
This book, like all books, is the result of encounters and favorable propensity. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to those with whom a chain of encounters led to the publication of this book.

First of them is Jacques Lebeau in 2014. The mutual sharing of our work and actions generated respectful sympathy. This led me to meet Jean-Charles Pomerol, Chairman of the Scientific Council of ISTE. This encounter brought the realization of this project. I thank him for his immediate confidence and for the Parisian lunch during which simplicity, cordiality and attention were central. I thank the ISTE team for their flexibility and understanding throughout the writing process.

I thank Mr. François Jullien, whose advice and criticism have been strong allies in my research since 2010. Thinking is learned. Learning is sometimes frustrating. This form of frustration is perhaps only the aches and pains of the mind in the face of sustained training. I cannot forget Annick Gentès-Kruch for her unfailing support over the last few years, as well as Sybille Persson for our intellectual sharing, for which I have deep respect.

My discreet but sincere thanks to my team, Séverine Maurice, Thomas Parle and Thierry Gambade, at TalentReveal for their extraordinary support over the last 3 years. I could not have done all of this without them.

My deepest gratitude is extended to Mr. Pierre Chartier. His guidance, advice, exceptional support and availability deeply inspire me both professionally and personally. With him, the term “mentor” takes on its meaning.

Thanks to my family, this island of healing and exchange, for which the term “love”, that is, accepting the other without conditions, is observed and lived daily.

Finally, I thank Françoise for being “there”, which makes everything else possible.

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