Pulling DSC configurations with a DSC Pull Server

We briefly covered compiling DSC configurations for use on a Pull Server in Chapter 2, DSC Architecture, and we will build on that introduction here. We are going to use the following example DSC configuration with our DSC Pull Server. It's not fancy and it doesn't do a whole lot, but it is great at showing how DSC Pull Servers do the work for us:

Configuration SetupTheSite
  Import-DscResource -Module PSDesiredStateConfiguration
  Import-DscResource -Module xWebAdministration

  Node $AllNodes.Where({ $_.Roles -contains 'Target'}).NodeName
    WindowsFeature IIS
      Ensure = 'Present'
      Name   = 'Web-Server'
    xWebsite NewWebsite
      Ensure       = 'Present'
      State        = 'Started'
      Name         = $Node.WebSiteName
      PhysicalPath = $Node.WebSiteFolder
      BindingInfo  = MSFT_xWebBindingInformation{
        Protocol = 'HTTP'
        Port     = '80'
      DependsOn = '[File]WebContent'

It uses the xWebSite and xWebApplication DSC Resources from the xWebAdministration module to install a simple website on our target node. This allows us to showcase the DSC Pull Server distributing the MOF to the target nodes and distributing the xWebAdministrion module to all the target nodes, as well. For these reasons, the following example DSC configuration is cut for length, so download the example book code to see the entire thing.

Pulling DSC configurations using ConfigurationIDs

In WMF 4, we register target nodes with the DSC Pull Server by assigning ConfigurationIDs to each target node's LCM, then naming the MOF file with the same ConfigurationID. We already registered the ConfigurationID with the target node by setting it in the LCM configuration block earlier in the chapter. We now have to rename the MOF file with the ConfigurationID and place it in the DSC Pull Server directory:

$outputPath = ([IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, 'SetupTheSite'))
$dataScript = ([IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, 'wmf4_config_data.ps1'))
$configData = &$dataScript

c:vagrantookch06example_configuration.ps1 -outputPath $outputPath -configData $configData | Out-Null

Rename-Item -Path (Join-Path $($outputPath) 'dsc-box2.mof') -NewName 'c19fbe22-b664-4a8a-a2a1-477f16ce9659.mof'

cp $outputPath* $env:PROGRAMFILESWindowsPowerShellDscServiceConfiguration
New-DscChecksum -Path "$env:PROGRAMFILESWindowsPowerShellDscServiceConfiguration" -Force -Verbose
New-DscChecksum -Path "$env:PROGRAMFILESWindowsPowerShellDscServiceModules" -Force -Verbose

In your production scripts, you could place the ConfigurationID in the NodeName field instead of the name of the node. This will cause the resulting MOF file to be automatically named with the ConfigurationID. We chose not to do this in the example in order to have the least number of changes down to the data file in the examples.

Pulling DSC configurations using RegistrationKeys

When making the MOF files for DSC Pull Servers that use RegistrationKeys, you do not name the MOF file with the ConfigurationID of the target node, as there is no ConfigurationID assigned to the target node. Instead, the target node has the same RegistrationKey configured in its LCM that the DSC Pull Server has. This allows us to name the MOF files with descriptive human-readable names and to use DSC partial configurations. Information on the purpose and usage of RegistrationKeys is short this early in the WMF 5 preview, so our approach here may change when WMF 5 is finally released.

The example code that follows is relatively naïve since it only handles the one MOF file we are compiling. In production, you would have this as part of a release process where you compiled and renamed the MOF according to the naming scheme you chose. Here, we're using ExampleConfiguration, but the purpose of it is to name it in a way related to the general idea of the DSC configuration:

$outputPath = ([IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, 'SetupTheSite'))
$dataScript = ([IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, 'wmf5_config_data.ps1'))
$configData = &$dataScript

c:vagrantookch06example_configuration.ps1 -outputPath $outputPath -configData $configData | Out-Null

if(Test-Path (Join-Path $($outputPath) 'ExampleConfiguration.mof')){
  rm (Join-Path $($outputPath) 'ExampleConfiguration.mof')
Rename-Item -Path (Join-Path $($outputPath) 'dsc-box2.mof') -NewName 'ExampleConfiguration.mof'

cp $outputPath* $env:PROGRAMFILESWindowsPowerShellDscServiceConfiguration
New-DscChecksum -Path $env:PROGRAMFILESWindowsPowerShellDscServiceConfiguration -Force -Verbose
New-DscChecksum -Path $env:PROGRAMFILESWindowsPowerShellDscServiceModules -Force -Verbose

The result of running this script renames dsc-box2.mof to ExampleConfiguration.mof and then copies it to the DSC Pull Server configuration directory, finally creating the checksum files for it:

[PS]> C:vagrantookch06wmf5_04_compile_example_mof.ps1
VERBOSE: Create checksum file 'C:Program
VERBOSE: Overwrite checksum file 'C:Program
VERBOSE: Overwrite checksum file 'C:Program
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