Large-cluster performance, cost, and design trade-offs

In the previous section, we looked at live cluster upgrades. We explored various techniques and how Kubernetes supports them. We also discussed difficult problems such as breaking changes, data contract changes, data migration, and API deprecation. In this section, we will consider the various options and configurations of large clusters with different reliability and high-availability properties. When you design your cluster, you need to understand your options and choose wisely based on the needs of your organization.

In this section, we will cover various availability requirements, from best effort all the way to the holy grail of zero downtime, and for each category of availability, we will consider what it means from the perspectives of performance and cost.

Availability requirements

Different systems have very different requirements for reliability and availability. Moreover, different sub-systems have very different requirements. For example, billing systems are always a high priority because if the billing system is down, you can't make money. But, even within the billing system, if the ability to dispute charges is sometimes unavailable, it may be OK from the business point of view.

Best effort

Best effort means, counterintuitively, no guarantee whatsoever. If it works, great! If it doesn't work–oh well. What are you going to do?. This level of reliability and availability may be appropriate for internal components that change often and the effort to make them robust is not worth it. It may also be appropriate for services released in the wild as beta.

Best effort is great for developers. Developers can move fast and break things. They are not worried about the consequences and they don't have to go through a gauntlet of rigorous tests and approvals. The performance of best effort services may be better than more robust services because it can often skip expensive steps such as verifying requests, persisting intermediate results, and replicating data. But, on the other hand, more robust services are often heavily optimized and their supporting hardware is fine-tuned to their workload. The cost of best effort services is usually lower because they don't need to employ redundancy, unless the operators neglect to do basic capacity planning and just over-provision needlessly.

In the context of Kubernetes, the big question is whether all the services provided by the cluster are best effort. If this is the case, then the cluster itself doesn't have to be highly available. You can probably have a single master node with a single instance of etcd, and Heapster or another monitoring solution may not need to be deployed.

Maintenance windows

In a system with maintenance windows, special times are dedicated for performing various maintenance activities, such as applying security patches, upgrading software, pruning log files, and database cleanups. With a maintenance window, the system (or a sub-system) becomes unavailable. This is planned off-time and often, users are notified. The benefit of maintenance windows is that you don't have to worry how your maintenance actions are going to interact with live requests coming into the system. It can drastically simplify operations. System administrators love maintenance windows just as much as developers love best effort systems.

The downside, of course, is that the system is down during maintenance. It may only be acceptable for systems where user activity is limited to certain times (US office hours or week days only).

With Kubernetes, you can do maintenance windows by redirecting all incoming requests via the load balancer to a web page (or JSON response) that notifies users about the maintenance window.

But in most cases, the flexibility of Kubernetes should allow you to do live maintenance. In extreme cases, such as upgrading the Kubernetes version, or the switch from etcd v2 to etcd v3, you may want to resort to a maintenance window. Blue-green deployment is another alternative. But the larger the cluster, the more expansive the blue-green alternative because you must duplicate your entire production cluster, which is both costly and can cause you to run into insufficient quota issues.

Quick recovery

Quick recovery is another important aspect of highly available clusters. Something will go wrong at some point. Your unavailability clock starts running. How quickly can you get back to normal?

Sometimes it's not up to you. For example, if your cloud provider has an outage (and you didn't implement a federated cluster, as we will discuss later) then you just have to sit and wait until they sort it out. But the most likely culprit is a problem with a recent deployment. There are, of course, time-related issues, and even calendar-related issues. Do you remember the leap-year bug that took down Microsoft Azure on February 29, 2012?

The poster boy of quick recovery is, of course, the blue-green deployment–if you keep the previous version running when the problem is discovered.

On the other hand, rolling updates mean that if the problem is discovered early then most of your pods still run the previous version.

Data-related problems can take a long time to reverse, even if your backups are up to date and your restore procedure actually works (definitely test this regularly).


Finally, we arrive at the zero-downtime system. There is no such thing as a zero-downtime system. All systems fail and all software systems definitely fail. Sometimes the failure is serious enough that the system or some of its services will be down. Think about zero-downtime as a best effort distributed system design. You design for zero-downtime in the sense that you provide a lot of redundancy and mechanisms to address expected failures without bringing the system down. As always, remember that, even if there is a business case for zero-downtime, it doesn't mean that every component must be.

The plan for zero-downtime is as follows:

  • Redundancy at every level: This is a required condition. You can't have a single point of failure in your design because when it fails, your system is down.
  • Automated hot swapping of failed components: Redundancy is only as good as the ability of the redundant components to kick into action as soon as the original component has failed. Some components can share the load (for example, stateless web servers), so there is no need for explicit action. In other cases, such as the Kubernetes scheduler and controller manager, you need leader election in place to make sure the cluster keeps humming along.
  • Tons of monitoring and alerts to detect problems early: Even with careful design, you may miss something or some implicit assumption might invalidate your design. Often such subtle issues creep up on you and with enough attention, you may discover it before it becomes an all-out system failure. For example, suppose there is a mechanism in place to clean up old log files when disk space is over 90% full, but for some reason, it doesn't work. If you set an alert for when disk space is over 95% full, then you'll catch it and be able to prevent the system failure.
  • Tenacious testing before deployment to production: Comprehensive tests have proven themselves as a reliable way to improve quality. It is hard work to have comprehensive tests for something as complicated as a large Kubernetes cluster running a massive distributed system, but you need it. What should you test? Everything. That's right. For zero-downtime, you need to test both the application and the infrastructure together. Your 100% passing unit tests are a good start, but they don't provide much confidence that when you deploy your application on your production Kubernetes cluster it will still run as expected. The best tests are, of course, on your production cluster after a blue-green deployment or identical cluster. In lieu of a full-fledged identical cluster, consider a staging environment with as much fidelity as possible to your production environment. Here is a list of tests you should run. Each of these tests should be comprehensive because if you leave something untested it might be broken:
    • Unit tests
    • Acceptance tests
    • Performance tests
    • Stress tests
    • Rollback tests
    • Data restore tests
    • Penetration tests

    Does that sound crazy? Good. Zero-downtime large-scale systems are hard. There is a reason why Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Facebook, and other big companies have tens of thousands of software engineers (combined) just working on infrastructure, operations, and making sure things are up and running.

  • Keep the raw data: For many systems, the data is the most critical asset. If you keep the raw data, you can recover from any data corruption and processed data loss that happens later. This will not really help you with zero-downtime because it can take a while to re-process the raw data, but it will help with zero-data loss, which is often more important. The downside to this approach is that the raw data is often huge compared to the processed data. A good option may be to store the raw data in cheaper storage compared to the processed data.
  • Perceived uptime as a last resort: OK. Some part of the system is down. You may still be able to maintain some level of service. In many situations, you may have access to a slightly stale version of the data or can let the user access some other part of the system. It is not a great user experience, but technically the system is still available.

Performance and data consistency

When you develop or operate distributed systems, the CAP theorem should always be in the back of your mind. In this section, we will focus on highly available systems, which means AP. To achieve high availability, we must sacrifice consistency. But that doesn't mean that our system will have corrupt or arbitrary data. The keyword is eventual consistency. Our system may be a little bit behind and provide access to somewhat stale data, but eventually you'll get what you expect. When you start thinking in terms of eventual consistency, it opens the door to potentially significant performance improvements.

For example, if some important value is updated frequently (for example, every second), but you send its value only every minute, you have reduced your network traffic by a factor of 60 and you're on average only 30 seconds behind real-time updates. This is very significant. This is huge. You have just scaled your system to handle 60 times more users or requests.

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