Ensemble strategies

We looked at two broad ensemble techniques: bagging, as applied random forests and extra trees, and boosting, in particular AdaBoost and gradient tree boosting. There are of course many other variants and combinations of these. In the last section of this chapter, I want to examine some strategies for choosing and applying different ensembles to particular tasks.

Generally, in classification tasks, there are three reasons why a model may misclassify a test instance. Firstly, it may simply be unavoidable if features from different classes are described by the same feature vectors. In probabilistic models, this happens when the class distributions overlap so that an instance has non-zero likelihoods for several classes. Here we can only approximate a target hypothesis.

The second reason for classification errors is that the model does not have the expressive capabilities to fully represent the target hypothesis. For example, even the best linear classifier will misclassify instances if the data is not linearly separable. This is due to the bias of the classifier. Although there is no single agreed way to measure bias, we can see that a nonlinear decision boundary will have less bias than a linear one, or that more complex decision boundaries will have less bias than simpler ones. We can also see that tree models have the least bias because they can continue to branch until only a single instance is covered by each leaf.

Now, it may seem that we should attempt to minimize bias; however, in most cases, lowering the bias tends to increase the variance and vice versa. Variance, as you have probably guessed, is the third source of classification errors. High variance models are highly dependent on training data. The nearest neighbor's classifier, for example, segments the instance space into single training points. If a training point near the decision boundary is moved, then that boundary will change. Tree models are also high variance, but for a different reason. Consider that we change the training data in such a way that a different feature is selected at the root of the tree. This will likely result in the rest of the tree being different.

A bagged ensemble of linear classifiers is able to learn a more complicated decision boundary through piecewise construction. Each classifier in the ensemble creates a segment of the decision boundary. This shows that bagging, indeed any ensemble method, is capable of reducing the bias of high bias models. However, what we find in practice is that boosting is generally a more effective way of reducing bias.


Bagging is primarily a variance reduction technique and boosting is primarily a bias reduction technique.

Bagging ensembles work most effectively with high variance models, such as complex trees, whereas boosting is typically used with high bias models such as linear classifiers.

We can look at boosting in terms of the margin. This can be understood as being the signed distance from the decision boundary; a positive sign indicates the correct class and a negative sign a false one. What can be shown is that boosting can increase this margin, even when samples are already on the correct side of the decision boundary. In other words, boosting can continue to improve performance on the test set even when the training error is zero.

Other methods

The major variations on ensemble methods are achieved by changing the way predictions of the base models are combined. We can actually define this as a learning problem in itself, given that the predictions of a set of base classifiers as features learn a meta-model that best combines their predictions. Learning a linear meta-model is known as stacking or stacked generalization. Stacking uses a weighted combination of all learners and, in a classification task, a combiner algorithm such as logistic regression is used to make the final prediction. Unlike bagging or boosting, and like bucketing, stacking is often used with models of different types.

Typical stacking routines involve the following steps:

  1. Split the training set into two disjointed sets.
  2. Train several base learners on the first set.
  3. Test the base learner on the second set.
  4. Use the predictions from the previous step to train a higher level learner.

Note that the first three steps are identical to cross validation; however, rather than taking a winner-takes-all approach, the base learners are combined, possibly nonlinearly.

A variation on this theme is bucketing. Here, a selection algorithm is used to choose the best model for each problem. This can be done, for example, using a perception to pick the best model by giving a weight to the predictions of each model. With a large set of diverse models, some will take longer to train than others. A way to use this in an ensemble is to first use the fast but imprecise algorithms to choose which slower, but more accurate, algorithms will likely do best.

We can incorporate diversity using a heterogeneous set of base learners. This diversity comes from the different learning algorithms and not the data. This means that each model can use the same training set. Often, the base models consist of sets of the same type but with different hyper parameter settings.

Ensembles, in general, consist of a set of base models and a meta-model that are trained to find the best way to combine these base models. If we are using a weighted set of models and combining their output in some way, we assume that if a model has a weight close to zero, then it will have very little influence on the output. It is conceivable that a base classifier has a negative weight, and in this case, its prediction would be inverted, relative to the other base models. We can even go further and attempt to predict how well a base model is likely to perform even before we train it. This is sometimes called meta-learning. This involves, first, training a variety of models on a large collection of data and constructing a model that will help us answer questions such as which model is likely to outperform another model on a particular dataset, or does the data indicate that particular (meta) parameters are likely to work best?

Remember that no learning algorithm can outperform another when evaluated over the space of all possible problems, such as predicting the next number is a sequence if all possible sequences are likely. Of course, learning problems in the real world have nonuniform distributions, and this enables us to build prediction models on them. The important question in meta-learning is how to design the features on which the meta-model is built. They need to combine the relevant characteristics of both the trained model and the dataset. This must include aspects of the data beyond the number and type of features, and the number of samples.

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