Validating a DSC Pull Server install

We can test that the Pull Server endpoint is available by navigating to its endpoint using a web browser or the command line.

Testing using a web browser

On the target node where we installed the DSC Pull Server, enter https://localhost:8080/PSDSCPullServer.svc/$metadata in your web browser and check to see if it loads.

Replace localhost with the name of the target node if you are running this on a machine other than the Pull Server:

Testing using a web browser

If you see the preceding XML, then your Pull Server endpoint is up and running. Note that we get an SSL certificate warning because we are using a self-signed certificate. You would not see this using a real SSL certificate.

Testing using the command line

We can do the same test from the command line using the PowerShell Cmdlet Invoke-RestMethod. This produces the same output but can be scripted for monitoring or other purposes:

[PS]> Invoke-RestMethod –Uri 'https://localhost:8080/PSDSCPullServer.svc/$metadata'

The output obtained is as follows:

Testing using the command line
..................Content has been hidden....................

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