Complicated deployments

The time saved from the automated deployment of both DSC Resources and DSC configuration scripts, along with configuration status reporting, were of enough value to allow you to finally start working on those things-you-would-do-if-you-only-had-the-time. You're leaving on time nowadays and coworkers are lining up to take advantage of being added to your list of managed servers.

The target node count has increased significantly. Since you started this project, the company has grown and the Apollo application is handling more requests than ever. The application team decides that the available time for new features is being compromised by having to deploy the company website code named Aurora by themselves. After talking with your boss, both your teams decide to hand off deploying Aurora to you. A couple of knowledge transfer sessions happen later and you have a list of software requirements and configuration steps for Aurora.

Adding the software requirements to your DSC configuration is a piece of cake. All the IIS features required to build a web server on Windows 2012 R2 are already built-in; they just need to be enabled. The company has decided for security and access restriction reasons that any web server software cannot just be installed on any server that has the application database on it, so you add a new Node statement to your DSC configuration script and a new role to your ConfigurationData hash for web servers.

Getting the website to the target nodes is slightly more difficult. The application team doesn't use MSIs to install the Aurora website and instead uses ZIP files that they use xcopy to transfer out to the web server, as well as a simple bat script to extract them and overwrite the existing files. They know this is a fragile and error-prone approach and are working to get a better installer made for the site, but it's not high on the priority list. Realizing you can't wait for that to happen, you decide to move forward with what you have right now. After attempting to use the File DSC Resource to download the ZIP file, you realize it can't handle remote files over HTTP. Fortunately, there is an xRemoteFile DSC Resource that does exactly what you need. You chain xRemoteFile to an xArchive DSC Resource to download and extract the file to a temporary location. Now you can use the File DSC Resource to check that the destination contents match your extracted folder. All that is left is creating a web application pool and site:

Configuration PantheonDeployment
  Import-DscResource -Module..

  Node ($AllNodes).NodeName{ <#..#> }

  Node ($AllNodes.Where({$_.Roles -contains 'appserver'})).NodeName{ <#..#> }

  Node ($AllNodes.Where({$_.Roles -contains 'WebServer'})).NodeName
    WindowsFeature IIS
      Ensure = 'Present'
      Name   = 'Web-Server'

    WindowsFeature IISConsole
      Ensure    = 'Present'
      Name      = 'Web-Mgmt-Console'
      DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]IIS'

    WindowsFeature IISScriptingTools
      Ensure    = 'Present'
      Name      = 'Web-Scripting-Tools'
      DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]IIS'

    WindowsFeature AspNet
      Ensure    = 'Present'
      Name      = 'Web-Asp-Net45'
      DependsOn = @('[WindowsFeature]IIS')

    xWebsite DefaultSite
      Ensure       = 'Present'
      Name         = 'Default Web Site'
      State        = 'Stopped'
      PhysicalPath = 'C:inetpubwwwroot'
      DependsOn    = @('[WindowsFeature]IIS','[WindowsFeature]AspNet')

    xRemoteFile DownloadAuroraZip
      Uri             = $Node.Aurora.Sourcepath
      DestinationPath = (Join-Path 'C:WindowsTemp' (Split-Path -Path $Node.Aurora.Sourcepath -Leaf))
      DependsOn       = @('[xWebsite]DefaultSite')

    xArchive AuroraZip
      Path            = (Join-Path 'C:WindowsTemp' (Split-Path -Path $Node.Aurora.Sourcepath -Leaf))
      Destination     = 'C:WindowsTemp'
      DestinationType = 'Directory'
      MatchSource     = $true
      DependsOn       = @('[xRemoteFile]DownloadAuroraZip')

    File AuroraContent
      Ensure          = 'Present'
      Type            = 'Directory'
      SourcePath      = Join-Path 'C:WindowsTemp' ([IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($Node.Aurora.Sourcepath))
      DestinationPath = $Node.Aurora.DestinationPath
      Recurse         = $true
      DependsOn       = '[xArchive]AuroraZip'

    xWebAppPool AuroraWebAppPool
      Ensure = "Present"
      State  = "Started"
      Name   = $Node.WebAppPoolName

    xWebsite AuroraWebSite
      Ensure       = 'Present'
      State        = 'Started'
      Name         = $Node.Aurora.WebsiteName
      PhysicalPath = $Node.Aurora.DestinationPath
      DependsOn    = '[File]AuroraContent'

    xWebApplication AuroraWebApplication
      Name         = $Node.Aurora.WebApplicationName
      Website      = $Node.Aurora.WebSiteName
      WebAppPool   = $Node.Aurora.WebAppPoolName
      PhysicalPath = $Node.Aurora.DestinationPath
      Ensure       = 'Present'
      DependsOn    = @('[xWebSite]AuroraWebSite')
$data   = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'data_example_04.psd1'
$output = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'PantheonDeployment'
PantheonDeployment -ConfigurationData $data -OutputPath $output

With all this new configuration data to track, it's no wonder you need to update your ConfigurationData hash:

  AllNodes = @(
      NodeName        = 'app01'
      ConfigurationId = 'ab2c2cb2-67a3-444c-bc55-cc2ee70e3d0c'
      Roles           = @('appserver')
      NodeName        = 'app02'
      ConfigurationId = '8e8f44e6-aaac-4060-b072-c9ae780ee5f7'
      Roles           = @('appserver')
      NodeName        = 'web01'
      ConfigurationId = 'b808fb65-5b16-4f83-84c6-aa398a6abdd5'
      Roles           = @('webserver')
      NodeName             = '*'
      RefreshMode          = 'Pull'
      ConfigurationMode    = 'ApplyAndAutoCorrect'
      PSDSCCPullServer     = 'https://dsc01:8080/PSDSCPullServer.svc'
      AllowModuleOverwrite = $true
      RebootNodeIfNeeded   = $true
      Apollo   = @{
        Name               = 'Apollo'
        ProductId          = '{e70c4829-91dc-4f0e-a404-4eba81f6feb9}'
        SourcePath         = ''
        Arguments          = ''
        ConfigFilePath     = "$env:ProgramFilesApolloconfigapp.config"
        ConfigFileContents = "importantsetting=`$true"
      Aurora = @{
        SourcePath         = ''
        DestinationPath    = "$env:SystemDriveinetpubwwwaurora"
        WebApplicationName = 'Aurora'
        WebSiteName        = 'Aurora'
        WebAppPoolName     = 'AuroraAppPool'

You already have a hash for Apollo, so all you have to do is add a new hash for Aurora with the appropriate details.

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