Direct network connections

Although most application networking will involve downloading content over standard protocols such as HTTP(S) and using standard representations, there are times when having a specific data stream protocol is required. In this case, a stream oriented process will allow individual bytes to be read or written, or a datagram or packet oriented process can be used to send individual packets of data.

There are networking libraries to support both; an NSStream higher-level Objective-C based class provides the mechanism to drive stream-based responses, and although lower-level packet connections are possible with the CoreFoundation or the POSIX layer, local multiplayer gaming using the MultipeerConnectivity module is often appropriate.


Local networking with the MultipeerConnectivity module involves creating an MCSession, followed by sendData to send NSData objects to connected peers and using the MCSessionDelegate to receiveData from connected peers. This is often used to synchronize the state of the world, such as the player's current location or health.

Opening a stream connection

A stream is a reliable, ordered sequence of bytes, which is used by most internet protocols. Streams can be created from a network host and port using the NSStream class method getStreamsToHostWithName, added in iOS 8 and part of Mac OS X. This allows an NSInputStream and NSOutputStream to be acquired at the same time.


Since this is an existing Objective-C API, the streams are returned via inout parameters. In Swift, this translates to the parameters being passed back with an ampersand (&) and declaring the variables as optional.

The input and output streams can then be used to send data asynchronously or synchronously. Asynchronous mechanisms involve scheduling the data processing on the application's run-loop and is covered in the Asynchronous reading and writing section. Synchronous mechanisms use read and write to receive or send buffers of data.


Once the streams have been acquired, they need to be open in order to receive or send data. Forgetting this step will result in, no networking data being sent.

To simplify the process of acquiring streams, the following can be created as an extension of the NSStream class. An extension makes a method appear to come from an original class but is implemented externally to that class. Add the following StreamExtensions.swift file to the CustomViews project with the following content:

extension NSStream {
  class func open(host:String,_ port:Int)
   -> (NSInputStream, NSOutputStream)? {
    var input:NSInputStream?
    var output:NSOutputStream?
      host, port: port, 
      inputStream: &input,
      outputStream: &output)
    if input == nil || output == nil {
      return nil
    } else {
      return (input!,output!)

A connection to a remote host can be obtained by calling,port), which returns an open pair of input/output streams.

Synchronous reading and writing

The NSInputStream method read allows bytes to be read from a stream synchronously, while the NSOutputStream method write allows bytes to be written to a stream. These take different types, but the most common approach is to create an array of bytes [UInt8] in Swift as the buffer, and then read into it or from it with an UnsafeMutablePointer (equivalent to an ampersand in C).

The read and write methods both return a number of bytes read/written. This can be negative (in the case of an error), zero, or positive in the case of bytes having been processed. Both calls take a buffer and a maximum length, though it is not guaranteed that the full maximum length will be processed.


Always check the return value of write or read, since it is possible that only part of the buffer has been written. A best practice (for synchronous connections) is to wrap the call in a while loop or have some other form of retry in order to ensure that all the data is written.

Writing data to an NSOutputStream

To make it easier to write NSData content to streams, an extension method on NSOuptutStream can be created that performs a full write, based on the size of the data:

extension NSOutputStream {
  func writeData(data:NSData) -> Int {
    let size = data.length
    var completed = 0
    while completed < size {
      var wrote = write(UnsafePointer(data.bytes) +
       completed, maxLength:size - completed)
      if wrote < 0 {
        return wrote
      } else {
        completed += wrote
    return completed

The code takes an NSData and writes it to the underlying stream, returning the number of bytes written (or a negative value if there are problems). The return value of the write method is checked, and if the value is negative, returned to the caller directly. Otherwise, the completed counter is incremented with the number of bytes written.

If the number of written bytes reaches the size of the data requested, then the value is returned. Otherwise the loop recurs, this time starting at the point it left off.


Although uncommon in Swift, pointer arithmetic is possible by acquiring UnsafePointer to the data.bytes array and then incrementing by the number of bytes already written. The length of the remaining bytes is calculated with size-completed.

Reading from an NSInputStream

A similar approach can be used to read a full buffer from an NSInputStream by creating a readBytes method that returns an array of bytes of a known size and a means to convert this to an NSData for easier processing/parsing:

extension NSInputStream {
  func readBytes(size:Int) -> [UInt8]? {
    let buffer = Array<UInt8>(count:size,repeatedValue:0)
    var completed = 0
    while completed < size {
      let read =
       UnsafeMutablePointer(buffer) + completed,
       maxLength: size - completed)
      if read < 0 {
        return nil
      } else {
        completed += read
    return buffer
  func readData(size:Int) -> NSData? {
    if let buffer = readBytes(size) {
      return NSData(
       bytes: UnsafeMutablePointer(buffer),
       length: buffer.count)
    } else {
      return nil

The readData method returns an NSData, while the readBytes method returns an array of UInt8 values. The NSData approach is useful in some cases (particularly, for creating a String from the returned data), and in other cases being able to process the bytes directly is useful (for example, parsing binary formats). Having both allows either of these to be used as appropriate.


Synchronous reads can block forever; if the client application requests exactly 10 bytes but the server only sends 9 bytes, then it will hang permanently until the tenth byte is sent. It is a better practice to use asynchronous reads, which cannot block in this way.

Reading and writing hexadecimal and UTF8 data

Being able to process data as UTF8 values or hexadecimal values can be useful in some protocols. Although both NSString and NSData provide means to convert to and from UTF8, the syntax is overly verbose, as it is based on preexisting Objective-C methods.

To facilitate the conversions, extension methods can be created to provide a simple way of converting to and from UTF8 representations. In addition to class and instance functions, it is possible to use extensions to add dynamic properties to an existing object. This can be used to create the utf8data and utf8string properties on NSData and String by adding extensions in a file Extensions.swift as follows:

extension NSData {
  var utf8string:String {
    return NSString(data:self,
extension String {
  var utf8data:NSData {
    return self.dataUsingEncoding(
      NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false)!

This allows expressions such as data.utf8string and string.utf8data, which are much more compact. Each time the expression is evaluated, the associated getter function will be called.


There is no standard convention for naming extensions in Swift at the time this book was written. If there are extensions to a single type of data—such as the streams previously—then the file can be named [Type]Extensions.swift. Alternatively, the name can be used for the type of methods called; for example, in this case UTF8Extensions.swift could have been used.

Parsing hexadecimal data from strings and integers can also be added to the String and Int types, as follows:

extension String {
  func fromHex() -> Int {
    var result = 0
    for c in self {
      result *= 16
      switch c {
      case "0":result += 0      case "1":result += 1
      case "2":result += 2      case "3":result += 3
      case "4":result += 4      case "5":result += 5
      case "6":result += 6      case "7":result += 7
      case "8":result += 8      case "9":result += 9
      case "a","A":result += 10 case "b","B":result += 11
      case "c","C":result += 12 case "d","D":result += 13
      case "e","E":result += 14 case "f","F":result += 15
      default: break
    return result;
extension Int {
  func toHex(digits:Int) -> String {
    return NSString(format:"%0(digits)x",self)

This allows hex values to be created with int.toHex and string.fromHex.

Implementing the git protocol

It is possible to write a client to query a remote git server using the git:// protocol to determine the hashes of remote tags/branches/references.


The git:// protocol works by sending packet lines of data, with each line prefixed with four hexadecimal digits in ASCII, indicating the length of the rest of the data (including the four initial digits). Sending a git-upload-pack request will return a list of references on the remote repository.

Since the git:// protocol uses packet lines, create a PacketLineExtensions.swift file with the following content:

extension NSOutputStream {
  func writePacketLine(_ message:String = "") -> Int {
    let data = message.utf8data
    let length = data.length
    if length == 0 {
      return writeData("0000".utf8data)
    } else {
      let prefix = (length + 4).toHex(4).utf8data
      return self.writeData(prefix) + self.writeData(data)

When an empty NSData object is passed, the special packet line 0000 is written, indicating the end of the conversation. When a non-empty NSData is written, the length of the data is written as a hexadecimal value (including the 4 bytes for the length) followed by the data itself.

This will result in a protocol conversation like:

> 004egit-upload-pack /alblue/
< 00dfadaa46b98ce211ff819f0bb343395ad6a2ec6ef1 HEADmulti_ack thin-pack side-band side-band-64k ofs-delta shallow no-progress include-tag multi_ack_detailed symref=HEAD:refs/heads/master agent=git/2:2.1.1+github-611-gd89bd9f
< 003fadaa46b98ce211ff819f0bb343395ad6a2ec6ef1 refs/heads/master
> 0000
< 0000

Reading a packet line is similar:

extension NSInputStream {
  func readPacketLine() -> NSData? {
    if let data = readData(4) {
      let length = data.utf8string.fromHex()
      if length == 0 {
        return nil
      } else {
        return readData(length - 4)
    } else {
      return nil
  func readPacketLineString() -> NSString? {
    if let data = self.readPacketLine() {
      return data.utf8string
    } else {
      return nil

In this case, the first 4 bytes are read to determine what the remaining length is. If it is zero, a nil value is returned to indicate the end of the stream. If it is non-zero, the data is read (less the 4 that is used for the packet line length header). An additional readPacketLineString is provided to allow an easy creation of the packet line as an NSString.

Listing git references remotely

To remotely query a git repository for references, the git-upload-pack command needs to be sent, along with a reference to the repository in question and optionally a host as well. To provide an API to query this programmatically, create a RemoteGitRepository class with an initializer that stores the host, port, and repository; and a lsRemote function, which returns the value of the references:

class RemoteGitRepository {
  let host:String
  let repo:String
  let port:Int
  init(host:String, repo:String, _ port:Int = 9418) { = host
    self.repo = repo
    self.port = port
  func lsRemote() -> [String:String] {
    var refs = [String:String]()
    // load the data
    return refs

To load the data from the repository, a connection to the remote host needs to be made on the default port (in this case, 9418 is the default for the git:// protocol). Once the streams have been opened, the git-upload-pack [repository]host=[host] packet line is sent, and subsequently, lines can be read of the form hash reference:

if let (input,output) =,port) {
   "git-upload-pack (repo)host=(host)")
  while true {
    if let response = input.readPacketLineString() {
      let hash = String(response.substringToIndex(41))
      let ref = String(response.substringFromIndex(41))
      if ref.hasPrefix("HEAD") {
      } else {
        refs[ref] = hash
    } else {

Calling the lsRemote function on a RemoteGitRepository instance with an appropriate host and repo will return a list of hashes by reference.

Integrating the network call into the UI

Since the network can introduce delays or can even result in a complete failure, network calls should never be performed on the UI thread. Previously, the SampleTable was used to introduce a runOnUIThread function. A similar approach can be used to run a function on a background thread:

func runOnBackgroundThread(fn:()->()) {

This will permit viewDidLoad to invoke a call in order to query the remote references from the repository and add them to the table. As before, the call to update the table must be called from the UI thread. Add the following to the end of the viewDidLoad method:

runOnBackgroundThread {
  let repo = RemoteGitRepository(host: "", 
   repo: "/alblue/com.packtpub.swift.essentials.git")
  for (ref,hash) in repo.lsRemote() {
    self.items += [(ref,hash)]

Now, when the application is launched, entries corresponding to the branches and tags in the remote repository should be added to the table.

Asynchronous reading and writing

Besides synchronous reading and writing, it is also possible to perform asynchronous reading and writing. Instead of spinning in a while loop, the application can use callbacks scheduled on the application's run loop.

To receive callbacks, a class that implements NSStreamDelegate must be created and assigned to the stream's delegate field. When events occur, the stream method is called, to which the type of event as well as the associated stream are passed.

The stream is registered with scheduleInRunLoop (using NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop() with a NSDefaultRunLoopMode mode). Finally, the stream can be opened.


If the stream is opened before the delegate is set or scheduled in the run loop, then events will not be delivered.

Events are defined in the NSStreamEvent class and include HasSpaceAvailable (for output streams) and HasBytesAvailable (for input streams). By responding to callbacks, the application can process results asynchronously.


When using Swift, the NSStreamDelegate is treated as a weak delegate on the input or output stream. This poses problems when using an inline class to provide input parsing; doing so will result in an EXC_BAD_ACCESS, as the delegate is automatically reclaimed by the runtime. This can be avoided by storing a strong circular reference to self in the initializer and assigning it to nil when the streams are closed.

Reading data asynchronously from an NSInputStream

This is especially useful for asynchronous protocols, such as XMPP, which might send additional messages at arbitrary times. It also allows battery-powered devices to not spin the CPU, should the remote server be slow or hang.

To receive data asynchronously, a delegate must implement the NSStreamDelegate method stream(stream:handleEvent). When data is available, the HasBytesAvailable event will be sent, and data can be read accordingly.

To convert the previous example to an asynchronous form, a few changes need to be made. Firstly, the open extension method created in the Opening a stream connection section needs to be augmented with a connect method, which does not perform the open immediately:

class func open(host:String,_ port:Int)
 -> (NSInputStream, NSOutputStream)? {
  if let (input,output) = connect(host,port) {
    return (input,output)} else {
    return nil
class func connect(host:String,_ port:Int)
  -> (NSInputStream, NSOutputStream)? {
… // as before but with open commented out
  // input!.open()
  // output!.open()


In order to receive events asynchronously, the delegate must be set and the stream must be scheduled on a run loop before the stream is opened.

Creating a stream delegate

To create a stream delegate, create a file called PacketLineParser.swift with the following content:

class PacketLineParser: NSObject, NSStreamDelegate {
  let output:NSOutputStream
  let callback:(NSString)->()
  var capture:PacketLineParser?
  init(_ output:NSOutputStream, _ callback:(NSString) -> ()) {
    self.output = output
    self.callback = callback
    capture = self
  func stream(stream: NSStream, handleEvent: NSStreamEvent) {
    let input = stream as NSInputStream
    if handleEvent == NSStreamEvent.HasBytesAvailable {
      if let line = input.readPacketLineString() {
      } else {
        capture = nil

This parser has a callback that is invoked for each packet line read; when the HasBytesAvailable event is sent, the line is read (using the same synchronous mechanism as before) and then passed to the callback. Unlike the synchronous approach, there is no while loop here—when data is available, it triggers the parsing of the data.


Since this will be assigned to an input stream delegate (which holds a weak reference), it is necessary to capture a cyclic reference to itself with capture = self in order to avoid the runtime from evicting the instance. When the streams are closed, the capture will be set to nil, which will release the instance.

The readPacketLine returns a nil to indicate either an error or a completed stream; in this case, an empty packet line is sent (to tell the remote server that no further interaction is required) and then both the streams are closed.

Dealing with errors

It is necessary to clean up the streams and remove them from run loops, both when the stream content is successful or when communication errors occur. In addition to the HasBytesAvailable event, there are events that are sent when the stream's end is encountered or an error occurs.

These should be handled in the same way as when the connection comes to a natural end; resources should be tidied, and in particular, the streams should be removed from run loop processing. Finally, the cyclic reference should be removed to permit the delegate object to be removed.

The existing close code can be moved to its own separate function, and additional cases of the stream ending or errors occurring can perform the same cleanup:

func stream(stream: NSStream, handleEvent: NSStreamEvent) {
  let input = stream as NSInputStream
  if handleEvent == NSStreamEvent.HasBytesAvailable {
    if let line = input.readPacketLineString() {
    } else {
  if handleEvent == NSStreamEvent.EndEncountered 
  || handleEvent == NSStreamEvent.ErrorOccurred {
func closeStreams(input:NSInputStream,_ output:NSOutputStream) {
  if capture != nil {
    capture = nil
     forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
     forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
    input.delegate = nil
    output.delegate = nil
    if output.streamStatus != NSStreamStatus.Closed {
    if input.streamStatus != NSStreamStatus.Closed {

Listing references asynchronously

To provide a list of references asynchronously, the delegate has to be set up with a suitable callback that will parse the returned data. Instead of the method returning a dictionary (which would require synchronous blocking), a callback will be passed which can be called with references as they are found.


Note that there are two separate callbacks: the PacketLineParser callback (which reads in the network data and returns the NSString instances on a per packet line basis) and the reference parsing callback (which translates the NSString into a (String,String) tuple).

To start the process, the git-upload-pack needs to be sent synchronously, after which subsequent responses will be processed asynchronously. This can be done by creating a new method, lsRemoteAsync, which takes a callback function for the (String,String) tuple:

func lsRemoteAsync(fn:(String,String) -> ()) {
  if let (input,output) = NSStream.connect(host,port) {
    input.delegate = PacketLineParser(output) {
    (response:NSString) -> () in
      let hash = String(response.substringToIndex(41))
      let ref = String(response.substringFromIndex(41))
      if !ref.hasPrefix("HEAD") {
     forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
     "git-upload-pack (repo)host=(host)")

This creates a connection (but without opening the streams), sets the delegate and schedules the run loop for the input stream, and finally opens both the streams for interaction. Once this is done, the initial git-upload-pack message is sent as before. At this point, the lsRemoteAsync method returns, and subsequent events occur when input data is received from the server.

When a line is received through the PacketLineParser callback, it is split into a reference and a hash and then hands the results to the callback passed into the argument in the first place.


Asynchronous programming often involves many callbacks. Instead of a synchronous program that might look like A;B;C; an asynchronous program often looks like A(callback:B(callback:C)). When an input trigger occurs—a network request, user interaction, or timer firing—a sequence of actions can occur via these nested callbacks.

Asynchronous pipelines are generally preferred for battery performance reasons, as blocking in a while spin loop will waste CPU energy until the condition is satisfied.

Displaying asynchronous references in the UI

To display the asynchronous data to the screen, the callback must be modified to allow individual elements to update the GUI.

In SampleTable, instead of calling repo.lsRemote (which performs a synchronous lookup) use repo.lsRemoteAsync. This requires a callback, which can be used to update the table data and can cause the view to reload the contents:

// for (ref,hash) in repo.lsRemote() {
//   self.items += [(ref,hash)]
// }
repo.lsRemoteAsync() { (ref:String,hash:String) in
  self.items += [(ref,hash)]

Now when the application is run, the references will be updated asynchronously and the UI will not be blocked by a slow or hung server.

Writing data asynchronously to an NSOutputStream

Asynchronous sending is not as useful as asynchronous reading unless large uploads are required. If there is a lot of data, then it is unlikely to be written synchronously in a single write call. It is better to perform any additional writes asynchronously.

To write data asynchronously requires storing the completed count as a variable outside the function. The write method can be used to replace the while loop as before, by writing a segment of the data on each iteration of the stream method. Although code isn't needed in this example, this is how the code could look:

… = data
// initial write to kick off subsequent events
completed = output.write(UnsafePointer(data.bytes), 
 maxLength: data.length
var completed:Int
var data:NSData?
func stream(stream: NSStream, handleEvent: NSStreamEvent) {
  let output = stream as NSOutputStream
  if handleEvent == NSStreamEvent.HasSpaceAvailable 
   && data != nil {
    let size = data!.length
    completed += output.write(
     UnsafePointer(data!.bytes) + completed,
     maxLength: size – completed)
    if completed == size {
      completed = 0
      data = nil

Asynchronous data always starts with a call to synchronously write the data. If not all of the data is written (in other words, completed < size), then subsequent callbacks will occur on the NSStreamDelegate. This can then pick up where the data value left off, using a similar technique to the synchronous case but without a while loop. Instead of the iteration blocking to write the whole data value, the stream call will be called multiple times (in effect replacing each iteration of the while loop). In the final run, when completed == size, the data is released and the completion counter is reset.


The stream callback is called enough number of times to write all the data. If no data is written, then events are no longer called. New data is only written when an additional value is passed. Care must be taken when writing data from different threads, since the data value is processed as an instance variable and overwriting it might cause data to be lost. The reader is invited to extend the single element data into an array of outstanding data elements so that they can be queued up appropriately.

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