Case study

Let's build a basic regular expression-powered templating engine in Python. This engine will parse a text file (such as an HTML page) and replace certain directives with text calculated from the input to those directives. This is about the most complicated task we would want to do with regular expressions; indeed, a full-fledged version of this would likely utilize a proper language parsing mechanism.

Consider the following input file:

/** include header.html **/
<h1>This is the title of the front page</h1>
/** include menu.html **/
<p>My name is /** variable name **/.
This is the content of my front page. It goes below the menu.</p>
<tr><th>Favourite Books</th></tr>
/** loopover module_list **/
<tr><td>/** loopvar **/</td></tr>

/** endloop **/
/** include footer.html **/
Copyright &copy; Today

This file contains "tags" of the form /** <directive> <data> **/ where the data is an optional single word and the directives are:

  • include: Copy the contents of another file here
  • variable: Insert the contents of a variable here
  • loopover: Repeat the contents of the loop for a variable that is a list
  • endloop: Signal the end of looped text
  • loopvar: Insert a single value from the list being looped over

This template will render a different page depending which variables are passed into it. These variables will be passed in from a so-called context file. This will be encoded as a json object with keys representing the variables in question. My context file might look like this, but you would derive your own:

    "name": "Dusty",
    "module_list": [
        "Thief Of Time",
        "The Thief",
        "Snow Crash",
        "Lathe Of Heaven"

Before we get into the actual string processing, let's throw together some object-oriented boilerplate code for processing files and grabbing data from the command line:

import re
import sys
import json
from pathlib import Path

DIRECTIVE_RE = re.compile(
    r's*([^ *]*)s***/')

class TemplateEngine:
    def __init__(self, infilename, outfilename, contextfilename):
        self.template = open(infilename).read()
        self.working_dir = Path(infilename).absolute().parent
        self.pos = 0
        self.outfile = open(outfilename, 'w')
        with open(contextfilename) as contextfile:
            self.context = json.load(contextfile)

    def process(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    infilename, outfilename, contextfilename = sys.argv[1:]
    engine = TemplateEngine(infilename, outfilename, contextfilename)

This is all pretty basic, we create a class and initialize it with some variables passed in on the command line.

Notice how we try to make the regular expression a little bit more readable by breaking it across two lines? We use raw strings (the r prefix), so we don't have to double escape all our backslashes. This is common in regular expressions, but it's still a mess. (Regular expressions always are, but they're often worth it.)

The pos indicates the current character in the content that we are processing; we'll see a lot more of it in a moment.

Now "all that's left" is to implement that process method. There are a few ways to do this. Let's do it in a fairly explicit way.

The process method has to find each directive that matches the regular expression and do the appropriate work with it. However, it also has to take care of outputting the normal text before, after, and between each directive to the output file, unmodified.

One good feature of the compiled version of regular expressions is that we can tell the search method to start searching at a specific position by passing the pos keyword argument. If we temporarily define doing the appropriate work with a directive as "ignore the directive and delete it from the output file", our process loop looks quite simple:

def process(self):
    match =, pos=self.pos)
    while match:
        self.pos = match.end()
        match =, pos=self.pos)

In English, this function finds the first string in the text that matches the regular expression, outputs everything from the current position to the start of that match, and then advances the position to the end of aforesaid match. Once it's out of matches, it outputs everything since the last position.

Of course, ignoring the directive is pretty useless in a templating engine, so let's set up replace that position advancing line with code that delegates to a different method on the class depending on the directive:

def process(self):
    match =, pos=self.pos)
    while match:
        directive, argument = match.groups()
        method_name = 'process_{}'.format(directive)
        getattr(self, method_name)(match, argument)
        match =, pos=self.pos)

So we grab the directive and the single argument from the regular expression. The directive becomes a method name and we dynamically look up that method name on the self object (a little error processing here in case the template writer provides an invalid directive would be better). We pass the match object and argument into that method and assume that method will deal with everything appropriately, including moving the pos pointer.

Now that we've got our object-oriented architecture this far, it's actually pretty simple to implement the methods that are delegated to. The include and variable directives are totally straightforward:

def process_include(self, match, argument):
    with (self.working_dir / argument).open() as includefile:
        self.pos = match.end()

def process_variable(self, match, argument):
    self.outfile.write(self.context.get(argument, ''))
    self.pos = match.end()

The first simply looks up the included file and inserts the file contents, while the second looks up the variable name in the context dictionary (which was loaded from json in the __init__ method), defaulting to an empty string if it doesn't exist.

The three methods that deal with looping are a bit more intense, as they have to share state between the three of them. For simplicity (I'm sure you're eager to see the end of this long chapter, we're almost there!), we'll handle this as instance variables on the class itself. As an exercise, you might want to consider better ways to architect this, especially after reading the next three chapters.

    def process_loopover(self, match, argument):
        self.loop_index = 0
        self.loop_list = self.context.get(argument, [])
        self.pos = self.loop_pos = match.end()

    def process_loopvar(self, match, argument):
        self.pos = match.end()

    def process_endloop(self, match, argument):
        self.loop_index += 1
        if self.loop_index >= len(self.loop_list):
            self.pos = match.end()
            del self.loop_index
            del self.loop_list
            del self.loop_pos
            self.pos = self.loop_pos

When we encounter the loopover directive, we don't have to output anything, but we do have to set the initial state on three variables. The loop_list variable is assumed to be a list pulled from the context dictionary. The loop_index variable indicates what position in that list should be output in this iteration of the loop, while loop_pos is stored so we know where to jump back to when we get to the end of the loop.

The loopvar directive outputs the value at the current position in the loop_list variable and skips to the end of the directive. Note that it doesn't increment the loop index because the loopvar directive could be called multiple times inside a loop.

The endloop directive is more complicated. It determines whether there are more elements in the loop_list; if there are, it just jumps back to the start of the loop, incrementing the index. Otherwise, it resets all the variables that were being used to process the loop and jumps to the end of the directive so the engine can carry on with the next match.

Note that this particular looping mechanism is very fragile; if a template designer were to try nesting loops or forget an endloop call, it would go poorly for them. We would need a lot more error checking and probably want to store more loop state to make this a production platform. But I promised that the end of the chapter was nigh, so let's just head to the exercises, after seeing how our sample template is rendered with its context:


<h1>This is the title of the front page</h1>
<a href="link1.html">First Link</a>
<a href="link2.html">Second Link</a>

<p>My name is Dusty.
This is the content of my front page. It goes below the menu.</p>
<tr><th>Favourite Books</th></tr>

<tr><td>Thief Of Time</td></tr>

<tr><td>The Thief</td></tr>

<tr><td>Snow Crash</td></tr>

<tr><td>Lathe Of Heaven</td></tr>


Copyright &copy; Today

There are some weird newline effects due to the way we planned our template, but it works as expected.

Case study
Case study
Case study
Case study
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