Chapter 6. Neural Networks

Artificial neural networks, as the name suggests, are based algorithms that attempt to mimic the way neurons work in the brain. Conceptual work began in the 1940s, but it is only somewhat recently that a number of important insights, together with the availability of hardware to run these more computationally expensive models, have given neural networks practical application. They are now state-of-the-art techniques that are at the heart of many advanced machine learning applications.

In this chapter, we will introduce the following topics:

  • Logistic units
  • The cost function for neural networks
  • Implementing a neural network
  • Other neural network architectures

Getting started with neural networks

We saw in the last chapter how we could create a nonlinear decision boundary by adding polynomial terms to our hypothesis function. We can also use this technique in linear regression to fit nonlinear data. However, this is not the ideal solution for a number of reasons. Firstly, we have to choose polynomial terms, and for complicated decision boundaries, this can be an imprecise and time-intensive process, which can take quite a bit of trial and error. We also need to consider what happens when we have a large number of features. It becomes difficult to understand exactly how added polynomial terms will change the decision boundary. It also means that the possible number of derived features will grow exponentially. To fit complicated boundaries, we will need many higher-order terms, and our model will become unwieldy, computationally expensive, and hard to understand.

Consider applications such as computer vision, where in a gray scale image, each pixel is a feature that has a value between 0 and 255. For a small image, say 100 pixels by 100 pixels, we have 10,000 features. If we include just quadratic terms, we end up with around 50 million possible features, and to fit complex decision boundaries, we likely need cubic and higher order terms. Clearly, such a model is entirely unworkable.

When we approach the problem of trying to mimic the brain, we are faced with a number of difficulties. Considering all the different things that the brain does, we might first think that the brain consists of a number of different algorithms, each specialized to do a particular task, and each hard wired into different parts of the brain. This approach basically considers the brain as a number of subsystems, each with its own program and task. For example, the auditory cortex for perceiving sound has its own algorithm that, for example, does a Fourier transform on the incoming sound wave to detect pitch. The visual cortex, on the other hand, has its own distinct algorithm for decoding and converting the signals from the optic nerve into the sense of sight. There is, however, growing evidence that the brain does not function like this at all.

Recent experiments on animals have shown the remarkable adaptabilities of brain tissue. Rewiring the optic nerve to the auditory cortex in animals, scientists found that the brain could learn to see using the machinery of the auditory cortex. The animals were tested to have full vision despite the fact that their visual cortex had been bypassed. It appears that brain tissue, in different parts of the brain, can relearn how to interpret its inputs. So, rather than the brain consisting of specialized subsystems programmed to perform specific tasks, it uses the same algorithm to learn different tasks. This single algorithm approach has many advantages, not least of which is that it is relatively easy to implement. It also means that we can create generalized models and then train them to perform specialized tasks. Like in real brains using a single algorithm to describe how each neuron communicates with the other neurons around it, it allows artificial neural networks to be adaptable and able to carry out multiple higher-level tasks. But, what is the nature of this single algorithm?

When trying to mimic real brain functions, we are forced to greatly simplify many things. For example, there is no way to take into account the role of the chemical state of the brain, or the state of the brain at different stages of development and growth. Most of the neural net models currently in use employ discrete layers of artificial neurons, or units, connected in a well ordered linear sequence or in layers. The brain, on the other hand, consists of many complex, nested, and interconnected neural circuits. Some progress has been made in attempting to imitate these complex feedback systems, and we will look at these at the end of this chapter. However, there is still much that we do not know about real brain action and how to incorporate this complex behavior into artificial neural networks.

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