Creating a bare-metal cluster from scratch

In the previous section, we looked at running Kubernetes on cloud providers. This is the dominant deployment story for Kubernetes. But there are strong uses cases for running Kubernetes on bare metal. I don't focus here on hosted versus on-premises. This is yet another dimension. If you already manage a lot of servers on-premises, you are in the best position to decide.

Use cases for bare-metal

Bare-metal clusters are a bear, especially if you manage them yourself. There are companies that provide commercial support for bare-metal Kubernetes clusters, such as Platform 9, but the offerings are not mature yet. A solid open-source option is Kargo from Kubespray, which can deploy industrial-strength Kubernetes clusters on bare metal, AWS, GCE, and OpenStack.

Here are some use cases where it makes sense:

  • Price: If you already manage large-scale bare clusters, it may be much cheaper to run Kubernetes clusters on your physical infrastructure
  • Low network latency: If you must have low latency between your nodes, then the VM overhead might be too much
  • Regulatory requirements: If you must comply with regulations, you may not be allowed to use cloud providers
  • You want total control over hardware: Cloud providers give you many options, but you may have special needs

When should you consider creating a bare-metal cluster?

The complexities of creating a cluster from scratch are significant. A Kubernetes cluster is not a trivial beast. There is a lot of documentation on the Web on how to set up bare-metal clusters, but as the whole ecosystem moves forward, many of these guides get out of date quickly.

You should consider going down this route if you have the operational capability to trouble to debug problems at every level of the stack. Most of the problems will probably be networking-related, but filesystems and storage drivers can bite you too, as well as general incompatibilities and version mismatches between components such as Kubernetes itself, Docker (or Rkt, if you brave it), Docker images, your OS, your OS kernel, and the various add-ons and tools you use.

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