Frequent pattern mining problem

Given the definition of a transaction database, a pattern P is a transaction contained in the transactions in D and the support, supp(P), of the pattern is the number of transactions for which this is true, divided or normalized by the number of transactions in D:

supp(s) = suppD(s) = |{ s' ∈ S | s < s'}| / |D|

We use the < symbol to denote s as a subpattern of s' or, conversely, call s' a superpattern of s. Note that in the literature, you will sometimes also find a slightly different version of support that does not normalize the value. For example, the pattern {a, c, f} can be found in transactions 1, 2, and 5. This means that {a, c, f} is a pattern of support 0.6 in our database D of five items.

Support is an important notion, as it gives us a first example of measuring the frequency of a pattern, which, in the end, is what we are after. In this context, for a given minimum support threshold t, we say P is a frequent pattern if and only if supp(P) is at least t. In our running example, the frequent patterns of length 1 and minimum support 0.6 are {a}, {b}, {c}, {p}, and {m} with support 0.6 and {f} with support 0.8. In what follows, we will often drop the brackets for items or patterns and write f instead of {f}, for instance.

Given a minimum support threshold, the problem of finding all the frequent patterns is called the frequent pattern mining problem and it is, in fact, the formalized version of the aforementioned first question. Continuing with our example, we have found all frequent patterns of length 1 for t = 0.6 already. How do we find longer patterns? On a theoretical level, given unlimited resources, this is not much of a problem, since all we need to do is count the occurrences of items. On a practical level, however, we need to be smart about how we do so to keep the computation efficient. Especially for databases large enough for Spark to come in handy, it can be very computationally intense to address the frequent pattern mining problem.

One intuitive way to go about this is as follows:

  1. Find all the frequent patterns of length 1, which requires one full database scan. This is how we started with in our preceding example.
  2. For patterns of length 2, generate all the combinations of frequent 1-patterns, the so-called candidates, and test if they exceed the minimum support by doing another scan of D.
  3. Importantly, we do not have to consider the combinations of infrequent patterns, since patterns containing infrequent patterns can not become frequent. This rationale is called the apriori principle.
  4. For longer patterns, continue this procedure iteratively until there are no more patterns left to combine.

This algorithm, using a generate-and-test approach to pattern mining and utilizing the apriori principle to bound combinations, is called the apriori algorithm. There are many variations of this baseline algorithm, all of which share similar drawbacks in terms of scalability. For instance, multiple full database scans are necessary to carry out the iterations, which might already be prohibitively expensive for huge data sets. On top of that, generating candidates themselves is already expensive, but computing their combinations might simply be infeasible. In the next section, we will see how a parallel version of an algorithm called FP-growth, available in Spark, can overcome most of the problems just discussed.

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