the test set contains handwritten digits from different people following the same split.

After downloading the files, I recommend unzipping the files using the Unix/Linux gzip tool from the command line terminal for efficiency using the following command in your local MNIST download directory:

gzip *ubyte.gz -d

Alternatively, you could use your favorite unzipping tool if you are working with a machine running on Microsoft Windows. The images are stored in byte format, and we will read them into NumPy arrays that we will use to train and test our MLP implementation:

import os
import struct
import numpy as np

def load_mnist(path, kind='train'):
    """Load MNIST data from `path`"""
    labels_path = os.path.join(path, 
                                % kind)
    images_path = os.path.join(path, 
                               % kind)
    with open(labels_path, 'rb') as lbpath:
        magic, n = struct.unpack('>II', 
        labels = np.fromfile(lbpath, 

    with open(images_path, 'rb') as imgpath:
        magic, num, rows, cols = struct.unpack(">IIII", 
        images = np.fromfile(imgpath, 
                    dtype=np.uint8).reshape(len(labels), 784)
    return images, labels

The load_mnist function returns two arrays, the first being an Obtaining the MNIST dataset dimensional NumPy array (images), where Obtaining the MNIST dataset is the number of samples and Obtaining the MNIST dataset is the number of features. The training dataset consists of 60,000 training digits and the test set contains 10,000 samples, respectively. The images in the MNIST dataset consist of Obtaining the MNIST dataset pixels, and each pixel is represented by a gray scale intensity value. Here, we unroll the Obtaining the MNIST dataset pixels into 1D row vectors, which represent the rows in our image array (784 per row or image). The second array (labels) returned by the load_mnist function contains the corresponding target variable, the class labels (integers 0-9) of the handwritten digits.

The way we read in the image might seem a little bit strange at first:

magic, n = struct.unpack('>II',
labels = np.fromfile(lbpath, dtype=np.int8)

To understand how these two lines of code work, let's take a look at the dataset description from the MNIST website:

Obtaining the MNIST dataset

Using the two lines of the preceding code, we first read in the magic number, which is a description of the file protocol as well as the number of items (n) from the file buffer before we read the following bytes into a NumPy array using the fromfile method. The fmt parameter value >II that we passed as an argument to struct.unpack has two parts:

  • >: This is the big-endian (defines the order in which a sequence of bytes is stored); if you are unfamiliar with the terms big-endian and small-endian, you can find an excellent article about Endianness on Wikipedia (
  • I: This is an unsigned integer.

By executing the following code, we will now load the 60,000 training instances as well as the 10,000 test samples from the mnist directory where we unzipped the MNIST dataset:

>>> X_train, y_train = load_mnist('mnist', kind='train')
>>> print('Rows: %d, columns: %d' 
...        % (X_train.shape[0], X_train.shape[1]))
Rows: 60000, columns: 784

>>> X_test, y_test = load_mnist('mnist', kind='t10k')
>>> print('Rows: %d, columns: %d'
...        % (X_test.shape[0], X_test.shape[1]))
Rows: 10000, columns: 784

To get a idea what the images in MNIST look like, let's visualize examples of the digits 0-9 after reshaping the 784-pixel vectors from our feature matrix into the original 28 × 28 image that we can plot via matplotlib's imshow function:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=5, sharex=True, sharey=True,)
>>> ax = ax.flatten()
>>> for i in range(10):
...    img = X_train[y_train == i][0].reshape(28, 28)
...    ax[i].imshow(img, cmap='Greys', interpolation='nearest')
>>> ax[0].set_xticks([])
>>> ax[0].set_yticks([])
>>> plt.tight_layout()

We should now see a plot of the Obtaining the MNIST dataset subfigures showing a representative image of each unique digit:

Obtaining the MNIST dataset

In addition, let's also plot multiple examples of the same digit to see how different those handwriting examples really are:

>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=5, 
...                        ncols=5, 
...                        sharex=True, 
...                        sharey=True,)
>>> ax = ax.flatten()
>>> for i in range(25):
...     img = X_train[y_train == 7][i].reshape(28, 28)
...     ax[i].imshow(img, cmap='Greys', interpolation='nearest')
>>> ax[0].set_xticks([])
>>> ax[0].set_yticks([])
>>> plt.tight_layout()

After executing the code, we should now see the first 25 variants of the digit 7.

Obtaining the MNIST dataset

Optionally, we can save the MNIST image data and labels as CSV files to open them in programs that do not support their special byte format. However, we should be aware that the CSV file format will take up substantially more space on your local drive, as listed here:

  • train_img.csv: 109.5 MB
  • train_labels.csv: 120 KB
  • test_img.csv: 18.3 MB
  • test_labels: 20 KB

If we decide to save those CSV files, we can execute the following code in our Python session after loading the MNIST data into NumPy arrays:

>>> np.savetxt('train_img.csv', X_train, 
...            fmt='%i', delimiter=',')
>>> np.savetxt('train_labels.csv', y_train,
...            fmt='%i', delimiter=',')
>>> np.savetxt('test_img.csv', X_test,
...            fmt='%i', delimiter=',')
>>> np.savetxt('test_labels.csv', y_test, 
...            fmt='%i', delimiter=',')

Once we have saved the CSV files, we can load them back into Python using NumPy's genfromtxt function:

>>> X_train = np.genfromtxt('train_img.csv', 
...                         dtype=int, delimiter=',')
>>> y_train = np.genfromtxt('train_labels.csv',
...                         dtype=int, delimiter=',')
>>> X_test = np.genfromtxt('test_img.csv',
...                        dtype=int, delimiter=',')
>>> y_test = np.genfromtxt('test_labels.csv',
...                        dtype=int, delimiter=',')

However, it will take substantially longer to load the MNIST data from the CSV files, thus I recommend you stick to the original byte format if possible.

Implementing a multi-layer perceptron

In this subsection, we will now implement the code of an MLP with one input, one hidden, and one output layer to classify the images in the MNIST dataset. I have tried to keep the code as simple as possible. However, it may seem a little bit complicated at first, and I encourage you to download the sample code for this chapter from the Packt Publishing website, where you can find this MLP implementation annotated with comments and syntax highlighting for better readability. If you are not running the code from the accompanying IPython notebook, I recommend you copy it into a Python script file in your current working directory, for example,, which you can then import into your current Python session via the following command:

from neuralnet import NeuralNetMLP

The code will contain parts that we have not talked about yet, such as the backpropagation algorithm, but most of the code should look familiar to you based on the Adaline implementation in Chapter 2, Training Machine Learning Algorithms for Classification, and the discussion of forward propagation in earlier sections. Do not worry if not all of the code makes immediate sense to you; we will follow up on certain parts later in this chapter. However, going over the code at this stage can make it easier to follow the theory later.

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import expit
import sys

class NeuralNetMLP(object):
    def __init__(self, n_output, n_features, n_hidden=30,
                 l1=0.0, l2=0.0, epochs=500, eta=0.001, 
                 alpha=0.0, decrease_const=0.0, shuffle=True, 
                 minibatches=1, random_state=None):
        self.n_output = n_output
        self.n_features = n_features
        self.n_hidden = n_hidden
        self.w1, self.w2 = self._initialize_weights()
        self.l1 = l1
        self.l2 = l2
        self.epochs = epochs
        self.eta = eta
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.decrease_const = decrease_const
        self.shuffle = shuffle
        self.minibatches = minibatches

    def _encode_labels(self, y, k):
        onehot = np.zeros((k, y.shape[0]))
        for idx, val in enumerate(y):
            onehot[val, idx] = 1.0
        return onehot

    def _initialize_weights(self):
        w1 = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0,       
                     size=self.n_hidden*(self.n_features + 1))
        w1 = w1.reshape(self.n_hidden, self.n_features + 1)
        w2 = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0,
                     size=self.n_output*(self.n_hidden + 1))
        w2 = w2.reshape(self.n_output, self.n_hidden + 1)
        return w1, w2

    def _sigmoid(self, z):
        # expit is equivalent to 1.0/(1.0 + np.exp(-z))
        return expit(z)

    def _sigmoid_gradient(self, z):
        sg = self._sigmoid(z)
        return sg * (1 - sg)

    def _add_bias_unit(self, X, how='column'):
        if how == 'column':
            X_new = np.ones((X.shape[0], X.shape[1]+1))
            X_new[:, 1:] = X
        elif how == 'row':
            X_new = np.ones((X.shape[0]+1, X.shape[1]))
            X_new[1:, :] = X
            raise AttributeError('`how` must be `column` or `row`')
        return X_new

    def _feedforward(self, X, w1, w2):
        a1 = self._add_bias_unit(X, how='column')
        z2 =
        a2 = self._sigmoid(z2)
        a2 = self._add_bias_unit(a2, how='row')
        z3 =
        a3 = self._sigmoid(z3)
        return a1, z2, a2, z3, a3

    def _L2_reg(self, lambda_, w1, w2):
        return (lambda_/2.0) * (np.sum(w1[:, 1:] ** 2)
                + np.sum(w2[:, 1:] ** 2))

    def _L1_reg(self, lambda_, w1, w2):
        return (lambda_/2.0) * (np.abs(w1[:, 1:]).sum()
                + np.abs(w2[:, 1:]).sum())

    def _get_cost(self, y_enc, output, w1, w2):
        term1 = -y_enc * (np.log(output))
        term2 = (1 - y_enc) * np.log(1 - output)
        cost = np.sum(term1 - term2)
        L1_term = self._L1_reg(self.l1, w1, w2)
        L2_term = self._L2_reg(self.l2, w1, w2)
        cost = cost + L1_term + L2_term
        return cost

    def _get_gradient(self, a1, a2, a3, z2, y_enc, w1, w2):
        # backpropagation
        sigma3 = a3 - y_enc
        z2 = self._add_bias_unit(z2, how='row')
        sigma2 = * self._sigmoid_gradient(z2)
        sigma2 = sigma2[1:, :]
        grad1 =
        grad2 =

        # regularize
        grad1[:, 1:] += (w1[:, 1:] * (self.l1 + self.l2))
        grad2[:, 1:] += (w2[:, 1:] * (self.l1 + self.l2))

        return grad1, grad2

    def predict(self, X):
        a1, z2, a2, z3, a3 = self._feedforward(X, self.w1, self.w2)
        y_pred = np.argmax(z3, axis=0)
        return y_pred

    def fit(self, X, y, print_progress=False):
        self.cost_ = []
        X_data, y_data = X.copy(), y.copy()
        y_enc = self._encode_labels(y, self.n_output)

        delta_w1_prev = np.zeros(self.w1.shape)
        delta_w2_prev = np.zeros(self.w2.shape)

        for i in range(self.epochs):

            # adaptive learning rate
            self.eta /= (1 + self.decrease_const*i)

            if print_progress:
Epoch: %d/%d' % (i+1, self.epochs))

            if self.shuffle:
                idx = np.random.permutation(y_data.shape[0])
                X_data, y_data = X_data[idx], y_data[idx]

            mini = np.array_split(range(
                         y_data.shape[0]), self.minibatches)
            for idx in mini:

                # feedforward
                a1, z2, a2, z3, a3 = self._feedforward(
                                     X[idx], self.w1, self.w2)
                cost = self._get_cost(y_enc=y_enc[:, idx],

                # compute gradient via backpropagation
                grad1, grad2 = self._get_gradient(a1=a1, a2=a2,
                                            a3=a3, z2=z2,
                                            y_enc=y_enc[:, idx],

                # update weights
                delta_w1, delta_w2 = self.eta * grad1,
                                     self.eta * grad2
                self.w1 -= (delta_w1 + (self.alpha * delta_w1_prev))
                self.w2 -= (delta_w2 + (self.alpha * delta_w2_prev))
                delta_w1_prev, delta_w2_prev = delta_w1, delta_w2

        return self

Now, let's initialize a new 784-50-10 MLP, a neural network with 784 input units (n_features), 50 hidden units (n_hidden), and 10 output units (n_output):

>>> nn = NeuralNetMLP(n_output=10, 
...                   n_features=X_train.shape[1], 
...                   n_hidden=50, 
...                   l2=0.1, 
...                   l1=0.0, 
...                   epochs=1000, 
...                   eta=0.001,
...                   alpha=0.001,
...                   decrease_const=0.00001,
...                   shuffle=True,
...                   minibatches=50, 
...                   random_state=1)

As you may have noticed, by going over our preceding MLP implementation, we also implemented some additional features, which are summarized here:

  • l2: The Implementing a multi-layer perceptron parameter for L2 regularization to decrease the degree of overfitting; equivalently, l1 is the Implementing a multi-layer perceptron parameter for L1 regularization.
  • epochs: The number of passes over the training set.
  • eta: The learning rate Implementing a multi-layer perceptron.
  • alpha: A parameter for momentum learning to add a factor of the previous gradient to the weight update for faster learning Implementing a multi-layer perceptron (where Implementing a multi-layer perceptron is the current time step or epoch).
  • decrease_const: The decrease constant Implementing a multi-layer perceptron for an adaptive learning rate Implementing a multi-layer perceptron that decreases over time for better convergence Implementing a multi-layer perceptron.
  • shuffle: Shuffling the training set prior to every epoch to prevent the algorithm from getting stuck in cycles.
  • Minibatches: Splitting of the training data into k mini-batches in each epoch. The gradient is computed for each mini-batch separately instead of the entire training data for faster learning.

Next, we train the MLP using 60,000 samples from the already shuffled MNIST training dataset. Before you execute the following code, please note that training the neural network may take 10-30 minutes on standard desktop computer hardware:

>>>, y_train, print_progress=True)
Epoch: 1000/1000

Similar to our previous Adaline implementation, we save the cost for each epoch in a cost_ list that we can now visualize, making sure that the optimization algorithm reached convergence. Here, we only plot every 50th step to account for the 50 mini-batches (50 mini-batches × 1000 epochs). The code is as follows:

>>> plt.plot(range(len(nn.cost_)), nn.cost_)
>>> plt.ylim([0, 2000])
>>> plt.ylabel('Cost')
>>> plt.xlabel('Epochs * 50')
>>> plt.tight_layout()

As we see in the following plot, the graph of the cost function looks very noisy. This is due to the fact that we trained our neural network with mini-batch learning, a variant of stochastic gradient descent.

Implementing a multi-layer perceptron

Although we can already see in the plot that the optimization algorithm converged after approximately 800 epochs (40,000/50 = 800), let's plot a smoother version of the cost function against the number of epochs by averaging over the mini-batch intervals. The code is as follows:

>>> batches = np.array_split(range(len(nn.cost_)), 1000)
>>> cost_ary = np.array(nn.cost_)
>>> cost_avgs = [np.mean(cost_ary[i]) for i in batches]

>>> plt.plot(range(len(cost_avgs)),
...          cost_avgs, 
...          color='red')
>>> plt.ylim([0, 2000])
>>> plt.ylabel('Cost')
>>> plt.xlabel('Epochs')
>>> plt.tight_layout()

The following plot gives us a clearer picture indicating that the training algorithm converged shortly after the 800th epoch:

Implementing a multi-layer perceptron

Now, let's evaluate the performance of the model by calculating the prediction accuracy:

>>> y_train_pred = nn.predict(X_train)
>>> acc = np.sum(y_train == y_train_pred, axis=0) / X_train.shape[0]
>>> print('Training accuracy: %.2f%%' % (acc * 100))
Training accuracy: 97.74%

As we can see, the model classifies most of the training digits correctly, but how does it generalize to data that it has not seen before? Let's calculate the accuracy on 10,000 images in the test dataset:

>>> y_test_pred = nn.predict(X_test)
>>> acc = np.sum(y_test == y_test_pred, axis=0) / X_test.shape[0]
>>> print('Training accuracy: %.2f%%' % (acc * 100))
Test accuracy: 96.18%

Based on the small discrepancy between training and test accuracy, we can conclude that the model only slightly overfits the training data. To further fine-tune the model, we could change the number of hidden units, values of the regularization parameters, learning rate, values of the decrease constant, or the adaptive learning using the techniques that we discussed in Chapter 6, Learning Best Practices for Model Evaluation and Hyperparameter Tuning (this is left as an exercise for the reader).

Now, let's take a look at some of the images that our MLP struggles with:

>>> miscl_img = X_test[y_test != y_test_pred][:25]
>>> correct_lab = y_test[y_test != y_test_pred][:25]
>>> miscl_lab= y_test_pred[y_test != y_test_pred][:25]

>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=5, 
...                        ncols=5, 
...                        sharex=True, 
...                        sharey=True,)
>>> ax = ax.flatten()
>>> for i in range(25):
...     img = miscl_img[i].reshape(28, 28)
...     ax[i].imshow(img, 
...                  cmap='Greys', 
...                  interpolation='nearest')
...     ax[i].set_title('%d) t: %d p: %d' 
...                     % (i+1, correct_lab[i], miscl_lab[i]))
>>> ax[0].set_xticks([])
>>> ax[0].set_yticks([])
>>> plt.tight_layout()

We should now see a Implementing a multi-layer perceptron subplot matrix where the first number in the subtitles indicates the plot index, the second number indicates the true class label (t), and the third number stands for the predicted class label (p).

Implementing a multi-layer perceptron

As we can see in the preceding figure, some of those images are even challenging for us humans to classify correctly. For example, we can see that the digit 9 is classified as a 3 or 8 if the lower part of the digit has a hook-like curvature (subplots 3, 16, and 17).

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